heygeorge ago

User referenced in OP went full kamikaze to deplete their CCP then topped it with threats of having Voat shut down.

I’ve heard it said, @cosmicneo, the Lord helps those who help themselves. Why do you have so much hate? I hear this stems from fear and ignorance.

sguevar ago

I just read all the comments. You guys all made me fart by laughing so hard. Thanks. A good way to start my morning.

heygeorge ago

made me fart by laughing so hard

Little known fact: This is actually the origin of the term shitposter.

@expertshitposter can confirm

ExpertShitposter ago


ExpertShitposter ago

I'm not asking you to do anything to him. I'm telling you to look at him and laugh. And call him a faggot.

ExpertShitposter ago

I looked over @CosmicNeo s biblical q and his other comments and have determined the following:

  • biggest faggot on voat
  • biggest boot licker on voat
  • biggest pussy on voat
  • dumbest person on voat
  • clinically insane

@CosmicNeo you are a bitch. @dial_indicator observe this massive bitch. @CosmicNeo i'm giving you an open threat:

I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you're looking for ransom, I can tell you Voat doesn't have money, but what I have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my baby goat go now, that will be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you with a gun.

sguevar ago

ROFL this cracked me up so bad. Awesome quote.

zyklon_b ago

@cosmicneo fucked a white infant to death in 1990

ExpertShitposter ago

He did i have evidence. I already submitted it to FBI.

zyklon_b ago

i think the next step of the operation should be to destroy all Qtards even /v/greatawakening

srayzie ago

What do you think of that @HeyGeorge?

heygeorge ago

I have to say I prefer that empty comment to some of the empty comments directed at @cosmicneo

The downside is that somebody’s probably going to FF raid v/GreatAwakening and blame it on the muh SBBH bogeyman as I’ve seen happen before.

zyklon_b ago

i tried to report these abuses but all @puttitout did was send me more dick pics....

#me too

srayzie ago

Well maybe people should stop directing them to Great Awakening

heygeorge ago

Why are you acting as if I have any responsibility for the behavior of others?

srayzie ago

I’m pointing it out to you because in another comment you asked why I was bringing up something 5 days old.

Shizy ago

Nice zkylon_b! Why do you feel the need to fuck with GA?

zyklon_b ago

This bullshit of doing nothing and trusting the elite to police themselves is detrimental to society and Voat.

@trigglypuff and @heygeorge and @expertshitposter will confirm

Shizy ago

How is it detrimental to voat for people To gather and discuss a topic?

zyklon_b ago

too many kike lovers and kikes came over with qrv is exactly how @kosherhivekicker can verify it is bad thing to have.

KosherHiveKicker ago

The Jew-fags were repelled by Voat's immune system when /r/TheDonald migrated and attempt to take over. The same thing happened with QRV - TheAwakening as well.

zyklon_b ago

No many in qrv are still active

KosherHiveKicker ago

Sounds like we need deploy the Fallschirmjäger?

zyklon_b ago

Berserker attack

Shizy ago

But you all know v/GreatAwakening was here long before all that, and you also know that we aren't kike lovers, so why go after the sub?

zyklon_b ago

Twas not my plan this came from the top. and i like all yall so not take not it personal.

Shizy ago

Who's "the top"? I thought you were a free agent, and actually called most of the shots.

ExpertShitposter ago

Who's "the top"?

Sorry shizy, but nether i nor @zyklon_b can discuss orders from the cabal. Its a matter of international political stability. And by that i mean instability.

Shizy ago

Oh, ok. I hope by my mere mention of it there aren't any serious consequences for you all!

ExpertShitposter ago

A death squad was dispatched, but i convinced them you know nothing so they are returning to base.

Shizy ago

What a relief!

zyklon_b ago

Even if we fall the Cabal lives on.

ExpertShitposter ago

And even in death we still serve the omnissiah.

zyklon_b ago


zyklon_b ago

Nope i just glanced in on what was going on and decided have a couple of laughs . was not intended to be taken seriously. did not mean to offend anyone...

Shizy ago

You know we're all good with a couple of laughs, I just wanted to make sure you weren't pissed off for some reason and wanting to attack us.

zyklon_b ago

oh no was just having a few laughs over QRV and wanted see if could be done in a non anon sub.

Shizy ago

Hopefully it's more fun in anon!

zyklon_b ago

Yeah. qrv needs be sent back

Shizy ago

It seems that they are in a death spiral over there. No one appears to even be moderating anymore.

zyklon_b ago

Yeah GA should be very thankful that the Cabal has decided they must go.

ExpertShitposter ago


zyklon_b ago


NosebergShekelman ago

What about my feelings. What do I get?

boredTech ago

That is a beautiful sock puppet.

VOAT is so pathetic. It's built for losers who want to control who gets to have free speech and who doesn't. Pathetic.


And a wonderfully executed response.

VOAT is so pathetic.


It's built for losers


who want to control


who gets to have free speech




Ahh, classic TS.

Goathole ago

please do try to play nice others. Reddit did not send their best and brightest when they extracted the Qancer


If voat is going to be sued I want motherfucking hate crimes filed for oppressive patriarchy 'n sheeit. I wanna be The Shitlord. I want those cunts begging for coloring books and boxes of puppies. I want to watch the world burn.

zyklon_b ago

burn it

heygeorge ago

I’m going to make a prediction here, and it is that Voat is not quite ready for shutdown.

Goathole ago

They will never take us alive. Scorpion riding the frog.

kneo24 ago

That's pure gold right there. The gold probably came from the teeth of the dead jews that were gassed, then cremated, then starved, then ultimately turned into soap and lamp shades.

Ok, I jest, this is actually hilarious.

dan_k ago

CosmicNeo is a fuckwit that continuously calls anyone and everyone a Nazi.

So glad tallest_skil showed xir what it's like when the sky really is falling.

gabara ago

@Tallest_Skill is /ourguy/

NosebergShekelman ago

He's a super goy! Sometimes I hide under my desk when interacting with him because I'm afraid he will shoah me through my computer with some sort of Nazi voodoo.

TheBuddha ago

I'd like to point out that caring about user feelings is something we take serious on Voat. It's a point of pride, really.

ExpertShitposter ago

You should write an original song about voat.

gabara ago

You're a national treasure!

TheBuddha ago

Damned right!

heygeorge ago

Thank you for your expressed concern, @thebuddha. Maybe together we can continue to help make Voat a better place for everyone, including @cosmicneo!

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty much the nicest person on voat.

Which, really, is not actually a very high bar.

I'm still gonna count it as a win.

heygeorge ago

I’d take that one. But gee, even I’m one of the nicer people on Voat!

TheBuddha ago

I'm still pretty sure I deserve a medal. Pretty sure.