UtangmanSimian ago

Let's get this Freemasons stuff straight .. it is a giant con job, in the United Kingdom one needed to be a Freemason to gain industrial employment, while members were obliged to buy costly apparel for lodge meetings and to pay substantial fees and "taxes".

Any rank and file member who aspired to progress to the higher degrees of Freemasonry received the negative reply courteous, as per Touchstone in Shakespeare's As You Like It, that quickly turned to churlishness and drawn swords in the face of persistence.

The lodges were franchised insofar as building funds and construction schedules were financed by members contributions, on the understanding that like the Pyramids in Egypt the buildings would stand forever.

In 1954 my uncle took me along when he went to pay his capitation fees at the local Freemason's Lodge in Adelaide South Australia that had been slated for foreclosure, he showed me grandfather's name ascribed on a plaque bearing the names of past office holders.

The woman present declined to accept his coin and a bulldozer demolished the structure a short time later, the plaque with grandfather's name was splintered wreckage visible among piles of shattered masonry and broken marble tiles.

It is all very well to blame Freemasons for the world's evils despite some lodges appear to have been a front for subversive activities, all it does is smokescreen the real villainy holed out in Mossad dominated Jewish enclaves world wide!