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16590778? ago

You remember the first two weeks of this sub's life? They threw a hissy fit all over the site because the sub was dominating the front page and driving their shit down. They tried to accuse your users of brigading for downvoating them, demanded the sub be removed from /v/all, and even tried to convince ProtectVoat to target the sub.

These people are deadset on being the dominant voice on Voat, and they'll do just about anything to maintain it. To them, free speech means they're allowed to spam their shit everywhere but no one else is allowed to talk about anything else because then it's "forum sliding."

So now they're spamming up your sub with the same shit that they post in dozens of other subs, and if it gets removed they'll start to cry about censorship without a shred of irony.

Honestly, it's why I don't really browse the site much anymore. It's basically the same 4 posts day in and day out.

16590839? ago

Honestly, it's why I don't really browse the site much anymore. It's basically the same 4 posts day in and day out.

Agree totally, anon.

16590798? ago

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