18700976? ago

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17610212? ago

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17610161? ago

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17328855? ago

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17328826? ago

Freemasons implicated in pedophile scandal and cover up https://voat.co/v/pedogate/3090545 , Why Are the Freemasons Collecting Our Children's DNA? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1624772 , I think the frat for old dudes is the front. A legitimate organization which helps people (the mafia, yakuza, and KKK are known for helping the communities they live in too), but acts as a filter for potential candidates deeper in their system. https://voat.co/v/Conspiracy/893614/4461599 , It is the nature of secret combinations to share power, influence, and wealth within and among other members of secret combinations. https://voat.co/v/occult/698698 CHANNEL 4 NEWS: Nearly Everyone on UK Pedophile Ring List is a Freemason Says Victim - The other side of the Freemasons story says it is all a giant con job, designed to trap, skin & tan the unwary! https://voat.co/v/MartinTimothy/17215 , The freemasons are the satanic jesuit illuminati. https://voat.co/v/whatever/1300363/6375501 , Council on foreign relations, Rothschild, Mars, Balfour declaration, Geoengineering, Freemasons, Pence, SAI https://voat.co/v/videos/3078942 , Freemasons Assasinated Nintendo President Satoru Iwata https://voat.co/v/Conspiracy/2908998 , How I Ran Afoul of Freemasons https://voat.co/v/ConspiracyWhatever/2908761 , The Rothschilds, Freemasons, and Illuminati https://voat.co/v/theawakening/2786040 , What the fuck are the freemasons? https://voat.co/v/Conspiracy/2566435 , What the Freemasons taught at the highest level. https://voat.co/v/OccidentalEnclave/1829169 , https://voat.co/v/deep/92949 ?? TIL that the first time someone attempted to publish the secrets of the Freemasons, he was kidnapped and murdered. https://voat.co/v/TIL/9616

17328517? ago

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17132692? ago

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17022729? ago

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17008201? ago

So these are some of those secret guys who want to pull the strings on the puppet @Patriotic_Legend ? looks like they could be in trouble? has the interweb exposed them @theshopper @acheron2012 or is there another step above this crazy cult @ardvarcus @Hail_Odin ?

17009533? ago

This whole page looks like gibberish. Why are you @ ing so many, don't get it.

17013095? ago

To waste people's time

17008248? ago

What is the cult?? Something about France, Scotland and Arabian Jews ....basically bunch weirdo secret cermeony faggots who try to collapse civilisation @ratsmack @MaFishTacosDaBombBro at one time they were hard workers, they were once known as masonic 'stone cutters' as they lost powers they got more spread across the world, more weird and secret, they have a shit ton of wealth, ritual degeneracy, they also worship some tranny demon god? @King_Leopold_II @Empress the conspiracy says most building in America are built and owned by 'them' they may be above the (((others))) in status, Jews even sit a step below? You want to see when all the BS in America started? it starts right here the conspiracy says

17007374? ago

Being sped up gives that a really eerie quality.

17328282? ago

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17008598? ago

The media news outlets won't touch this one, these old guys still got too much influence and power @Whitworth @Wowbagger and if they in the real news try find a story its all confusion, smoke and mirrors @Rebel_Media_FTW @Dystopium @AmericanBannedStand

17018442? ago

Fuck off

17007463? ago

all these secret groups, which ones are the good guys and bad guys?

17007473? ago

Who or what are they @gazillions @vladtep ? @Troll @Dystopium some jews are up there in the illuminati but they are also servants ?

17802166? ago

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16998504? ago

So these guys are the bigger fish and the degenerate hateful jew their pawn? @ThinkAboutIt1488 @CodyCigar_1800 ? @ItGoesOnAnonAnonAnon @AmericanJew2

17007925? ago

That looks like the bigger fish to me, but it is not totally clear.

If that is what Freemasons do, it looks like an oscars ceremony just more boring. I will say almost all of the people in the video appeared White with the token black being the musician.

Those guys appear to be the Freemason higher ups, so yes they are probably the bigger fish.

16999183? ago

IGOAAA checking in. The question is more accurately: which came first, Freemasonry or Jewry? These people (whichever the answer) excel in dividing their power into smaller groups that still collaborate one way or another, to add plausible deniability if one group blows their cover. Much like the frequent 'caravans' with thousands each that hit the southern border. If they all came at once then it would be much easier to call it what it is, an invasion force. Or another example, super-secretive black-ops projects dividing the work into much smaller groups that work individually on something seemingly harmless on its own, but have no contact with other teams working on similar sub-projects for the larger goal, so each cell can't see the big picture.

Something else to look into here, though it won't satisfy my aforementioned "which came first" question, these types of cults (that's basically what this is) tend to have dozens of 'ranks'; I'd bet that most of the people here, if not all, are just the lowly minions, despite how high-ranking they think they are there is very likely some secret ranks above them that run everything. Each 'rank' tends to have some sort of initiation process, that's likely where subjects like pizzagate, Jekyll Island, Epstein Island and all the human/organ trafficking come in. Some of those 'initiations' are likely for the higher ranks, and work mostly to create blackmail material just in case someone working their way up the ranks starts seeing the bigger picture and begins to question the system.

16998425? ago

The users on voat posting here . .. saying soap box will destroy voat? where else? try ? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol . https://saidit.net !! https://8ch.net/pol , https://gab.ai/topics ... https://www.minds.com/newsfeed , https://poal.co/ , .. ... friendi.ca , blog.diasporafoundation.org , buddypress.org/category/news , pillowfort.io/users/sign_in https://www.dreamwidth.org/latest https://memo.cash (open-source decentralized blockchain) , https://phuks.co/ , steemit.com , . sealion.club ? gnusocial.club/favorited/ .. , medium.com, https://bitchute.com ? ? https://www.brighteon.com/browse/popular ! , http://reason.com/blog , https://notabug.io/t/all/

16998447? ago

The freemasons like fleas on the dog and act like bunch of little bitches, and btw just replace 'witch craft' with bitch craft

16998218? ago

sheeeeit @dirtydyno

16998328? ago

Yeah, I remember when they had strippers at the Mason's Lodge. They all had snake tattoos.

18681279? ago

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16998266? ago

16997416? ago

they hijacked the aww sub and anon sub after HeyGeorge KO'ed them with one punch? @C_Corax @ExpertShitposter ?

16999115? ago

i will kill everybody on the planet with a gun

17003160? ago

Always start with yourself, then move on to your close family, and then keep expanding from there.

17008144? ago

Are these the guys who fucked over S.Africa? @theshopper @Dystopium the secret cults .... which came first chicken or the egg? ... and did they try fucking up USA, Africa, Asia, this is one of the orginal secret groups @Sierrastarship @Gumbatron Britbongistani news does Pidgin btw that's how much they want to keep everyone ignorant

17004953? ago

shutup qmer, i kill ur family first

16997341? ago

someone explain the 1990 paul simon thing ?

16997983? ago

17597827? ago

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16997189? ago

@Splooge Which group sold America all the Negoirds, Dindus, the Sheboons, Gorillia-chicks, the Congo guys and the Tyrones @DawnPendraig @newoldwave ?

16998141? ago

blame user /u/kevdude @kevdude

17008280? ago

So these are the weird fuck who messed up America with sabotage? @BaBs14 @SilverAirplane the masonic groups @2lightningbolts @Yousillygoose @jthun2 there's a bunch with some Arab, Egypt, Moonhat what's with all the iranian, roman, turk, saudi, jew, symbols .... seems like a weird pagan cult. These guys were everywhere Churchill was one, a lot of time of the founding fathers lots of Masons around, so many secret Masonic groups its hard to track them all

16997285? ago

Fake news will learn to code soon @HaHawk @lollo9990 the Masons have a structure, strange for so many to be in a ceremony like this but look at who sits where @d0c5 @totes_magotes why does soap hate 'Q'

17009392? ago

You think progressives have any drive or motivation to learn to code or to do any work? Getting as far as they did is only because degeneracy and societal destruction takes NO effort, and the deep state degenerate msm has always been the degenerate wind in their immoral sails.

16996019? ago

These are the guys. They have to be. Are we going to have to declare independence from Europe again? I thought that one was already settled. DS

17607229? ago

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17017515? ago

The brother of JFK was shot Rosicrucianism ? a Lutheran? ? Ancient and Mystical Order Rosæ Crucis?

17017938? ago

My grandpa was a mail-order Rosicrucian. It's said the Georgia guides times have a rose and a cross inscribed on them. The only answer that makes sense? 1990.

16999373? ago

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16997080? ago

There are lots of them, around the time of the Founding Fathers lots of Masons, ritual events, secret handshakes, some Tatar based, Moonworshipers, Saracen or Kosair or Turkic or back in the 8th century, Muslim mohammedan hordes praying to a Moongod al-Lah overran the Moroccan city of Fez and butchered 50,000 Christians. The streets ran red with blood. The Muslim murderers dipped their caps in the blood in honor of Allah. These blood-stained caps were called fezzes, idols dedicated to a false god, Allah.in modern times Medinah Country Club is a private country club in Medinah, Illinois a Shriners Hospitals for Children, a network of twenty-two hospitals in the United States, Mexico, and Canada. Masonry still retains among its emblems one of a woman weeping over a broken column, holding in her hand a branch of acacia, myrtle, or tamarisk, while Time, we are told, stands behind her combing out the ringlets of her hair. We need not repeat the vapid and trivial explanation… given, of this representation of Isis, weeping at Byblos, over the column torn from the palace of the King, that contained the body of Osiris, while Horus, the God of Time, pours ambrosia on her hair. -Albert Pike 33° Freemason, “Morals and Dogma” page 379 What Albert Pike means is that the Acacia tree branch is a symbol of Isis who is linked to Al-Uzzah and the demonic Moongod Al Lah? Who else? Warren Gamaliel Harding 29th President of the US, Harry Truman in Moorish mason groups, Gerald Ford in the Moon cult, Buzz Aldrin Astronaut, movies actors and singers Clark Gable, John Wayne, Nat King Cole, Irving Berlin, a Shriner. Harold Clayton Lloyd Silent Comedies Actor/Producer director Harold Clayton Lloyd, Academy Awards were held at the Shrine Auditorium in LA, from 1947 to 1948 and eight times between 1988 and 2001. Manawat (Al Manat) was considered to be the goddess of destiny or fate. Under Hellenization, Manawat was associated with the Greek/Roman goddess Nemesis/Fate. As with Al Uzza, Manawat similarly does not emerge to any major role among the Nabataeans, judging from the relative infrequency with which she was invoked in ancient inscriptions. Her major domain would seem to have been around Hegra, although she, as Al-‘Uzza, survived until the coming of Islam. Her image does not appear among the pre-Islamic “idols“”at Mecca, however, and she may never have been represented there.” This Shrine also hosted several Grammy ceremonies until 2000 and who else? Defense Omar Bradley and former FBI Director Edgar Hoover the Mecca Temple established at the New York City Masonic Hall. “Candidates for induction into the Shriners are greeted by a High Priest, who says: “By the existence of Allah and the creed of Mohammed; by the legendary sanctity of our Tabernacle at Mecca, we greet you.”

The inductees then swear on the Bible and the Koran, in the name of Mohammed, and invoke Masonry’s usual gruesome penalties upon themselves:

“I do hereby, upon this Bible, and on the mysterious legend of the Koran, and its dedication to the Mohammedan faith, promise and swear and vow … that I will never reveal any secret part or portion whatsoever of the ceremonies … and now upon this sacred book, by the sincerity of a Moslem’s oath I here register this irrevocable vow … in willful violation whereof may I incur the fearful penalty of having my eyeballs pierced to the center with a three-edged blade, my feet flayed and I be forced to walk the hot sands upon the sterile shores of the Red Sea until the flaming sun shall strike me with livid plague, and may Allah, the god of Arab, Moslem and Mohammedan, the god of our fathers, support me to the entire fulfillment of the same. Amen. Amen. Amen.” With this oath, Christians swear on the Koran, and declare Allah to be “the god of our fathers.” From the perspective of Christianity and Islam alike, Shriners take the name of God in vain, and mock both faiths.” The conspiracy says something demonic or satanic from Babylon times maybe Vedic or pagan, a Luciferian Jewish Freemason Shriners? Lots of smoke and mirrors and the many Appendant Bodies of Freemasonry!? The Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, most commonly known as the the Shriners of Freemasonry.

17008502? ago

The Knights Templar Baphomet represents an older concept of unifying male and female into one whole. (Baphomet means Baptism of wisdom).

Also Cultus Sabbati under the direction of the British Intelligence asset Andrew Chumbley came out with a visual depiction of the old cults;


16999070? ago

The occultation of Uranus is right and proper.

17008074? ago

lots of weird conspiracy @madmalloy @TrishaUK ? @Conspirologist @flyingcuttlefish before the collapse of civilisation some of them in ancient times worship this tranny shemale god? there was some news recently about Rob Cohen writer/director of The Fast and Furious films is outed as a rapist , the myth says it is an Indian Greek Hindu Babylon god Hermaphroditus thing, Dahomean Afro myth you have the merge of brother and sister, the Greek one at whose sacrifices men and women exchanged garments, with the Moon, again the Arab Moon cult or islam connection. A terracotta plaque from the 7th century BC depicting Aphroditos was found in Perachora, which suggests it was an archaic cult and Krittivasa Ramayana and Krishna not sure if man or woman?

16997327? ago

This guy knows what's up. it's occurred to me that the world is chock full of all of these beliefs. And some of them are just okay with spilling other people's blood. Could be the mailman that's a closet lucefarian. He delivers my mail and waves at me while I plow snow, makes his rounds, then goes home to his murder dungeon and tortures a child till it dies. No problem. It's what his father did, and his grandfather. It's just the way of things. The natural order, right? Well....I'm just a guy that stops their heart from beating because it conforms to my idea of normalcy. No problem. The sun rises tomorrow.

16996240? ago

and whats all the Moon Lodges the Shriner items and symbolism, planets, mystic mumbo jumbo prayer and other symbolic stuff? So whats the crazyass conspiracy? at the top its all mechanics, its ink and metal and papers, a cyborg machine, a literal an A.I. machine of Lizard aliens .... or trans dimensional demonic entity of evil across planets ... or near the top is in fact an old ancient bloodline of Royal Freemasons? ...if you think UFOs / Ghosts are nonsense then ...I guess its royalty? ... and their secret skull groups? The Masons are top of the ladder it seems ... right next to them the Jews, the Israeli, the Zionist ... stepping one more down you have a collection of ex Roman Catholics maybe the Roman Christian church is still involved, a bunch of Cosplayers from Malta or serious? Commies, Marxists etc in the group ...Malta car bomb kills Panama Papers journalist ...Saudi kebab, the lost Kike, the Iranian, Qatar, Dubai and street shitters are all here now, some Scottish Rite? Turks and Daughters of the Nile ... something about keeping the USA stuck in the Middle East stuck in never ending wars? For what goal? The seem obsessed with their rituals, their money, wearing masks, secret society meetings that kind of thing a lot of old Egypt myths Egyptology going on? a different wrong ways upside-down then twisted version of a Bible? and of all these Moon Lodges Shriner items and symbols

16996557? ago

its a different culture. one where killing people that you think aren't as valuable as everyone tells you you are is no problem. I imagine this is all just everyday stuff for these guys. if you know them and they respect you, I imagine they just shake your hand and say "how do you do". but then they go home and eat babies. no biggie.

16995748? ago

maybe something happening!

16998304? ago

some kind of conspiracy? @Reverse-Flash @WhitePaladin @zxcvzxcv

16995814? ago

anyone notice the soap box whore of babylon is back, Inara__Serra the diseased mudshark starting to fish again?

17011536? ago

??? remove my name from this insanity

16995947? ago

Your what hurts?

16995743? ago

who the what?

16995929? ago

the disease Inara__Serra returned with Super AIDs, don't even be in the same room as him / her / it ??

16997360? ago

What the fuck even is this?

Explain this faggot: 8===D~

16996936? ago

don't fucking @ me you dumb nigger i hope your schizophrenia worsens just by mentioning my name fuck this shit

17008452? ago

these are the guys who owned the productions, working backstage, they have their secret cults, strange ritual parties, they also run a show @CptCaveMan @KarlKastner @UsedToBeCujoQuarrel .... America got to vote for a few actors who walked on stage without knowing the show

17010392? ago

What is this faggotry !?!? Fucking Jew Bags ! My Oven is pre heated to 1488 degrees !

17008432? ago

whats up with these freaks again? @kenlane @carnold03 @UKD whats with their weird pagan symbols

17008110? ago

@sane they also tried pushing into Apefrica, they also made the negroid part of the mason club @Ex-Redditor @ignorantoptimist bunhc of dindus at special ceremony @TheStapler @GleeClubBill what do you think all those symbols at the fag cermony are about?

17019933? ago

From what I gather, Freemasonry is very Jewish. They have a huge mason memorial statue in Israel, if you watch Know More News you can see some videos about it.

17002111? ago

is /u/gabara @gabara a real account or a bot?

16996032? ago

something real about conspiracy? @Nana66 @AlienCommando or all Bullshit ? @Yuke @ThePuppetShow maybe some of the theory was real?

16995863? ago

@7e62ce85 soap box vs Q anon and its all a Million Dollars !! @thatguyiam @JesusRules have the usual BS @bourbonexpert @DawnPendraig

16995742? ago

The Freemasons swear oaths to protect each other from prosecution.

6th President John Quincy Adams tried to destroy Freemasonry during the Antimason movement in the 1820's and 30's.

You can buy the book containing all of his letters to the heads of Freemasonry.

read them for free online here: https://archive.org/stream/Letters_And_Addresses_On_Freemasonry-_J_Quincy_Adams/Letters_And_Addresses_On_Freemasonry-_J_Quincy_Adams_djvu.txt

As long as Freemasonry exists there can never be an end to the deep state. Freemasonry is in fact the deep state.

17344358? ago

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16998382? ago

Do the math dickheads @Chempergrill @TheBuddha ... and Brexit @PsiloTheWolf @Drunkenst @14WordsToFreedom

16998401? ago

Proud Freemason here!

17344330? ago

eat shit and die.

17344828? ago

Shelukah Kazaaam!

17008384? ago

whats with all the mohammedans and jews in mason ranks? @SchwiftyJew whihc secret cult came first @AmaleksHairyAss @ArsCortica @not_drunk @bluntripkin ?

17011305? ago

That's right, everyone you don't like is part of a super secret cult! mwaaaaaahahahahaaa

17008353? ago

maybe you should trust these freaks as much as you would trust a jihadi islamist or a jewish extremist .... @stric9 and voat has a freemason problem ? @Aegaeon @Crashmarik ?? @truthwoke33 @FightingTheDarkArts why all the symbolism and black magic rituals

17103045? ago

good call

17011075? ago

I am a proud shill :)

17008372? ago

Because you have Schizophrenia

16995982? ago

maybe these kinds of things were once a little club, a fantasy .... but not a game anymore @3301 @bunnysupreme ?? btw not soap @bunnysupreme @thisisnotagame and Masons got a Moon-cult?

17007422? ago

No this goes back to ancient Babylon.

17717223? ago

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17344149? ago

17344370? ago

babylon is not an era of time or region im an expert in :p

interesting mason information though

17008039? ago

lots of weird conspiracy @bunnysupreme @carmencita ? @kobold @MandragonHu before the collapse of civilisation some of them in ancient times worship this tranny shemale god? there was some news recently about Rob Cohen writer/director of The Fast and Furious films is outed as a rapist , the myth says its an Indian Greek Hindu Babylon god Hermaphroditus thing, Dahomean Afro myth you have the merge of brother and sister, the Greek one at whose sacrifices men and women exchanged garments, with the Moon, again the Arab Moon cult or islam connection. A terracotta plaque from the 7th century BC depicting Aphroditos was found in Perachora, which suggests it was an archaic cult and Krittivasa Ramayana and Krishna not sure if man or woman?

16997132? ago

whats this cosplay ? @MGTOW_and_HAPPY @vonclausewitz ? @herbalism @Jimmydean1537 @streamingnow not more soap box scum!