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srayzie ago

Me and Shizy like to laugh and have fun and all we’ve ever asked is that you don’t fuck with GA. We take that seriously. If you guys want to make it out to be more than that, that’s on you. I’ve said several times on GA Posts that we liked shit posting. That doesn’t mean joining an army and taking down subs we disagree with. Our friends have always known.

Intrixina ago

I have to ask a few serious questions.

I really have no dog in this race, however I'm honestly curious given that this stuff has been visible on my feed for several days now: Why is it even necessary to have alternate accounts to "shitpost" on? Why are you so afraid to do it on this particular account of yours? Is it because you're trying to portray different personalities via separate accounts, so that if one account becomes too rotten you will jettison it, and continue with something else?

It just seems to reek of fear of being your true self, and overall attention whoring to me.

Shizy ago

I'll answer as to why I personally have a shitposting account. When I became a mod there were certain people who began attacking me, and scrutinizing everything I wrote. I could no longer joke around with my friends or say stupid things. Even if it was done in other subs, these people would follow me around voat and comment on everything I wrote. They would try to twist it and use it against me, and they even dug through my comment history to try and use things against me. So I seperated being able to have fun with being able to mod.

Now I have learned to not care what the trolls say. I haven't really even used that account lately because I have stopped caring what those trolls say to me or what they try to do.

srayzie ago

Exactly. If we can’t let our hair down and laugh every now and then, these punks would make Voat no fun.

Intrixina ago

You could do that on your main account though, as I do.

Why such the need to "say stupid things" though? If you're saying stupid things, should you not expect to be criticised? Why obfuscate yourself on another account and pretend to be someone else - it sounds like you're almost trying to avoid criticism on the accounts you moderate on - which is poor form, really.

SearchVoatBot ago

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srayzie ago

I say stupid things to friends or GothamWhore. Why? Because it’s fun. I’m a wife and mom and Voat is where I can let my hair down and say or do what I want while still being able to research, post, and organize political and Pizzagate related information and spread it. I’m criticized daily no matter what I do. I’ve got to let off some steam. I know it’s hard to believe, but I have to be pretty classy in real life. I don’t have to watch every thing that comes out of my mouth here. It’s Voat.

My husbands pretty religious so I try to be respectful. Plus, I need to be an example. Here, I can just let loose, laugh and be crazy. If I’m attacked, I can attack back. I have friendships with like minded people. In real life, I rarely talk about politics because practically everyone is a fricken liberal. Voat is like home to me. It’s not usually so crazy. Right now it’s rough. We’re under attack more than usual. That makes me react more than usual. It’s a weird time. Lately I’ve been more of a bitch because we are constantly lied about. If it’s not here, there are people like Neon Revolt spreading bullshit.

I think if anything, I show myself too much. There would be less to attack me for if I just kept to myself and focused on Q. I enjoy a lot of my relationships here. The safest bet is to not show my personality, to not reveal anything about my life, to not engage when attacked, etc... But, I’m not a robot. I’m not some character. I’m just me. I’m loved, I’m hated, I make some laugh, make some angry, I always get my ass in the middle of drama...

The truth is, no matter what, none of it matters. People will pick us apart. If I were more reserved and quiet, people would think I was hiding something. I’m just passionate about what I believe in and what I’m fighting for. Because we run a political forum, we’re always going to be attacked. Forums will always have paid, and unpaid shills. You guys witness our ups and downs because we’re real.

Many people think me and @Shizy are the same person. We’ve even offered to prove it by voice chat. (Not on discord). Her and I have talked on the phone. I feel like she’s my twin! I would love to live by that woman. We would be besties. It’s because we’re so alike that we click. If people want to think my mod is my alt, that I want to take on her load too, and just never get a break, then that’s on them. We’re just going to keep working our asses off and fighting.

SmockingGun ago

Many people think me and @Shizy are the same person

Dont forget MH dipshit and all 3 accts are yours.

However I am glad to know others know your consensus and brigading games. Karma is a bitch isnt Rayanne? I love watching it from 40,000 feet reeree.

theoldones ago

Many people think me and @Shizy are the same person.

they didn't, right up until you suggested it after admitting to alts

srayzie ago

No, they are saying it on other threads. I was a mod there and just resigned a couple of days ago. I even told @TruthDefender that I don’t have a problem with alts unless they are used for bad. Like brigading and Consensus cracking. A shit posting alt is different.

SmockingGun ago

Like brigading and Consensus cracking.

This is EXACTLY what you used them for you fucking tard.

theoldones ago

No, they are saying it on other threads.

okay, why mention it here then?

srayzie ago

Because I keep getting so many notifications that I forget which thread I’m replying in. They’ve posted this all over the place today.

theoldones ago

1 or both of you just admitted to alt use, no shit they're saying that

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Could shizy and srayzie be crensch & kevdude? Look at their writings.

Shizy ago

they didn't

There have been accusations that we are the same person since back when we were barely friends on pizzagate.

theoldones ago

k, why are you telling me this

Shizy ago

Because I was pinged to your comment above....

theoldones ago

which was written by @srayzie and then quoted

Shizy ago

I don't know anything about her comment, I haven't read it yet because it's long and I'm dealing with the crap I can respond to quicker. When you quoted her comment, it pinged me to your comment. I respnded. Think whatever you want.

Intrixina ago

The point I am making is not about you saying stupid things - it is the fact that you separate it into several accounts that I asked about. If you say something stupid - you need to be accountable for it. Not hiding behind another account and acting like it's not yourself, and when someone calls you out on it you act like you don't know what's going on.

I also have a problem with you being flirtatious with other males on Voat, when you have a husband. That just shows another aspect of poor judgement on your part.

People would respect you more if you were true to yourself in all forms, rather than lying and otherwise being deceitful. You can have an opinion on something and conduct yourself with respect - which often your enemies may not agree with you, but they realise that you aren't to be fucked with, as a result.

Seeing these above examples tells me a fair bit about your personality, in fact. Please don't insult my intelligence and try and shift the conversation to speak of Shizy, when you know I was speaking of your alternative account.

srayzie ago

You’re lying to yourself if you don’t think the majority of people here don’t have an alt. It’s not like I use it to upvote or downvote. You can’t even do that. Same IP address. Just because you didn’t know about it, doesn’t mean friends didn’t. Almost all my shit posting was directed at fellow shit posters. Things I said to GothamWhore, were things I would say to her anyway. We can’t stand each other. That was no secret.

Flirting with Zyklon was alllll an act. He wanted us to flirt with him to make GothamGirl jealous. He said that she was stalking him and laughing at his previous girlfriend that killed herself. He made us think that we were helping him to make her leave him and his daughter alone. Zyklon was a flirt. He is GROSS.

Preferably, I would have liked to have shit posted using Clitorissa, and kept GreatAwakening more professional and free of drama. But oh well.

Gothamgirl ago

We win you lose

Intrixina ago

I'm not interested in the actions of other people. I am speaking of you, yourself - and acting like one personality on one account, acting a different one on this account - and then when called out on it, you begin being deceptive. Please don't shift the goalposts.

As for flirting with another person being an "act" - you have a duty to your husband not to act in such a fashion, whether it's a joke or otherwise. Are you seriously 12yrs old mentally? Grow up.

If Zyklon was having relationship issues, that's for him to figure out, not for you to act like a prostitute to him so he can extricate himself from the situation.

srayzie ago

My husband knows and laughed at what I said to her. I don’t need your lecture. I’ll worry about my relationship. You go worry about you.

Gothamgirl ago

Gross are you a swinger?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Holy sheeeit I was right about erything mane!!!! I might throw a party for myself, with screen caps included!! I'm really thinking about it. I just want to know if you have met any male users here at Voat and had sexual relations with them. It would explain why they defend you like knight cucks. This could be bigger than gamergate! All you had to do was apologize to me back then. That's all I asked for and you said "FUCK YOU". Then pinged twenty people. I have it all, darlin'. Have you ever fucked crensch or kevdude?

Intrixina ago

My original point about growing up still stands.