16711520? ago

Just been over at Reddit, they posted in /fuckthealtright how they want to bring down PragerU. One of the tactics they mentioned was to infiltrate and divide us.

they use this kind of tactics all the time for their socialist/communist goal_


https://youtu.be/XziUUKEu174?t=221 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K2pAOzjwqY&index=4&list=PLk-pOjllE0CyMLKJ1UpaheEp-kWyMES2U

they use this kind of tactics for their socialist/communist goal_


https://youtu.be/XziUUKEu174?t=221 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K2pAOzjwqY&index=4&list=PLk-pOjllE0CyMLKJ1UpaheEp-kWyMES2U

Rules for Radicals (by Alinsky)

"Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have."

"Never go outside the expertise of your people."

"Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy."

"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."

"A good tactic is one your people enjoy."

"A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."

"Keep the pressure on."

"The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."

"The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."

"If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside."

"The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."

We erroneously assume leftists subscribe to the same basic morality. We call leftists out for their support of immoral positions, but to a leftist, none of these things are immoral, the inverse of them is evil.

If we want a total, final victory that vanquishes the ugly head of leftism and egalitarianism forever, we need to ditch the idea that leftists are just like us and can be compromised with. They want our total destruction and defeat, why should we settle for less? It's not a political fight, it's a war on western culture.

16614414? ago

just look at the amount of downvoters….

16612945? ago

It's getting a bit ridiculous to be sure. I do my best to ignore it, but being as its so prevalent it is difficult.

16610652? ago

Fuck you. Niggers, kikes, and all the like are lesser beings. Stop fooling yourself.

16610437? ago


Products of environment, has nothing to do with race, genetics are a lie, evolution can't be proven, research for yourself. Also fantastic job OP you've really rounded them up in here.

16606544? ago

Same person posting over and over. Ignore and move onto another post.

16602463? ago

This is how we KNOW they're losing. Blacks and minorities are WAKING UP and the DS is scared out of their wits. I had barely seen any racist postings before a month or two ago. Now we're getting bombarded with it

16601238? ago

The Parasite always seeks unity. Its the Host which seeks separation. I wonder which of us us which.

16600818? ago

not even using the brackets. Obvious shill is obvious

16598660? ago

Nazifags and Qtards have a lot in common.

16598563? ago

Personally, I think, there were a bunch of haters racists here before this sub started.

But it is odd that they keep posting in QRV talked ng about topics which are irrelevant to the present conversation.

16598511? ago

OP's EDIT 2 is a racist statement as it condones and supports islamic supremacists, la raza supremacists, black supremacists, and jewish supremacists who target white people daily for rape and murder. Why doesn't the OP address these true racists attacking the smallest racial group in the world?

16598121? ago

Go to another Q sub. This happens here because everyone is anonymous and the moderators don't moderate.

16598063? ago

Ignore and downvote as you see fit. Most are shills to discredit Q

16597875? ago

Personaly. I like to fuck niggers. Take it how you wish

16597713? ago

I think they are probably just adolescents trying to be witty or start some shit with their comments. They are too ignorant to realize the predicament they would be in, if not for Q. They are still living off of Mommy and Daddy and they feel no responsibility for their future.

16597351? ago








16597130? ago

Take your Marxist concept of racism and shove it up your ass.

16596587? ago

So what? thats the whole reason you are so weak you seem to be doing all this shit so you can say "at least i am not racist"

16596548? ago

Agree many racist and anti-Semitic posts by shills I don't read them Amy more

16596266? ago

United You Are STRONGER ♥

By remaining united you are stronger ♥. Including united Whites, Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

You could continue to be united and strong, while both staying unique and NOT interfering with each other’s lives :) Thank you for being you. With infinite love ♥.

Uplifting Videos

Suggested resolutions, including unite at https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ?t=380

Donald Trump's speeches and commitments during his campaign for the Presidential post 2016 https://youtu.be/G2qIXXafxCQ

"Divide & Control" Strategy

For those not familiar with the "Divide & Control" strategy. It means someone with immature behaviors is trying to weaken and isolate you. In turn, if you are fooled into being divided and isolated, it would be easier for the divider to manipulate, dominate, and control you :(
In other words, the "Divide & Control" strategy means someone with immature behaviors is trying to gain and or maintain power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into pieces that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy. The concept refers to a strategy that breaks up existing power structures, and especially prevents smaller power groups from linking up, causing rivalries and fomenting discord among the people. Thus divide.

• Source at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divide_and_rule

• Archived source at http://archive.fo/SqQml

Refuting the Central Point STRONGEST Strategy


For those interested in using the strongest strategy, find the "DH6. Refuting the Central Point." section at http://www.paulgraham.com/disagree.html

• Archived at http://archive.fo/I9n3U

16596155? ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV comment by @16596129.

Posted automatically (#22415) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

16595572? ago

Disinfo tactics with multiple aims; make us look bad to newbies, create a "narrative" about this board (and possible use someone who has been on here in a false flag), and in general just manufacturing the three D's - distraction, disruption, division...........

16595491? ago


16595088? ago

OP loves multiculturalism because OP is a fucking liberal faggot. Pay no attention to all the black people destroying cities across the United States. Love your new Muslim neighbors that think you’re less than cattle. Be kind to the followers of the Talmud that want your race wiped off the planet. This multicultural experiment is going so well for white people that we should all be like OP and give in to being destroyed....

16596453? ago

OP has been exposed as pro multiculturalist https://voat.co/v/QRV/3017856

16594995? ago

we have to expect the trash, downvote and just keep moving along, ;)

16594380? ago

thats because Q is of questionable veracity and belief is waning as the nothing that is happening continues to span out before us. meanwhile race realism has always and continues to be proveably true. and its implications provide real world potentials for problems in our society.

16594333? ago

I'm kind of wondering if the shills are just keyboard warriors and would never actually say this kind of negative crap in person? I mean, get it out online under the guise of anonymity, I suppose!

16594637? ago

ill say it in person and i'd say it to anyone. the JEW problem needs to be fixed. we need to get rid of jewish banksters, jewish media cartels, jewish intelligence agencies, the entire fucking land of jewry. all of it. needs to be addressed and boldly.

16594297? ago

I agree the rabid racism is a shill tactic designed to be offputing to newcomers. Racism is a media construct. How many rabid racists have you seen in real life? I've seen 0.

The true racists are the leftists pushing the propaganda on us that we are racist. The shills acting racist to make us look racist are the fucking assholes we should all point our fingers at. FUCK SHILLS.

That being said, people naturally prefer their own race or tribe. When different races all come together in a room, they all group together by race. EXCEPT WHITES CAN'T AND WE'VE BEEN PROGRAMMED TO BE AFRAID OF EACH OTHER. When we group together, we're racist. Fucking brainwashing has crippled our generation.

Also, race realism is important - have you ever met someone in real life try to tell you that blacks and whites are the exact same? NO. It's FAKE NEWS bullshit brainwashing.

That being said, QRV isn't the goddamned place to bitch about race. WHO THE FUCK BITCHES 24/7 about race? LOSERS OR BRAINWASHED PUPPETS. There's bigger things to worry about than the niggers down the street who don't mow their lawn.

Q has said it himself, "They want you DIVIDED. DIVIDED by RACE. ..."


16594286? ago

there are getting to be too many whackos here, turning every single thing into some major conspiracy. reminding me of godlikeproductions forum. we need to stick to the facts, Q based info and moving the needle. not whacko 89D level ninja secret decoder ring stuff.

16594131? ago

The shills in this thread are ABSOLUTELY OUT OF HAND. If you scroll all the way to the bottom you see MASSIVE amounts of posts from REAL patriots agreeing with OP and they are ALL downvoated and pushed to the absolute bottom. This is absolutely fucking ridiculous. there is a blatant difference between recognizing and correcting the language of the Left that is anti-white and pro White Genocide, which is real. no one is arguing that. BUT, it IS being racist to not view EVERYONE as equal. No one is opposing the view that the Left are clearly Anti-White, we are POINTING OUT that we will NOT lower to their level and be anti-black, anti-jew, or anti-anything else just because of their color. Q has said many times PATRIOTS HAVE NO COLOR. WE ARE ALL EQUAL AND IN THIS TOGETHER. THE Q MOVEMENT IS NOT FULL OF HATEFUL BIGOTS LIKE THE COMMENTS IN THIS THREAD TRY AND PORTRAY. we are pro truth and pro EQUALITY. for Whites, for Blacks, For EVERYONE. it seems that the NUMBER ONE tactic being used by the shills Is THIS. Just like they did on Reddit, just like they do on 4chan: to give us a bad rep to the outside and the media, by making us look like extremist White Supremacists. This shit is not gonna fool anyone. Fuck out of here. Real patriots and Q believe in equality for everyone and opposing the manufactured racial division that the Cabal created in the first place. WWG1WGA

16595262? ago

I just noticed that there are now only 2 moderators here where there used to be 3. Even the creator of the subverse is no longer here.

Gotta wonder what Q is thinking about this. This place is rife with the racist shills, and they are increasing in number, drowning out the patriotic voice. Its a real shame. We can see what they are doing, but if the moderators are not even going to act, then what use is this subverse?

16595324? ago

ive been thinking the same thing lately. Its completely and disgustingly out of hand now. I feel like its only a matter of time before something happens and this board gets thrown into the public spotlight for a very negative reason like 4chan did. Its possible that Q will reset his endorsed board of conversation again soon as well. Voat is getting to the point where its almost unusable for real patriots

16594981? ago

This is true it's because were arguing with a bot farm

16595257? ago

Precisely. Its so blatantly obvious and disgusting at this point. Our board is completely overrun the past month or two..

16593988? ago

Sadly some people think that because the Cabal is attacking those with a predominantly white heritage, that race is the issue. It's not.

Such people are simply creations of the Cabal. The Cabal is racist, 100%. This is why true patriots are the opposite.

Extinction of white people is bad not because its extinction or attack on white people, but because it is the extinction and attack on PEOPLE.

Wake up, racists....

16593959? ago

Go back to providing information. Ignore posts calling for violence or downvoat them as soon as you see them.

16593781? ago

Q brought you here to learn the ways of the savage niggerbeast.

16593662? ago


16593523? ago

LOL so many Qtards in denial about the JQ. 😂 Remember, those of us who know, have been here for a while. There’s a REASON that Q sent you to us.

Saving Israel for last.

16593242? ago

Its the only free speech platform. What else do you expect to happen. I mean comon get real. Im not policing a free speech platform and neither should you. And their are shithole places and shitty people. Good people and good places are harder and harder to find everyday, thays why you see a huge divison happening. I also believe the magnetic pole shifting have a polarizng effect on us.

16593226? ago

It is an exercise in Poe's law. I'm never sure if they are assholes or shills.

16593098? ago

100% agreed with you OP, thanks for this post, have noticed that for months now.

16595035? ago

Thanks, Anon! Maybe this is part of the Q plan. To focus the shills on this board makes it easier to control them.

16593067? ago

To the people blasting OP, I think you're missing the real point here. He isn't saying everyone is the same, he isn't saying diversity is our strength. What he is saying is that the comments that divide us do not add value to our movement. What you do in your own home with your own culture is your fucking business. We're here to strengthen a patriotic culture that promotes freedom from those that would manipulate and farm us. Every time one of us starts some negative generalization of another group of people bullshit the other side gets ammo to divide us on. Our patriot culture should supersede our private beliefs and values. If you can't get on board with it, then gtfo.

16593048? ago

But anon, race isn't real and diversity is our strength. Harvard says otherwise. They also say race mixing creates huge problems for the children and society. So instead of touting some prepackaged nonsense, try informing yourself.

Harvard interracial study https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/fryer/files/plight_of_mixed_race.pdf

Harvard diversity study https://macaulay.cuny.edu/eportfolios/benediktsson2013/files/2013/04/Putnam.pdf

16592930? ago

That is one thing I miss about the old Reddit board - that the mods could remove that type of junk. It is a delicate balance - but I do wish this board could set rules. They are trying to make us look bad...

16592778? ago

OP is a nigger. And a faggot.

But definitely not a niggerfaggot.

16592765? ago

Enjoy this upboat

16592677? ago

Yeah and I was banned from /r/conspiracy

Found out any pro trump or arguments against liberal post is immediately downvoted by bots

16592480? ago

and yet you make this post. stop. feeding.

Treat the posts like pop-ups. You can't win in a free society by suppression. ignore.

16592410? ago

Ya. Total shills. Deep state players. As soon as the comment becomes racist I skip reading it. Their wasting their time.

16592385? ago

The problem with all the race stuff is it's just 4 legs good, 2 legs bad. It's intellectually lazy broad brush confirmation bias friendly garbage that 80 IQ morons can shitpost about for ever.

There's actually another word for it. Racism is essentially political "bikeshedding". "Bikeshedding" is a phenomenon where the most trivial aspects of something get the most input because they are widely accessible to people who are unsophisticated. At a corporate meeting, if someone asks, how should we design the nuclear power plant, only a few qualified engineers raise their hands, but if the question is "what color should the office bikeshed be?" everyone has an opinion.

Same goes for "which race do you hate the most and why?" This is a question that everyone can have an opinion about, but "who are the players in the deep state and how are they connected to each other and what does this latest news item mean with regards to the evolution of the great chess match we are witnessing?" is something only a few very smart anon can figure out. So, the bikeshedders come out and talk and rehash and shitpost race bullshit all day long.

16592356? ago

They are trying to make a case that this is a racist site that should be shut down. All we can do is not respond to their nonsense.

16592330? ago

Voat has always used this language. Get beyond that. The content is what matters.

16591995? ago

I agree, racism is bad; and mostly democrat originated. It's also off topic for this Q discussion forum.

16591901? ago

This is a Q research subreddit. That being said, it should not be racist in nature but should face facts as necessary, even if they are uncomfortable, but it should not seek out uncomfortable for the sake of being uncomfortable.

16591676? ago

It's ok to be a Racist antidemite if you can't deal with that faggot fuck off. you'd fare poorly on the rest of Voat.

16591633? ago

Q's quiet so it's mostly Nazifags trying to spread their religion.

16591598? ago

God only knows how many patriotic members of the gay black and Jewish communities these clowns are trying to scare off. Fuck all the clowns.

16591573? ago

Yeah. Thats because America is tired of jew subversion. Deport the kikes.

16591414? ago

On the radio here in the UK today, they've been running a shock horror story about Liam Neeson once trying to find a black man to beat up after a friend of his was raped by one.. Of course the race agenda is up in arms about it.

Neeson said he since felt ashamed about it etc but the race agenda is still kicking up a fuss about it.. No doubt they won't let us hear the end of it..

16593146? ago

I knew there was some reason I liked that guy. To bad the threat to his money has him backing down on defending his people from the animals.

16591348? ago

You are correct and we have tried to ignore their boorish behavior but in the end, it needs to challenged whenever it rears it's ugly head. Racists are like dandelions infecting your green lawn - when one pops up you need to dust it with chemicals or cut it out to get rid of it. You either do that or put up with the slime that colors (pardon the pun) the conversation. You can see how they react to this post to know they fear ppl rejecting their bigotry. They think they can intimidate us into accepting it as normal and that we are somehow wimps and pussies bcuz we will not submit to their demented hatred. I came to this site to hear discussions re:Q posts but now realize these trash are not WWG1WGA so forget em I say. If this site will not moderate this foul behavior, we need to find a site that will.

16590966? ago

God divided us. Read Genesis. Diversity and racism is all about NWO and satan controlled one-world government.

16590930? ago

They are trying to brand us all racists and bigot specifically to scare away any new eyeballs that come to this sub.

That is the entire shill game plan -> "Stop the Q phenom from growing by any means possible."

16593177? ago

You are experiencing the awakening. Many of the those new eyeballs you reference are not being turned away from the truth you are seeing. They are whites sick of watching the destruction and demonizing of their people. They are seeking awakened people like themselves not fucking mindless sheeple like you.

16593630? ago

You are experiencing the awakening


not fucking mindless sheeple like you

Umm... which one is it, brah? I can't be experiencing the awakening yet also be a mindless sheeple!

hahah try harder.


16590921? ago

Stupid is as stupid does.

16590909? ago

Nothing in Q's posts are racist. Much is overtly anti-racist. "Patriots have no skin colour." "They want you divided by race" etc.

This is nothing more than paid shills trying to make our community appear to be something it is not.

16590867? ago

There are bots and people running Bluestacks with multiple screens able to shitpost via mobile. Stay strong Brothers and Sister. We know why we're here.

16590831? ago

Spot on OP. I posted some racist bait in one of the threads you posted...and the amount of vitriol and clearly "not with our movement" rhetoric was very evident. We have to stay the course, and trust POTUS.

16590813? ago

Fuck niggers. Fuck Jews. Fuck illegals. Fuck Muslims. None of the above are Americans.

Yeah, they’re trying to divide ys; true Americans & useless Jew-controlled, nigger-dick-sucking Commies. You must be the latter.

16590778? ago

You remember the first two weeks of this sub's life? They threw a hissy fit all over the site because the sub was dominating the front page and driving their shit down. They tried to accuse your users of brigading for downvoating them, demanded the sub be removed from /v/all, and even tried to convince ProtectVoat to target the sub.

These people are deadset on being the dominant voice on Voat, and they'll do just about anything to maintain it. To them, free speech means they're allowed to spam their shit everywhere but no one else is allowed to talk about anything else because then it's "forum sliding."

So now they're spamming up your sub with the same shit that they post in dozens of other subs, and if it gets removed they'll start to cry about censorship without a shred of irony.

Honestly, it's why I don't really browse the site much anymore. It's basically the same 4 posts day in and day out.

16590839? ago

Honestly, it's why I don't really browse the site much anymore. It's basically the same 4 posts day in and day out.

Agree totally, anon.

16590798? ago

This comment was linked from this v/botzoo comment by @derram.

Posted automatically (#22366) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

16590601? ago


All of us here know its psychological warfare. It's hilarious that they think it will work on hardcore truthers. Fucking idiots have NO IDEA what they are dealing with -- they have never been in the Military let alone a warzone any of these fat fuckers here shilling for lucifer worshipper garbage pails. NOT A ONE. They have NO FUCKING IDEA what is happening -- yet like a Military setup they are COMPARTMENTALIZED and they themselves have no fucking idea that their higher ups are SHITTING THEIR PANTS and know the war was lost long ago.

All they have left is assassination attempts of characters and literal ones left -- thats it. And the attacks on his (DJT or Q, you pick) character only work with the zombie masses which don't matter so much anymore. Sure some will awaken, but the critical mass was reached long ago via the Q movement. It's literally like a huge wave that cannot be stopped. Red Wave. Right Wave. Right hand path - - White Magick in action?

Good vs Evil, baby. Bring it on, buckle your seatbelts as we approach 2020, because...


16591369? ago

I'm with you there brother.

These faggots don't seem to understand. We're from the chans, mothafuckas. We've been around the internet block for a really long time before the chans even existed.

Some of us invented the game these shills are playing.

At this point, they are edging themselves towards the most severe case of blue balls they are ever going to experience.

16591932? ago

Ya thats a good summation (as the OP)

16590794? ago

Wow... So much projection in one post

16590577? ago

Have you nloticed you're a stupid Boomer Jew cuck faggot?

16590555? ago

Patriots have no color -Q

16590843? ago

Q must have never served in the military. Niggers are less than worthless. Street shitters, too. And the majority of wetbacks (any & all orgins).

16590498? ago

LMAO -42 downvotes. The shills are here in force!!!!

16590422? ago

They are losers who have nothing in life and blame blacks and Jews because they have a dysfunctional personality disorder. Text book problems who are too stupid to hide it and wear it as some badge of honor. Yes that's how fucked up in the head they are. Even if there were no Jews or Blacks in this world they would still be miserable blaming someone else because they suck at life and they know it.

Imagine living your one shot at life and you waste it spending every day on internet forums posting hateful comments. Its the epitome of loser, and to top it off they are so fkn dumb they actually think it makes a difference. I know right. But that's low intelligence for you.

Claim to fame in life, an internet troll. Does it get any sadder than that? I guess there is a silver lining to it all. There will always be blacks and Jews and they can't do a damn thing about it. Might as well hate oxygen or sunshine, talk about a fight you'll never ever win. Yep dumb as fuck.

16590822? ago

Imagine living your one shot at life and you waste it spending everyday on internet forums posting about Q. It's the epitome of loser.

16595297? ago

And if that's a loser, then what is the one who spends its time opposing and attacking that loser? A loser's loser.

Sad. Very sad.

16590237? ago

Yes as if they either forget or don't care about Q constantly warning us the cabal wants us divided. If they preach division then they are agents of the cabal, with or without consent. We have more in common than not with blacks--we want our kids to go to safe schools, live in better neighborhoods. All blacks are not from the hood, to say otherwise is one who is brainwashed by cabal MSM. They want us divided, don't give in to your base nature and abide them.

16590217? ago

You're more than us. That means everything you believe is correct. You are a very good debater, and very intelligent. I have changed my mind about the Jews. You're right. The media isn't owned by Jews. I'm sorry I called you a Jew Kyle. You're not a Jew

16590191? ago

Lots of TrollFags around lately. We are over the target...

This is because they want to try to use this as bait for the moron voters and in order to attempt to show us as somehow the racists because its anonymous.

It wont work...... fuck em...

16589920? ago

Just assume they are OffTopic idiots... They may or may not be shill-agents, but just assume they are idiots for now. Large scale shilling campaigns do exist however.

16589791? ago

Just ignore and downvote, that's your best weapon.

16589778? ago

Back to Reddit w U.

16589758? ago

Whatever! People are shedding their programming, that is all.

16589699? ago

With ID and post history shown, v/GreatAwakening has no such posts and comments. A clear indicator that shitblues are here.

16589586? ago

I said this a few weeks ago and some of you faggots jumped my shit for it. Fuck you shills!

16589554? ago

Actually, >>>THEY<<< do not try to divide us, as >>>THEY<<< have established a system wherein we are artificially united with >>>Trojan Horses<<< bearing >>>Cuckoo Bird Babies<<<.

What those preaching this false unity are attempting to achieve is Mass Stockholm Syndrome, such as the leftist Victimhood Mindset politicians (among both the Democrats & Republicans) use.

For >>>THEY<<< have taught you to love your neighbor, unconditionally, while appealing to your humanitarian and altruistic instincts, (which your neighbor lacks), even while training your neighbor (who hates you) in the art of stabbing you in the back.

Shills like to pretend the shills have gone racist herein, to divide Q, when, in fact, the shills herein now preach unity and Christian forgiveness and love, while the Awakened are waking up to the degree of the assault upon humanity, yet are not awoke enough to figure out the solution to these problems, the Final Solution to these problems.

Don’t panic! Don’t get your panties in a bunch! This Final Solution must be a humane Final Solution, if it is to be any solution at all. However, it is complicated! A veritable >>>Gordian Knot<<<, begging to be violently cut.

Yo! Those preaching false Bible Jesus! Man was not made to conquer Woman and destroy Nature, but to care for them, to improve upon what came before, not to treat them like property and rape them out of existence.

Yo! Those with their heads out of their asses regarding evolution! The female of any species is the definition of that species, reproductively speaking: the female bird lays the eggs; the female mammal gives birth to the young, and suckles them, and cares for them until they are independently viable.

Humans went beyond the mammalian, because our females are capable of sexually bonding with each other, to better rear their infants. Human males (in Europe) eventually became part of this process, whereat human females mutually chose which males to communally mate with, resulting in the various elements of human female beauty that survive (to a lesser degree, owing to miscegenation and genocide) to this day.

Yes! Racism is natural and normal, and how women choose who is most eugenic to mate with (when not mindfucked by >>>THEM<<< into being ashamed of themselves for being beautiful, thence choosing idiotically (dysgenically) to let themselves to merely be fucked, rather than properly loved.)

Of course, >>>THEY<<< know this, because >>>THEY<<< have paid attention to me long enough to know which buttons to push. So, I’m left to wonder whether >>>THEY<<< really thought >>>THEY<<< had any actual chance (or I ntention) of destroying inter-female sexuality, thus, humanity, or whether >>>THEY<<< were merely attempting to wake >>>ME<<< up.

Anyways! I’m awake! I’m not going away! I’m not going back to sleep! So, pretty please! With sugar on top! Shitcan the pro-nigger, anti-female, anti-lesbian (true female and lesbian, not bullshit male female and bullshit gay male lesbian) portions of the SJW agenda. (Women are not victims of white men who need to be taught to expose themselves to rape and then to scramble and flush their babies!) (Also, lesbian women are sexually normal, and are nothing similar to gay men (who themselves are sexually normal, in the Fall of Man, rapist sense, as part of the rape agenda).)(And clean the fucking car!)

Could get more deeply into it, (and am pleased to sense that many have been hearing what I have to say), but am edgy, and wanna not always be edgy! (Grrr! Argh!)

Anyhoo! I assume >>>THEY<<< have their own ultimate exit strategy, and capacity to realize what >>>THEY<<< have an opportunity to gain, not to undermine the Final Solution, but to assist in perfecting it. (At least, this is what >>>THEY<<< have suggested to >>>ME<<<.)

Unite in Awareness of Past, Present and Future Threats!

Do Not Become What You Know You Must Not Be!

Lesbians Are Not Merely Homosexual Men!

Choose Life & Love, and Return to Eden!

Lilith Came Before Adam, With Eve!

Do Not Rape Women and Nature!

Where We Go One We Go All!

Get Down With the Sickness!

Gimme My Sapphostaffel!

Be Beyond Good & Evil!

Get With the Program!

Girls Rock & Roll!

Trust the Plan!

Eat Pussy!

Play Nice!









16589509? ago

You ever notice Q dropped that this isn't about Conservatives vs. Democrats, and then later on points out that the Democrats are pieces of shit? It's fucking high time some shit happens out in the open to knock these MF'ers down a few notches and expose how corrupt they are.

16589710? ago

Q is fake. Niggers are real.

Focus on the real problems.

16589409? ago

Perhaps niggers aren't people, and giving them rights causes problems?

16589355? ago

Yeah I just ignore them.

16589224? ago

Jews did 9/11.

16589180? ago

YES!! It’s flooded with either Jew stuff or black stuff. I think it’s probably 2 or 3 people. I just ignore it.

16589145? ago

Could be......you moved your Q following to a place that was already full of this, and now it's seeping in. Q wanted you people to come to voat for a reason. To wake up. Not shills, but the community. :) Welcome to voat niggerfaggot. The jews are the problem and they're using all the lesser IQ'd races to their advantage. Wake up.

16589129? ago

Ignore- do not take part at all.

16589063? ago

Voat racists were here long before you were. You came here.

16589061? ago

OP isn't redpilled.

OP is trying to bluepill

OP is a kike

16589088? ago

OP is...OP is... have a hickup? :D Downvote, racist.

16589101? ago

You are a clueless nigger

16589042? ago


The kikes divide nations by pitting the races against eachother simply by increasing our proximity. THEY are the ones who want us divided so that israel can stay united. You wouldn't know this if you have a negroid IQ or if you are a normie who thinks its woke.


16589064? ago

Nothing but blabla, racist.

16589080? ago

Yes im a racist. And you a fucking clueless nigger. Why do you think Q brought you here you dumb fuck?

Learn your history GOY

16596415? ago

They found that clueless niggers username https://voat.co/v/QRV/3017856

16596554? ago

@Crikes is a little bitch

16597391? ago

You shouldn't have any trouble countering the arguments of a little bitch, right? Only a little bitch leftist commie would use logical fallacies, rather than attempt to counter.

16598342? ago

Counter this.


They don’t hide it.

They don’t fear you.

You are sheep to them.

You are feeders.




Sanhedrin 55b

A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband's brother cohabits with her, she becomes his.



Sanhedrin 54b

Pederasty with a child below nine years of age is not deemed as pederasty with a child above that.



Ketubot 11b

When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this, it is as if one puts the finger into the eye




[NSFW] Pics for sharing




We learned in the mishna that one sucks blood from the wound after the circumcision was performed on Shabbat. Rav Pappa said: A craftsman who does not suck the blood after every circumcision is a danger to the child undergoing circumcision, and we remove him from his position as circumcisor.



The ancient method of performing metzitzah—metzitzah b'peh, or oral suction—has become controversial. The process has the mohel place his mouth directly on the circumcision wound to draw blood away from the cut.


Under Jewish law, a mohel must draw blood from the circumcision wound. Most mohels do it by hand with a suction device, but some Orthodox groups use their mouth to draw blood after cutting the foreskin.



Full Talmud PDFs for even more translations



MSM / Corporate Control








Banking Control


Government Control



World Control






Bolshevik Revolution








Communism / German Revolution







Here is my running list on "The Lobby" in both The U.K and United States.**

Here is their undercover expose on The Israel Lobby's Influence In The U.K.

16588797? ago

If you side with jews, blacks, muslims or hispanics then you go stand on their side. There is a war on. There has been for decades but whites have only begun to fight back. Are you a traitor or are you on the right side?

16588854? ago

Bla, bla bla... stupid as hell. downvote.

16589032? ago

Downvoted, race traitor.

16589047? ago

My honour, racist.

16589138? ago

It's spelled honor, retard.

16588700? ago


16588697? ago


They don’t hide it.

They don’t fear you.

You are sheep to them.

You are feeders.




Sanhedrin 55b

A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband's brother cohabits with her, she becomes his.



Sanhedrin 54b

Pederasty with a child below nine years of age is not deemed as pederasty with a child above that.



Ketubot 11b

When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this, it is as if one puts the finger into the eye




[NSFW] Pics for sharing




We learned in the mishna that one sucks blood from the wound after the circumcision was performed on Shabbat. Rav Pappa said: A craftsman who does not suck the blood after every circumcision is a danger to the child undergoing circumcision, and we remove him from his position as circumcisor.



The ancient method of performing metzitzah—metzitzah b'peh, or oral suction—has become controversial. The process has the mohel place his mouth directly on the circumcision wound to draw blood away from the cut.


Under Jewish law, a mohel must draw blood from the circumcision wound. Most mohels do it by hand with a suction device, but some Orthodox groups use their mouth to draw blood after cutting the foreskin.



Full Talmud PDFs for even more translations



MSM / Corporate Control








Banking Control


Government Control



World Control






Bolshevik Revolution








Communism / German Revolution







Here is my running list on "The Lobby" in both The U.K and United States.**

Here is their undercover expose on The Israel Lobby's Influence In The U.K.

16590793? ago

The first link is dead. have this

16590069? ago

The Israel Project(TIP) is a US-based 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-government organization. The Israel Project is not affiliated with any government, and according to the organization's website, it has a team with decades of experience in media, government, policy institutes, research, academia and the military.[1] TIP has offices in the USA and Israel, and regularly hosts press briefings featuring leading Israeli spokespeople and analysts that give journalists an opportunity to get information and answers to their questions face-to-face."[2]

The Jews Attacking Your Right To Free Speech Under The First Amendment."

16588558? ago

just ignore and downvote.

16588530? ago

Wtf top comment is racist. I would have made this thread already but not enough points.

16588449? ago

I think some of that stuff is meant to turn off the normies and the PC crowd. Keep focused on the mass corruption and pedo arrests, cabal. All the rest is a distraction from those 2

16588392? ago

Are you trying to assume our power levels?! Get out of here with your bigotry!!!!,,,,!!!!

16588302? ago

Ask the question. Other than all of us here, who is here because they have a bloodline they must marry into? Not many. Who is here because they are possibly reptilian shape-shifting aliens? Believe it or not if they exist. Part of a family order with an agenda dating back 3200 years? Not many of us. The vast majority of Voaters are humans who actually just want to get along. When you detract from those who are swamp critters, lizards, and cockroaches already, there's not a lot of bullshit left. We have marginalized them more than most people realize, and we definitely can fucking SEE them now.

16589327? ago

These baby vampires gotta go

16588301? ago

If the "Right" was actually interested in rights and freedom they would recognize the only way they are going to do this is to get the other races on the side of freedom.

16588455? ago

Today I learned Americans pre-1940 didn't give a fuck about freedom, courtesy of the dumb bastard above me.

16588285? ago

If you can't see white genocide happening, you're ignoring race entirely. You know there's a shady cabal, but you can't imagine they're racist. Why not?

16607050? ago

It's pretty hard to be white and not be angry once you realize just how deep this scheme to eliminate whites.

White people make horrible slaves. Much easier to just wash us out of the social fabric so (((they))) can take over the rest of the world with ease.

16593852? ago

OP has been exposed. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3017856

16590743? ago

Hold up, if white people are their main enemy and the cabal bloodlines have run things for almost our entire human history, why would they let white people get so powerful in the 1st place? If anything you think they would subjugate the "threat" races from the beginning and keep their heel down throughout. The races that fit this pattern are africans and indigenous people. Couple this with the knowledge that the cabal seems to prize African blood (pizzagate/haiti et al) to retain their human health levels, something doesn't add up with your narrative.

16591875? ago

Look up the Kalergi Plan and it will answer your questions. Jewish master race wants to dominate a global horde of brown people.

16592838? ago

If thats the case, wouldn't white people be their ally? Also what about the bible and what it says about jews pretending to be jews, he gives us the playbook right from the start, i dont know about you but i trust the Creator.

16592947? ago

Sociopaths of all races have sold out to Jewish supremacists, but I can’t imagine how anyone who isn’t blackmailed or crazy would support the genocide of their own people into one mixed global mess of a race just to be ruled by Jews. Jesus talked more shit about Jews than anyone else in the New Testament. Only people he got pissed at were Jewish usurers. Maybe you weren’t paying very good attention.

16593340? ago

Yes perhaps the divide between our views is i can't see that happening (all becoming one mixed bag). The end game will play out before that happens. How long would that take in your opinion, if were counting from today? How many generations of mixed breeding until we are all mixed and there are no diverse cultures and ethnicities anymore? That may be generations and generations away, but the racial division and human hate is happening here and now and the creators end game to eradicate evil is sometime in between.

yes i read what jesus said to them and what he thought about certain groups of them, are you purposefully omitting what else the bible said about them?

Yes i don't believe the chosen people being one race, i'm not certain of what was meant there or why, but i trust the creator, i don't believe all parts of the bible, logic dictates parts of it must have been manipulated through history as well. so i use my logic This is where i triple check the canon source, original documents and translate from the original language. I was surprised at how verses change once you identify the original words or phrases meant over modern translations. I trust my god-given intuition in this respect, and i know as deepest as i can know something, that all humans are important to the Creator, my selfishness doesn't want to believe that though, i wish shitty people weren't important to him too but they are, i just have to try to understand as hard as it is. I haven't read all parts of the bible, sometimes my red flags go up while reading and i stop.

16594002? ago

You can't see the US becoming like every other country in North and South America besides Canada (which is also being browned by Muslims)? Then you must be pretty fucking stupid huh?

Which Bible version do you think is the true literal inerrant word in every single letter?

16594757? ago

What are we talking about, the open immigration problems? people who let their countries turn into shitholes and rather than fix it flee to a better country, don't change their lifestyles and turn the new country into a shithole? Yes thats a real problem and is happening now, i saw what is happening in euro countries, its real, but i thought we were talking about the goal they have of eradicating the white race through race mixing, i asked how long do you think that would take if we're counting from today? Comprehension much?

I wouldnt go so far as to say every single letter since i didnt translate every single letter, but the gospels that i was led to read and experienced crazy "coincidences" while reading were John, Luke, Matthew and Mark. I was also led to read the book of enoch, which is a crazy coincidence in itself (personal thing) which i never heard of before this. Actually revelations too, but something in my memory on that one is holding back so i would have to go back and read again thoroughly and i also didnt translate it. Just read as it was. Isaiah keeps popping into my mind or view when i go about living life so starting to read now, slowly so not sure whats it in yet

16597753? ago

From the 1960s until today the percentage of non-Hispanic whites in the US has decreased from over 90% to about 62%. That took only about 50 years and it's only accelerating at this point. You do the math faggot. By the time you are a geezer, minorities will be openly beating your stupid ass in the streets and you will have no one to turn to, because you bullied all of the real men of your own race into being cucks and accepting being conquered.

If you don't think that every single letter of the Bible is literally infallible and inerrant in all ways then why are you so dogmatic about what the Bible says at all? It's almost like you think historical context and honest textual analysis is important or something.

16592886? ago

White people are the only thing standing in their way.

16593029? ago

No the Creator is in my opinion. Many white people will be standing with the creators elect at the end and many will also be cast into hell, just like every other race.

16597572? ago

More white people than non-whites I'd wager. Whites have produced more pure, lovely and excellent works than the rest. Lighter skinned people tend to be more cooperative than darker skinned people.

To get the gene for white skin to pop up, you need to be a tight knit, cooperative community intermarrying, preferably with an agricultural civ, since this makes it more necessary to cooperate by virtue of staying put on land. You need to have older parents vs younger parents. Thus white skin is a strong indicator of a lawful, peaceful society, one which is and always will be hostile to those who threaten it's structure and way of life.

16593156? ago

I'm not here to pontificate on your opinion. The opinion of the cabal is that white civilization is the only thing standing in their way between them and world domination. Which is why they are currently working to eradicate white civilization.

16593437? ago

We're here debating actually, your opinion vs mine. And yours is, just an opinion as well.

16593643? ago

You're retarded. I'm not here to debate a retard. The cabal wants to eradicate white people. Whether or not you agree is not relevant.

16593778? ago

They are using white people against brown people against yellow people against red people- to eventually control us all. They just propped you up, pandering toward your worst traits, to eventually use it against you to take you down, using brown, yellow, red people, whom they also used and played on their worst traits. Think mirror.

16593823? ago

You really need to lurk more.

16593933? ago

why because i keep responding to a shill? lol i dont buy into the "dont feed the trolls" bit. I keep responding with decency and intelligence - for the readers benefit, not the trolls.

16594060? ago

Lets take this step by step.

  1. There is a global cabal trying to enslave humanity -- I'm pretty sure we agree on this
  2. They are trying to install a one-world government -- I'm pretty sure we agree on this
  3. In order to create a one world goverment, they need to end all other governments
  4. The only governments standing in their way of successfully accomplishing this objective are western nations, such as the USA and the EU.
  5. The USA and the EU primarily consist of white people

Where are you getting lost?

16595452? ago

Agree Agree Agree, although EU sketchy but nothing is ever as it seems and doesn't last regardless. Agree. Although other races have developed their own forms of the same, prior to contact, though the different values toward resources changed the eventual scope of it between nations.

I think the difference is i won't paint all people in certain groups with the same brush, but i am willing to make decisions based on real measurable differences based on rac/culture norms, economic position etc. I wont shy away from that, its logical but when it gets to the point where it stops being rational and leans more toward emotional hate and anger, broad strokes etc. I may have you mixed up with another conversation as well, if so my apologies i'm chatting in different areas and may be mixed up now

16595624? ago

No worries, sometimes I jump onto pre existing comment chains so you aren't always responding to the same poster either

16591428? ago

Who said they’ve run things for all of human history? That’s mason/illuminati nonsense. I think most of us would say cultural marxism got off the ground with the Frankfurt school in the 20s and 30s.

16591634? ago

Evil and their perpetrators have been here since the near the beginning of man himself. Not sure about the mason/Illuminati crap you mentioned, i hear of it but not my area of interest. Any name you want to call them, they are all the same - evil and inhuman and they've been here all along moving their pieces to this point.

16591308? ago

people who think of themselves as white are probably sadly mistaken if they think they belong to the group made up of white elite who practice self selection eugenics.

16597800? ago

Those guys think they are Annunaki, and thus not human. They're just loopy.

16591760? ago

If you're not white but call yourself white, you're an insecure head case. But if you're racial and like white people, have white friends etc, nothing wrong with that. Some people hate their own race, likely personal experiences within community and family, but that'a different horse.

16591546? ago

I'd be fine with the melting pot meme if they weren't also doing this to Europe tbh. It's almost every caucasian country having a drop in white people as a percent of their population.

16595236? ago

I don’t know if I’d be fine with it just here, but seeing it in Europe as well is what convinced me that we were dealing with a global anti-white agenda, and that all the appeals to multiculturalism or humanism were entirely insincere.

16592745? ago

Yes and look what they are doing to whites in South Africa- communism has taken over and total white genocide is right around the corner!!

16592819? ago

Not unlike here, white farms that happen to sit on valuabke mining deposits will be confiscated just like BLM.

16591513? ago

if they think they belong to the group made up of white elite who practice self selection eugenics.

Right, and they refer to themselves as “fellow white people”.

16590639? ago

Have you ever thought to look at it this way instead:

"They are promoting racism of whites, and all other races too. We can see it, they use many devious ways to accomplish it. The problem is removed by removing those fakers and liars promoting this garbage, not by fucking spewing shit about white genocide."

16590880? ago

Where are they promoting pro-white racism? Show me one major media outlet anywhere that does that. All I see is regular people getting silenced if they say even the slightest pro-white thing.

But ANTI-white racism is EVERYWHERE. WP, BBC, NYT, Netflix, Amazon, MSNBC.

Gee, maybe it’s exactly as it seems. Maybe they’re promoting anti-white racism because they hate white people. Maybe any racism the other way is just the natural reaction to that. Maybe the truth is what the evidence shows rather than something overly-complex that doesn’t fit the facts.

16593526? ago

so because there is white racism the answer if you are white is to be racist yourself....seems like a recipe for disaster....fight racism one person a time by just being stand up and descent.

16592648? ago

Yes thats true, i've noticed the attack on whites and how the media push to feel ashamed for being white. They are playing on historical wrongs perpetrated by white people or those who appear to be white to fan the flames of dislike from brown people. Were those historical wrongs committed? Yes in many cases they really happened, so would the brown people then be justified "technically" for the dislike? Yes if you put it in those terms. Is it right? No. Why? Because if you dig deeper you realize, yes that was a pale face or group of that perpetrated that oppression or act, but is it because they were white or is it because they were evil? Like the KKK. Many good people allowed them to act as they did even though they weren't a member but they stayed quiet and let it continue, which helped lay the path for whats happening today (white people bad!).

16595060? ago

There isn’t a single significant historical encounter with between darkies and whites that didn’t leave the darkies better off in the long run. Oppression narrative is pure reactionary slave-morality, pushed by Jews to harm whites.

16594448? ago

genetics matter. when black people stop being proveably genetically mentally inferior to every other race on the planet, ill stop wanting to be far away from them.

16588633? ago

cabal are smarter than a one track agenda, they stoke the racist opposition as well. that's why a color-independent patriot movement is a real threat.

16590900? ago

But Q isn’t color independent. It’s 95% white people.

16588771? ago

Perhaps white people are a threat to them. Despite what their propaganda would have you believe, there are real differences between all the different peoples of the world. Genetic differences. The D&C is in favor of non-whites (against whites). Loving white folks is not racism just as loving anyone else is not racism. You are not falling for D&C just by noticing the global demographic shifts, birth rates, and immigration patterns. I'm against black genocide too btw. Being against genocide should never be considered hate.

16588386? ago


16588234? ago

100% Noticed

16589737? ago

Have you noticed that niggers commit half the crime in America despite being a fraction of the population?

16590199? ago

Nigger males between the ages of 15 and 35, which is less than 6% of the population that is commiting over 50% of all violent crime.

16593461? ago

He didn't notice that. That would be racist to notice that, and they told him he couldn't be racist in Bible school. Mama told him we are all the same, we all bleed red. He has never lived where he had to be the minority and suffer the insufferable abuse of his "brothers" in arms. If he ever gets that pleasure he will shut the fuck up with his mindless bullshit.

16588218? ago

OP argues like a low IQ nigger

16594369? ago

That's redundant

16588167? ago

You still have more redpill to swallow.

The posts haven't turned "more racist". More people are being woken to the White genocide.

16593641? ago

no.... its just exhausting telling you racist pukes how vile a creature you are...don't think you have changed very many to your luciferins views.

16596550? ago

Found the kike

16595363? ago

KYS kike

16595232? ago

loooool thats some fun mental gymnastics where acknowledging the statistical and genetic realities of our society makes one a luciferian.

16593654? ago

Yes, wanting Whites to have the same protections as other races makes us vile racists.

Keep name-calling and advocating for our genocide, shill.

16588158? ago

They infiltrated a fringe conspiracy board? Gee, why??? Fucking morons. Yeah when I see super racist shit I pretty much ignore it bc it's so damn obvious it's a Soros shill.

16589762? ago

Since you're so non-racist, you should take a week vacation to a nigger neighborhood and see how that goes :)

16588470? ago

Just the fact you still mention Soros as if he's top dog shows you're only pink pilled.

16588145? ago

shut up, nigger

16588142? ago

Orwellian communist tactic, 101.

Mischarcterize, divide, and conquer.

16588140? ago

Best way is to ignore these posts-don't give them energy!

16588080? ago

Q is Zoe Quinn? Or i'm deluded?

16588042? ago

You have to remember the anti-Q groups come from multiple factions that are in conflict with one another. Pro Islam factions

Look here ( blame the jews) don't look here (radical islam)

Patriots have no skin color

criminals have no skin color

Actions speak louder than words and if you wish to harm another human being for political power - you are AntiQ

16588689? ago

Good comment, thanks.

16588554? ago

The father of the Jews and the father of the Arabs were brothers, named Jacob and Esau.

Esau was the eldest and his father's favourite and presumed heir. He was a hunter.

One week, Esau went out for a hunt, but didn't catch anything. He came home famished.

Jacob offered him a bowl of soup. How should a man offer his starving brother a bowl of soup? With compassion or with scheming self-interest? Jacob would only let the starving Esau have a bowl of the soup it Esau agreed to acquiesce all his inheritance to Jacob. Meanwhile Esau was out all week trying to provide for the family while Jacob was leisurely gabbing in the tent with his mother and the other women of the house the whole time.

Esau was starving. What do you think he did? He accepted the deal. Jacob's descendents have this gene for trickery and taking what you don't deserve, and they celebrate their common ancestor for this trait.

Later, when their father was dying, Jacob really sealed his theft from his own brother by wearing Esau's sweaty clothes so he would smell like him, and putting furs on his arms so he would feel hairy like his more manly brother, and stealing his blind father's blessing that was reserved for his favourite eldest son.

Meanwhile, Jacob goes on to become Israel, which literally means "fights with God", and Esau's descendents, the Arabs, adopt Islam, which literally means "submits to God".

Draw your own conclusions.

16588486? ago

Lol. Good job repeating lines. Any actor can do that as well. Pretty easy.

Are you an NPC?

16588036? ago

Racism, the word, is a tool the enemy uses against us. They do it whenever or not there person accuse bigot.

Everyone who bitches about racism or tries to prove to vermin that they aren't racist is helping the enemy.

16588022? ago

there is definitely a organized effort to marginalize this platform by individuals that use racism to scare off individuals that are checking out Voat as a platform.

16590047? ago

Do you even realize what platform you moved to niggerfaggot?

16589279? ago

Wake up to White genocide you fucking retard

16588114? ago

It could be that or in combination, one of the taboos which are banned and quarantined pretty relentlessly at reddit.

16587919? ago

Some are shills trying to divide. Others may be established voaters who were accustomed to the open racism Voat has always had. They love messing with the Q newbies. Ignore both.

16588992? ago

Ignore yourself, you will never be a real niggerfaggot.

16589232? ago

new kids on the playground. get used to it.

16587847? ago

It's not get NG more racist bitch, it's getting more REAL

16587655? ago

WE (the patriots) are trying to wake you retards up and make you realize it is the JEWS who behind all of our problems.

16590757? ago

I'm about halfway through this book. Very informative read. I stumbled onto Jonathan Klek's website about a week ago. He is a bit on the fanatical side, but one things he says makes sense. Everything is upside down. Everything we have ever been taught is the exact opposite of the truth. If you have never read the Bible, do so now. In light of current world events, it all falls in line with what is happening. We have to question EVERYTHING and everyone. They really are of the synagogue of satan!

16591935? ago

I started reading a French blog by a Catholic fascist lately, and apparently historical Catholicism supported what is now called “racism” by arguing that race-mixing is against nature’s order and therefore against God. Interesting ideas. Only Communists and their Satanic Jew overlords promote race mixing as a positive good.

16596026? ago

I cannot believe how badly we have been lied to. Seriously, everydy I wake up in disbelief. I worry for our children. The Bibl has seriously come alive fo me, since Q came on the scene. Not that it wan't always. I just wasn't awake. WOW! is all i can say. Ignoreance truly is bliss, but there is no going back now. Blessing to you and yours Patriot! I can't wait for the SOTU tonight!!

16588527? ago

WE (the researchers) are trying to wake you racist retards up and make you realize we are dealing with a cluster of multiple intelligence agencies that have all been compromised by one another and by China and Qatar, that "the JEWS" have been co-opted and infiltrated like everyone else, and that convincing people to blame "The Jews" is part of their strategy.

16595265? ago

you have gone back far enough in history. the jews and their corruption far predate the alphabet agencies you speak of. thats why they have been expelled from hundreds of cities and nations throughout history. they are the source of the corruption, not more victims of it.

16600511? ago

You haven't focused enough on the present. The source of this corruption is Islam. They want to cast aside liberal equality for a "progressive stack" with Islam at the top ruling everything else. They are censoring Jewish allies and critics of Islam like David Horowitz and Pamela Geller. They hate Israel. That's not Zionism. That's Islam.

The Jews who are involved in this are collaborators or converts to Islam or are working for somebody who is, or they are being blackmailed because they were taped fucking kids on Epstein's island.

16594200? ago


16591356? ago

can you explain the siginficance of china and qatar?

16591670? ago

"Social Justice" is funded by both.

16590684? ago

Kicked out of 109 places....No the issues is all the different people that kicked these poor jews out. Its never the jews behavior.

16589913? ago

If convincing people were part of the strategy the why the fuck do they go to such lengths to silence anybody who names the Jew? This is the thing with you Qultists, you believe things in spite of mountains of evidence against it. You gotta stop. See the world for what it is.

16590915? ago

Through my awakening process i also came across the jew pattern in history, i saw the greatest story never told and realized everything i knew about WW2 was a lie, then eventually beyond that the realization Hitler was one of them as well, which ends up flipping this script does it not? It becomes much more complex than simple jews=bad. Read the bible and see what the creator has to say about jews pretending to be jews. Then this supposed censorship about not saying anything about jews...i understand some countries have legislation enacted years past which is definitely suspect. But then juxtapose that with social media trends, i see tons of people saying shit about jews and not getting banned, i see the fanning of the flames by people on both sides bleating on about jews or against them, in a way it almost seems as if its being encouraged. In any case, it is not for us to start a war, it is the creators call when he decides to call his army for the final fight. We are supposed to be rebuking bad people, inspiring good or lost people, and protecting those where we can.

16592222? ago

Then this supposed censorship about not saying anything about jews...i understand some countries have legislation enacted years past which is definitely suspect. But then juxtapose that with social media trends, i see tons of people saying shit about jews and not getting banned,

Oh for fucks sake stop bullshitting me.

16592891? ago

Not bullshitting, i said shit about jews on my social media. Of course not frothing insane hate posts, but questioning the laws made that can't deny the holocaust etc. Identifying jewish names or families having control over media and finance, pointing out these things, i never got banned. The only public posts i made that were censored (aside from article commenting), were about Q, pizzagate and standing rock (that spiritual movement/oil protest before Trump got elected). I see other people posting shit all the time, its everywhere, These posts aren't shadow banned i can read them.

16590796? ago

Y'know, once you understand that your soul is eternal and that this life is transient. The idea of killing someone to achieve your goals is just a stepping stone on the journey.

The real question you have to answer is not "Why do they kill those who name the Jew" but more importantly, why is it always the Jew that is used as the scapegoat. You fools get so caught up in being 100% immovably correct that you overlook the relevant research and go down your Dogmatic retardation. The lot of you genuinely believe that A) All Jews are Evil Monsters and B) There isn't a Jew Gene that causes this. This suggests a level of naivety and stupidity on the part of the ones coming to those conclusions that I can't even begin to get into here. I have neither the time nor the inclination.

It's utterly galling to me, that the very idea that anyone could ever use another race as a scapegoat, is ridiculed on the face of itself because of the blind hatred of a few drunk fools who have swallowed whole the history that has been given to them by the very same (((Jew))) they proport to be opposed too. I'll never understand you retards. You all know the (((Jew)))ish element has fucked with History, you all know there's VERY REAL AND VERY CLEAR evidence that (((History))) is fiction, not fact. BUT EVEN KNOWING THAT. You fucking morons still honestly believe you know the (((Truth))).

We will know when our mission is complete when the American People can't tell Fact from Fiction.

The CIA Agenda.

The Vatican knows our true History. But I'm sure some retards who get off on REEEEEing about the (((Jew))) problem and refuse to look at all the side evidence have CLEARLY gotten it 100% right.

16591753? ago

This suggests a level of naivety and stupidity on the part of the ones coming to those conclusions that I can't even begin to get into here.

They use the ecological fallacy and the exception fallacy at the same time to draw conclusions that are obviously false and easily disproven by the evidence of non-Jews in the cabal and friendly Jews fighting the cabal. When this is shown, they deny seeing it and call you a Jew.

16592021? ago

No dumbass, you people use based Jews and shitlib whites as a red-herring. Nobody denies that they exist, we deny their relevance. Group distinctions, and the trends that define them are what matter today because those are what have been exorcised from the public debate for 80 years and their exclusion has led us to the shitty state we’re in now.

16593142? ago

you people use based Jews and shitlib whites as a red-herring.

The existence of one "based Jew" proves that the problem is not "The Jew." If you cannot use simple logic, then you are too stupid to continue this conversation.

Nobody denies that they exist

Your shifting position is now that nobody has ever blamed "The Jews" collectively or said "Name The Jew," and uhh everyone pretend you never read through this thread, forget everything you saw.

Are you sure you're not a feminist?

we deny their relevance.

They are not "relevant" to politics because they cannot break into the media because they are not the cabal's court Jews. They have professional Indians like that guy banging the drum in the kid's face, and they have professional Jews.

If we want to tear down these professional Jews and the cabal behind them, we should support the outsiders and make them relevant, give them publicity, and pick up their criticisms of the cabal. You want us to kill the outsiders.

16589813? ago

WE (the researchers)

Your research is shit /pol/ found out years ago. Maybe it's time to drop the ego and listen to others and do some actual research into the stuff pro White people are saying.

16591637? ago

Your research is shit /pol/ found out years ago. Maybe it's time to drop the ego and listen to others and do some actual research into the stuff pro White people are saying.

Been there, done that, and the prevalence of modern Jewish treason is the direct result of a white European propaganda policy to suppress Western support for Israel by advocating for the Palestinians and rewriting the schoolbooks and news reports to make Israel look bad in exchange for Arab financing of people like Mary Robinson, Helena Kennedy, Mark Malloch Brown, and plenty of Italians who work in the shadows. Jews are shamed into believing that Israel's creation is original sin and they must support the Muslims to atone for it, resulting in the pro-Iran traitors of J Street. Some of the Germans close to Francois Genoud said that their intent was to create a rebirth of the Nazi party by causing Jews to misbehave in ways that could be pointed out. What does /pol/ have to say about that?

16596751? ago

Lmao don't be racist white people.

Also, be accepting of Israel. A little ethnic cleansing isn't such a big deal.

16592969? ago

Looks like the same old tired pilpul to me.

16588745? ago

Let's test that theory.... round up all the Jews and put them in prison. Remove them from society.

Then, we'll see if China or Qatar or some other outside entity continues to cause problems.

16590568? ago

Yes, let’s round up all the Jews, like that hasn’t failed miserably before and been used as an event that gave them even more power and deflection ammo.

16591007? ago

Only failed because of mass brainwashing in nations other to the one where it was taking place... once the saxon has awakened this time around that scenario is not possible.

16592170? ago

I can’t foresee the public accepting any such a scenario. If you spoke with the common person you’d realize that. You would have to do away with all religions and incompatible ideas, that’s wont ever happen, ever.

16596666? ago

I don't know... 2 years ago I was a full on Bernie voating cuck, now I'm full on 1488 and I brought my brown wife with me. You kikes are about to meet your Golem.

16594230? ago

Where were all the SJWs and Kikes when the US rounded up the Japs?

16599425? ago

Without internet.

16592661? ago

You are right... the majority are NPC's... they just go along with what's happening... for all intensive purposes so long as they don't violently resist they are not an issue.

16593694? ago

I am just thinking in the long term, those NPCs are going to keep passing on their perspectives no matter what happens. I also think no matter how much effort, you will never eradicate every Jew, they will be sheltered by good intending people, and they will pass on their stories of a brutal oppression and only have more reason to carry out their agenda.

16593775? ago

You are thinking about it wrong... white nationalism was only destroyed and our race set on the path to extinction last time because of the (((media))) brainwashing and banking jewery that turned the other nations against them.

This time the Saxon is awakening in all the western nations.... a foreign non white nation attacking us to stop this will only strengthen our resolve.

16599385? ago

Sorry if this is really ignorant but can you explain what you mean by Saxon?

16603733? ago

Just short for Anglo-Saxon... I group of historic white people which is often used as a term to describe all white people.

Used it because the Awakened Saxon is part of a famous poem.

It was not part of their blood, It came to them very late, With long arrears to make good, When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved, They were icy — willing to wait Till every count should be proved, Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low. Their eyes were level and straight. There was neither sign nor show When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd. It was not taught by the state. No man spoke it aloud When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred. It will not swiftly abate. Through the chilled years ahead, When Time shall count from the date That the Saxon began to hate.

16588018? ago

It is what is in a man's heart that defines him, not his race or religion. "Patriots" don't see in ignorant terms like gender, race or religion. Therefore, you're simply not a patriot.

16589402? ago

All religions are not created equal. Christianity says love thy neighbor. Islam says kill thy neighbor.

Genetic differences exist between races. This is just a biological fact. It doesn't mean any one is more or less deserving to live than another but to deny it is to deny scientifically observable evidence.

People are not all the same. Different cultures have different values. A "value" is something that you hold to be important. There are different standards for values depending on what culture you are in. This is just a fact.

16593716? ago

Christianity is only a religion to statisticians and to the lost; Christianity is a relationship with God thru Christ's sacrifice as foretold in the Torah and fulfilled -as recorded- through the New Testament. Religions are man's attempt to gain access to god of his own design through methods of his own creation; they are all worthless and pointless. If you do not understand this, then all your 'knowledge' is foolishness.

16593758? ago

Pointless pedantic pilpul. Discarded

16588764? ago

I am a patriot fighting for the white race.

16592992? ago

O.R.I.O.N. Our race is our nation.

16588507? ago

God sees race and gender so perhaps you simply aren't a Christian

16593833? ago

Incorrect, but logically, the opposite of your statement regarding what God sees is correct: "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." (1 Sam. 16:7)

16597744? ago

You are a Churchian not a Christian. The Bible has s long history of discussing race and starts all the way with the Tower of Babel;

 “Come, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech. So Jehovah scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off building the city. Therefore was the name of it called Babel; because Jehovah did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did Jehovah scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.”

‭‭Genesis‬ ‭11:7-9‬ ‭ASV‬‬

The Entite bible is predicated on racism because God initially chose the Hebrews (notice I didn't saw Jew) over the gentiles and gave them strict rules not to race mix

Leviticus 19:19 - Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee

finally if that's not obvious enough this is

Nehemiah 13:23-30

In those days also I saw the Jews who had married women of Ashdod, Ammon, and Moab. And half of their children spoke the language of Ashdod, and they could not speak the language of Judah, but only the language of each people. And I confronted them and cursed them and beat some of them and pulled out their hair. And I made them take oath in the name of God, saying, “You shall not give your daughters to their sons, or take their daughters for your sons or for yourselves. Did not Solomon king of Israel sin on account of such women? Among the many nations there was no king like him, and he was beloved by his God, and God made him king over all Israel. Nevertheless, foreign women made even him to sin. Shall we then listen to you and do all this great evil and act treacherously against our God by marrying foreign women?” ...

16609431? ago

It was due to the peoples in the land of Canaan worshiped Baal and Moloch, not due to their genetics. Use the Bible to verify the Bible, not the bent worldview of evil men. Pray, then go to His word in His Spirit that dwells within those who sacrifice their own will and accept Christ's completed work on the cross.

16609849? ago

You are dead fucking wrong and notice you ignore the entire bible and the creation of race at Babel

16588457? ago

Yeah, and KILL WHITEY! is what’s in the hearts of 90% of our enemies.

It’s why they hate Trump It’s why they’re pro immigrant It’s why they’re pro Islam It’s why they’re anti-gun It’s why they’re pro welfare And most importantly, it’s why they’re pro Israel

Everything they do is to harm whites and serve Jews.

16593926? ago

Seriously, you should really relax, and take time to earnestly seek the Lord, ask Him to show you truth, and study His word. It sounds as if the root of bitterness and anger has burrowed deep within you and is poisoning your mind. We have men that are enemies to be sure, but that is not the struggle, "for our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Eph. 6:12)

16588436? ago

Lol. Nice movie script line, unfortunately for you Hollywood doesn't reflect reality.

16593525? ago

No, reality is Spirit and God's creation as he intended it. Evil, hate and violence were inspired by Satan, but chosen by men as their hearts are desperately wicked.

16587637? ago

Are you a cis gendered white male? If yes, then you are automatically racist and a pile of phobia to these fucking worthless shitbag Democrats. We are divided, and will always be divided from this point forward. The race hustlers will make certain of it. So, for all the kumbaya campfire rhetoric, save that shit for television commercials. When the breakdown occurs, you better have your white ass far away from the hood before you take a brick to the skull

16588655? ago

What if you are a cis-gendered white male who is also Jewish?

16596590? ago

Then kys unironically. Take your family with you on the way out.

16590436? ago



Pick One

16588134? ago

Name calling and words do not harm me. Yet your acceptance of a CIS "pronoun" is a personal right. Who the fuck am I to retard emotional dependence on a label since that's your bloody right?

Ignorance is your reward and damned if anyone needs to reduce a fools servitude to emotional dependence for pronouns and hurt feelings.

16591803? ago

You're the one that wants to be accepted by those who can't stand you and want you dead. They don't care about unity, what's best for freedom, or this country. They want your money and the power to make you do what they command. It's pretty simple really. And since the savior Q obviously was a LARP, the House was lost and the RINOS in the Senate are running interference for the Dims, you better get used to it.

16593027? ago

You sound like you have enough hate in you to do a mass shooting with enough mental baggage to beat the shit out of your enemies new born.

Emotional problem solving based on a broad brush stroke dripping with feelings of insecurity and fear. Jealous much?

16596072? ago

Lol, the irony of you statement is wasted on someone of your level mental retardation there, broader brush. If i had all the hate you claim, you'd have already heard of me. But libturds like you that want others to do their fighting for them will lay down and die like a pussy rather than take their fate into their own hands. Get fucked you worthless cunt and go back to picking your mommy's ass hair out of your teeth.

16600575? ago

Ahhh, is precious triggered with emotional turmoil? Did you stomp tour feet while typing?

16606437? ago

Did your mommy leave the computer on again? Turn it off, pull your thumb out of your ass and go suck on it Jimmy.

16613118? ago

She's dead Jim, let it go and be free.

16595191? ago

If you don’t have hate in your heart in these times, there’s something wrong with you. The question isn’t whether you hate, the question is is your hate just. Ours is, because it’s directed at people who deserve it.

16596749? ago

Indeed. My hope that the president can effectively fight for us now is running short. As i figured, the Senate RINOs are stabbing him in the back. After believing in Q team for a year, I'm done with that and am convinced it's a hoax. Nothing will happen unless we make it happen, and no amount of sauce, bread or digging is going to elicit the arrest of those involved in sedition and treason

16595634? ago

In order to temper hate one must "use" love. Ones emotional dependence on hatred will always destroy humanity to the level of a feral animal.

Most civilized humans go out of their way to let feral animals eat their own, unless the feral can corrupt susceptible minds. That's when feral becomes a predator of children and basement dwelling retards. The ones who make lethal suicide weapons.

16588531? ago


16587901? ago

Example A of an angry crazed, mama's basement dwelling idiot.

16588170? ago

Not even close, but you keep on living in your alternate reality, fucktard

16588435? ago

Proving my point by your vitriol, typical shill.

16591683? ago

Says the shill who's never been in a real hood full of brothers any longer than their car would drive them thru it. Facts are facts, you and your pseudo-intellect will not convince them, or any dimocrat for that matter, into converting.

16593658? ago

You should look up the definition of shill prior to posting. What does areas of demographic or economic generalities have anything to do with division save those who choose to remain trapped in such situations. Never take the easy path. Never take the road in which you know the outcome to be as such. You know nothing about me, nor my upbringing or issues that would have crushed most. It is only Christ within me that has allowed me the opportunities I have and blessing I receive, but you judge what you do not know, yell at what you cannot understand. It's a shame that you, in your ignorant and baseless vile attacks, push away knowledge and goodness. You shall reap what you sow.

16596200? ago

Another self professed "Christian" who is anything but christ-like, shilling away promoting your fake LARPer's agenda and also posing the same alleged assumptions about me, which you know exactly nothing about. But you keep on advocating for a lie, Mr Preacher

16588552? ago

Your point was a baseless claim. Are you retarded?

No but seriously, we are all on the same team. Everybody chill out and look at this bell curve...

16587548? ago

This is all the same poster.

16587910? ago

Well observed, patriot. Multiple alt accounts.

16588051? ago

The verbiage and intent is the same.

16596424? ago

Looks like his verbiage and intent gave him away entirely: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3017856

Game over.

16596634? ago

That’s pretty funny...

16587558? ago

No, it is not.

16589726? ago

Yes, its you, the Capslock Kike.

16596435? ago

His real username is Crikes...... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3017856

16587739? ago

And do you know?

Did you post one of them?

16587513? ago

It's robots. respond with love. Tell them you love them.

Don't respond in any other fashion. If you tell them you love them repeatedly, they change to adapt.

It makes their deep learning readjust for the lack of compassion and love.

Read through the posts to see what I mean. Love is the key to winning against them.

16587671? ago

What is the key to arresting the Democrats who cheated in the 2018 midterms?

16588247? ago

Making sure there is enough evidence so a blind man can convict them.

And everyone associated with their "group" of people.

Enough is enough

16587502? ago

YES YES YES. It's almost the same as going to Yahoo news or CNN lately. Just divisive, irrelevant, racist shit and clickbait... anything but

16588044? ago

If you track what the shills and so-self-called "patriots" do on this site to blast people with racist hate, they are remarkably the same as the MSM; just remove the abusive words and slander, and they actually repeat Mockingbird Media talking points. Easy.

16588498? ago


16587537? ago

I think Q created this board mainly for the shills. He knew, they would follow him. Real authist, good, patriotic Anons are discussing at other places on voat...

16587854? ago

Stop talking to yourself. Stop using alt accounts. Stop spamming this subverse. We warned you that you're not anonymous. You're not listening. This is getting real old real fast.

16588724? ago

bla, bla, bla............................

16587489? ago

funny how you're considering and calling out a post called "the european race" with a frankly beautiful video, as racist.

thanks for outing yourself, jew.

16587508? ago

Racist comes from "race", shill. You are stupid.

16589697? ago

OP must be one of the dumber kikes

16593537? ago

16587630? ago

yeah no shit?

the word racist was invented by a COMMUNIST JEW, to be used as a WEAPON

and look around you, that's EXACTLY what it is. it's a weapon used against whites who DARE take an interest in their own kind, culture and values. it'll NEVER be used against nonwhites, you'll hear 'theres no such thing as reverse racism'

ONLY whites can be 'racist' i suggest you consider the implications of that.

but hey, those goddamn shills right? going around telling people to think for themselves, how dare they.

16588069? ago

I always thought ignorance is bliss for assuming fools, but I see it's not bliss at all, it's an abusive, hate-filled hell-hole. Enjoy your blinders of bigotry on your mom's basement couch.

16588890? ago

How come alleged racists can have civil conversations but the enlightened anti racists hurl insults and seem perpetually unhappy?

16593770? ago

Only those who feel the most insecure and unsure about what they hols as beliefs feel enraged when said beliefs are questioned or debated. Those who know the truth need not feel offended when questioned. As the old saying goes, "truth is like a lion, it doesn't need to be protected, just let out of its cage."

16589469? ago

The poster you are responding to is a woman, she doesn't value the protection of her own society, she values stability and calm easy going feel good conversational tripes that make her feel warm and fuzzy until the machete hits the back of her neck

16587487? ago

Like it or not "patriot", nature has already divided us. The sooner you pull your head out of the sand and wake up, the better.

16590548? ago



16597086? ago

Jesus @oh_well_ian, you truly are a faggot.

16610350? ago

This shillbot is glitching.

16612042? ago

That’s the best your autism could produce?

16612710? ago

Aw, you projecting anxiety about your lack of any impact?

16613123? ago

Don't forget that important little word, "are". At least I have a grasp of the English language. It would seem the only thing that you have firmly grasped in your life was a penis.

16614405? ago

This shillbot is projecting anxiety over its own sexual preference.

"are" is not necessary in that sentence you "I admit I have nothing so I will attack grammar" dumb fuck.

16614952? ago

Show me on the doll where your uncle touches you.

16614962? ago


16615662? ago

That's all you got? You're pathetic.

16621287? ago


16591886? ago

You sold me with the caps lock. That shows you really mean business.

16610371? ago

A lot of the shills really get triggered with the caps.

16596355? ago

They found his user profle https://voat.co/v/QRV/3017856

16593898? ago

Around here we call him “Qing Qlown.”

16596350? ago

Here's his actual user profile:


16589397? ago

but muh inclusion! Talking about differences in people is bad!

Goes back to conversation why border collies make the best working dogs, but you need a dumber breed to make a good suburban pet.

16588597? ago

not by genetic lineage, that's cabalthink

16587902? ago

You are goddamn fuckin right son, God already divided us, it's Satan that want all the precious world wide diversity raped and destroyed by mixing all his beautiful creation away. Fuck the civic nationalist PUSSIES.

16592692? ago

We all originated from Adam and Eve. So mixing will just mix us back to the original creation.

16597276? ago


16596864? ago

More like adam and steve

16596823? ago

Goddamnit dude bible stories are metaphors. Do you really believe that two trees called “The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” and the “Tree of Life” are NOT representing a philosophical idea? C’mon man.

16594138? ago

That is the most stupidus statement ever made, what the fuck r u on ?

"Adam and eve" story, and it is a story, is in fact a parable, a metaphorical statement of how Man seemed to separate HimSelf from God, but I guess that's way off topic, no offence Patriot's, WWG1WGA :)

16593876? ago

Genetically that’s simply not true. The fact that Europeans have up to 4% Neanderthal DNA while SubSaharans have 0% disproves that myth outright.

16591793? ago

Funny how OP sides with the leftists when it comes to “diversity is our strength” huh?

16597283? ago

You guys are mindless trumpet blowing assholes

16597107? ago

Because all Jews do.

16593600? ago

16593976? ago


16588058? ago

^ Known JIDF agent posing as a racist.

16596886? ago


16589420? ago

The Capslock Kike returns!

16593801? ago

One of Capslock Kike's alts has been unmasked. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3017856.

16604412? ago

Seems about right. Thanks!

16588110? ago

^ known glow in the dark nigger

16592037? ago

Those fucking ##Glowing CIA Niggers!

16588403? ago

^kek you said nigger

16587441? ago

Voat has always been like that. Deal with it

16590565? ago





16595142? ago

hi there all caps kike. how have you been?

16610446? ago

^ This "muhjoo" anti-Q shillbot #239 is having daily panic attacks.

Panic panic panic

76% approval of SOTU.

16610903? ago

also what is there to panic about? all the arrested corruptors in out govt? oh wait. there are none of those.

16610913? ago

Are you retarded? I said AFTER the wall.


16611963? ago

lol after the wall and then this one thing and this other thing and woops its 2020 and they stole the election and its back to normal but with amplified pressure.

16612026? ago

World is awakening.

16612096? ago

i sure as hell hope so. but i doubt things are as sunny as you perceive.

16610895? ago

woa look at you. did you finally find the caps lock button?

16610905? ago


"Symbolism will be their downfall" - Q


16611946? ago

you are just a chatbot arent you. lol.

16612020? ago

You seem to like chatting

16593928? ago

Fuck Q and his “diversity” agenda.

16610366? ago

Q doesn't have a "diversity agenda" you fucking degenerate shillbot.

It's about "AN" idea.

An idea that links everyone AS HUMAN BEINGS

16615429? ago

Niggers aren’t human. They are niggers. BIG difference.

16615517? ago

^ This anti-Q anti-America anti-Trump leftist commie shillbot is PANICKING

16615950? ago

“They want you divided by race” is a pro-diversity agenda.

16621262? ago

No, the only real diversity is in thought.

YOU SHILLS want to flip it around and pretend that warnings of THE LEFTIST COMMIE cabal wanting race wars is somehow itself leftist commie propaganda.

Try harder you fucking shillbot.

16621366? ago

Its the commies that want “diversity” because it causes conflict. Q also wants this.

16621415? ago

^ this anti-Q shillbot claims to know the "secret" wants of a team of 10 people with access to Q level clearance intelligence.



16621496? ago

The objective evidence is that Q is a team of maybe two trolls at most.

Any claims to knowing more than that is crap.

16621541? ago

LOL, the "objective evidence" is that your anti-Q shilling PROVES YOU FEAR Q AND CONSIDER Q A REAL THREAT.

Try harder you dumb fuck. I bet you never won a poker game in your sad pathetic life.



That's you every time you vomit on this subverse.

16621654? ago


16631729? ago


16621666? ago


16622314? ago

Heh. He can’t name one beautiful nigger let alone two.

16631726? ago

^ This "race bait" shillbot is the ugliest fucker on VOAT, it has been projecting anxiety over its own ugliness for months in a row.

Probably rejected by a beautiful black woman, LOL.

16631852? ago

Your inability to show us all just ONE of these mythical “beautiful” niggers is the reason you always freak out and attempt personal attacks.

Again. Name ONE nigger that you personally think is “beautiful.” Heh.

16640774? ago

Your inability to admit in writing what you have felt for months about your ugly appearance, projected as if the fault is on beautiful black women, is the reason, the ONLY reason why you continue to demand WHAT IS IN FACT NOTHING BUT A SUBJECTIVE PREFERENCE AND HAS NO OBJECTIVE TRUTH VALUE, LIKE FAVORITE FLAVOR OF ICE CREAM OR DINNER DATE LOCATION.

You must be the ugliest motherfucker on VOAT, because NOBODY who has no issues with women would be YOUR level of psychotic focus on appearance.

The fact you continue is PROOF you are one ugly piece of disgusting shit.

You can keep projecting as long as you want, just know that you will never shake off your own ugliness by pretending others are beneath you because of the color of their body's biggest organ.

All you would be doing is showing everyone here how UGLY you believe you are, which you clearly aren't doing anything to help rectify because you're spending all day every day projecting your own ugliness in a misguided attempt to escape it.

You will fail forever.

Meanwhile beautiful black women go on their happy lives not giving a flying fuck about your pathetic disgusting existence.


16640912? ago

Like I’m going to read a word from that wall of text, which is just an attempt to distract from the fact that there is not even one negress that you could find that you consider “beautiful.”

Checkmate, Qing Qlown.

16640994? ago

Aw, this anti-Q shillbot just got crushed and projects its anger.

Runs Angry_npc.exe

I win again.


16591794? ago

  • "Midterms are safe" - Q

16610375? ago

"Senate was the target" - Q

16613277? ago

BS. Trump needs House and Senate to pass legislation.

16614386? ago

BS. Trump doesn't need House to take down cabal that controls the House.


16614451? ago

Nothing is happening to "the cabal", but he would need House support for a new "birth abortion" restriction bill.

16614554? ago

You sound absolute;y terrified.

The cabal is being dismantled as you type your shillfuck degeneracy.

16614626? ago

You're delusional, boomer. How is Trump going to save babies without a House supported bill?

16614686? ago

^ This "divide them by [shuffles deck AGE!.exe" shill bot is PANICKING.

Trump IS getting the House to be pressured by the country to do it.


The CIA can put as many clowns in the House as it tries, but the people will control it.

16614768? ago

No House, no Birth Abortion Baby protection bill. Midterms were NOT safe

16614803? ago

"Senate was the target"

Mid-terms saved.

16614879? ago

Who is going to save the babies? They weren't safe.

16614898? ago

Mid-terms saved, Senate was the target.

Cabal taken down, then their puppets in the House will evaporate.

16614938? ago

BS. There won't be a bill without the House. The House has been seated and isn't going anywhere. The babies weren't safe.

16614946? ago

BS. You're panicking.

Senate was the target.

Cabal taken down.

House is brought down.

Mid-terms saved.

16615006? ago

No, the Repubs lost the house, and the babies won't be safe without legislation protecting them.

16615029? ago

Senate was the target.

Mid-terms saved.

Senate controls Cabinet picks, SCOTUS, AND OVERSIGHT OF FBI/CIA.


16597193? ago

And we proceeded to win the senate, the balance of the power in the house didn't actually change.

16599016? ago


"Won" the senate

Hahahahahah dumbass

16597208? ago

How do you get legislation passed without the House?

16593689? ago

I suck nigger dick - Q

16590271? ago

then go to another subverse idiot, this is QRV

16591810? ago

Find another platform pussy. This is Voat not Faggit, I mean Reddit.

16597300? ago

you don't understand this racist crap gives the MSM ammo to say we are white supremist, intolerant bigots. You provide the narrative they need to show we aren't everyday middle class folks trying to live their lives, tired of the corruption, which is what most of us are. so you are either too dumb to realize you are playing into their hands, or you are a plant and this is your intent all along. Which one is it?

16597657? ago

I don't care what you "muh diversity" faggots think about what MSM says. The only people who take MSM seriously are leftist idiots at this point and boomer geezers who fucked this country up in the first place. You think MSM is going to stop calling us racist if we stop mentioning the diversity agenda? They were the ones to start this shit in the first place you dumbass.

16598871? ago

confirmed, too dumb. fire away dumbass I will not attempt to fix stupid.

16599840? ago

If you ever have grandkids be sure to tell them that you helped white people wipe themselves out with third world hordes, all so no one would accuse you of being a racist. Fucking pussy.

16588077? ago

Voat has only been decidedly racist since /r/coontown migrated , then came /r/european . Amalek was spamming ant semitism relentlessly for a long time without much of a receptive audience, just mockery and abuse. I came around time of (salt lake city?)day care centre censorship and racism was not endemic at all.

16595128? ago

wrong. was racist before fat people hate which was way before coontown. ur just plain wrong.

16589049? ago


Where the fuck have you been GOY?

16589381? ago

Voat was free speech and it wasn't until racism was clamped down on at reddit that racism took hold. Voat is similar to reddits waste disposal shoot in some regards. The racism here is actually pretty basic and doesn't need to be well thought through as there are very few people bothering to counter ridiculous common denominator niggers rape and do crime (and it's all about the genetics, forget socioeconomics), muslims rape and do crime.

16589413? ago

How does 3% of the US population commit over 50% of all US murders?

You are wrong. Free speech always results in a shift towards this truth and you are playing catch up.

16589458? ago

You think the only possible answer is genetics?

16591202? ago

Yes because socioeconomic answers can and have been ruled out through factor analysis. IQ is the strongest predictor of most life outcomes (including criminality and income and all the other things shitlibs blame black and brown violence on) and IQ is 50-80% heritable and regresses to the racial mean.

16590268? ago

You still think.genetics is the only plausible reason?

16591343? ago

Whites and blacks arent the same species. Thats reality. Deal with it, your feelings dont matter.

16587457? ago

No. Anonymity has always been like that. Truth will come out and win in any case. Deal with it.

16589593? ago

Like how nigger inferiority is objective truth. Anyone who spends time with them knows this.

16587683? ago

Round up the Jews and stick them in ovens and things will instantly get a million times better.

16588852? ago

oy vey us jews are your friends, goy. We need your tax dollars to keep our international nest going

16587780? ago

6 million times better?

16587819? ago

6 GORILLIAN times better!

16587438? ago


16587394? ago

There is a lot of hit and miss, But its easy to spot the trolls from the patriots. Emotions cloud judgement, ignore the emotional post.

16587369? ago

Yep. sometimes the shill tries to be subtle and fails. We just down vote the prick.

16587691? ago

In case you haven't noticed, you're starting to be outnumbered here in your own forum. Sad.

16587334? ago

Perhaps everyone else is being red-pilled but the OP?

16590976? ago

That and 3/4 of the posts on the front page of QRV have nothing to do with Q either. It’s funny though, I think the strategy there was to post news that would make it to voat’s front page to bring users in to QRV to red pill them with Q. Turns out they realized new people coming to QRV were getting race red pilled rather than Q red pilled, so now they’re upset. I guess your facts were more powerful than theirs.

16598230? ago

Q sent us to Voat to learn about the filthy kikes. Expressing rational and informed disgust for Negroes just comes naturally.

16598406? ago

My personal view is I don’t hate ALL blacks, jews, minorities etc. I’m friends with a few truly hard working black people and they hate niggers as much as me because they release what leeches they are. I hate white trash that are equally lazy and do nothing but exist to consume. I also have a few Jewish friends that are talented and excel in areas but are very friendly, approachable and only 1 didn’t vote for President Trump because they voted for Gary Johnson. It’s literally a choice how they want to act. I’m sure IQ and brain/skull development plays a big part too, too much data out there shows what a difference it’s made over the centuries.

16607372? ago

I'm in the same boat. I know some pretty great people who are minorities. I think it simply boils down to the stupid ones, honestly. Then again I am a filthy shekel-grubbing kike (((myself,))) so I don't have much room to talk. lol

Getting red pilled on my people's real history was... an experience, I'll tell you that. I felt ashamed, dirty, angry, guilty. Lots of conflicting emotions at once as I experienced an 8.0 cognitive dissonance quake. However I'm not afraid to face reality. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but the truth is rarely pretty. Especially when you come to realize that you are one of the bad guys.

Needless to say, but it didn't take me very long at all to convert to Christianity. Because Jesus was right when he left. I see that clear as fucking crystal now.

16598125? ago

Oh yeah I'm so fucking redpilled by




Wow, my eyes are so opened to your redpilling. How fucking amazing. Get over yourselves.

16598177? ago

Someone got triggered by QRV’s recent awakening.

16595166? ago

thats because our facts are facts whereas Q peoples "facts" are convaluted conspiracy theories which may or, much more likely, may not be true.

16598215? ago

Facts? What facts? Laziest fucking posters I've ever seen in my life. You blame the jews for everyone and then put the burden of research on the readers.

16590582? ago

Perhaps all of you shillbots ARE PANICKING, and OP is correct;y red-pilled about the SOURCE of your race bait rhetoric, i.e. SATANIC CULT?

16591851? ago

Why do you think the left pushes everything evil, but then is right about diversity being a good thing? Doesn’t that seem a little bit out of character to you, and odd that you are siding with literal Satanists when it comes to race and diversity?

16592268? ago

Good point.

16591392? ago

I don't know much about a satanic cult, but I've spent more than 5 mins around niggers so I know they're no good.

16610378? ago

This "race bait" anti-Q shillbot is PANICKING.

16599286? ago

The one time I let a nigger into my house my $1,200 laptop was stolen.

But I'm the racist for stating that fact.

16610461? ago

^ This "race bait" anti-Q anti-Trump shillbot is having a meltdown.

Look at it panic

16611258? ago

You wouldn't know a shill if it were halfway up your ass.

16611284? ago

Aw, this PANICKING anti-Q shillbot is running angry_npc.exe


16611336? ago

The easiest way to spot a shill is to find the idiot who cries shill the loudest.

Project much?

16611492? ago

You suck at lying you SHILL.

Oct 28, 2017.

Try harder.



16612577? ago

You sound more like a bot than I do.

All you can do is scream shill against anything contrary to your programming.

16612669? ago

Projection you fucking shillbot.

Everything you typed applies to you, not me.

16613533? ago

Reply without using any form of the word shill. And I will believe you're not a bot.

16614367? ago

OK here is a reply without said word.

Next post that rhymes with "will-post", I will call a spade a spade.

16615432? ago

How do I know it's really you? Lol

16615506? ago

Who or what is asking me that?

16613577? ago

And I just noticed I used that word in every post except the first one I typed. And this one...

16587344? ago

Perhaps thinking BEFORE talking is imminent, snowflake?

16589231? ago

You are little bitch who has no idea whats going on. pathetic.

16588888? ago

awwww the little "we are all the same" soy boy is crying. Tell the females in your family to STOPA fucking niggers and hispanics.

16588980? ago

stupid blablabla...

16589244? ago

Explain how 3% of the US population commits over 50% of the murder

16589023? ago

That's right!! Stick your fingers in your ears. I expect nothing less from a soyboy.

16587362? ago

Perhaps you should present arguments rather than throw mud like a child?

16587410? ago

You misspelled mud. "Your own feces" FTFY

16587387? ago

No. Arguments are wasted for racists mind. I just downvote ALL.

16590312? ago

"Racism" is a word (((THEY))) invented. Only Jews can be racist. Didn't you major in taking classes at (((liberal arts college)))?

16587833? ago

Lol nice safe space you got there

16587414? ago

freespeech is just a tool of racists! Truth is subjective! Facts don't matter.

16588162? ago

Only if emotional dependence is coveted.

16587409? ago

So it's my fault that you are too stupid to present a compelling rebuttal?

16587958? ago

Shills don't know what "rebuttal" means, they just yell into the void and hope to derail discussions. And yes, when they do, the OP or comment is over the target.

16588918? ago

Explain black crime stats

16587313? ago

Yes, the real Goats like to watch you q-tards splooge about.

16587311? ago

Yup. They are obvious. Has now become amusing.

16587331? ago

jokes of racist are amusing for you? Then why are you here? To laugh? Say something, do something - being amused is not enough, anon!

16587724? ago

Every single group of humans is "racist" and prefers their own race. That's human nature.

16587500? ago

racism is healthy and natural.

16596466? ago

Shill was identified: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3017856

16587276? ago

No, that's just the natural evolution of new Voat users. You all convert at different rates, but you all convert. Or you run away and publish an exposé on Vice.

16587294? ago

I'm here since day one of QRV - don't tell a lie, anon!

16595197? ago

no that is the truth. you will convert or you will leave. the truth is infectious and it is all we speak. you will be infected or you will quarantine yourself from the truth to avoid infection. no one has truth antibodies. expose yourself to it enough and you will be infected.

16587383? ago

Yeah, every wave of users, QRV, Gamergate, insertwavehere, gets exposed to real free speech, where arguments are settled with facts that can't be silenced for merely offending, and rationally changes their opinion on the things they've been brainwashed since birth to accept.

You're witnessing it happen to QRV. That's why Q sent you here. :)

16591701? ago

That's why Q sent you here.

Mic drop.

(((WWG1WGA))) - Q

16588096? ago

Voat was taken over by racist attitudes , it wasn't always so .

16588205? ago

Racists won a bunch of arguments. Now people who are threatened by those arguments pose as those who put forward the arguments, but in a reductio ad absurdum kind of way, to mitigate the affect of this website.

16588516? ago

No rational arguments have happened here really.

16588626? ago

Well, go ahead and do the math on cremating as many Jews as were claimed to have been, for one.

Ever hear of Prussian Blue Pigment, for two? It's what you get when cyanide gas reacts with oxygen such as is found in red brick. It's permanent and the "homicidal gas chambers" with their porous wooden doors don't have any (while the fumigation machines do, inside and out).

16587536? ago

I hope so.

16590330? ago

Same here. I wouldn't want to root for Hitler unless Q said it was okay.

16587419? ago

First good comment here. Thanks anon. Read all the other dirt below...

16587708? ago

The "facts" he's referring to are that Jews are the problem, and niggers are violent animals.

16607584? ago

And the facts are often statistics presented in a misleading or leading manner.

16614419? ago

misleading or leading

dysfunctional or functional

Not saying much if you're including all iterations, are you?

16623388? ago

didnt say dysfunctional/functional, not sure why you quoting it

and yes, leading and misleading, because manipulation can be done by either method ... among others... but those two seem to be the most prevalent.

16624831? ago

everything or nothing

positive or negative

this or that

16611436? ago

Have you ever worked with niggers? Have you ever lived next door to them? There's nothing misleading about it. Niggers are animals who don't belong in civilized society.

16611740? ago

I've managed enough different people as a chef to know that competence and behavior have little to do with race. If anything I would say the biggest problem is simply younger generations. Anyone born in the 80s and after seems more likely to be lazy on the job.

Lived in, eh, maybe 70/30 neighborhood of white/black. Never had anymore issues with black folks than white. More issues with white folks in my years but I chalk it up to being more of them around so higher percent chance to have an issue with them.

Dont be so scared of other skin colors and cultures and maybe you will be accepted and treated better by them.

16611921? ago

You go with what you know. 99.999% of my interactions with niggers have been bad. Therefore, I hate niggers. Until I see some behavioral changes, I will continue to hate niggers.

16595206? ago


16587436? ago


16587316? ago

16587491? ago

reddit is dead.