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17323270? ago

Is there a network between France, London, the Caribbean, India, Arabia, Israel and back to the murky streets of the USA? Who are the Shriners the Jesters? Baphomet represents an older concept of unifying male and female into one whole. (Baphomet means Baptism of wisdom). Also Cultus Sabbati under the direction of the British Intelligence asset Andrew Chumbley came out with a visual depiction of the old cults; So why was Bobby shot, the Rosicrucians are also connected to the old cult of Egypt, the Turkish sufi gnostics? The question is more accurately: which came first, Freemasonry or Jewry? These people (whichever the answer) excel in dividing their power into smaller groups that still collaborate one way or another, to add plausible deniability if one group blows their cover. Much like the frequent 'caravans' with thousands each that hit the southern border. If they all came at once then it would be much easier to call it what it is, an invasion force. Or another example, super-secretive black-ops projects dividing the work into much smaller groups that work individually on something seemingly harmless on its own, but have no contact with other teams working on similar sub-projects for the larger goal, so each cell can't see the big picture. Do these nut job Stone Cutters, the Hindu, the Vatican and Roman Catholics involved, the gangs of masonic muslims not believe their god has the power to create a lower god, or what do they really believe in, is it power or money? Have you ever met a mason who wasn't an absolutely willing tool of the establishment? 6th President John Quincy Adams tried to destroy Freemasonry during the Antimason movement in the 1820's and 30's.

17328279? ago

Bunch of people take their 'Occult' serious, Genesis P-Orridge, Pierre L'enfant, Aleister Crowley, Order of Jesters, Black Cube, Supermoons, Saturn, lots of symbolism Triangles, Orbs, All-Seeing-eye? Being sped up gives that a really eerie quality.