16599836? ago

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16596836? ago

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16596476? ago

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16596459? ago

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16596418? ago

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16596369? ago

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16594358? ago

God i hate that annoying jew.

16594446? ago

16594295? ago

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16593957? ago


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16593592? ago

all the doxing comments are from @crikes lolololol what a fuck

16593679? ago

When you can't argue, bring on the circus! Lol

16593572? ago

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16593570? ago

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16593569? ago

https://voat.co/u/Capslockkike ?

Have a link? This should be funny.

16592902? ago


16592732? ago

Damn that shill is long winded look at the enormous continuous paragraphs

16592566? ago

Doxxing poor form, fuck you asshole

16592233? ago


16592164? ago

We don’t doxx here you cretin. Regardless.


16593585? ago

Thats not doxxing you dumbfucking pleb HOLY SHIT KILL YOURSELF

16612080? ago

u mad bro?

16592055? ago

He's a Jew, I'm pretty sure.....

16598749? ago



16598557? ago

He said niggers are beautiful, then loses his shit when pressed to name just one nigger that even he considers beautiful and he can’t. Heh..

16598641? ago




16594081? ago

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16593590? ago

Guess again. Though I recommend you focus on the content, rather than logical fallacies.

16593115? ago

Pushes open borders, immigration and diversity. Loses his shit if you name the Jew or that white people are victims of Jews.

16593668? ago

I "push" freedom. Lack of infrastructure of control. Distributed security. Death to all tyrants. Have never "lost my shit" ovet anything on voat, but notice that people tend to stop arguing me, and go pretty nutty with the logical fallacies when they try.

I don't focus on groups because I know it's a distraction from the enemy of humanity. I make no comment about Jews other than that their group higher than avg IQ is a reflection of their cultural values.. which is consistent with Asians, and everyone else (and their respective avg group IQ).

There are only two groups that matter; individuals who respect the rights of individusls, and criminal individuals who don't and can't go quickly enough.

Sic semper tyrannis, whatever group you'd put them in.

By the way, telling people they're victims is a good way to victimize them, too.

16596731? ago

You want niggers shoehorned into human civilization.

16597470? ago

Don't care about groups.

Don't endorse force.

√ √

I assume by "shoehorned" you were referring to force.

Both collectivism (other than individuals who respect the rights of individuals, and individual criminals), and force... which I've never onced endorsed, and have opposed in the vast majority of comments I've ever made, right?

16598407? ago

Our city keeps the niggers out through the enforcement of codes.

16596654? ago


16594722? ago

Diversity-free Iceland is ranked the most peaceful nation on Earth:


16595085? ago

Not totally diversity free. I believe they have their first rabbi as of not that long ago.

I'm all for Iceland staying Icelandic, as I've said many, many, many, times. I opposed forced integration, or forced anything else.

16594374? ago

Found caps lock kike.

16595157? ago

Can I get a link to caps lock kike's comments?

16596129? ago

Usual copy/paste template https://voat.co/v/QRV/3015545/16574782

He created this thread https://voat.co/v/QRV/3017372 and using alt account in replies getting triggered by anybody identifying as a white collective. Hes everywhere in that comment section

Good description..............,

self-admitted white-hating JIDF shill that spends all day spamming v/QRV submissions trying to censor any discussion of pertinence of "Zionism" or "white people".

He repeatedly uses shaming terms such as "racists", "shills", "shillbots", "sorosbots", "panicking shill", "muh joos", "hahahahaha", "Demokkkrat" etc. to stifle dialog.

Occasionally attempts to substitute Chinese culpability for Jewish culpability.

He's also identifiable by his typical copying and pasting of large walls of text usually with incessant use of capitalization.

Patriots have come to affectionately refer to him as "Capslock Kike", "Hillbilly" or "JIDF Jim".

16596508? ago


Got this far before no one honest could ever confuse the two of us...

self-admitted white-hating..

I don't know what JDIF means, and something tells me I don't care to.

Collectivism isn't my thing. I'm not stupid enough to describe every individual of a group, other than individuals who respect the rights of other individuals, and individuals who don't, as good or bad... which for the simple minded out there, includes zionists, and white people.

He repeatedly uses shaming terms such as "racists", "shills", "shillbots", "sorosbots", "panicking shill", "muh joos", "hahahahaha", "Demokkkrat" etc. to stifle dialog.


I try not to ever get caught up in shit that doesn't matter, and focus on content, and contributing content. Obviously I'm off in the weeds a bit today, but they're such obvious tools, I couldn't resist.

Incidentally, I've never typed the words/phrases; "shillbots", "sorosbots", "panicking shill", "muh joos", "Demokkkrat".

Also, obviously, I don't stifle dialog. I encourage it. Sometimes even when I suspect I'm dealing with sophist noise makers with an agenda. I probably should stop that, but it's just so telling to anyone else that reads that it's pretty funny.

I think I'm done for now, but I will say that for a moment there I thought you said "Hillbilly Jim". :D

16596739? ago

Ha, ha! For sure, my fellow goy. I have no idea what JIDF is either. Shalom! Ha, ha!

16597479? ago

Now I'm certain it's irrelevant nonsense.

16593963? ago

Thanks for confirming that it's you, for anyone that was still in doubt.

16595175? ago

I don't know who you're talking about, but I do know that you wouldn't be able to identify another person who is as right as me.

I do welcome the chance to compare, though.

16597714? ago

I side with Thomas Jefferson. He's the father of American conservatism. You obviously are a stupid "muh diversity" faggot.

16598205? ago

If by Thomas Jefferson, you mean the ex-president, good for you! He's responsible for the first/last thing the US did correctly, "The Declaration of Independence". If he were still with us, he could point out how I'm right about everything I say (well, in this context, anyway).

I don't suppose I could get you to elaborate, or answer some questions, regarding your eloquent observation..

You obviously are a stupid "muh diversity" faggot.

..could I?

Btw, homosexuality is a disease, and so are low IQ people who embrace logical fallacies... but first I'd like to get on the same page with you of whatever it is you mean by "muh diversity".

What do you say? Not afraid of discussion, are you?

16599855? ago

Thomas Jefferson didn't believe that whites and blacks could live together in an integrated society. So much for him agreeing with your stupid ass.

16604641? ago

What makes you think that?

First off, Jefferson authored the concept of this country, and it's basis of the individual.

He himself also lived with black individuals.

Your point isn't a good one, but I must applaud you for trying to make one. You might not be a spineless, illogical, communist, sophist yet!

Let's continue.. If Jefferson were alive today, he would call on patriots to do their duty and water the tree of liberty. He'd oppose the forced global integration, and violation of any sovereign state or individual. He'd oppose the infrastructure of control. Everything that can be corrupted, will be corrupted. He was certainly right, there, too. He'd endorse the separation of church and state, school and state, money and state, and just about every other state involvement, too.

I have said on numerous occasions that;

1, we should end the dysgenics of welfare for all people.. end the weaponization of the Africans, and allow them to learn try to recover and survive as people again.

2, It isn't varying skin pigmentation that is a challenge to a society, but too great a disparity of IQ. If TJ were alive today to see the current science, he'd see that societies should exist based on merit, which would likely mean inside of an IQ range. No ethnic group is entirely made up of people with too low an IQ. Therefore, no ethnicity should be forced to integrate, or prevented from integrating, as long as they don't violate the rights of any individual. Based on merit.

If we respected TJ's wisdom, and didn't allow the dysgenics of welfare, and injustice and sabotage that is prohibition, very few people under 85 IQ would exist today. People <85 IQ are not compatible with first world societies, and there would be a tiny fraction of them, and dwindling, without the dysgenics or welfare. Instead the hope of a free nation, and free leader, was betrayed.

3, Black Americans are not invaders. They're as American as any non-native (as long we're talking about citizenship, and not princples). They're descendant from people that were not responsible for coming to the US. They just survived. Over that period, their avg IQ has become a standard deviation greater than black Africans. They have no other home but the US. There is no reason that should be a problem.

We must stop the force. Forced integration. Forced redistribution of wealth. Forced state school sabotage. Legal tenders laws forcing the acceptance of Unconstitutional, fiat, currency.

I'm too tired to do this tonight. I've covered all this countless times, and you're probably not a real person anyway.

There are only two groups that matter; those individuals who respect the rights of individuals, and those individuals that would violate them. You have no allies among the latter group, regardless of whatever other meaningless group you classify them in.

Enemies of the individual are enemies of humanity. They recruit you fatherless children as their house slave pawns with their nonsense. They manipulate you small people with fear and hatred, and other lowest common denominator horseshit. Something that could never work in a society of at least avg IQ, hence the sabotage of family, and the sophists' sea of noise to hide the signal.

You are betraying your fellow human, purposely or not. It's not too late to study JT, and come to the light.

16606813? ago

I advance it therefore as a suspicion only, that the blacks, whether originally a distinct race, or made distinct by time and circumstances, are inferior to the whites in the endowments both of body and mind. It is not against experience to suppose, that different Species of the same genus, or varieties of the same species, may possess different qualifications. Will not a lover of natural history then, one who views the gradations in all the races of animals with the eye of philosophy, excuse an effort to keep those in the department of man as distinct as nature has formed them?

Thomas Jefferson, excerpt from Notes on the State of Virginia.


And it's globalists who are pushing "diversity" and mass migration you utter fucking idiot. I don't give a flying fuck what your OPINION about any goddamned thing is you mental midget.

16623156? ago

Ah, the noise. The logical fallacies.

Of course there are differences. Since Disney is fiction (and poison), of course not equal in every way.

Different, or even hypothetically totally inferrior, doesn't mean incapable of living together, as evident by TJ and his own home, as well as countless other examples you don't need listed.

I've said many, many, many, times that in/compatibility is about merit. Blacks with a ≥100 IQ can live together just fine with anyone who is also ≥100 IQ. Blacks with a ≤85 IQ are not compatible with first world societies.

The same can be said for white, Asian, Jewish, Indian, etc..

You're also not correct about my IQ, though it's been a long time.. maybe I should test again given my willingness to waste time discussing with someone so incapable, and/or so dishonest, which only a fool would do.

Then again, we both know that our "discussion" isn't for either of us. You're poisoning people, and I'm pointing it out.

16626564? ago

No, Jefferson really didn't believe that blacks could live together freely with whites in an integrated society. He favored recolonizing them in Africa just as Lincoln supported nearly a century later. The reason he kept them on his plantation was that it was an economic necessity to use slavery in order to succeed in the plantation system. He did what he had to do in his day and age to make a good living, and even then he died in debt thanks to British (Jewish) bankers and merchants.

Blacks with above average IQs have children that revert to their mean racial IQ. The chances of them passing on their intelligence, even if both parents have high IQs, are 50/50 at best, and that is within the SAME RACE. Combining genes from different races produces even less odds for not reverting to their mean lower IQ, and also introduces risk of outbreeding depression for the fetus. Human genetics doesn't give a fuck about your "muh individualism" in the long term. When you mix every fucking color together, you eventually get a shitty ass mud brown, and that extends to far more than physical appearance. It affects EVERYTHING your ancestors collectively did to get you to wherever you are today, retard, and I don't really think they got you that far to be quite honest.

16591846? ago

Robot. We don't doxx people here.

Go over to CNN and doxx all their employees and come back to report.

16593589? ago

thats not doxing you fucking numb nuts

16593684? ago

It gives too many clues. It is the start. Do you want to be exposed? If so publish your info. If not have some respect patriot. There are a lot of sensitive individuals on here. All fight for humanity. Why jump down my throat when we are on the same team?