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19951366? ago The key is "GRAND JURY" SUBPOENA, epstein already arrested, this is for others yet to be indicted!!!!

19951402? ago

The "Mystery" religion is Luciferianism. Satanic?

19989058? ago

Lucifer and Satan are aspects of the same consciousness playing the role of "good-cop" vs "bad-cop." Satan represents the darkness, father of lies vs. Lucifer who appears as an angel of light and is the beautiful mesmerizing lie.

This is in contrast to Christ, which is Truth. Knowledge of objective truth, represented by the converging of the two circles belief and fact, this merging region of which is called "Vesica piscis" (Pisces = Fish, therefore the "Jesus fish").

The proper competing metaphor isn't "darkness" vs. "light," for this represents the Lucifer/Satan "good-cop" vs "bad-cop" false Hegelian dialectic. The proper competing metaphor is "Truth" (Christ) vs "Light" (Lucifer).