patriot2008 ago

That is a poorly done history. Firstly the Assyrian King who conquered Northern Israel was Sennacherib. Secondly it was the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar that conquered the rest of Israel and took them captive to Babylon. I stopped paying attention after that.

144truth ago

Have you seen Luke Rudkowski, of We Are Change, confront Jacob Rothschild?

‘The NWO has no legitimacy and we are waking up to the robber barron’s...”

ChiefMAGA ago

THe [P] is the real boss in charge. The Payseurs. Read up on the 13 bloodlines. Q put it out there for all of us.

LibTearsNoBrakes ago

Inbred pedophile rapist garbage people.

Sirnotabot ago

This isn't accurate. More misinformation and misdirection. There may be elements of truth, but much of it is incorrect.

The Rothschilds are one of the 13 Bloodlines but thanks to Qanon autists and diggers, the Rothschilds are subservient to the Paysaurs. This was confirmed by Q. This article paints them as the tip of the Cabal.

There is no mention of the Illumunati. Not their origins, not how they acquired their wealth, not how they manufactured wars to allow them to increase their wealth and take ownership of banking systems.

"Modern" Freemasonry began in Scotland. Ancient masonic artifacts from the Faroe Islands show modern masonry was established there as early as the 1300's. Artifacts recovered from the foundations of a bridge in Cork, Ireland, and are inscribed with the dates, show modern freemasonry was established in Ireland at least as early as the 1500's.

The author just mentions the false information that the Grand Lodge of England created to increase their own importance in the history books.

Elements of truth, but much wrong and based on hearsay rather than facts.

Ponycam ago

There's also the difference between objective and symbolic freemasonry. Objective masons being the men who actually built the edifices. Freemasons were so named as they could travel from country to country to practice their craft. Symbolic freemasonry started with the Renaissance. They adopted as symbols the actual tools used by masons. These tools would then be applied by an individual to improve himself.

SerialLarper ago

"The nation of Israel was created in 1948 with a new flag showing the Star of David"

No. The Jewish state called Israel was created in 1948. The nation of Israel existed before that.

And he said, I am the El, Elah of thy father: fear not to go down into Egypt; for I will there make of thee a great nation: Genesis 46:3

Tdschef247 ago

This was pretty poorly done. Being a historyfag, a lot of this could be correct, but some of it is really far off giant stretches that dont have any evidence provided. An entertaining read but it was also poorly organized and executed.

Geranium_Lily ago

Yes, it's not very interesting as set forth. I opened this thread out of curiosity, to see whether there was something new here or just the same old arguments leading to the same overstated conclusions. I'm not a historyfag, but I'm interested in metaphysics and don't see every metaphysical group in Western history as having evil designs. So while the topic is of interest, it's hard to find anything on the boards in this area that is carefully thought out. These Illuminati discussions seldom reveal anything that hasn't been said before. Worse, they reinforce cultural and historical stereotypes that divide people instead of liberating them.

SomBtch ago

Thanks for the info

GranimalSnake ago

Lots of good information here.

JesusRules ago

I know, I stumbled upon by accident!