16594122? ago

Okay, so HRC was right about ONE thing...

16587398? ago

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16586864? ago

because you hate people who hate...

I get it.

you don't.

16582977? ago

We need to Judge individually by the content of their character - MLKTitle Here

16589399? ago

Thank god that nigger got shot

16582513? ago

op has a lot of hate in his hillbillie heart oh wait... nm

16582466? ago

I hate ignorance, not skin color.

It's just a fact that dark skinned races, on the whole, are markedly less intelligent races.

It's the stupidity that's the problem, not the color of the skin.

16582460? ago

Are you offering any niggers with that capslock?

16582227? ago

the bigots are obvious shills

16582058? ago

Any post or comment regarding race is trying to make us look bad. And will be used by the MSM when the time comes to discredit us as a racist group. I think it’s best not to reply but now they’ve started a new strategy by replying to their own posts using racist terms. Something needs to be done.

16582195? ago

You're ritght and that's why I made this post to get everyone on-board. But provocatively!

16582521? ago

Not especially provocative in any way. Just intellectually lethargic. You very simply sound like a subpar SJW zombie.

16582589? ago

kekkk cos it hinders your objective... that's what it's meant for basement boy.

16582128? ago

By acting like a SJW and parroting back lines from the Jews you're helping to spread political correctness and destroy the white race.

16582659? ago

There's no White OR Black. Breed and give birth t many kids. Think !!!!

16583278? ago

There are clearly racial differences. We need more white kids.

16581924? ago

The message am projecting here is LOVE !! & Know who the REAL ENEMY is. BE SELECTIVE. It's not hard.

16581956? ago


  1. Jews
  2. Niggers
  3. Spics
  4. Muslims
  5. Other non-white races

16581871? ago

To be fair, everyone hates niggers.

That's why they stink... so blind people can hate them too.

16582153? ago

Define Niggers please

16594094? ago

SubSaharan African genetics.

16582225? ago

Blacks with an IQ below 90 or anyone who acts like a nigger.

16581756? ago

Shills downvotin' the truth because you want a Hillary Clinton who'd go to war with russia and the US / Rus burns uncontrollably?

16581714? ago

I do not hate anybody at this time. ( I am a white American male) no hate . Hate takes to much time and effort

16582463? ago

Can I fuck your girl?

16584244? ago

As soon as you mom gets back to my house I will send home and you do as you like. She will be fucked up tho, we been chasing meth hits with Qualuudes , I spilled meth all over the inside of your car. Have your mom take her teeth out otherwise she bites.

16584266? ago

nigger shit. got it

16581606? ago

Agree that hate should be reserved for individuals not groups.

16581923? ago

hate should be reserved for individuals not groups.


16582089? ago

For me personally, it is exhausting to hate. I have hated various people for various reasons and am always relieved when the hate is replaced by indifference. I cannot imagine how draining it would be to hate people I dont even know because of what they looked like or believed in.

16582468? ago

Have you tried avoiding soy? You are exactly describing the effects of being a low energy cuck.

16582181? ago

Hate is draining and I resent having to teach my daughters the truth - that they must avoid niggers and especially groups of niggers and nigger neighborhoods because those filthy pavement-apes are 30 x more likely to murder them than a white person, 14 x more likely to rob them than a white person and 11 x more likely to rape them than a white person.

I resent that blacks have turned America into an American game reserve in which white people are their prey.

But unfortunately, being honest about how intolerably disgusting niggers are has become a matter of survival.

16589087? ago

The talk.

16581819? ago

So progressive of you...

You will be condemning the Alt Right at their next march, right? Make sure to learn all their names so you can call them out one at a time..

16581992? ago

Sorry that you feel the need to attack me, I dont condemn anyone for marching, this is America, people can march if they want to.

16581478? ago

If you judge skin color you're the dumbest asshole on earth !!!

16582595? ago

You are correct. Only a moron judges based upon mere skin color alone. Rather, we should, and must, judge based upon IQ differentials and markedly degenerative genetic inheritance traits, among other empirical factors. The latter is what White Nationalists judge by, not mere skin color (arguably, the skin color of Japanese persons is more "white" than many Whites!).

16582474? ago

Niggers != people

16581400? ago

Nigger males represent 6% of our population yet they commit 50% of the crime and murders.

Niggers have earned our contempt.

If you loved America then you'd be angry too.

16581795? ago

Blacks are fucked....I'll start caring about them when they get their shit in order, till then, fuck em. Everywhere they go, toxic passive aggressiveness. Trashy..

16582738? ago

Who pushed it?

16582725? ago

No you are fuked! If you doubt me go down history about how blacks have been gaslighted to think themselves as inferior. Sadly, they fell for it!

16591289? ago

That's weird , when i see them out they pretend they are fucking royalty, lol.

16590644? ago

Because they are?

16581541? ago

Your fukin skin color once got you a job! Change my mind.

16581702? ago

I agree that having white skin gives people a massive advantage because it's a clear indication of genetic superiority.

I worked in many fast food restaurants when I was younger and most have an unwritten rule about not hiring Negroes simply because niggers, generally speaking, are lazy, filthy and stupid. They can't be taught to wash their hands after taking a shit and they can't be taught not to lick their fingers while handling sliced cheese and they steal and show up late for shift.

Now that I'm a professional Software Engineer, I find niggers are also excluded from my professional industry for the same reasons - they are unreliable because they are lazy and stupid and they blame others for their inability to meet deadlines. They lie and show up late for work and are, generally speaking, less than useless.

You make a good point because Negroes are disgusting and useless.

16581987? ago

No, you are fukin disgustin' and useless for making such statement! Fuck you & fukk your job anyway.

16582050? ago

What's wrong with racism if it's based on informed and rational reason?

Have you ever wondered why you can't name a single successful Negro nation or subculture?

16581511? ago

Why? have you ever asked yourself?

16581888? ago

Niggers are lazy and have low IQs.

16581393? ago

Sorry I love what made America great, aka white people

16581321? ago

"whites, mexicans, brothers and others" https://invidio.us/watch?v=xETfvKIADGc&t=12s

16581313? ago

Cool story bro.