16590570? ago


All of us here know its psychological warfare. It's hilarious that they think it will work on hardcore truthers. Fucking idiots have NO IDEA what they are dealing with -- they have never been in the Military let alone a warzone any of these fat fuckers here shilling for lucifer worshipper garbage pails. NOT A ONE. They have NO FUCKING IDEA what is happening -- yet like a Military setup they are COMPARTMENTALIZED and they themselves have no fucking idea that their higher ups are SHITTING THEIR PANTS and know the war was lost long ago.

All they have left is assassination attempts of characters and literal ones left -- thats it. And the attacks on his character only work with the zombie masses which don't matter so much anymore. Sure some will awaken, but the critical mass was reached long ago via the Q movement. It's literally like a huge wave that cannot be stopped. Red Wave. Right Wave. Right hand path - - White Magick in action?

Good vs Evil, baby. Bring it on, buckle your seatbelts as we approach 2020, because...


16590767? ago

"Midterms are safe" - Q

16587393? ago

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16586171? ago

If you don't love your race, it's because you've been tricked.

If you're on the right, they tell you that we're all individuals and groups don't matter/exist/are evil.

If you're on the left, they tell you that we're all one people, and groups don't matter/exist/ are evil.

The truth is we're both individuals and part of a people. We are links in a chain.

The Cabal seeks to break those links, so that they can pick us off more easily.

If you want to truly fight the Cabal, restore the natural bonds to your people, and your race, and wake up to their designs.

They want you alone, they want you betraying each other.

16590554? ago

Yes man, its psychological warfare. It's hilarious that they think it will work on hardcore truthers. Fucking idiots have NO IDEA what they are dealing with -- they have never been in the Military let alone a warzone any of these fat fuckers here shilling for lucifer worshipper garbage pails. NOT A ONE. They have NO FUCKING IDEA what is happening -- yet like a Military setup they are COMPARTMENTALIZED and they themselves have no fucking idea that their higher ups are SHITTING THEIR PANTS and know the war was lost long ago.

All they have left is assassination attempts of characters and literal ones left -- thats it. And the attacks on his character only work with the zombie masses which don't matter so much anymore. Sure some will awaken, but the critical mass was reached long ago via the Q movement. It's literally like a huge wave that cannot be stopped. Red Wave. Right Wave. Right hand path - - White Magick in action?

Good vs Evil, baby. Bring it on, buckle your seatbelts as we approach 2020, because...


16590780? ago

"Midterms are safe" - Q

16587202? ago

You are a racist.Fuck off. All said.

16591505? ago

Precisely! Of course I am. I'm also a nationalist. And I'm also a family-ist. I know and love my people.

You, however, remain a duped soldier of the Cabal. A loyal consumer. A faithful voter. A hapless traitor.


16589372? ago

Fuck off, kike!

16585262? ago

Race = Nazi term!

The term racist does NOT come from the word race! Be careful, Anon. you move on veeery thin ice...

Downvote from German Anon

16589384? ago

Its a shame they let niggers into Sacred Deutschland

16585416? ago

Teutonic Cuck

16585645? ago

Whatever you are - no brain is no solution either!

16589385? ago

I wish the holocaust was real