mudbear ago

what im gathering from this is that its judaism for goys with a wild goose chase runaround to trick folks into sticking with it?

Notmistaken ago

I heard that the freemasons werent a bad group at 1st but were hijacked and infiltrated by people like albert pike to become a luciferian/satanist group. Can't say for certain though.

Fetalpig ago

They are a group of goons, that force you to "ride the goat" can grasp what I mean. Why? in order to compromise yourself, knowing you'd literally take one for the team. Only the flawed and or really rich get to the top.

pby1000 ago

Why Are the Freemasons Collecting Our Children's DNA?

Tallest_Skil ago

Jews. They’re jews. Always have been. Always will be.

mememeyou ago -- Freemasons worship Lucifer

pby1000 ago

That is funny. I am surprised that the dumbass shriner admitted they worship Lucifer. You can tell he was lying after that.

Freemasons hate Christians and Jesus. Christians can become Freemasons, but they are put on a different path from the non-Christians. Most of the Christians do not figure this out. They assume that all of Freemasonry is what they are experiencing. LOL.

lord_nougat ago

They're really nice guys who do expert masonry work for no charge.

pby1000 ago

They do that so they can get a good look at your wife and young children.

Areuyiddingme ago

Good luck getting a freemason to talk!

FKM ago

either grown men boy scouts or useful idiots. i don't know. would like to think of as mostly inert, but EVERY gov't institution caries their symbols. i think it is a club where you are tested to carry a secret, no matter how insane, and if you do, then perhaps you can be trusted with something that may be real, and work as a tool on someone else's behalf. just about every small town and city in USA is essentially masonic, so i don't have anything bad to say about the good things they have done, which is certainly numerous.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Couldn't tell you exactly, what I know for sure is George Washington was a Freemason, Albert Pike was one of the highest ranking Freemasons in American history, he wrote "Morals & Dogma". he still has a statue standing in D.C., and he also had something to do with the founding of the KKK {K being the 11th letter of the alphabet, 11 x 3 = 33, which might imply the highest acknowledged levels{degrees} of Freemasonry are behind the KKK?}.

I don't know if there could be a concise "verdict", it's highly compartmentalized, the lower levels kept in ignorance, different levels{degrees} involved with different things and often enough differing views or agendas depending on level{degree}.....

Still it's about like a pyramid power structure, it clearly pays homage to; masons, carpenters, architects, engineers, and possibly other tradesmen just with it's iconography of the compass and square.

Shouldn't be anything wrong with a building they built or commissioned though....

ErrorHasNoRights ago

I wouldn't move into that shit.

ludwigvon ago

I can confirm that I have seen an apron with bloodstains on it.

lord_nougat ago

Me too, but the missus was preparing a delicious roast.

pby1000 ago

They are like the Protestant arm of the Vatican/Jesuits. They practice a form of talmudic judaism and trick Protestants into accepting it. They believe they descend from Cain, and they believe that Nimrod was the first Freemason. Nimrod tried to build the Tower of Babel. Look at a picture of the European parliament building. They worship a Great Architect of the Universe, but this is just Lucifer. A lot of people involved in Freemasonry have no idea about its true nature.

Search "european parliament building tower of babel"

I could go on, if you want. I am not sure how deeply you want to delve into it.

Freemasonry by Walter Veith:

Bill Cooper, Mystery Babylon - Hour 6 - New World Order & Freemasonry:

There is another video in which two dudes tour a town in California, and there is Freemasonry symbolism all over the place. I can't find it right now... I know I watched it recently, but I will look some more.

Camulos ago

If you find that video about the guys touring in California could you let me know? I'd love to watch it.


pby1000 ago

This story is also good.

33rd Degree Initiation:

Camulos ago

Awesome, thanks for the links

pby1000 ago

Anytime! I have a lot more, so let me know when you are ready. I went deep down this rabbit hole.

pby1000 ago

This is good, too.

(English) Hidden Camera Masonic Ritual Satan Worship Exposed

pby1000 ago

Found it!!!!

The Freemason Luciferian Doctrine, USA

pby1000 ago

Nothing yet... I know I have it somewhere, but I watch so many videos that I can't keep them straight.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Just another group of faggots who like to diddle kids in secret rituals.

draaaak ago

"Partner"? ...what'r you, some kind of queer?

mudbear ago

fiance then, mother of my two sons, better?

VoutGuy ago

Must be haunted from all the rituals.

Lordbananafist ago

They fit within the parameters for acceptable loss during this next war.

Make sure you take down all the emblems when you move in.

mudbear ago

I see a six pointed star in the photos which seems a little on the nose for me haha, that would certainly be defiled. there seems to be a chess board in the middle of the hall, looks like some occultic kind of shit