TheHolyGrail ago

But what blood type would Hitler and the Rockefeller backed NAZI eugenics program be targeting? Rh Negative blood type

“conducted research at the Rockefeller Institute for seven years, publishing 20 papers with Dr. Karl Landsteiner on blood disorders and discoveries.” according to a NYTimes article. It seems mysterious that the Rockefellers would take a interest in blood types regarding Rhesus Negative and positive facter right close to the extermination of Jewish people in the Third Reich, and since the Rockefellers were the ones that backed the NAZI Eugenics movement.

Any medical records show peoples blood types so if a certain group of people had a certain blood type Hitler could target that whole group to get rid of that particular blood type.

But what blood type would Hitler and the Rockefeller backed NAZI eugenics program be targeting? Rh Negative blood type

There have been rumors that anyone associated with the Rh Negative blood type is either a reptillian/reptoid or apart of the satanic and demonic bloodline with claims that they attempted to mix with the grail bloodline.


TheHolyGrail ago

The Genetic Quirk Of PizzaGate

The genetic trait in they prize children

Ok in another pizzagate thread on reddit/voat someone confirmed the cult use images in their videos (neutered noel by the apes features an eye with a coloboma), many of the children on James Alefantis Instagram were said to feature the same eye distinguishing mark. here:



This mark is known as being indicative of a very particular genetic mutation.

"Snake-in-the-eye" as part of Sigurd's name denoted a physical characteristics. He was born with a mark in his left eye, described as the image of the Ouroboros (a snake biting its own tail) encircling the pupil of his eye. The snake mark had been prophesied by his mother Aslaug, the daughter of the Valkyrie Brynhildr. Source:

In modern times, it has been suggested that the mark in Sigurd's eye was a result of a congenital mutation of the PAX6 gene. Source:

Ok, so now we an occult reference to the genetic eye mutation, the snake which eats it's tail Ouroborus

Also we know SOROS and MCCANN share this common trait.

As PAX6 is known to affect the pineal gland, as referenced above through academically citable sources, it is interesting to know rationalwiki cites that 50% of the population's pineal glands will have calcified by age 12 source:

I hypothesis (no source needed mods) that this may well be another genetic quirk and relevant to the consciousness and capacity of the individual.

DMT and the pineal gland

Can't reply to comments at the moment, sorry voat wont let me.

For this to manifest in an individual both parents would have to be genetic carriers of the congenital Pax6 Mutation. Both the Scandinavian Ring Dynasty/Rosomani, and the Pictish Agathyrsi had their origins in the Albian/Black sea region and migrated North and West through the Baltic, across the Swyddian Soleyar (Scandinavian Peninsula) to Alba Scotia (Scotland). It is likely that both tribes were carriers of the same Pax6 Genetic mutation that was responsible for cases of Anaridia among the Khazarian population from which the Judean family of Herodias (also carriers of the Pax6 mutation) originated. source:

dcdale9 ago

This has nothing to do with religion. It is about harvesting organs to help finance the illegal wars all over the world. This is so big. You may want to change your mind set if you want to find out the truth. Believe me there's no religion in their evil deeds. Just money, oil, gas, minerals and gold form the countries overthrown by the Clinton Obama brigade and similar groups in Eastern Europe and Eurasia.

racoonbite ago

hey, you should make a post on ATS(above top secret) about this, they have a huuuge amount of traffic, I cant join them for some reason, just says"server configuration error"....its always been like that,

racoonbite ago

it doesnt mention pizzagate, so you shouldn't get perma banned

MaximilianKolbe ago

Yes sir, and these 8 Priests who were living the message of Fatima in Hiroshima survived the attack unscathed. Rosary and scapular! Not to mention digging into the decision to drop on Nagasaki reveals some suspect findings on an attack on the Christian center of Japan. (It was called the Rome of the West by that point)

[Nagasaki Decision] (

[Rosary protection in Hiroshima] (

NikitaVerite ago

Holy shit. I didn't know these creepy programs were related to the masons. I've seen some creepy stuff from the "McGruff" thing - you know, that creepy dog in a trenchcoat? I replied to a sponsored ad of theirs on farcebook, and they responded with some strange comment explaining that they send someone to your home to help you with the kit - which was wierd because I hadn't even heard of that part before - and when I followed up with "you do what now????" I think they deleted all my comments. Fucking creepy shit.

Psalm100 ago

How and why the "Masonic Safety ID" program was created, according to the Freemasons:

quantokitty ago

Weird. Just plain weird. How would this even help? I don't remember law enforcement having trouble identifying children. They have really good technicians that are trained in this sort of thing. I probably should post a little something about the Freemasons that I ran across a while back. It's supposed to be secret, but how secret can something posted on the web be? Still, it's another layer and would help explain a lot ... at least it did to me. And it negates the notion that Freemasons aren't religious order. They are. Anyway, good stuff. Upvoat for you. OP: Any info on the states most heavily involved? I guess I'm thinking about Virginia. There was just another Amber Alert for a young man (think she's around 15 or 16) and her baby that went missing. Anytime I read about that happening in VA, my ears tingle so it would be a good follow-up if you can find what states are most heavily involved.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Yes, please post your info on the Freemasons, it would be much appreciated. Any further info to educate everyone is great. Yes, they are a religious order, religious being Luciferian and practicing in the occult. USA and Canada are rife with them.

sore_ass_losers ago

I didn't understand this part, and the links are dead: "Furthermore, a simple hair sample from children is all that was needed and in the United States only five of these cases are permitted per month, per licenced agency. (Downloadable from the FBI here.)"

Is it saying the feds are throttling missing kids DNA submissions?

sore_ass_losers ago

Ha ha, huffpost contributes to pizzagate!

wtf_is_happening ago

This is very sinister. Parents need to be vigilant about what is going in elementary schools. They must question who has access to their child. Low level masons, probably the ones doing the collecting, are "useful idiots". High level masons are a subset of the illuminati.

I believe there is advanced cloning technology that has been hidden from normal people. (There are plenty of sources to research eg whistleblowers: Phil Schneider, Dr Peter Beter, George Green and Donald Marshall.) Duplicate human clones can be grown in glass tanks in five months from a few cells. It's farfetched from our reality, but it's actually possible that elementary school children have been cloned, and their cloned bodies used as sex slaves. (Donald Marshall for one has claimed this is going on.)

francine_rose ago

Here's a news article about them keeping the babies blood after heel prick It says this in the disclosure paperwork they hand out

francine_rose ago

THEY DO this at birth Or they freak out saying your child can die cause of these rare genetic disorders.... or you can have cps called on you, sign a huge 1000 page paperwork .....

Then they did the foot prick Gave us the disclosure It states they do genetic testing and mutations on the blood for experiments

They keep the blood in a database... wtf

Cynthiacotton ago

Cloning comes to mind. I recently came across an old clip of Lady gaga on Jay Leno talking about giving birth to a new race. One that has absolutely no prejudice.

Silex ago

Subtle face prosthesis and makeup, shoulder structures and how she says what she says are odd in a bad way. But fuck it, it's art ! Sigh.

Cynthiacotton ago

Yeah they are a creepy bunch those spirit cookers. The whole thing with spiritcooking and pgate have made me question everything I thought I knew

Silex ago

For me it's the sick continuity of hearing about how the Queen and Thatcher protected the pedo-ring (and were part of it all, duh).. this and the Church/Vatican's abuse and coverup for decaaaaades. #TickTockKarmaClock

IPleadThe2nd ago

Thank you! I actually borrowed it from a pastor.

alliecapone ago

I study my family's genealogy, and have been paranoid about those DNA tests. I ended up studying all sets of grandparents over years instead. I'm actually still studying it. Anyway, some ancestry sites have forums especially for certain ancestries. One that my dads family came from, was the Rhineland-Palatinate area of Germany. There were folks that wanted to pay for other folks DNA tests, so they could establish a concrete list that came from that area, I haven't studied that part, or why it was of dire importance to them. Same with my Acadian family...they were looking mainly for the Kings Daughters decendents. I was thisclose to letting them pay for it when my brain reminded me that normally I'd need to commit a felony for LEO to get your DNA for something. Why would I willingly give, and maybe pay for that when I can trace most of my people with certainty? I might end up at the bad end of a crime investigation if 'someone' wanted to do that. But I definitely didn't think about my kids' safety being a problem. I hope these folks start going down and soon.

To my horror...(((Soros))) is a distant relative (if the path was right and I'm 99% sure) Oddly the Trumps are closer cousins on my moms side. I legit was horrified to see I had any path leading to sore eyes. I only looked it up because I discovered my grandma was baptized in a Hungarian church. Let's just say for me and my kids, I'm glad my paranoia took ahold of me and shook me before I did something silly and let someone who seemed too eager to get my DNA. I hope nobody uses can shorten your research, the tests, but it seems that the easy way isn't always best...or even accurate.

Satanicsuperbowl ago

They found him, son of Frederick Christ Trump.

PizzaGate711 ago

Why would someone like this be involved in all of this computerised health record keeping too - neonatal etc in India for goodness sake? And boy does he get around globe ... And he really loves the Farm - known widely as 'Pedo Farm' at CIA Headquarters. Posted 14 photos of pigs heads and a little boy with a chicken etc and the insides of a post office Very strange use of Google Maps Local Guide.,-79.927727,7z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m3!8m2!3m1!1e1

MaximilianKolbe ago

Thanks for the links. The second one is great. I haven't seen this much detailed commentary on his anti-Masonic writings. Max is a saint for our times. Him and Pope Leo XIII saw this coming. The Devil himself is playing his symphony and the masses are his violins.

IPleadThe2nd ago

What's even worse that this is the PKU testing that's done on every infant born for probably the last decade. They heel prick the baby in the hospital and then require a follow up heel prick several days later. The doctor tells you it's so important so you will know if your child has a genetic disorder. Parents have later found out that the samples are not destroyed but are instead catalogued and kept! they have had to sue to have those samples destroyed. Why would anyone want to keep that type of information on every child born?

SaveTheChildren ago

My daughter had that done. I hope she's not who they are looking for.

I don't know how I could convince my wife to not get any of that shit done without having her think I'm a nutso.

The heel prick was sad, too! Leave my precious girl alone, jesus, she was just born ffs.

IPleadThe2nd ago

I allowed it to be done on all my kids because I had them before I was awake. Now I'm angry that I was essentially tricked into that and into allowing my oldest to get vaccines as an infant. He almost died from them, but that was another ignition point that led to me finally waking up. My friends and some family think I'm nuts but I don't care. I think they are brainwashed and ignorant! It's sick what they are doing to our kids, in more ways than just the pedo stuff. Hopefully all of our kids will be ok and being aware we are better able to protect them.

SaveTheChildren ago

Well, vaccines are a different thing altogether. I definitely think we vaccinate too much now a days, but I do appreciate that things like polio don't exist anymore.

IPleadThe2nd ago

When you're ready, dig deeper into that. Watch the inventor of the polio vaccine admit on camera that he knew the sv40 virus was in the vaccine. SV40 caused cancer in likely millions of people. Also loook into how the criteria for diagnosing polio was changed. Polio isn't gone, it now gets a different name. Bill Gayes polio vaccine actually caused polio in 47,000 kids in India but they renamed it something to the effect of non polio flacks something. They knowingly used tainted vaccines on those kids. It was just a few years ago. Also look into how the majority of those who got polio had either no, or mild symptoms and that a doctor During the height of the "epidemic" (I can't remember his name) found that high doses of IV vitamin c cured polio in close to 100% of his patients but that finding was suppressed in favor of pushing the vaccine. Also look up the work by Dr Suzanne Humphries. She has done a lot of reasearch. It's a hard pill to swallow, but the information is there for those who want to see it. This is just another area where people have been duped by those who want to prey on and profit from us. Edit: Dr. Klennar in the 40's was using vitamin c as a treatment.

JastheMace ago

Thank you, saved me the trouble of typing it.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Christs bloodline is irrelevant since it's irrelevant to God. Geneologies ended in the Bible with Jesus because after Jesus it's not the blood that makes you one of gods children, it's believing on Jesus Christ.

AugustaJulia ago

It's true. It's all these reptilian/Annunaki narratives that are very focused on bloodlines. The Christian narrative is not as bloodline- and genealogy-oriented. It's more about the individual choice and grace.

Pizzagatebelieveit ago

Plus Jesus didn't have any children

IPleadThe2nd ago

True, but many believe he had siblings born to Mary and Joseph after him so that may be what bloodline they want to track down for some reason.

PizzaGate711 ago

The freemasonry cult - the INC or Iglesia Ni Cristo or Church of Christ Cult (these cults run lots of alternative names) fingerprint members and run blood and bone marrow drives under the guise of medical (and dental) missions. This is how they brainwash children to submit and never question the Cult's administration.

PizzaGate711 ago

The INC Cult which exists in over 100 countries (reminds of the Moonies Unification Church of Sth Korea) originated in the Philippines, has sweat shop factories throughout the world including Haiti run under its 'UNLAB' label. It is HQ'ed at the UN Base Camp in Port Au Prince - would you believe - in Haiti. It harvests bone marrow and runs blood drives and has the Freemason crest. It's founder Manalo was a Freemason.,+Inc. It is beset by scandal - allegations of kidnapping and corruption. It insists its members bloc vote. In terms of Haiti - Worship was C/0- Marriott Hotel in the North - (near Digicel - another Clinton/UN raper of the country) in 2014 INC Philippines' Fastest Growing Cult -

The US must get out of the corrupt UN. It is the instrument being used for the New World Order and it's supporting Cults under the guise of churches to perform its work for world wide domination/destruction.

YingYangMom ago

The US must get out of the corrupt UN. It is the instrument being used for the New World Order and it's supporting Cults under the guise of churches to perform its work for world wide domination/destruction.

I couldn't have said it better.

TabiCatTwo ago

Really no different than all the DNA the mormon church has through

Truthseeker3000 ago

This is highly disturbing to say the least, including the fact that the police don't even use it and it's paid for by the Freemasons, a group the average joe knows nothing about. I strongly believe this is also tied into those DNA kits they keep pushing on the media, example 23nMe. I have always believed that they are looking for people anywhere in the world carrying that coveted Nephilim bloodline or whatever it is they think is so superior. I can't believe parents are falling for this and signing up their kids for this, I mean really, they (the Freemasons) have verything on file about the kid and where to find them to later kidnap them for use as an organ donor should they require one. Good god this is so disturbing. Great find, thank you poster.

TheHolyGrail ago

But what blood type would Hitler and the Rockefeller backed NAZI eugenics program be targeting? Rh Negative blood type

“conducted research at the Rockefeller Institute for seven years, publishing 20 papers with Dr. Karl Landsteiner on blood disorders and discoveries.” according to a NYTimes article. It seems mysterious that the Rockefellers would take a interest in blood types regarding Rhesus Negative and positive facter right close to the extermination of Jewish people in the Third Reich, and since the Rockefellers were the ones that backed the NAZI Eugenics movement.

Any medical records show peoples blood types so if a certain group of people had a certain blood type Hitler could target that whole group to get rid of that particular blood type.

But what blood type would Hitler and the Rockefeller backed NAZI eugenics program be targeting? Rh Negative blood type

There have been rumors that anyone associated with the Rh Negative blood type is either a reptillian/reptoid or apart of the satanic and demonic bloodline with claims that they attempted to mix with the grail bloodline.


TheHolyGrail ago

Pizzagate contains elements of a scientific plot, namely for one, the continuation of the NAZI MKUltra project but also the quest to study the genetics of "pure blood", that is to say, blood which does not contain the protein associated with the major bloodtypes.

Blood which has not been interfered with, genetics which have been altered. So on and so forth. This is why we find most people in power, are related by blood. They consider themselves genetically superior. The tribe of Dan for example, as well as others.

Congenital Anomaly Register and Information Service (CARIS) Is he tagging children with congenital anomalies??? They have the coloboma eyes.

DMT and the circadian rhythms (PAX6) impact on ageing.

PAX6 is related to the eyes along with PAX2. PAX6 is significant because it is the connecting pineal/occular piece.

PAX2 is related to cellular death.

PAX3 I imagine is the PHI gene in that case, the form of the objects, whereas PAX6 is functional.

Yes he is tagging those children with that condition. The reason Mads eye keeps changing, is because she was possibly cloned and the public sympathy garnered subconsciously ushers in acceptance for the practice.

Yes indeed they are looking for particular genetics to clone. They want Aryan and not in the sense of blonde hair/blue eyed. It has more to do with Neoteny and also a particular bloodline which harbours congenital mutations within the pax genes, such as ouroboros eye. Hence, the pick children with this distinction.

ARYAN from Sanskrit ārya ‘noble’ + -an.

The Genetic Quirk Of PizzaGate

The genetic trait in they prize children

Ok in another pizzagate thread on reddit/voat someone confirmed the cult use images in their videos (neutered noel by the apes features an eye with a coloboma), many of the children on James Alefantis Instagram were said to feature the same eye distinguishing mark. here:



This mark is known as being indicative of a very particular genetic mutation.

"Snake-in-the-eye" as part of Sigurd's name denoted a physical characteristics. He was born with a mark in his left eye, described as the image of the Ouroboros (a snake biting its own tail) encircling the pupil of his eye. The snake mark had been prophesied by his mother Aslaug, the daughter of the Valkyrie Brynhildr. Source:

In modern times, it has been suggested that the mark in Sigurd's eye was a result of a congenital mutation of the PAX6 gene. Source:

Ok, so now we an occult reference to the genetic eye mutation, the snake which eats it's tail Ouroborus

Also we know SOROS and MCCANN share this common trait.

As PAX6 is known to affect the pineal gland, as referenced above through academically citable sources, it is interesting to know rationalwiki cites that 50% of the population's pineal glands will have calcified by age 12 source:

I hypothesis (no source needed mods) that this may well be another genetic quirk and relevant to the consciousness and capacity of the individual.

DMT and the pineal gland

Can't reply to comments at the moment, sorry voat wont let me.

For this to manifest in an individual both parents would have to be genetic carriers of the congenital Pax6 Mutation. Both the Scandinavian Ring Dynasty/Rosomani, and the Pictish Agathyrsi had their origins in the Albian/Black sea region and migrated North and West through the Baltic, across the Swyddian Soleyar (Scandinavian Peninsula) to Alba Scotia (Scotland). It is likely that both tribes were carriers of the same Pax6 Genetic mutation that was responsible for cases of Anaridia among the Khazarian population from which the Judean family of Herodias (also carriers of the Pax6 mutation) originated. source:

EDIT - extension

Now it gets a little weirder. I googled Caris and Waardenburg. Guess what came up as the first result:

Congenital Anomaly Register and Information Service (CARIS) Is he tagging children with congenital anomalies??? They have the coloboma eyes.

Yes, it is commonly found as a visual indicator of a deeper genetic quirk within the Pax6 transcriptor. It's also largely involved in our sense of smell, the olfactory bulb is responsible for neurogenesis, the production of stemcells, which are critical to organ and clone engineering.

ConcernedParent2 ago

It's funny you mention those DNA kits like 23nMe. I've actually wanted to try one of those, but when I read their privacy statements (they keep your DNA and can do whatever they want with it), I couldn't click the 'x' button fast enough. It's scary to think what these privatized companies are doing with people's DNA.

Truthseeker3000 ago

No way!!!! Ok glad I'm not the only one who second guessed this. So it DOES say they can basically do what they want with it. That is so very scary. Did you know that they are advertising this all over tv (when I actually watch it) under saying people have found their long lost relatives using 23nMe. I also watched a documentary a year or so ago, because at the time I was somewhat interested in doing it before I was redpilled, and in the doc they examined how it would even be possible to make the claims they do about listing people's susceptibility to diseases and how long they will live etc. They went to the head office and talked to the spokesperson for the company and asked what they were really doing and how far off they were in their claims and they said their doctors were some world renowned researchers and crap like that. After that I was pretty skeptical. $400 to give these people your DNA and in return they give you a bullshit run of the mill printout about a bunch of diseases you might get in your lifetime. I wonder who REALLY owns and funds this and other companies like it...

ConcernedParent2 ago

Yes, bought out 23nMe and now it can automatically use your DNA to match with the DNA of other users on their website. I do think it is really cool, and I also think it can be useful, especially for people who are adopted and have no idea about their family and etc.

However, I'm simply not comfortable with a private company having my DNA and able to do god knows what with it.

blind_sypher ago

Im thinking theyre looking for specific mutations more then christs alleged bloodline.

Red4reel35 ago

It reminded me of this story that broke in a town close to where we live , they were also underage ...

alliecapone ago

Hey neighbor!! I'm also in Genesee. I remember this story well now, thanks for posting it!

Red4reel35 ago

Nice to see there are more people awake in our state :) I'm a bit further north now but only about an hour .

goatboy ago

Looking for potential transplant donors.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Oh, good point. Fortunately God will use their wicked actions against them.

2impendingdoom ago

they want to be able to solve all future crimes?

DustyRadio ago

What, nothing to see here, these are the nice guys that have hospitals and wear funny hats sometimes... totally trust them with children's blood.

MyUSA2017 ago

Sadly, I think you're correct.

chordwonder ago

Eugenics, organ harvesting, blood, medical cures we'll never see.

dogwalker ago

Afrezza is basically a diabetes cure that big pharma is holding down

chordwonder ago

Unfortunately, there are many.

TheHolyGrail ago

Diabetes is curable by shift in diet, what is the point in a bandaid rather than an actual fix? This world is insane.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Sorry but no it is not for people with Type 1 insulin dependent diabetes whose pancreas produces little to no insulin. This is seen in slim people and slim kids who eat right and exercise. What you describe is people with Type 2 diabetes who are mainly overweight and can control it with diet and exercise without having to take insulin.

TheHolyGrail ago

We'll see about that.

Truthseeker3000 ago

I'm not sure what you mean exactly, see about what?!

TheHolyGrail ago

I like to be right, so I was going to try and prove you wrong by researching and finding a contradictory element but I'm having some coffee instead.


Archived article:

MaximilianKolbe ago This is a unsettling cause.

MaximilianKolbe ago

IDK u tell me HuffPo!? Wouldn't be surprised if this gets taken down soon.