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Goathole ago

Gas the Jew.

jnola2 ago

I was in denial, for many years, until I have come to learn that the Holocaust did not happen the way the (((Leftist))) historians claim. Plenty of Christians were exterminated in Russia, plenty of farmers in the Ukraine, and plenty of Germans in prison camps after the war in Europe reached a conclusion. It's really not so grevious an issue until you realize that this particular period in history was monumental in completing the Jewish hold on people's minds in the west. You are peddling white guilt, nothing more.

CosmicNeo ago

You are peddling Nazism and racial purity. It's an oxymoron.

The Illuminati created Communism (Leftists) and Nazism. Why ignore the real history and continue repeating the Holocaust deniers' mantra? Ignorant of the facts or are you an Illuminati shill?

jnola2 ago

Communism, Freemasonry, Globalism, International Finance, and the Illuminati all have Jewish influence. The Jews tried to exterminate the German people. Funny how your real history was writting by the victors, yet no one asks if they were telling the truth.

Racial purity is a response to the Jewish Kalergi Plan.

National Socialism was a response to Global Communism.

It is really unfortunate that the Holocaust didn't happen, the world would be better off without people like you.

CosmicNeo ago

The connection with all the above-mentioned groups is the Rothschilds. They created Communism and Nazism. They financed the creation of the Illuminati. The Illuminati then infiltrated Freemasonry where it hides itself among the unsuspecting. Even George Washington spoke of this on-going infiltration. And, of course, the Rothschilds created the Federal Reserve and controls International Finance. They even created Hitler and the Nazis. This is how they operate. It's a divide and conquer strategy.

What popular culture doesn't realize yet, is that the Rothschilds pose as Jews but aren't really Jews. Their subterfuge and philosophy stems from their being Sabbatean-Frankist Luciferians. People are not aware of this history and its role in attempting to create a Luciferian NWO. People are too busy responding to the false flag events that the Rothschild's Illuminati instigates and which then lead to wars and the breakdown of nations so that the "Cult of the All-Seeing-Eye" can infiltrate and eventually take over. And the cover for their PSYOPS? The Jews. And you've all fallen for it hook-line-and-sinker.

The Satanic Cult That Rules the World

jnola2 ago

I'll summarize... It's the Jews.

CosmicNeo ago

I'll summarize... Hitler was possessed by a demonic entity called The Beast.

jnola2 ago


GoylentGreen ago

Lol got his ass

sguevar ago

Why would you provide as source a biased organization created and funded by (((the jews in the letter)))?

How is this a fact?

Why are you unwilling to review the information yourself?

Why do you think that the pictures you see of burnt bodies are (((jews in the letter))) and not germans?

Why do you think the pictures you see of the starving men and women on the camps "liberated" by the bolsheviks are (((jews in the letter))) and not germans?

How is it that the number of deaths from the Holohoax has decreased so often?

How is that the number of (((jews in the letter))) increased in Europe during the 2nd WW?

Why do you think that back then they had better ovens than now to cremate people and it took only half an hour to cremate 3 or 5 bodies (same time to cook less or more mass)? Does this seems logical to you?

Why is it that Auschwitz had a pool? a band? money? a jewish brothel?

Why is it that Hitler wanted to send the (((jews in the letter))) to Madagascar but also wanted to kill all jews?

Why is it that Goebbels demanded the German people to not attack the (((jews in the letter))) to respond to the (((jews in the letter)))'s boycott against german products around the world?

Who declared war first (((judea))) to germany or germany to the (((jews in the letter)))?

These are just simple questions that wouldn't take you much to answer nor research about them.

CosmicNeo ago

Testing. 1... 2... 3...

sguevar ago

This doesn't answer none of the questions I asked before. Your source is supported by (((jews in the letter))) see the supporters of that web site. The editor of the site Joseph Korn, claims he is the son of one of those holohoax survivors. The web site is based mostly on claims done by so called "survivors" and their descendants. The liberators claims are based on what they saw when they "liberated" the camps. They fail to see that they were witnessing the consequences of their continuous bashing to the german supply chain. Starvation and diseases spread because of the germans were unable to supply food and medicines to their camps.

Your medical killing claim is bogus to say the least because it doesn't specify the time, amount of killings resulting from this, nor the number of staff implemented to address them. This could have never been able to be performed during the last two years of the war and yet is when most of the claims come from. So I doubt that

Also, lets address the Zyklon V. What was the purpose of that gas? To kill fleas and lice. Can it kill a person? No it cannot, the most it can give is a stomach ache. Why is it that the "gas chambers" that were in fact showers had enough ventilation to avoid asphyxiation or why did they have trap doors that opened a tunnel that leaded outside of every camp? The trap doors were in fact in case of bombings, so the prisoners could escape. None of those trap doors had railroads like the bogus claims of the (((jews in the letter))) or the fictional book of the List of Schindler claim.

You my dear friend have been blinded and still are blinded by false accusations from the (((jews in the letter))) and their synagogue of satan.

However it is time for me to just give you some material to inspire your research:

One third of the holocaust - - all claims are verifiable, you can address each one of them separately. Take your time ;).

CosmicNeo ago

Showers without water pipes?

Would you be willing to test whether Zyklon B (hydrogen cyanide ) can kill a person or not?

sguevar ago

The concentration camps were created to arrest the communists that in their majority were jewish yes. The reason why that was is because they were subversives and tried several times to create a coup to overthrow the german ruling.

Communism comes from judaism.

There is nothing wrong that the german people wanted to be proud of their own kin. There is much evidence that the National Socialists army included people of all nations and races. This because they believed the same thing that National Socialists believed: Each nation deserved to defend it's people. Each government should work for their people. Each nation have a right to defend their sovereignty.

The germans did not believe they were superior than other races. They were however proud of their german roots. And their nation success was to be address in a way that serve a testimony of their greatness. I think I read about a black athlete that was treated better by the germans than by whites in the US.

You are in fact basing your whole theories on false claims. and you still refuse to review the other side of the story. This pride of yours is what blinds you. And no, I don't see any sense in continuing this conversation if you keep on refusing to review the other perspective because that shows the lack of objectivity that you have on the subject.

CosmicNeo ago

That explanation doesn't explain the timeline. Why create ghettos for Jews Only? Was Anne Franks a communist?

And no, I don't see any sense in continuing this conversation if you keep on refusing to review the other perspective because that shows the lack of objectivity that you have on the subject.

Your video link was too slow, boring and I didn't like the sound of the narrator's voice. If you have an argument that disproves the holocaust, I'd appreciate it if you presented it in your own words and in bullet points and with links that backup your claims.

sguevar ago

Anne Franks a communist

That was fictional too - otherwise there wouldn't be a man being paid for Author's rights over the story. You see how you are blinded that you don't even want to see the truth...

Your video link was too slow, boring and I didn't like the sound of the narrator's voice. If you have an argument that disproves the holocaust, I'd appreciate it if you presented it in your own words and in bullet points and with links that backup your claims. Otherwise, I'll gladly oblige you and discontinue this "conversation" with you.

Is history revision. The point here is that you are just putting excuses to not review the facts. That is on you. Either way you proved already that your sources are bogus and you are unable to address any of my questions. Have a good day ;)

Ignorance is bliss but for those that take it willingly is just cowardness.

CosmicNeo ago

But children were put into concentration camps, right? Ghettos for Jews Only were created, right? How does that fit with your "communist problem" narrative?

sguevar ago

Would you have preferred for them to be separated from their families? Were those families communists? Were they raising those children as communists?

CosmicNeo ago

Hitler didn't persecute the Jews because they were communists. He didn't have a whole team of scientists researching genetics just for the fun of it. He had an agenda. He wanted to create a master race of superior people. His plan was to create that race by purifying the German gene pool. That's why he devised the death camps scheme. It was the most direct way of eliminating people that didn't meet his "master race" standards. He could work those people to death and get free labor in the process. The people who were too feeble and unable to work were killed outright. This is irrefutable history. The idea that they were sent to concentration camps because of their communist affiliation just doesn't pass the bullshit test.

sguevar ago

Source already disproven no purpose in continuing with this.

Check who declared war to Germany first ;)

CosmicNeo ago

LOL! If I showed you a film of Hitler making the same statements, you would say it was doctored.

Who started World War II? Hitler invaded Poland after spending years gearing up for his world conquest. It's all part of the Master Race agenda. It's all part of Lucifer's NWO agenda.

sguevar ago

Judea declares war on germany on 1933.

Hitler invaded Poland after spending years gearing up for his world conquest.

Incorrect, please research about what happen in Poland that provoked the anger of Hitler and resulted in his invasion to Poland. Though I don't trust Wikipedia because of his obvious (((handlers))) here you go, maybe this will encourage you to research further:

I don't disagree that WW2 was part of the NWO agenda. What you fail to see is that the NWO agenda is a (((jews in the letter))) plan to create the one world government ruled by the synagogue of satan. Yes they are luciferian indeed. The man of perdition will be of jewish descent. Whether you believe me or not it is forewriten in the Word of God already:

Daniel 11:37 - KJV

Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

The man of perdition that will rule the world government will be a sodomite (((jew in the letter))) and if you keep swallowing the propaganda that has been given to you you will be deceived by (((him))),

CosmicNeo ago

We have different ideas of who the synagogue of satan is. I believe it's the Sabbatean-Frankists (Illuminati) offshoot and not the entire Jewish population like you believe.

Genesis 22:18

“And through your offspring all nations of the earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.”

Romans 11:17-21

“If some of the branches have been broken off, and you, though a wild olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing sap from the olive root, do not consider yourself to be superior to those other branches. If you do, consider this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you. You will say then, 'Branches were broken off so that I could be grafted in.' Granted. But they were broken off because of unbelief, and you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but tremble. For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either.”

sguevar ago

Well the problem is that you first read a corrupted version of the Bible and second you pay no attention to the financiers of all the conflicts since the French Revolution.

I didn't say that all the Jewish population was part of the synagogues of satan. I said that the (((jews in the letter))) are (which is most of them yes).

I think you will be interested in this documentary: NWO: Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy Vol. 1 -

This was the first one that opened my eyes to the reality of the NWO and it's luciferian nature.

And given the fact that you are reading a corrupted version of the Bible:

New World Order Bible Versions (Full Movie) -

Once again if you put your pride aside and start looking at the facts you may see the truth. If you decide to omit because you just are too lazy to do it or coward to have your views confronted then you have made your choice and there will be no more effort from me to try to change your mind for you have tasted the truth and yet rejected it. I hope that will not be the case.

CosmicNeo ago

What bible version do you use?

sguevar ago

I already showed you that.

CosmicNeo ago

Which was the King James version. I looked my bible passages up and their meaning doesn't change. The Jews are a blessing to all nations; they are the root source of Christian's spiritual vitality.

And your redneck, backwoods preacher videos don't impress me. They're just preaching bigotry.

sguevar ago

True Christians do not support zionism, nor the (((jews in the letter))), nor the synagogue of satan, nor the earthly israel that praises the star of remphan.

Verse showing that Jesus says that because (((they))) deny Him (((they))) denieth the Father also and that (((they))) can't no longer hide (((their))) sin:

John 15:21-25 - KJV:

But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me. If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloak for their sin. He that hateth me hateth my Father also. If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father. But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause.

Verse showing that (((they))) cursed themselves:

Matthew 27:25 - KJV:

Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.

Verse showing that (((they))) are not Jews in God's eyes:

Romans 2:28-29 - KJV:

For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

Verse showing (((their))) covenant with the start of Remphan:

Acts 7:43 - KJV:

Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

Verse showing that (((they))) are the synagogue of satan:

Revelation 3:9 - KJV:

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. - You can see why God doesn't think they are Jews when you compare the verse in Romans above.

And you can also show him this video of a Christian brother being smeared, attacked and insulted by (((them))) when he is preaching to (((them))) to come back to Jesus before it is too late for (((them))):

The (((jews in the letter))) are in disfavour before the Father and supporting (((them))) is supporting the synagogue of satan. Any true Christian would denounce zionism in a heart bit.

You have no understanding of the Word of God.

CosmicNeo ago

Deuteronomy 32:35

To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste.

Matthew 5:43-48

Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

John 13:12-21

So after he had washed their feet, and had taken his garments, and was set down again, he said unto them, Know ye what I have done to you? Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him. If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.

Matthew 6:12

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

Jesus taught us to be better than non-believers. He taught us to be humble and to forgive our enemies. He taught us that to the degree we forgive others is the degree God will forgive us. None of these passages teach that we should take the Law into our own hands.

Romans 11:5-21

For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead? For if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches. And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree; Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee. Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be grafted in. Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear: For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee.

Paul warns Christians not to boast of their newfound religion. "For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee."

As I've already explained to you in my Spirit of Truth series,, it wasn't by chance that Jews began returning to Israel once the Second Messiah was born in 1920. And it wasn't by chance the Israel gained statehood after the Second Messiah began his public ministry in 1945.

John 8:7

So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, he that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

What Jesus meant by this statement is that we are all sinners.

Mark 10:18

And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is, God.

Jesus struggled to accomplish God's will. He fell short and was not able to win the heart of his enemies; ie., the Jewish leaders. Because of this, he felt unworthy to be called good. When Jesus passed his messianic mission on to Rev. Moon in 1936, the same obstacles would have to be overcome. Could Rev. Moon win the heart of the Jewish leaders? Could he win the heart of his enemies? Could he live his life for the sake of others at the risk of his life? These are the same questions Christians need to ask themselves. Have they earned the respect and love of their enemies? Have they earned the respect and love of the Jewish leaders? Have we loved our enemies?

As Pogo is famously known for saying: "We have met the enemy and he is us." I think this accurately sums up our predicament. It's not the Jews who are at fault. It's not the heathens who are at fault. It's not the atheists that are at fault. Rather, it is us who is at fault for we have not lived up to God's standard of what is good.

sguevar ago

It would do us well to remember, we are not God.

No body has ever said that.

Your understanding of the Word of God is superficial and you use a perverted version of the Bible.

No point in continuing this conversation, specially not with someone that tasted the truth and rejected it.

Have a good day.

CosmicNeo ago

Hitler played God in deciding who gets to live and who gets to die. Your playing apologetics on behalf of Hitler shows which side of the evil vs good equation you stand on.

Perverted version of the Bible? You use the King James version, right? I used King James quotes. And that version still shows how far from the truth your opinions and actions are about the Jews. Of course you're going to pretend I'm the problem and not you. You're in denial.

GoylentGreen ago

“Muh Illuminati”

Go watch zeitgeist again dude.

CosmicNeo ago

You think you know, but you don't. That's the irony of this entire discussion. (Is it a particle or a wave?)

GoylentGreen ago

more misdirection from the core argument.

Don’t you have an Alex Jones video to watch you Zionist nigger.

CosmicNeo ago

Hate is what connects us to Lucifer. Wherever you find a social system that teaches hate, you can be sure the devil is present. Hitler was introduced to the realms of hate through satanic rituals performed by his early mentor, Dietrich Eckhart. Mein Kampft was dedicated to him. Since like attracts like (a resonance principle), Hitler attracted the support of people who were filled with hate and resentment. One of those people was Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. This person is said to have played an important role in transporting Hitler's anti-Jewish ideology into the Middle East. Yassar Arafat was a key inheritor of this Nazi ideology. And we know how that has influenced the region with its spread of hate (terrorism) against the Jews. This occult connection is not discussed because it clearly proves Hitler is evil and so is its radical jihad offshoots. My suspicion is that you and the other anti-Jews on VOAT represent this Islamic offshoot of Nazism. If I'm correct about my suspicion, then of course you people will want to silence me. Hence, the attacks, insults and efforts to make me go away. (How's that for "misdirection?")

GoylentGreen ago

No I’m just just doing it to fuck with you because you’re a brain dead christfag that believes there’s a paranormal explanation for the problems in the world. When it’s simply a greedy group of people hiding behind their religion.

GoylentGreen ago

Nice tactic, come in and respond to people a day after their intitial post at 4 in the morning. Did your shift just start or something schlomo?

CosmicNeo ago

Projecting, are you? Worried your crew will be asleep and unable to respond before I can be downvoted? Worried that one person is able to outsmart your Nazi propaganda machine? ;-)

GoylentGreen ago

Denying the holocaust doesn’t make one a nazi, keep drilling those talking points rabbi.

CosmicNeo ago

Pointing out the inhumanity and stupidity of Nazism doesn't make be a rabbi or Jew. Keep drilling those "kike" insults. Your cult leader must be proud of you.

GoylentGreen ago

No, your loose application of an ever broadening definition of the term “nazi” is what has outed you as a kike. Disliking jews =/= nazism, denying the holocaust narrative =/= nazism. Adhering to the tenets of national socialism is nazism.

CosmicNeo ago

Believe what you want. Nothing I say is going to change that. Obviously. ;-)

GoylentGreen ago

I can support my beliefs with actual substantiating evidence, all you can do is claim “they look lame” “I’ve seen the negatives”. You’re not even fun to argue with, there’s no sport in it.

CosmicNeo ago

Is it even possible to present "substantiating evidence?" Yours looks lame to me and mine looks lame to you. Anyway, this isn't a sport. It's life and death for us all.

GoylentGreen ago

No, mine looks lame to you. Yours has been independently disproven. But then again you believe in Q, so the idea of proof is beyond your understanding.

And the best warriors view combat as sport and appreciate a worthy adversary, but you’re so stupid it’s not even a structured debate. Your aging boomer brain just hops from one subject to the next as your arguments unravel.

CosmicNeo ago

So much projecting going on with you. You do realize the more you speak the more you reveal yourself, don't you?

P.S. You can quit anytime you choose if you think I'm an unworthy opponent. (Btw, I'm talking to how many adversaries here fermenting their hate against me? You're not the only one. So I think I'm doing a good job taking apart your group-think's assumed superiority complex.)

GoylentGreen ago

Your defense has amounted to “your evidence looks lame” “I’ve seen negatives”, those aren’t even actual arguments. You’re the Dunning-Kruger effect personified.

And “group think” is hilarious coming from the guy repeating the same tired points pounded into everybody’s brain since middle school and linking debunked “evidence” from the National Holocaust Museum.


Humansized ago

The prefered term is "proof demanders" you kike

CosmicNeo ago

Deniers are those who refuse to look at the evidence because it's an elaborate hoax instigated by US military?

whiskeybent ago

Wheres the proof?

CosmicNeo ago

The links. Click on them. Read the Nuremberg Trial transcripts. Watch the videos? Listen to the testimonies.

whiskeybent ago

Ive seen about 50% and watched some I havent seen. Ive even saved some

CosmicNeo ago


whiskeybent ago

Straight up shit Im still a non-believer

CosmicNeo ago

So you don't believe the testimony of holocaust survivors? Same with the soldiers who liberated the camps? They're all in on the "scam?"

whiskeybent ago

Some things are most likely true but some is also very likely false. I try to keep the stuff because its good and I havent seen some of it. I can look at it more in depth given time plus things sometimes become unavailable all of a sudden. I definitely want to know more

CosmicNeo ago

I definitely want to know more

It's best to look at it holistically and within historical context. Motive, ulterior motive, hidden motive, real motive... Antony C Sutton: Wall Street and the rise of Hitler & Communism

Crisco_McFlow ago

Shalom rabbi. Don't forget to remind the goyim about how well the gas chambers worked with wooden doors.

CosmicNeo ago

The doors were to prevent the people from escaping. Why do you think wooden doors is an issue? Doesn't even tear gas work in open spaces like parks and plazas? Likewise, people die in house fires from smoke asphyxiation everyday. And they usually have wooden doors.

CosmicNeo ago

No thanks. Fascism isn't my cup of tea.

Tallest_Skil ago


Glad to see you've destroyed your account. Now you can't post anymore! Leave forever.

Crisco_McFlow ago

Oy Vey! A website full of knowledge, pictures, and articles created by non-jews is Fascim!

Fuck off, Rabbi.

CosmicNeo ago

Hitler was crazy. Who can deny that? It shows in his eyes. He was abused by Satanists. Why do you cover for him?

Crisco_McFlow ago

Why are you covering for the kikes? They've killed and destroyed more than what (((historians))) claim Hitler accomplished. I wish the holocaust happened but the evidence and logic are not there to back it up. Even if Hitler killed 6 gorillion kikes, that's just peanuts compared to what the yids have done to the world. If you care so much about crazy evil satanists you should worry about the kikes, Hitler did nothing wrong.

CosmicNeo ago

I think you have a distorted view of reality. Were you raised in madrasa schools?

Crisco_McFlow ago

The Bolshevik Jews killed over 60 million, but in public school we're taught that Hitler was a crazy madman, the most evil man to walk the planet. He just woke up one morning and for no reason at all decided to kill 6 million jews. What about his millions of followers? They were all just crazy? Not a single one of them had a reason to expel Jews from society? I'm not the one with a distorted view, you're just brainwashed. Wake up, faggot.

CosmicNeo ago

You've just revealed the manipulation of Cultural Marxism upon western society. Yes, it's a problem. The Left and its Marxist agenda is more dangerous. Hitler was just the second-stage anti-christ. Communism is the third-stage anti-christ. Interesting how deceitfully these Leftists have managed to infiltrate the US political system without anyone paying attention.

Have you read Mein Kampft? Followed the timeline I posted? The agenda is there from the beginning. It's not a "wake up one morning" deal. He knew what his agenda was from the very beginning. He dedicated Mein Kampft to that person.

Crisco_McFlow ago

Everything you posted from (((Bloomfield))) is bullshit. I could sit here and argue but you don't actually debate. You just keep spouting shit like a sidewalk preacher and avoiding the actual conversation.

Just for fun.

Communism is "the third stage anti-Christ". The left uses cultural marxism to bring communism to the masses. The jews control the politicians and the left. The left pushes cultural marxism which brings communism to the masses. Meaning that Jews are the anti-Christ and Hitler was right to expel them from society? Correct or incorrect?

CosmicNeo ago

Bloomfield? Who's that?

You're confused. I understand. New knowledge and new paradigms take time to absorb. My worldview doesn't fit into your Nazi worldview. That's okay. You're still reading my "sidewalk preaching." You must be interested.

Crisco_McFlow ago

I'm interested in your stupidity and inability to answer my questions, rabbi. You linked 6 different posts from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website. BLOOMFIELD IS THE DIRECTOR OF THAT MUSEUM YOU FUCKING MORON. Go back to the synagogue, regroup with the rest of the kikes and try again. You haven't even looked into your (((sources))). Pathetic.

CosmicNeo ago

Bloomfield is the director? And if I were a Jew I'd know that, right?

I upset you. It's obvious. You know your holocaust hoax theory is bogus. You know Hitler was possessed by satan, but you have a need to cover this fact up. Why? What connection do you have to him? Are you a Rothschild?

Crisco_McFlow ago

You take misinformation about kikes written by kikes at face value. You don't even look into who created your sources. Nobody takes your stupidity seriously.

CosmicNeo ago

I've also presented Nuremberg Trial documents and testimony from Nazi prison guards. It''s not just testimony from the Jewish victim/survivors. You just choose to reject that evidence because it proves how messed up your thinking is.

Nobody deserves to be treated the way Hitler treated the Jews. He took away their livelihoods and forced them to live in walled ghettos. He made them wear yellow Stars of David. Then he packed them into box cars and shipped them to concentration camps. There the people were separated into those who could work and those who couldn't. Those who couldn't work were executed in one way or another. The others were tattooed with serial numbers and forced to work to death.

You say the holocaust didn't happen, but you wished it had. What makes a person think like that? Is it insanity? Are you a psychopath? Is it the foolish misinterpretation of the "synagogue of satan" bible passage?

You are not a good person. The way you mock and insult me shows what kind of despicable person your are. You don't even realize how barbaric that makes you look. Like attracts like. The other deniers here do the same thing to me. It's a reflection of the mindset Hitler represents. It shows what kind of hell he and his followers were/are happy to create. (An apple doesn't fall far from its tree.)

Tallest_Skil ago

I've also presented Nuremberg Trial documents

  1. Not a trial.
  2. Forged documents.
  3. The holocaust violates the laws of physics.

testimony from Nazi prison guards.

  1. Not testimony.
  2. Castrated to get "confessions."
  3. The holocaust violates the laws of physics.

Nobody deserves to be treated the way Hitler treated the Jews.

You mean no one deserves their own homeland?

He took away their livelihoods

Which they stole from Germans.

and forced them to live in walled ghettos

Where they already lived.

He made them wear yellow Stars of David.

The star of remphan is something they chose to wear themselves.

Then he packed them into box cars

You mean like the Polish settlers shipped to the Soviet Union to be exterminated after the war was over?

and shipped them to concentration camps.

Where they wouldn't cause a communist revolution like they did in the last war.

There the people were separated into those who could work and those who couldn't.


Those who couldn't work were executed

Proven false.

The others were tattooed with serial numbers and forced to work to death.

Proven false.

You say the holocaust didn't happen, but you wished it had. What makes a person think like that?


Are you a psychopath?

Asked the jew.

You are not a good person.

Said the jew.

The way you mock and insult me shows what kind of despicable person your are.

Commit suicide.

You don't even realize how barbaric that makes you look.

Drink bleach.

The other deniers here do the same thing to me.

Drown yourself in semen.

It's a reflection of the mindset Hitler represents.

What, ethnonationalism?

It shows what kind of hell he and his followers were/are happy to create.

What, a jew-free world, except for Palestine?

Crisco_McFlow ago


Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting there were no gas chambers.

CosmicNeo ago

You're misperceiving reality. Thanks for admitting that.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting there were no gas chambers.

EyeOfHorus ago

The United States, United Kingdom, France, Soviet Union and the United Nations created Israel after WW2 so that the few remaining Jews that survived Hitlers gas chambers could have a country of their own..... so of course the holocaust is real. Haavara agrees with me.

CosmicNeo ago

Eye of Horus = Illuminati? The Rothschilds were the culprits. The Great Awakening is exposing the truth. Dark to Light.

GoylentGreen ago

I’m only going to refute your “photographic evidence” which included multiple proven doctored and out of context photos. We both know I’m not gonna change your mind.

CosmicNeo ago

I've seen negatives first hand. They didn't doctor negatives back then. The doctored photos you speak of were deliberate "proofs" created by Hitler-worshipers or Jew-hating radical Muslims. The real issue is who created Hitler? Not interested in digging deeper? Happy being a dialectic pawn of the Illuminati?

Tallest_Skil ago

You’ve seen literally nothing, paid shill.

GoylentGreen ago

If the pictures are known to have been faked by nazi sympathizers, why were they included in the links you provided (on a Jewish funded holocaust memorial site) as proof of the holocaust. Is this really the new holocaust worshipping tactic? You fuckers get caught with your pants around your ankles using altered photographs and you attempt to shift the blame to the pictures being produced by “Hitler worshippers”. Even though you just tried to pass off the pictures you’re claiming to be nazi propaganda as proof of the holocaust.

Beyond that, I’m aware of the fakes you’re referring to (that were supposedly created to disprove the holocaust) such as the guy hanging from the tank barrel, etc. and none of them were listed in the link I provided.

CosmicNeo ago

If the pictures are known to have been faked by nazi sympathizers, why were they included in the links you provided (on a Jewish funded holocaust memorial site) as proof of the holocaust.

There's an overabundance of proof and testimony that you are ignoring. Hitler's ideas on eugenics and its rationale for eliminating the Jews (and many other groups of people) is well documented. The testimony of the Nuremberg Trials is well documented. The pictures of piles of dead bodies made by the liberating soldiers of the concentration camps is well documented. Why are you singling out a few "fake" pictures that themselves are most likely fake?

Your attempt to deny the holocaust is based on what? That the US Holocaust Museum is funded by donations from many US citizens who might happen to also be Jewish? The evidence of Hitler's master race agenda trumps your circular logic.

GoylentGreen ago

My link is a sourced and cited refutation of the very pictures you posted as proof

CosmicNeo ago

The pictures looked lame to me. And saying the piles of dead people were German soldiers is just as implausible. These are German concentration camps liberated by both the Allies and the Russians. Did they both have the same idea about faking the holocaust narrative? Did they both have a ready supply of skinny, starved to death German soldiers to stage their photos? Like I said, I've seen real negatives of the atrocities. Your holocaust denial just doesn't pass the bullshit test.

GoylentGreen ago

It was cited and sourced, so it doesn’t matter if it “looks lame” to you. And beyond that, no American liberated camps are listed as “death camps”, only the soviet liberated camps were counted as “death camps”. And yes they both had a supply of skinny malnourished prisoners, considering the German supply lines had been bombed to bits in the months leading up to the camps being abandoned by the Germans, and prisoners get last priority when it comes to being fed.

You having “seen real negatives” is anecdotal and is in no way proof of anything. Your holocaust worship doesn’t pass the bullshit test

CosmicNeo ago

You having “seen real negatives” is anecdotal and is in no way proof of anything.

It proves that whatever you say won't change the facts as they really are.

Your holocaust worship doesn’t pass the bullshit test

Facts remain facts however you might want to spin it.

GoylentGreen ago

“Facts remain facts however you want to spin it”

Funny coming from a guy using anecdotal evidence to try to disprove a cited refutation of the PROVEN doctored photos he attempted to pass off as legitimate.

CosmicNeo ago

Seriously? Does this faked "doctered" photo scheme work on other recruits? Too funny.

Like I say, I know what I know. Nothing you say will change what I know.

GoylentGreen ago

Yes actually, most people are intelligent enough to know when to stop doubling down after they’ve been called out for using doctored and out context photos as evidence.

And there it is “nothing you say will change what I know” I said at the very beginning of this that we both know I won’t change your mind. That isn’t the mindset of someone concerned with the truth, that’s the mindset of a religious zealot.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

You won't be able to convince anyone here. They are so wrapped up in 'Jews are evil!' they can't accept the Holocaust.

I.E. They are morons.

CosmicNeo ago

I've noticed that. But I want to see how deep the stupidity (ignorance?) goes.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

I like to look at it as it gives me a list of the people who's opinions I can ignore.

CosmicNeo ago

They obvious have an agenda for being here. I just wonder how many are just sockpuppets.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago


CosmicNeo ago

Yes, some of them. (At least the ones trying to discredit Q.) But some of them actually believe what they say about Hitler. (Muslims and David Duke types?)

Tallest_Skil ago

Aww, the holocaust shill also supports the proven hoax Q-LARP. How adorable.

Fellate a shotgun.

CosmicNeo ago

Proven hoax? Proven by whom?

Nazis are infamous for mistreating people. You're doing a good job keeping the tradition.

Tallest_Skil ago

Sorry, moishe, you’re already exposed. Nothing of the sort happened.

CosmicNeo ago

No, VOAT is exposed. It's dominated by antisemitic nazi-wannabes.

Ironic that you're against Q when Q endorsed VOAT as a replacement for reddit's Q sub by the name of Great Awakening.

Q post 2269

I wonder what he thinks about VOAT now?

Tallest_Skil ago

No, VOAT is exposed.

Okay, leave forever. This isn't your website. Go to another website.


Project harder.

Ironic that you're against Q when...'s a paid jewish shill. Why would I support that?

Q endorsed VOAT

We don't care. Your jewish hoax has no place here.

as a replacement for reddit's Q sub by the name of Great Awakening.

We don't care. We don't want them here. They're BRAIN DAMAGED LUNATICS WHO SUPPORT A PROVEN JEWISH HOAX. They have no concept of facts. Leave with them.

I wonder what he thinks about VOAT now?

I don't care. They should all be exterminated.

CosmicNeo ago

Is this your website? Was it your website from the start or did you nazi-wannabes take it over through sockpuppets and downvoting all normies?

BRAIN DAMAGED LUNATICS WHO SUPPORT A PROVEN JEWISH HOAX? Proven by who? Proven by lunatic neo-nazis?

Tallest_Skil ago

Is this your website?

It sure as shit isn't yours, yid.

take it over

No, we founded it.

through sockpuppets


and downvoting


all normies?

No one cares about normalfags, you stupid fucking kike.

Proven by who?

Reality. Q-LARP's own statements. The last 2 years of history. You're not even trying now.

CosmicNeo ago

You've convinced yourself that your behavior is acceptable just as you've convinced yourself that Hitler's behavior was acceptable. But God's judgment is what counts. Reality has already spoken on that matter. You have just failed to notice.

Tallest_Skil ago

You've convinced yourself that your behavior is acceptable

You are clinically insane, have been proven objectively wrong, and are worshipping jews. You are of subhuman intelligence and are either a jew or a race traitor. Kill yourself.

God's judgment is what counts.

Enjoy hell, jewlover.

VOAT has been exposed.

Then leave.

CosmicNeo ago

Clinically insane? Isn't that what I was just saying about you? Now you're projecting again?

Hitler was possessed by a demon he called the Beast. Yet, you're defending Hitler and calling me subhuman? Too much irony.

Possession is a serious matter. You can try to laugh it off, but when it happens you don't even realize it. The spirit merges with your spirit because you have invited it in through thought and behavior. Identifying with Hitler is one way of allowing the Beast to work through you. Telling people to kill themselves is a clear sign of who you work for. And it ain't Jesus or Jehovah. You can be sure of it.

I'm not leaving. God sent me to expose the evil that is lurking and manifesting here on VOAT. Soon this exposure will be big news. High Noon is coming for all that is evil in this world.

Tallest_Skil ago

Hitler was possessed by a demon he called the Beast.

No, moishe.

Possession is a serious matter.

So kill yourself.

Telling people to kill themselves is a clear sign of who you work for.

Not the jews.

You can be sure of that.

Stone around your neck; jump in a river.

I'm not leaving.

You're done. 10 posts per day for you. Leave the website.

God sent me to expose the evil that is lurking and manifesting here on VOAT.

Reported for admitting to spam.


Q-LARP is a proven jewish hoax. No one is coming to save you. Kill yourself now.

CosmicNeo ago

Q-LARP is a proven jewish hoax. No one is coming to save you. Kill yourself now.

The "lady" doth protest too much.

What are you hiding? Why are you afraid of having your "sacred" Hitlerian agenda exposed for what it is? Afraid it can't withstand scrutiny? What if you're an agent of ISIS looking to provoke "Nazi retribution" within the US? Or what if you're a Chinese shill?

There are so many issues about you (voat) that cries out to be investigated.

The Light is being shone on you? Worried?

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for mass spam.

CosmicNeo ago

You're projecting. You're the spammer.

Tallest_Skil ago

Kill yourself, holocaust believer.

CosmicNeo ago

You are violating Voat's User Agreement rules. If Voat doesn't take action against you, I will assume Voat condones your behavior and does in fact incite harm. Just verifying before I move to the next step in removing Voat.

"Do Not Incite Harm"

MadWorld ago

:-) Fuck the terrorist state of isreal.

offender ago






syntaxaxe ago

Please don't remove Voat. With a name like CosmicNeo, you're probably very powerful. Can we all just be nicer to CosmicNeo?

Before you initiate your terrifying next step, would you please contemplate Tallest_Skil's advice? Killing yourself immediately would prevent any more of your feelings getting hurt, after all.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Gas yourself you fucking kike rat.

Tallest_Skil ago

Kill yourself immediately. I have violated no rules.

CosmicNeo ago

US free speech laws allow for antisemitic commentary, yet you're attempting to ban anti-antisemitic free speech because you think it's spam? You're silly.

VOAT sucks because it's antisemitic and abusive of my First Amendment rights. I think that's grounds for getting VOAT banned from the USA. What do you say? How about I consult the FCC about such matters? Are you game?

Tallest_Skil ago

can’t read

spams jewish hoaxes

clearly paid to post here

Reported. You’re done.

Voat sucks

So leave, paid jewish shill.


So leave, paid jewish shill.


Cry harder. So leave, paid jewish shill.


lol free speech, subhuman.


Cry more, subhuman.


So leave, paid jewish shill.


You’re the LARPer, philosemite.

federal case

Oh, do please try to sue me for saying words that hurt your feelings, subhuman. I would love to see you repeat the Zundel trial.

By the way, reported. 10 posts per day. Get used to it.

CosmicNeo ago

The issue is free speech. Voat's CCP rules silences opposing views. That deprives me of my First Amendment Rights. Say bye-bye to Voat, dumb-dumb.

Tallest_Skil ago

Holy fucking shit, this is the first time you’ve ever said anything that was accurate.

Downvote anyway because you are a confirmed paid shill who supports white genocide.

CosmicNeo ago

Confirmed paid shill? You have a strange ideal of what confirmed means. If you imagine it, it's confirmed? That's not how reality works.

In case you've already forgotten (you say you are one of the founders?), this is how it works....

Private companies that use ISPs and telecommunication satellites of other countries must abide by laws existing in the countries where they do business; ie., broadcast.

Tallest_Skil ago

You’re already done here. You have no power. No one will ever believe a word you say. This isn’t your website. Leave forever.

CosmicNeo ago

I have more power than you can imagine. WWG1WGA

Tallest_Skil ago

Kill yourself, Q-LARP believer.

CosmicNeo ago

Q = President Trump

Tallest_Skil ago

You're clinically insane and already proven wrong.

Tallest_Skil ago


Get a new account.

CosmicNeo ago

Tallest_Skil ago

All meaningless, as none are even from the “death camps”, which didn’t exist.

CosmicNeo ago

Hermann Göring’s memo to Reinhard Heydrich from July 31, 1941:

“In completion of the task which was entrusted to you in the Edict dated January 24, 1939, of solving the Jewish Problem by means of emigration or evacuation in the most convenient way possible, given the present conditions, I herewith charge you with making all necessary preparations with regard to organizational, practical and financial aspects for a total solution of the Jewish Problem [Gesamtlösung der Judenfrage] in the German sphere of influence in Europe…

I further charge you with submitting to me promptly an overall plan of the preliminary organizational, practical and financial measures for the execution of the intended final solution of the Jewish Problem [Endlösung der Judenfrage].”

The Wannsee Conference and the implementation of the Final Solution

Tallest_Skil ago

Hermann Göring’s memo

a total solution of the Jewish Problem

Interesting... and what, pray tell, throughout all of history, was meant by saying "[ethnicity] problem"? WHY, LET'S TAKE A LOOK!

The idea of an ethnicity being “a question” dates back even further. There’s the German Question–from roughly 1848–which regarded the unification of German-speaking regions into a single political entity. Also the Irish Question, with regard to their independence–the jewish prime minister of the UK defined that one. Then there’s the Polish Question in 1861–about independence after the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth dissolved. The Serbian Question, repeated often in history and always regarding Serbian independence. The Italian, Greek, and Spanish questions at the Council of Verona, all having to with the independent rule of those nations. And, of course, the Eastern Question–dating to 1774–which came about as a result of the foreseen dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. With the Sultan deposed and the Ottoman Empire destroyed, what would become of those breakaway regions? They would call for… independence. Do you see a common thread forming? “Questions” of ethnicity historically regarded the establishment of a nation for them.

Not only was Nazi Germany not the origin of a “final solution,” its rule was not nearly the first time the status of an ethnic group had come into question. Nazi German rule was not even the first or only time that the “Jewish Question” had arisen. Great Britain’s Jew Bill of 1753 (repealed a year later due to unpopularity) naturalized jews living on the British Isles. The Jewish Question is repeated by Bruno Bauer in 1843 (in The Jewish Question), which was addressed directly by Karl Marx himself in On the Jewish Question. Communists through the ages–jew and non-jew alike–have commented on Marx’s work. ✡Abram Leon’s✡ own book, The Jewish Question (1946), expounds on Marx’s comments.

We see a trend arising–even among jews–in what is historically meant by “the jewish question.” Indeed, ✡Theodor Herzl✡, the father of zionism himself, wrote: Theodor Herzl’s “final solution to the jewish question” was that jews have their own nation, where they may all live together, separated from the non-jews of the world. The leadership of the NSDAP agreed with this conclusion. Hence the Haavara Agreement was signed, and jews began to leave Germany–at the behest of the national socialist government–to settle in the British Mandate of Palestine. The objective nature of this historical event contradicts one of the oldest and most important points of the narrative that this chapter discusses–one which has only very recently been admitted by jews to have been false all along. Now that we know “the jewish question” is a relatively innocuous phrase to use–having been used and supported by jewish community leaders themselves–what about “the final solution”? From its first historic use, we see that it refers to the assimilation of an ethnic group. In that case, it was the americoid settlers in the far north of Canada–eskimos and plains peoples–who were having their cultural identity erased in an attempt to make them fit into Canadian society. The British tried this method around the world, with disastrous results. Those with good memory know that this behavior is an example of genocide–“deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.” Interestingly, US president Andrew Jackson–a man vilified by modern history books for his part in the “evil” that was the “Trail of Tears”–is personally responsible for preventing the genocide of the Indioes in the United States. By having them pack up and resettle in the far west of the country, Jackson ensured that the language, cultural heritage, and Indio peoples themselves would survive, rather than be assimilated into (or outbred by) future American culture.

In 1918, after Germany’s devastating betrayal and loss in WWI, jewish bolsheviks overthrew parts of Germany and attempted to instate a communist polity. This terrified the German people, as they expected the communists to do to them what had been done to the Russians–ethnic genocide. That uprising was put down, but the fear of communism led to the rise of the NSDAP. In 1941, ✡Theodore N. Kaufman✡, a jew living in the United States, published a book titled Germany Must Perish! in which he called for the mass sterilization of all Germans as “punishment” for having lost World War I. Ethnic genocide, in other words. Coupled with the jews’ interwar behaviors in Weimar Germany, that book made Germans rather fed up with–and afraid of–jewish cohabitation in Germany. The world today shows us that their fear was not misplaced.

The actions of the NSDAP in expelling jews from their positions of control in Germany had caused jews to believe the nation was the newest “incarnation” of Amalek, from jewish mythology. This idea, once spread, created a religious and cultural fervor among the jewish diaspora, who worked in unison to demand the destruction of Germany through war–economic and physical. Because of these actions, and with memories of jewish sabotage of German industry during WWI still fresh in their minds, the NSDAP decided to deport the jews of Germany to Palestine. This is what zionist jews already wanted. Unfortunately, when WWII began, Britain closed the English Channel and North Sea to all German shipping–even peaceful passenger liners full of jews. Thus Germany had to discontinue the Haavara Agreement, but it still had the problem of jews potentially being a fifth column within their nation. Not wanting to see industrial sabotages and mass riots again, Germany began relocating its jews–and jews found in occupied lands during the war–into residential camps. In these camps, the jews could be monitored, and they would be kept separated from both the German people and the potential to sabotage the production and morale of this war, as well. With a major domestic enemy out of the picture, Germany could concentrate on what was swiftly becoming a two-front war without having to divert troops to their heartland to combat a fifth column at home.

The Wannsee Conference

Cute. The conference for which there is no audio or visual documentation and only "what someone said happened there." That's nice. Not only is that not evidence of even a DESIRE to commit genocide, it doesn't disprove the PHYSICAL IMPOSSIBILITY OF THE GENOCIDE ITSELF, YOU COCKSUCKING YID.


StoneRights ago

holy shit dude! did you finish the book?

Tallest_Skil ago

It’s not published, but I’m close. That section is done, at least.

CosmicNeo ago

The final solution called for the removal of Jews from German society. The answer was first to wall them off in ghettos and then send them to "labor camps." Then what was the next step? Separate the genders? Separate the children from their parents? How is any of this considered humane treatment? Never mind whether the plan was to starve the people to death, execute them or work them to death. The fact that you can look at this "Jewish problem" without considering the inhumanity of the enterprise proves your psychopathy. Likewise for Hitler and all his henchmen.

You know I'm right and that's what provokes you to yell at me in BOLD TYPE and call me name. It's how all fascists operate, whether on the worldwide web or in real life. They think they deserve to have won WWII because their the "survival of the fittest" Nazi philosophy. But when it didn't happen, they go berserk. Get used to it. You lost and you're still a loser. There are no second chances in God's End Times dispensation. The world is already way past that.


Tallest_Skil ago

The final solution called for the removal of Jews from German society.


The answer was first to...


"labor camps."


Then what was the next step?


Separate the genders?


Separate the children from their parents?


How is any of this considered humane treatment?


Never mind whether the real plan was to starve the people to death


execute them


or work them to death.


without considering the inhumanity of the enterprise


You know I'm right


and that's what provokes you to yell at me in BOLD TYPE


and call me childish names.


It's how all fascists


(aka bullies)


You people lost WWII and you're still losers now.


There are no second chances in God's End Times dispensation.




P.S. You think downvoting me makes you right?


VOAT is so pathetic.


It's built for losers


who want to control


who gets to have free speech




auchtung ago read more fag

CosmicNeo ago

Rothschild schemes are rooted in Sabbatean-Frankist's Luciferian ideologies.

auchtung ago

what does that have to do with what I posted? I am aware of the sabbateans and Rabbi Marvin Antelman, Antony C Sutton, etc..., but again it has nothing to do with what I posted.

CosmicNeo ago

It shows that the underlying thought behind the Final Solution goes back hundreds of years.

The Rothschilds financed the creation of the Illuminati. It's all the work of a twisted ideology that permeates our culture and politics today. Blaming the Jews for all the problems of the world is just one of the many tactics used by the Illuminati. It's an "order out of chaos" philosophy. They thrive off it as it keeps the peons fighting amongst themselves and, hence, too busy to notice what's really going on. I offer the link as a "read more fag" response to your "read more fag" response.

CosmicNeo ago

Hitler’s views of eugenics in his own words...

auchtung ago

Cool. Read the works in my original link. All of the books are free.

v8ford ago

The thought crime laws surrounding it prove in itself it's a fucking hoax. The goyim are widespread woke to your bullshit sympathy extortion scam Schlomo.

CosmicNeo ago

Where's your proof?

Tallest_Skil ago

“The holocaust happened because it happened” is an official legal position in your narrative. Fellate a shotgun.

CosmicNeo ago

Testimony from victims and perpetrators say it happened. The Nuremberg Trial transcripts say it happened. And your response to that proof? The Jews doctored the proof? The survivors all decided to have serial numbers tattooed on their arms? The soldiers who liberated the camps all decided to falsify their reports and photographic evidence?

At what points does your hoax argument become mathematically impossible? (We've reached that point long ago.)

Tallest_Skil ago

Testimony from victims and perpetrators say it happened

No one gives a flying fuck, you subhuman pile of shit. I say you're a child rapist. I said so. That makes it true. Kill yourself immediately.

The Nuremberg Trial

Didn't exist. Show trials, run by Iona Nikitchenko, who presided over Stalin's purges in the 1930s. Nuremberg was not a court of law, had no evidence or legal testimonies, and everything stated there has been proven to be a hoax by even the jewish narrative of today.

And your response to that proof

Disproving it.

The Jews doctored the proof

Explain how Rudolf Hoess was able to write and sign a "confession" in English without speaking the language.

The survivors all decided to have serial numbers tattooed on their arms

No, they don't.

The soldiers who liberated the camps all decided to falsify their reports and photographic evidence?

There is zero photographic evidence of any genocide being carried out anywhere in Europe under German orders. There is zero photographic evidence of any "death camps." Your own narrative admits that zero of the camps for which there are photographs were involved in "the holocaust."

At what points does your hoax argument become mathematically impossible

Never. Your hoax is PHYSICALLY impossible given the time constraints, material available, and fuel provided.

We've reached that point long ago.

Yes, we did. Reported for paid shilling.

ToOnMaN ago

Here is my stance, i have no idea if it happened nor does it matter to me. Up to 70 million people died during WW2, almost all of them were white, you dont hear us crying about it all the fucking time. Maybe throwing this stupid shit in peoples faces all the time is what got their people into that mess in the first place, it is an irritating tactic. Those too stupid to understand scream out with you and the rest of us want to start it all over again and do it right this time.

CosmicNeo ago

Satan is real. Are you a Satan denier as well?

CosmicNeo ago

Those too stupid to understand scream out with you and the rest of us want to start it all over again and do it right this time.

Why are you screaming? Too stupid to understand?

contrarianism ago

Holohoax gonna hoax

CosmicNeo ago

Testing... 1... 2... 3...

contrarianism ago

Muh clever

CosmicNeo ago

You know how karma works? What goes around comes around.

Who knows, maybe one day Nazi leftovers will be rounded up and be sent to concentration camps. Wouldn't that be ironic?

contrarianism ago

You know how facts work?

CosmicNeo ago

Facts according to a "contrarian" definitely work differently from facts offered by a rational person who has seen the evidence firsthand.

KeepGoingRight ago

I hope Iran becomes the hero the world needs and nukes Israel.

CosmicNeo ago

Ishmael is still pissed? It's understandable, but stupid is is stupid does. Why continue to allow yourself to be a puppet of Lucifer/Illuminati? Does it really help matters or just perpetuate the vicious cycle?

samy90a44 ago

Ignore him people. He's just upset because today it was revealed that when USAF CI Ofcr. Monica Witt defected to Iran she took 10 Years worth of US and Israeli Intelligence with her. CI data which no doubt contributed to the apprehension and execution of half a dozen Israeli Intel (mossad) Agents operating inside the Islamic Rep. of Iran. Much of this was made light today. Read of it here:

CosmicNeo ago

VOAT = Radical Muslim PSYOPS? I thought so.

samy90a44 ago

Probably not so much that as is the exposure of what really goes on behind the scenes on the World Stage apart from the sanitized and carefully controlled PayOps that the masses of Sheepeople are fed as pure propaganda on the Mainstream Media on a 24/7 basis. Her Defection was voluntarily and "Ideological" meaning she converted to Islam and "changed sides" as the PsyOp Masters would like to drill-into the minds of the masses. In all honesty she should not have passed Classified Info over to Iran, but she chose to as her Ideological Convictions proved to be more important to her than any Oath of Service she took as an Officer. Her choice, Her decision, but it does give us a 'peek behind the curtain' so to speak of the REAL chess game the Plutocrats play behind the scenes. I for one will look forward to reviewing any Docs she passed on when they are revealed in a Public Venue such as Wikileaks. The Snowden and Manning Documents were very much triggered a Political Earthquake across the Region, and her's will also, assuming the Persians want to release them or find it 'expedient' to do so.

CosmicNeo ago

But your bringing up the topic is strange. It shows I'm dealing with people who have been indoctrinated to hate a certain race or nationality. Breaking that indoctrination is the key to recognizing what's real and isn't real. Are jihadists operating from a greater source of truth? Were the indoctrinated Nazis operating out of a greater source of truth? Who's really pulling our strings? Once you figure that out, then you have to ask who's pulling their puppet strings.

Nobody wants to look at the Illuminati connection. The Nazis and Jihadists just want to blame the Jews and be content they know the truth of the World Stage. But it's more complex than that. The Illuminati pretend to be Jews simply to ferment hate against the Jews. The Illuminati are experts at playing both sides. They're experts at false flags.

samy90a44 ago

You are very accurate on all aspects in your posting. Perhaps this may shed some light on things. I've found these guys to be very interesting:

CosmicNeo ago

Epistemology theory says we're inherently "prejudiced" just by the nature of our languages and culture. So we grow up indoctrinated whether we know it or not. Whether we play a musical instrument or not determine what kind of brain wiring we develop. Being right-brain dominant or left-brain dominant affects how we perceive reality. Our DNA determines our IQ. Epigenetics plays a role as well. Religious traditions as well. There are so many factors at play in whether we perceive reality correctly or not. The kinds of economic and governmental systems that we grow up within likewise has a big impact on who we are. So it's inevitable that regional, cultural, language differences continue to cause conflicts in the world. We have yet to transcend our "programmed" destinies. I believe the internet is slowly correcting these differences. To me, that's what the Great Awakening is. It's a synthesis of ideas and spiritual perspectives.

Timmy2 ago

There were only 300,000 deaths in the camps, per the International Red Cross.The official census of all of Europe from 1932 to 1946 only shows a decrease of one million jews. That is a lot. But, the number supports the Red Cross estimate and the belief that most of the one million are believed to have moved to the US or Israel.

CosmicNeo ago

Only 300,000? People who supported Hitler are/were sick? Are you saying Hitler didn't teach genetic purity and strive for the creation of a master race? His words speak louder than all your "proofs."

Tallest_Skil ago

The official census of all of Europe from 1932 to 1946 only shows a decrease of one million jews.

It shows an increase.

1RealHeretic ago

Wannasee....theeese nuts!

1RealHeretic ago

Brothers divided by language (((newspaper & money)))

CosmicNeo ago

Who are we really? Where did we come from? Why are there five distinct races? Were aliens involved? Did we come from the stars? Why is this history being kept hidden? How come Hitler had flying saucer technology and he still lost the war? What is Project Paperclip? What is the Shadow Government? Who wants to continue keeping us dumbed down? It goes much deeper than "brothers divided by language."

1RealHeretic ago

My guess, We are "SELF", Where did we come from implies time is a reality. Time is not linear, it's quantum. So we never came from anywhere we've as humans have always been here, as humans are tied into the Earth. Sprit is ONE and comes to physicality to expirence, via emotions, which are unique to this space. This plane is built on duality, everything is on polar contrast. We forget (cosmic) history of SELF to remember who we are (Divinity) in order to forget it again. Different Races is from the seen"system" that gives us the confusion. We have our suppressed Human history, as a result of running from our personal karmic accountability, a lack of spiritual maturity. Aliens as far as technological advanced beings are only consciousness aware of what we're self distracted from, the obvious. Hitler lost because he fought out of love for mankind, whereas (((they))) come from a place of hate. Hitler was still trying to figure out occultism & Spirituality, whereas (((they))) have an almost unbroken tradition, in gnosis & awareness of occultism/history/etc...if you know the name of the project you know what it was about... All the projects are the compartmention of "awareness" that previously only integrity could access before, since "science" has been "around" has been used to define for those absent integrity, truths that their inverted practices could not obtain. As sacrifices of SELF removes SELF from "truth". We choose to limit our growth by entertaining distraction. Language is the dividing factor. "Let us go down and confuse them". Just my opinion brother or sister.

CosmicNeo ago

Cool. Thanks for the link.

But quantum Nazism? Too funny. Thanks. That made my day. A very entertaining concept.

Time may not be linear from the viewpoint of other dimensions, but it's linear within our daily life. It doesn't happen all at once. Likewise with the history of man. One event is built upon what comes previously in a causal manner. The outcome is quantum because it's built upon our free will choices. Nothing is predetermined.

Karmic accountability? Yes, Hitler played a role in helping to bring that about in terms of the karmic debt Jews have for crucifying Jesus. But Hitler wasn't operating out of "love for mankind." He had essentially sold his soul to the devil. And that opens a whole other "can of worms."

Aliens played a big part in our history. That's suppressed knowledge reserved for the "elite." The secret societies know some of the alien "science" and so have been using it for their own benefit. This enables them to "lord over us." Hitler tried to make sense of it all but still from immature level of spirituality. Hence, an entire new generation of people (Nazi descendants) became indebted to the law of karma for their misdeeds. In fact, history is still unfolding according to the karmic debt of mankind. Nobody is exempt. That's why evil remains a vicious cycle.

Let's break the cycle by not repeating the past. (Looking for scapegoats.)

1RealHeretic ago

Time is an illusion thou, as it's the study of cycles. Time is still a rather new concept to humanity, this is one of the rosecrucian teachings. Kemetian/Olmecs, Vedics used cycles to innerstand the spirit, not to measure from now till next. This is how we have literally been programmed to age. Aliens, I honestly don't believe in Aliens... I believe the animals are aliens, I don't believe we came from Monkeys, I believe we coexisted, and that evolution is bio-enviromentally specific, as in, needed more melanin to regulate more sun exposure. We cannot trust someone (them) to tell us the truth when they lie, we know they lie, we don't know what they lie about. We are only taught the "truths" of science/math that are obviously observed. Not sure where quantum Nazism came from, I honestly could care less about Nazi, Communism, DeepState etc.. I innerstand the "threat" but it's about our choices and inaction from my perspective. As for culture, geneology, etc... We are spirits whom encarnate in different Races, that's the real lineage, the bloodline shit is all reptilian/Royal BS nonsense.

CosmicNeo ago

The Vedics don't rule out the existence of Aliens. They mention them extensively. Without understanding their role in the human drams, you won't understand why or how Nazism, Communism, or the Deep State came into existence. The Deep State is the Illuminati (aka. Sabbatean-Frankists). They infiltrated everywhere. Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry were trustworthy venture into truth until they were infiltrated by the Illuminati. My opinion is that by ignoring this dynamic (inaction), you are refusing to make the correct choices. Likewise with ignoring the bloodline (the Alien connection again) issue. Hitler was aware of all these connections. Unfortunately, he manipulated into connecting to the Dark side instead of connecting to the Light.

We are spirits whom encarnate in different Races

Yes, but where did those races come from? Which constellations?

1RealHeretic ago

I'm aware of the Vedic/Vedas, but just like with Norse, Toltec, and Tap - I see the "Alien/God/Angel" etc as symbolic of Man's state of consciousness (different levels), and so do they. There is a clear difference between "Man" & God's" in each of these cultures, but they will share they we're all Members capable of surpassing Human Desire/Emotion. It's only with the Greek/Roman Pantheon that we see God's being emotionally falable - there are stories of other culture God's being pulled in to Human emotional Drama, but I believe this is a reflection on How God's came to be Human, vs the separation from Humans & God's. The only thing I'm refusing to see is that Man is a victim and needs to rely on something externally to fix/save him from other "evil" Men/Monster/Alien/Demons etc... Man is it, IMO, everything else can.... "... And I'm all out of bubblegum!"

The different planet thing, this is again where the fucking weirdos got it for up. According to real ancient ol shit, each of the Planets were a Sun at their own time. This could mean that they were either literally their own Sun, or we're close enough to reflect the Sun like a Moon. I don't buy into the Moon being fake/satellite story, as I know each planet to be an aspect of us internally, via organ/chakra/or spiritual/physical role, such as the Moon being responsible for Karma/Dharma. Constellations are a whole other topic - I'm just gonna say I don't buy into the people from different star systems story in how the internet tells it. Part KaliYuga part Bagua, more TaoChing than Kamballah. I don't buy into anything Abrahamic post Kemet, it's like Haitian Voodoo complete one sided out of balance. Tall on power short on wisdom. Hitler is only relevant as a mind control program to protect the existing power structure, that's it. The Bloodline thing is a joke bro .I get it RH, DNA, JunkCode, Reptilian Brain, White beauty, Black Caveman etc.... It's a distraction, once it's taken past entertainment. It keeps the mind safe from the big in ignornace from working in/with truth - IMO

ElijahBrown ago

Hang around. You'll see all this stuff refuted.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

Nope. Mostly they are going to put their hands over their ears and go "wah wah wah"

CosmicNeo ago

Did you click on the links? Of course not. Hypocrite.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

I think that one that begins with a 'Maj' is the one my Uncle saw during the war (I'm old). This was long after the fighting was over.

CosmicNeo ago

The deniers think the holocaust was a hoax. Yet, how many first-hand testimonies of the Nazi atrocities exist? Liberators of the French, American, British, and Russian military all testify that it happened. So do the testimonies of the Nuremberg Trial defendants. It's all there for everyone to see... if they have a heart.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

My Uncle during WWII saw one of the camps. He only talked about it once (I was 6).

Tallest_Skil ago

If this yid doesn't hit a record for submission downvotes, I'll be very upset at Voat.

CosmicNeo ago

Voat = Nazi

Tallest_Skil ago

Suicide = you