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ExpertShitposter ago

I looked over @CosmicNeo s biblical q and his other comments and have determined the following:

  • biggest faggot on voat
  • biggest boot licker on voat
  • biggest pussy on voat
  • dumbest person on voat
  • clinically insane

@CosmicNeo you are a bitch. @dial_indicator observe this massive bitch. @CosmicNeo i'm giving you an open threat:

I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you're looking for ransom, I can tell you Voat doesn't have money, but what I have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my baby goat go now, that will be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you with a gun.

zyklon_b ago

@cosmicneo fucked a white infant to death in 1990

ExpertShitposter ago

He did i have evidence. I already submitted it to FBI.

zyklon_b ago

i think the next step of the operation should be to destroy all Qtards even /v/greatawakening

Shizy ago

Nice zkylon_b! Why do you feel the need to fuck with GA?

zyklon_b ago

This bullshit of doing nothing and trusting the elite to police themselves is detrimental to society and Voat.

@trigglypuff and @heygeorge and @expertshitposter will confirm

Shizy ago

How is it detrimental to voat for people To gather and discuss a topic?

zyklon_b ago

too many kike lovers and kikes came over with qrv is exactly how @kosherhivekicker can verify it is bad thing to have.

Shizy ago

But you all know v/GreatAwakening was here long before all that, and you also know that we aren't kike lovers, so why go after the sub?

zyklon_b ago

Twas not my plan this came from the top. and i like all yall so not take not it personal.

Shizy ago

Who's "the top"? I thought you were a free agent, and actually called most of the shots.

zyklon_b ago

Nope i just glanced in on what was going on and decided have a couple of laughs . was not intended to be taken seriously. did not mean to offend anyone...

Shizy ago

You know we're all good with a couple of laughs, I just wanted to make sure you weren't pissed off for some reason and wanting to attack us.

zyklon_b ago

oh no was just having a few laughs over QRV and wanted see if could be done in a non anon sub.

Shizy ago

Hopefully it's more fun in anon!

zyklon_b ago

Yeah. qrv needs be sent back

Shizy ago

It seems that they are in a death spiral over there. No one appears to even be moderating anymore.

zyklon_b ago

Yeah GA should be very thankful that the Cabal has decided they must go.