SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/SBBHTantrums submission by @Crensch.

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SmockingGun ago

Hmmm imagine that UK_Bloke_Awoke whom I was saying was srayzie’s alt all along and all her faggot mod friends like @crensch said I was a liar...

Srayzie used rules for radicals on me (MissleCopterStoped was my acct) and possibly hundreds more left because of her..

Hey @crensch suck my dick faggot.

sguevar ago

I have to upvote this myself for two reasons:

  • I am against using alts. Always have and always be.
  • There is some more clarity given here.

@Rotteuxx I have never doubted you on how you contribute to Voat and even if we feel differently about the whole ZB matter I do find that this has given some clarity on what you are expressing.

Heck you even said that you didn't think ZB is innocent but that all this could have been prevented. I think I will make a post on this whole matter because I am simply tired of seeing these things happening.

Thanks for the clarity.

PS I will let you know when I watch the movies you told me about, noted for this week!

@srayzie, @ shizy, I like you girls and I know many of the things you have gone through are uncalled for even when I am not such of a follower of your hero(s).

This shit's got to stop.

Rotteuxx ago

Hear, hear !

Someone had to batter up to expose their games ;)

sguevar ago

By the freaking way!

How is it that you have made Voat key chains and I haven't been offered one??

I must insist and I will cover the tax shipment to Costa Rica. I want one! Come on you goatwelder end me a stainless one!

Rotteuxx ago

There are no more keychains, only a 6" tall goat left from the sample run which @puttitout, @empress & @trigglypuff never went for when it was offered.

Get back to me later as I'm on break on a mill job, I will forget.

18851540? ago

I want it!!!

Rotteuxx ago

@sguevar ^^^

What do ?

sguevar ago

Oh now I keep my key chain request, as I said I will pay for it and the tax for the envoy to Costa Rica.

Obviously I am not asking you to do it right away, when you have free time from your busy schedule!

@Empress can have the goat.

My request is for the keychain! Even as an early Christmas present! But I sure want that.

18851686? ago

Thank you <3

sguevar ago

With pleasure! The key chain is the goal!

sguevar ago

Dang sure will but I want to request a keychain! So the request will still stand!

theoldones ago

I'm not saying anyone's right or wrong and I'm not taking sides in this drama. I'm just trying my best to unify some division here.

i'm about in the information scouting stage. i'm not 100% sure yet whose done what, and it feels like there's 3rd party interference happening somewhere

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/BEATLESTROLLARMY comment by @Gothamgirl.

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Gothamgirl ago

I have tried to tell the mods how munipulitive they've been for over a year. Thanks for sharing.

srayzie ago

Tell them how you spread all over pizzagate that I planted child porn on your phone GothamWhore. I have never even met you. Who’s the only one who could have planted child porn? Could it be Zyklon that you let in your home around your child? The same one encouraging gore and porn to be posted all over QRV? The one that talks about doing drugs daily and has doxxed you?

Tell them how you accused me of threatening to kidnap your kid. That’s ok. I’ll just add it all in later. I just need to gather the links showing how you lied about everything and have been out to get several people. I’ll make sure to update it to show you support someone that encourages Loli Porn. Like what was on your phone.

Or, maybe you and Zyklon are all a LARP like Triggly says here..,

SmockingGun ago

Shut the fuck up shill, really enjoying the karma you are getting, if anyone deserves it, it would be you you fucking tranny faggot.

Why didnt you defend yourself on against my accusations twitter? We all know why now liar shill, because you are the furthest thing from a patriot or Q observer shill.

By the way, you and your casual treasonous friends are being investigated by the military, probably as “enemy combatants” so it wise for you and @crensch to watch this very important 5 minvideo that will undoubtedly be part of your future shortly.

Go ahead and attack others, got plenty of evidence of you protecting pedos over Patriots & will post too. We should have investigators come to your home to do a welfare check on your kids, since you think being a pedophile is a cool thing to be.

Bring it bitch.

Gothamgirl ago

You were munipulitive back then and that's why you were blamed..

Secondly you and your crew are now blaming Loli posts on Zyklon which is basically the same thing isn't it?

theoldones ago

@Gothamgirl is this bit about the child pron on the phone something you claimed about her?

Gothamgirl ago

Yup I sure did.

theoldones ago

you people are fucking insane.

how did that shit even happen then.

Gothamgirl ago

See above

Gothamgirl ago

It's a long story but she was playing mind games with me since day 1 which made me think she did something to my phone and bad timing of some of her posts, now I look back and I know I was not correct and I have apologized a year ago.

Rotteuxx ago

1990 the builders !

CerealBrain ago

You are being a faggot bro.

DianaKeyhote ago

are those jewish girls?

CerealBrain ago

Bro you're arguing with chicks and you look kinda dumb, you seem quite driven, why is that?

Zyklon is no one to be defending.

I know these chicks and they ain't rabble rousers they are fuckin wit you and yankin yer chain.

Why don't you bery the hatchet wit them?

Gothamgirl ago

You beg for pics from a female who is spoken for your kinda dumb and quite driven incel.

CerealBrain ago

Not upvoting you, not yet.

CerealBrain ago

I'm calling the mods now, the G/A mods, and is am also aking you to unblock me.

Not an incel, and if Zyklon wasn't such an tranny I would not stalk his girl.

Why you don't even give me a chance?

@Shizy @srayzie

Rotteuxx ago

They're not builders, they're destroyers.

Setting the record straight.

CerealBrain ago

But what about what Putt said? You sure you not gettin shitposting and destroying conflated?

Rotteuxx ago

But what about what Putt said? You sure you not gettin shitposting and destroying conflated?

Create drama, feed trolls then cry victim. Is it just "artful shitposting" ? kinda like @zyklon_b ?

Isn't Putt the final say on everything here on Voat?

I think he owns Voat?

Yep, your point ?

(It's mating season, anyone near a pond suffers from hearing frogs wanting to get laid)

CerealBrain ago

I think them chicks was just fighting back. They be shitposting way before all this drama.

Yeah well I got a damn pond bout fifty feet from me no wonder..

Rotteuxx ago

Get a bb gun and pop those suckers, then cut off & skin the legs to fry them up.

CerealBrain ago

They're little tree frogs!

Drive me nuts, yeah otherwise I'd go gigging like the old days.

CerealBrain ago

Why am I being pinged to this thread?

srayzie ago

Me and Shizy like to laugh and have fun and all we’ve ever asked is that you don’t fuck with GA. We take that seriously. If you guys want to make it out to be more than that, that’s on you. I’ve said several times on GA Posts that we liked shit posting. That doesn’t mean joining an army and taking down subs we disagree with. Our friends have always known.

SmockingGun ago

Me and Shizy like to laugh and have fun

You meant to say we:

Like to brigade, consensus crack, cause drama, and have fun.

Fixed it for you. You’re welcome.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Were you and shizy having fun back then when you brigaded me? Or was that all in fun --because I had trouble discerning between fun and serious.

Gothamgirl ago

You're disgusting, and weak.

AR47 ago

Without sounding as offensive as you can dream I am meaning to be.

I want you to think of something. The OP of this has actually done things for people on this site. See he wanted to contribute something to the site of value. This guy is a pretty damn good metal worker.

He made key chains to be sold in the merchandise section of voat. Also made these massive voat goats out of stainless. He mailed them to a few select goats.

I got one because I was persistent. He sent duplicates so my wife got it as well. Still have them on my key ring matter of fact.

Then one time I was seriously fucked when I got injured on my job. I was keeping a log at the time (upon the settlement I agreed to delete record of the event and agree to stipulation of positive comments) but before the settlement my unemployment ran out and it was another user that suggested I make a bitcoin wallet.

So many people helped us. We were able to make it until I got the settlement.

OP however sent me money, a card, and even some maple syrup candies that were pretty damn good.

He isn’t a concern troll, and seeing as he knew where I lived and never betrayed that confidence I am going to say he was a pretty good mother fucker.

You however are here for personal gain and influence. You and your team have done nothing but track mud into the house, shit in the corners and to top it off. You wiped your ass with the drapes.

Now I don’t have influence here because I don’t need it. I am honest and people here (older goats) know me and how I am. Sure they fuck with me, but mostly it is because over time I have got a thick skin.

What is it you have done. Something verified by anyone? Something that was of measurable sacrifice?


Intrixina ago

Here's wishing much positive fortune to you despite your hardships, fellow goat.

AR47 ago

Thanks for that skippy.

Same to you and yours.

Intrixina ago

No worries.

srayzie ago

Seriously? I have many friends here. They know of my sacrifice. That’s all that needs to know. I’m not here to impress you, or any other Goat that chooses to pick me apart. Shit posting is a side fun thing. Friends are a treasure.

My number one purpose is running GreatAwakening and exposing corruption and Pizzagate/Pedogate. I want a better future for my children and your children. I want child abusers and the evil cabal to pay for their crimes. I want our country back. If you don’t think it takes sacrifice to this on a daily basis, and be under attack every day, then I don’t know what to tell you.

SmockingGun ago

I have many friends here

I can tell by the votes...

AR47 ago

You think that your pitiful crusade with so little amount of people that are willing to do the minimum amount of effort will make a difference?

You are honestly delusional. Bat shit crazy.

The upper class has been using children for sexual gratification since the Bible was written. It is a shitty side of life. You will not ever make a difference unless you are willing to murder. That is all that will stop it.

Eradication of family trees.

There is so little you could ever understand of this world and how it works. Your insignificant corner of the web means nothing nor will it ever.

Don’t try and convince me you give a fuck about my offspring. You are concerned with your influence as your counterparts have since “something awful” was created when WoW came out.

srayzie ago

You think that your pitiful crusade with so little amount of people that are willing to do the minimum amount of effort will make a difference?

What kind of shitty person even says something like that? Our “movement” is making A LOT of change. We’re one small part. I know we’re making a difference. Even if we weren’t, our intentions are good.

The upper class has been using children for sexual gratification since the Bible was written. It is a shitty side of life.

Yeah, so we just sit by and not research and spread awareness?

You will not ever make a difference unless you are willing to murder. That is all that will stop it.

Ha! If only that were legal.

There is so little you could ever understand of this world and how it works. Your insignificant corner of the web means nothing nor will it ever.

You have no idea what I know. You sound like a shitty person that doesn’t give a damn about anyone but themself.

Don’t try and convince me you give a fuck about my offspring.

I don’t give a fuck about you. But all kids are innocent.

You are concerned with your influence

If I just wanted to be popular, I would have a lot more fun without having so much responsibility.

That being said, how does the following shit you said mean anything?

He made key chains to be sold in the merchandise section of voat. Also made these massive voat goats out of stainless. He mailed them to a few select goats. I got one because I was persistent. He sent duplicates so my wife got it as well. Still have them on my key ring matter of fact.

Then one time I was seriously fucked when I got injured on my job. I was keeping a log at the time (upon the settlement I agreed to delete record of the event and agree to stipulation of positive comments) but before the settlement my unemployment ran out and it was another user that suggested I make a bitcoin wallet.

So many people helped us. We were able to make it until I got the settlement. OP however sent me money, a card, and even some maple syrup candies that were pretty damn

👆🏻That is nice. Keep sticking together.

Shizy ago

Read this @Srayzie, maybe you've seen it before:

I don't know how much more a regular mom is supposed to do, but if by bringing awareness to child sexual abuse, ritual abuse, and child trafficking can help save just ONE child, then we have succeeded!

srayzie ago

Thank you Shizy. I needed that reminder! ❤️

AR47 ago

What kind of shitty person even says something like that? Our “movement” is making A LOT of change. We’re one small part. I know we’re making a difference. Even if we weren’t, our intentions are good.

A sane person says that. Your movement? Lol if compared to a bowl movement. You have been discarded by anonymous and demonized by them as well. On top of that prayingmedic has damn near the writing skill and plagerism of L Ron Hubbard. Your intent is that of financial gain.

Yeah, so we just sit by and not research and spread awareness?

What awareness? That rich people do bad things? Lol how the fuck do you think they got wealthy? By doing what is morally right? Silly rabbit tricks are for kids.

Ha! If only that were legal.

It is effective, that I know! Truly the only effective method.

You have no idea what I know. You sound like a shitty person that doesn’t give a damn about anyone but themself.

You know jack and shit. Only thing is Jack didn’t migrate with you from reddit. Your right that I don’t give a fuck about anyone other than me and mine. I did my turn for 7 years where I gave a fuck about the people of this nation. Didn’t change a thing but my perspective.

I don’t give a fuck about you. But all kids are innocent.

Lol no kids are not as they inherit their lifestyles and legacy of their parents. Seen it happen all over the world. The oligarchs you fight to expose will have kids that follow in their footsteps. You won’t have any effect to stop that save to kill them. Think about that.

If I just wanted to be popular, I would have a lot more fun without having so much responsibility.

lol never said popular I said influential which is your goal. Nice deflection you got there.

That being said, how does the following shit you said mean anything?

Means they made an actual connection with people on a personal level. Not just a digital one that people other than me can one has said this about you nor anything like this. (Pretty sure you can drum one up with an alt of course now that I brought it up)

That is nice. Keep sticking together.

We will because we care about this place and it’s continuation. You don’t because you will find a new bowl movement to invest and call your own. Your so called movement will fade away in a year or less I think. Like pizzagate lol.

People will tire of the promise and games. They will leave and you will sit back and count the money you and others made off it.

srayzie ago

Too much to read. I’m only adding that I didn’t come from Reddit. Go fuck yourself. Blocking you now because you’re just annoying.

AR47 ago

Ok well you don’t like when someone fights back? What a low effort troll.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I remember when her and shizy kept pinging their army when they attacked me last year or the year before. They dont like it when its done to them.

AR47 ago

They dont like it when its done to them

Why ping others to a upvoat war? I can understand visibility for a user mention, but anything else is childish.

SmockingGun ago

They have been accused of being cyberbullies (like myself) & you are supporting that claim.

That is why srayzie and her army of alts had to leave the kitchen, because they couldnt handle the heat they once created for others.

Funny how @crensch and @kevdude are no where to be found on these threads focused on this terrorist traitor satan worshipping pedo supporting mod named @srayzie @shizy @UK_Bloke_Awoke and many other alts the tranny used..

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Another thing that is fucking strange is that almost any time anyone says anything to srayzie, crensch is right there defending her but he's been missing in action since this started. It is Memorial weekend, and he may be out of town, IDK. I just find it fucking odd. Same with Kevdude. He also is usually right there by her boot. This is why I am asking her if she ever met either of those two outside of Voat and had sexual relations with them. This shit could be bigger than gamergate. I know more than I can say here. I will say that. I've been watching and waiting since they crucified me. Dig it up and look at how they all did me. Go look. I implore you to. You will see some shit. I went against zionism and they fucking tried to destroy me. I have hundreds of screen-saves and whatnot. Hundreds. I've been watching....waiting....the time is near. My wounds still bleed.

Rotteuxx ago

M8, I told them flat out that calling me a shill and saying I was such and such alts wasn't a winning strategy because of my history. They never listen.

Thx for the kind words

AR47 ago

I would do the same for the others that helped us during that time.

Hell even I was banned for being a shill. Lol if only this place could be monetized for personal gain right?

Rotteuxx ago

If only...

We have a new feature set coming out soon that will allow Voat to generate revenue in fun and different ways. We are going to move in this direction and build out revenue capability on top of it.

Additionally, while developing some prototype features, we realized that we could use the software for a different purpose, potentially opening up an entirely new market separate from Voat (no Voat wouldn't change). So we are working to this end too.

AR47 ago

When it comes to money.......there is little I trust from others and their promise to share it.

Subverse transfer happened when?

Merchandise opportunities happened when?

Voat could have made quite a lot from your key chains and word about this site would have spread like wildfire, but that isn’t part of the plan, and it never will be.

Keep the insane ones content with their echo chamber and away from others.

@needlestack has offered many times to make the goat for the site and has never been done.

NeedleStack ago

I offered several times to mail items I had knit for the shop. Let's just say the ball was dropped and so I wound up mailing the hats to goats who won them via a contest I held in v/knitting.

AR47 ago


I would do anything to get the goat. Not the hat, but the goat you posted.......yeah those were cool.

Never told you this I think.

Long time ago (before I was a teenager) my grandmother made me a blanket with crochet. It was red and black. I had that with me on the submarines I was stationed on, and even the other ports I was in as well as duty stations.

Well she died in 2004. One year before I got out. I missed her funeral. Well on July 5th 2013 we had an apartment fire and lost everything. It was in there and most everything else.

Luckily I was able to salvage our HDDs so I had the pics of her.

NeedleStack ago

I'm sorry to hear of those losses! I am honored that you shared them with me. She was lucky to have such a loving grandson.

DianaKeyhote ago

@Shizy the hell is going on here?

Shizy ago

Are you donkeys mom?

Intrixina ago

I have to ask a few serious questions.

I really have no dog in this race, however I'm honestly curious given that this stuff has been visible on my feed for several days now: Why is it even necessary to have alternate accounts to "shitpost" on? Why are you so afraid to do it on this particular account of yours? Is it because you're trying to portray different personalities via separate accounts, so that if one account becomes too rotten you will jettison it, and continue with something else?

It just seems to reek of fear of being your true self, and overall attention whoring to me.

Gothamgirl ago

She was trying to cheat on her husband again, so whoring is her thing.

srayzie ago

I’ve shit posted as myself. You can totally tell. Most people know about it. If I had a fear, I would have kept it secret. It’s just for fun and I thought the name was hilarious.

Here’s one I did on Shizy

theoldones ago

You can totally tell.


Shizy ago

I'll answer as to why I personally have a shitposting account. When I became a mod there were certain people who began attacking me, and scrutinizing everything I wrote. I could no longer joke around with my friends or say stupid things. Even if it was done in other subs, these people would follow me around voat and comment on everything I wrote. They would try to twist it and use it against me, and they even dug through my comment history to try and use things against me. So I seperated being able to have fun with being able to mod.

Now I have learned to not care what the trolls say. I haven't really even used that account lately because I have stopped caring what those trolls say to me or what they try to do.

Gothamgirl ago

Oh the lies @shizy you were a disgusting foul mouth whore before you started that account.

CerealBrain ago

Does anybody know wat the shizy girl looks like I never seen her..

srayzie ago

Exactly. If we can’t let our hair down and laugh every now and then, these punks would make Voat no fun.

Intrixina ago

You could do that on your main account though, as I do.

Why such the need to "say stupid things" though? If you're saying stupid things, should you not expect to be criticised? Why obfuscate yourself on another account and pretend to be someone else - it sounds like you're almost trying to avoid criticism on the accounts you moderate on - which is poor form, really.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/alts comment by @srayzie.

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srayzie ago

I say stupid things to friends or GothamWhore. Why? Because it’s fun. I’m a wife and mom and Voat is where I can let my hair down and say or do what I want while still being able to research, post, and organize political and Pizzagate related information and spread it. I’m criticized daily no matter what I do. I’ve got to let off some steam. I know it’s hard to believe, but I have to be pretty classy in real life. I don’t have to watch every thing that comes out of my mouth here. It’s Voat.

My husbands pretty religious so I try to be respectful. Plus, I need to be an example. Here, I can just let loose, laugh and be crazy. If I’m attacked, I can attack back. I have friendships with like minded people. In real life, I rarely talk about politics because practically everyone is a fricken liberal. Voat is like home to me. It’s not usually so crazy. Right now it’s rough. We’re under attack more than usual. That makes me react more than usual. It’s a weird time. Lately I’ve been more of a bitch because we are constantly lied about. If it’s not here, there are people like Neon Revolt spreading bullshit.

I think if anything, I show myself too much. There would be less to attack me for if I just kept to myself and focused on Q. I enjoy a lot of my relationships here. The safest bet is to not show my personality, to not reveal anything about my life, to not engage when attacked, etc... But, I’m not a robot. I’m not some character. I’m just me. I’m loved, I’m hated, I make some laugh, make some angry, I always get my ass in the middle of drama...

The truth is, no matter what, none of it matters. People will pick us apart. If I were more reserved and quiet, people would think I was hiding something. I’m just passionate about what I believe in and what I’m fighting for. Because we run a political forum, we’re always going to be attacked. Forums will always have paid, and unpaid shills. You guys witness our ups and downs because we’re real.

Many people think me and @Shizy are the same person. We’ve even offered to prove it by voice chat. (Not on discord). Her and I have talked on the phone. I feel like she’s my twin! I would love to live by that woman. We would be besties. It’s because we’re so alike that we click. If people want to think my mod is my alt, that I want to take on her load too, and just never get a break, then that’s on them. We’re just going to keep working our asses off and fighting.

SmockingGun ago

Many people think me and @Shizy are the same person

Dont forget MH dipshit and all 3 accts are yours.

However I am glad to know others know your consensus and brigading games. Karma is a bitch isnt Rayanne? I love watching it from 40,000 feet reeree.

theoldones ago

Many people think me and @Shizy are the same person.

they didn't, right up until you suggested it after admitting to alts

srayzie ago

No, they are saying it on other threads. I was a mod there and just resigned a couple of days ago. I even told @TruthDefender that I don’t have a problem with alts unless they are used for bad. Like brigading and Consensus cracking. A shit posting alt is different.

SmockingGun ago

Like brigading and Consensus cracking.

This is EXACTLY what you used them for you fucking tard.

theoldones ago

No, they are saying it on other threads.

okay, why mention it here then?

srayzie ago

Because I keep getting so many notifications that I forget which thread I’m replying in. They’ve posted this all over the place today.

theoldones ago

1 or both of you just admitted to alt use, no shit they're saying that

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Could shizy and srayzie be crensch & kevdude? Look at their writings.

Shizy ago

they didn't

There have been accusations that we are the same person since back when we were barely friends on pizzagate.

theoldones ago

k, why are you telling me this

Shizy ago

Because I was pinged to your comment above....

theoldones ago

which was written by @srayzie and then quoted

Shizy ago

I don't know anything about her comment, I haven't read it yet because it's long and I'm dealing with the crap I can respond to quicker. When you quoted her comment, it pinged me to your comment. I respnded. Think whatever you want.

Intrixina ago

The point I am making is not about you saying stupid things - it is the fact that you separate it into several accounts that I asked about. If you say something stupid - you need to be accountable for it. Not hiding behind another account and acting like it's not yourself, and when someone calls you out on it you act like you don't know what's going on.

I also have a problem with you being flirtatious with other males on Voat, when you have a husband. That just shows another aspect of poor judgement on your part.

People would respect you more if you were true to yourself in all forms, rather than lying and otherwise being deceitful. You can have an opinion on something and conduct yourself with respect - which often your enemies may not agree with you, but they realise that you aren't to be fucked with, as a result.

Seeing these above examples tells me a fair bit about your personality, in fact. Please don't insult my intelligence and try and shift the conversation to speak of Shizy, when you know I was speaking of your alternative account.

srayzie ago

You’re lying to yourself if you don’t think the majority of people here don’t have an alt. It’s not like I use it to upvote or downvote. You can’t even do that. Same IP address. Just because you didn’t know about it, doesn’t mean friends didn’t. Almost all my shit posting was directed at fellow shit posters. Things I said to GothamWhore, were things I would say to her anyway. We can’t stand each other. That was no secret.

Flirting with Zyklon was alllll an act. He wanted us to flirt with him to make GothamGirl jealous. He said that she was stalking him and laughing at his previous girlfriend that killed herself. He made us think that we were helping him to make her leave him and his daughter alone. Zyklon was a flirt. He is GROSS.

Preferably, I would have liked to have shit posted using Clitorissa, and kept GreatAwakening more professional and free of drama. But oh well.

Gothamgirl ago

We win you lose

Intrixina ago

I'm not interested in the actions of other people. I am speaking of you, yourself - and acting like one personality on one account, acting a different one on this account - and then when called out on it, you begin being deceptive. Please don't shift the goalposts.

As for flirting with another person being an "act" - you have a duty to your husband not to act in such a fashion, whether it's a joke or otherwise. Are you seriously 12yrs old mentally? Grow up.

If Zyklon was having relationship issues, that's for him to figure out, not for you to act like a prostitute to him so he can extricate himself from the situation.

srayzie ago

My husband knows and laughed at what I said to her. I don’t need your lecture. I’ll worry about my relationship. You go worry about you.

Gothamgirl ago

Gross are you a swinger?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Holy sheeeit I was right about erything mane!!!! I might throw a party for myself, with screen caps included!! I'm really thinking about it. I just want to know if you have met any male users here at Voat and had sexual relations with them. It would explain why they defend you like knight cucks. This could be bigger than gamergate! All you had to do was apologize to me back then. That's all I asked for and you said "FUCK YOU". Then pinged twenty people. I have it all, darlin'. Have you ever fucked crensch or kevdude?

Intrixina ago

My original point about growing up still stands.

Rotteuxx ago

That a pretty cute fiddle

srayzie ago

Look at the submissions. Playing with friends! Except GothamWhore when she was being a stalker 👀

SearchVoatBot ago

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Gothamgirl ago

@srayzie Look at your comment history under your alt. Your the whore and a let down to 13,000 people plus Pizzagate.

Shizy ago

And you let down your three children.

Gothamgirl ago

No I have not my children think I am the best mom.

You Srayzie/Shizy have manipulated everyone here..

CerealBrain ago

Can you get my message even tho you got me blacked lol I mean blocked haha!

Gothamgirl ago

Go away Crensch...

Rotteuxx ago

It's funny how you brain allows you to have a sporadic thought so you post another 1st tier comment.

srayzie ago

Big difference is, you all knew we had a shit posting alt. I’ve said we like to shit post when I made my posts on GA. We don’t use it to stir people politically. We used it to shit post each other and to help Zyklon before we knew he was a shill. It’s not like we hid who we were.

Gothamgirl ago

Isn't that Voat munipulation? @crensch @vindicator how much does this bitch control on voat?

Vindicator ago

What is "munipulation"?

Do you have any teeth?

SmockingGun ago

Make fun of others spelling while a pic of yours that I have of you sucking on an ice cream cone?

Who posts a pic like that unless you are gaslighting yourself as cocksucker?

By the way, the alliance will come to Sweden to pick your ass up for being an enemy combatant, hopefully your wife will understand (got a pic of you and her together too👍😁)

The world is watching Vindic8ter.

Vindicator ago


I rest my case.

SmockingGun ago

Thanks Matthew!

Gothamgirl ago

4 screen names and counting...

Rotteuxx ago

Keep digging that hole, how convenient you're not showing the comment above that

How's that oh so important reputation ?

srayzie ago

You act like we don’t say shit right out in the open all the time. Peace out nigga

SmockingGun ago

This thread will make a nice pdf, thanks!

Shizy ago

refused to take any action that would help their own situation.

Action? You mean to just shut up and take @zyklon_b willfully disrupting GA because he suddenly decided to attack the sub for shits and giggles? He had no reason to start attacking us other than he just decided he wanted to. But don't blame him!

We chose to not sit back and shut up. People like you, and all of zyklon's other buddies don't like that, so after sitting on this information for six months you choose to reveal it now?

Yeah, that's not indicative of the OP having some agenda or anything!

Gothamgirl ago

1 post of a naked chick and he asked -is this Trump? cause she resembled Ivankas younger years 🤣😂

srayzie ago

It’s against the rules cock sucker

SmockingGun ago

Liking those downvotes traitor? 😂😂😂😂😂

Gothamgirl ago

So delete, ban and move on psycho.

You are atrocious and you look soooo incredibly dumb, and crazy right now.

Rotteuxx ago

Action? You mean to just shut up and take @zyklon_b willfully disrupting GA because he suddenly decided to attack the sub for shits and giggles? He had no reason to start attacking us other than he just decided he wanted to. But don't blame him!

You fed the troll after repeated warnings from goats, then you used your alts to start trouble with @gothamgirl and then @zyklon_b reacted to it.

The jew cries out in pain as he strikes at you.

We chose to not sit back and shut up.

You're willfully creating drama and then crying and playing victim.

People like you, and all of zyklon's other buddies don't like that, so after sitting on this information for six months you choose to reveal it now?

You accused me of being one of your alts you fucktard.

Yeah, that's not indicative of the OP having some agenda or anything!

Yes, exposing you for the manipulative bitches that you both are.

zyklon_b ago


Shizy ago

You fed the troll after repeated warnings from goats, then you used your alts to start trouble with @gothamgirl and then @zyklon_b reacted

Check the alt comment histories. You're completely mistaken on the timeline. They were NOT used to start trouble with GothamGirl within the past several months. They were used to troll her about 5 months ago when zyklon said they broke up and she was stalking him. He asked us to help troll her ffs! He was the one providing the ammo and even shit talking her publically. Like this:

This most recent issue with zyklon has ZERO to do with what happened five months ago! We have been cool with zyklon. No problems. Until he decided he wanted to attack GA completely unprovoked!

Here is an exchange three months ago where he first brings up attacking GA. Read our exchange. After that he dropped it and everything was fine. Until this recent attack where he chose to not back off.

Gothamgirl ago

He attack you for many reasons me being #1, Q lies #2.

srayzie ago

We used to all be friends ass wipe. With Zyklon too before he turned all disgusting. All I’ve ever asked was for you guys to not shit post on Great Awakening.

SmockingGun ago

We used to all be friends


We used to be brigade fuckbuddies that work for ShareBlue for a paycheck.

Gothamgirl ago

All is satire... I have said it so much lapdog starting repeating it back to me using 3 different alts. I know you can read.

Rotteuxx ago

You shat on everyone in the name of Great Awakening.

Stop playing the victim you delusional cunt.

Shizy ago

@clitorissa see above

Shizy ago

@srazie see above

Gothamgirl ago

You just tagged the same person twice, the ruse is over nigger.

xenoPsychologist ago

so... women. whats new?

Rotteuxx ago


xenoPsychologist ago

its pretty hard to separate female behavior from jewish behavior anymore.

CerealBrain ago

These women are pretty hot, rare I know here on Voat but just sayin.

xenoPsychologist ago

thats not really a substitute for being a good quality of person.

CerealBrain ago

No but it doesn't hurt.

That @Rotteuxx guy is an insufferable faggot.

xenoPsychologist ago

so are most people.

CerealBrain ago

Well I'm not I'm pretty damn cool.

xenoPsychologist ago

super smooth.

CerealBrain ago

Thanks man.

Rotteuxx ago

You should see me on a bad day.

AR47 ago

How many times has this have to happen before people realize it is manufactured?

These people have controlled the subs on reddit, and then knew from insider information of the subs banning to the moment it happened which is why they owned the subs here to force migration.

Happened with coontown, pizzagate, and many many others. They are in it for the money as all of them have, and influence to make people do what they want.

RobinWhite did it with /niggers and project hatefuck. He urged us all to go and paste that bullshit fact page in comments during the feurgeson riots. We said no and he sperged out just like Eugene did with not giving up coontown on voat.

Then whitesoimustberacist did it with the Baltimore riots and changed the sub to praise niggers.

Pizzagate became strict with submission rules until only approved submitters and more could make submission and control the narrative.

It’s all about fragmented movements. They gather as many as they can and then sperg out and make new communities to house what is left and repeat. Over and over again until it fizzles out.

Don’t know why none of you others remember these patterns.

Rotteuxx ago

It's conquering to divide in order to divide and conquer.

Classic jew playbook.

Shizy ago

I've never been on reddit.

AR47 ago

Don’t give a fuck what you say.

It is what you are contributing to that shows your alliance

CantDentTheBrent ago

What is with you stupid faggots and posting PMs???

You look like kikes.

AR47 ago

Manufacturing outrage and sedition.

Clitorissa ago

WRONG Martha!

AR47 ago

It isn’t like anyone will stop you.

You all have been doing it for 4 years and nothing stopped you so far.

Clitorissa ago

Me and @Gyna are online whores that had fake affairs with LARP Tweaker @Zyklon_b 😭😱

Rotteuxx ago

Keep digging your hole.

How's that reputation of yours ?


srayzie ago

Big difference is, you all knew we had a shit posting alt. I’ve said we like to shit post when I made my posts on GA. We don’t use it to stir people politically. We used it to shit post each other and to help Zyklon before we knew he was a shill.

King_Leopold_II ago

How's that reputation of yours ?

I don't quite understand. Explain like I'm an inbred jewish cunt.

Rotteuxx ago

She chastises @trigglypuff for being a shitposter and says she has a reputation to protect and that they haven't been feeding the trolls but as I've shown in this thread it's all Jewish double speak.

King_Leopold_II ago

Hey bitch how big is your nose?

Clitorissa ago

What kind of pervy question is that?

King_Leopold_II ago

Not very, does your clit have a hook to it?

Gyna ago

Does your asshole leak?

King_Leopold_II ago

Only after Taco Bell.

Gyna ago

That happens to me too.

King_Leopold_II ago

Is Taco Bell kosher?

Shizy ago


King_Leopold_II ago

They have constantly refused to take any action that would help their own situation

Assuming they are actually female, lol.

xenoPsychologist ago

well, thats rather feminine behavior, however... ya never know anymore.

Rotteuxx ago

Fair point !

King_Leopold_II ago

Yeah who knows, and even if they are, kinda what you alluded to with their nature and destructive ends.

Rotteuxx ago

It does appear they very well might be of the nation wreckers clan.

Oy Vey !