16594071? ago

LOL like a nigger would act so gracious and polite. Nice try, honkey.

16587397? ago

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16582504? ago

I thought you identified as a gangster? wait... hillbilly, is that you lmao ;)

16582510? ago

No I'm a nigger now!

16582522? ago

you're an uneducated 4 yr old girl trapped in a moron's body w/no brain. short answer: hillbilly

16583386? ago

Try saying that in Appalachia.

16582335? ago

Tyrone do you breathe better now?

16582415? ago

udat mahhonoo!

16582189? ago

Tyrone go over and rape Macron’s grandmother for me willya? I’m sick of Putin tearing her a new poop shoot every night.

16582152? ago

I'm fairly certain you sexually identify as an amoeba.

16582126? ago

Boomer here. My daughter is available and I,,,,for one,,,, am colorblind

16582168? ago
