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Gothamgirl ago

You believe anything 🤣😂 glad I wasted your energy super cuck.

ESOTERICshade ago

Well i'll be damned. that account @clamhurtshosewater is the same account srayzie used to send nude pics of herself to @kevdude, @vindicator, and @crensch, and then blamed it on me. That shit was nine months ago and I never knew it until recently. She had them believing I did that in attempt to get her demodded, which is stupid as fuck because it wouldn't have been enough to get her demodded anyway and a retard knows that.

Gothamgirl ago

I keep trying to them she sent them to me, but they don't give a shit they protect her no matter what it is. At one point I was asking myself if she was a lesbian because she is so obsessed.

ESOTERICshade ago

Well, she just fucked them all over by sending them nude pics and telling them that I did it. Unless one or some of them were in on it too, which is possible.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Look at you playing along. You and @Gothamgirl have been working with each other all along. You aren’t fooling anyone.

@Crensch @Vindicator @HollaKost @IMCHAD

HollaKost ago

You and @Gothamgirl have been working with each other all along. You aren’t fooling anyone.

For sure! ES has demonstrated that he buddies up to and manipulates vulnerable women. With her low self esteem and equally low IQ I'd say @gothamgirl would be a prime target for him.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

I wonder how many she talks to on the phone when her husband is sleeping

Gothamgirl ago

None absolutely none don't even own a cellphone with service. I hate people period

HollaKost ago

And they hate you. Including your daughter in law it would seem!

Threatening to kill family members is not ok gothamcunt!

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Before any grand babies come along, maybe her daughter in law should be warned that Zyklon doxxes and threatens kids and that he put child porn on GG’s phone.

HollaKost ago

Daughter in law would be smart to keep her children away from nutty grandma @gothamgirl and her pedo husband.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

HollaKost ago

What a sham marriage!

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Public records search!

Gothamgirl ago

About that public search... You have a problem with me. So why not stop being a keyboard warrior round up your kike posse. Get in the car, I will pay your expenses, cause I know Jews are cheap fucks, and come to my house so we can settle this??!

My arms aren't small for a reason my fathers and brothers taught me how to fight. With and without weapons your choice. I bet I will beat your ass faggots. 🤭😆

InSaneGoatPosse ago

You sound like such an attractive lady lol.

Your big muscles do not sound appealing. That’s why men think you’re fucking hideous.

Damn, this bitch... @HollaKost @Crensch

Gothamgirl ago

No man thinks I am hideous, but I am fucking fearless.

HollaKost ago

No man thinks I am hideous

I showed my husband your picture. He vomited, and the. He said "that's hideous", so you're a liar again.

Gothamgirl ago

You know what I think about your husband lol he is a little dick motherfucker we seen the pics, no wonder his wife turns to numerous strange mean on the internet.


HollaKost ago

Ain't no dirty pics of me or my husband anywhere- in real life or the internet. Keep reaching cow!

no wonder his wife turns to numerous strange men on the internet.

Naw, that's you who knows all about strange men from the internet.

First there was Flynnlives, then esotericshade, then zyklon, and now dial! What a revolving door of cock you are!

Gothamgirl ago

Haha you wish I have only been with Zyklon, and I have never had anything but a research friendship with the others, and dial I barely know at all.

See Srayzie, Vindicator already told us your a cock revolving door, you turn to strange men because you were trained to do it. Did you notice him when he was making excuses for you digusting behavior? Funny he was well aware of your problems.

Is it true? Were you instructed by the shit bag people who raised you to be this way, Why do you still do it?

I am thinking it's multi-generational in your world and can't be fixed or broken, probably passed your disgusting way of life onto your kids.

Gothamgirl ago

You are the one making screen names that include gotham, and videos thinking you can have my husband. Try harder Jew. Nobody has a reason to be jealous of you.....


ZyklonsNiggerCelly ago

I've already had your husband.

Does he still cry when he makes love? I guess I was the one making love, but he cried like a bitch.

Gothamwhore ago

He wants a Srayzie but didn’t want him back so he got mad

Gothamgirl ago

Yeah he wants her alright, he wants her blue and dead.

DedGGdaughter1999 ago

Like me?

christine_kurosz ago

No one wants your husband, but it's understandable that you'd feel insecure seeing as you don't have much to offer him.

Gothamgirl ago

Srayzie you showed everything you have to men on Voat, and no one wants not even the loser that sleeps besides you everyday.

Dirty kike

NotSrayzie ago

According to lying Kevdude. Not true cunt.

Gothamgirl ago

Why would her husband be ok with her sending strange men nudes?

NotSrayzie ago

Why would you be ok with your husband threatening kids?

Why would you be ok with your husband doxxing you when you broke up?

You’re no better than him you pathetic cunt.

NotSrayzie ago

Oh no. You found out I live in Oregon? I feel violated!

Gothamgirl ago

No that's an office building but you know I am a digger so...


We know you're a nigger so....

Gothamgirl ago


H2FloorMats ago

Say hello to Matt for me!

Gothamgirl ago

I will by use of a process server 😁

HollaKost ago

Oh ok jewess!

Your Jew lawyer wasn't able to recover your gifts from Shawn!

christine_kurosz ago

Srayzie? My names Christine! You're right, the loser who sleeps next to me doesn't even want me. I don't blame him though, he's only with me for my money. Definitely not for my personality or looks

I'm ok with that.

NotSrayzie ago


Gothamgirl ago

Srayzie is the safest POS liberal scum to ever step foot onto Voat.

ShawnLepore ago

You’re a fat swollen pig!

H2FloorMats ago

And yet no one cares about your HUGE find!

(Cause it's a big nothing and you look really stupid for pushing this)

Gothamgirl ago

Trust me my lawyer will, and so will social media sites.


It's very Jewish of you to be so sue happy and toss "my lawyer" around all the time.

Come to think of it, your olive skin and dark eyes also point to you being a Jew. Gross!

Gothamgirl ago

Oh yeah right scumbag

MrMullenweg ago

I only want Srayzie. Not fat jealous Jew cunts

NotSrayzie ago

You’re a registered Democrat!

Gothamgirl ago

You're a registered loser.


zyklon_be ago

I’m in bed. Your fat ass better not be talking to Dial cunt.

PuttsLeftTest1cle ago

She wants me, you know it's true

  • dial

HollaKost ago

Botch needs a donkey pinch.

ShawnLepore ago

DedGGdaughter1999 ago

I know of several reasons for you to be jealous of her.

Gothamgirl ago

This basket case who hears voices? You must be kidding. 🤣😂