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UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

You won't be able to convince anyone here. They are so wrapped up in 'Jews are evil!' they can't accept the Holocaust.

I.E. They are morons.

CosmicNeo ago

I've noticed that. But I want to see how deep the stupidity (ignorance?) goes.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

I like to look at it as it gives me a list of the people who's opinions I can ignore.

CosmicNeo ago

They obvious have an agenda for being here. I just wonder how many are just sockpuppets.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago


CosmicNeo ago

Yes, some of them. (At least the ones trying to discredit Q.) But some of them actually believe what they say about Hitler. (Muslims and David Duke types?)

Tallest_Skil ago

Aww, the holocaust shill also supports the proven hoax Q-LARP. How adorable.

Fellate a shotgun.

CosmicNeo ago

Proven hoax? Proven by whom?

Nazis are infamous for mistreating people. You're doing a good job keeping the tradition.

Tallest_Skil ago

Sorry, moishe, you’re already exposed. Nothing of the sort happened.

CosmicNeo ago

No, VOAT is exposed. It's dominated by antisemitic nazi-wannabes.

Ironic that you're against Q when Q endorsed VOAT as a replacement for reddit's Q sub by the name of Great Awakening.

Q post 2269

I wonder what he thinks about VOAT now?

Tallest_Skil ago

No, VOAT is exposed.

Okay, leave forever. This isn't your website. Go to another website.


Project harder.

Ironic that you're against Q when...'s a paid jewish shill. Why would I support that?

Q endorsed VOAT

We don't care. Your jewish hoax has no place here.

as a replacement for reddit's Q sub by the name of Great Awakening.

We don't care. We don't want them here. They're BRAIN DAMAGED LUNATICS WHO SUPPORT A PROVEN JEWISH HOAX. They have no concept of facts. Leave with them.

I wonder what he thinks about VOAT now?

I don't care. They should all be exterminated.

CosmicNeo ago

Is this your website? Was it your website from the start or did you nazi-wannabes take it over through sockpuppets and downvoting all normies?

BRAIN DAMAGED LUNATICS WHO SUPPORT A PROVEN JEWISH HOAX? Proven by who? Proven by lunatic neo-nazis?

Tallest_Skil ago

Is this your website?

It sure as shit isn't yours, yid.

take it over

No, we founded it.

through sockpuppets


and downvoting


all normies?

No one cares about normalfags, you stupid fucking kike.

Proven by who?

Reality. Q-LARP's own statements. The last 2 years of history. You're not even trying now.

CosmicNeo ago

You've convinced yourself that your behavior is acceptable just as you've convinced yourself that Hitler's behavior was acceptable. But God's judgment is what counts. Reality has already spoken on that matter. You have just failed to notice.

Tallest_Skil ago

You've convinced yourself that your behavior is acceptable

You are clinically insane, have been proven objectively wrong, and are worshipping jews. You are of subhuman intelligence and are either a jew or a race traitor. Kill yourself.

God's judgment is what counts.

Enjoy hell, jewlover.

VOAT has been exposed.

Then leave.

CosmicNeo ago

Clinically insane? Isn't that what I was just saying about you? Now you're projecting again?

Hitler was possessed by a demon he called the Beast. Yet, you're defending Hitler and calling me subhuman? Too much irony.

Possession is a serious matter. You can try to laugh it off, but when it happens you don't even realize it. The spirit merges with your spirit because you have invited it in through thought and behavior. Identifying with Hitler is one way of allowing the Beast to work through you. Telling people to kill themselves is a clear sign of who you work for. And it ain't Jesus or Jehovah. You can be sure of it.

I'm not leaving. God sent me to expose the evil that is lurking and manifesting here on VOAT. Soon this exposure will be big news. High Noon is coming for all that is evil in this world.

Tallest_Skil ago

Hitler was possessed by a demon he called the Beast.

No, moishe.

Possession is a serious matter.

So kill yourself.

Telling people to kill themselves is a clear sign of who you work for.

Not the jews.

You can be sure of that.

Stone around your neck; jump in a river.

I'm not leaving.

You're done. 10 posts per day for you. Leave the website.

God sent me to expose the evil that is lurking and manifesting here on VOAT.

Reported for admitting to spam.


Q-LARP is a proven jewish hoax. No one is coming to save you. Kill yourself now.

CosmicNeo ago

Q-LARP is a proven jewish hoax. No one is coming to save you. Kill yourself now.

The "lady" doth protest too much.

What are you hiding? Why are you afraid of having your "sacred" Hitlerian agenda exposed for what it is? Afraid it can't withstand scrutiny? What if you're an agent of ISIS looking to provoke "Nazi retribution" within the US? Or what if you're a Chinese shill?

There are so many issues about you (voat) that cries out to be investigated.

The Light is being shone on you? Worried?

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for mass spam.

CosmicNeo ago

You're projecting. You're the spammer.

Tallest_Skil ago

Kill yourself, holocaust believer.

CosmicNeo ago

You are violating Voat's User Agreement rules. If Voat doesn't take action against you, I will assume Voat condones your behavior and does in fact incite harm. Just verifying before I move to the next step in removing Voat.

"Do Not Incite Harm"

MadWorld ago

:-) Fuck the terrorist state of isreal.

offender ago






syntaxaxe ago

Please don't remove Voat. With a name like CosmicNeo, you're probably very powerful. Can we all just be nicer to CosmicNeo?

Before you initiate your terrifying next step, would you please contemplate Tallest_Skil's advice? Killing yourself immediately would prevent any more of your feelings getting hurt, after all.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Gas yourself you fucking kike rat.

Tallest_Skil ago

Kill yourself immediately. I have violated no rules.