CosmicNeo ago

Satan Has a Son...and He's Here! Who is He?

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Jimipickle ago

Cosmic, the Story of A&E (gen chapter 3) starts our story and is my new favorite topic. Adam and Eve were living in bliss with God and God walked with them. God was their role model. They had all they needed,but A&E wanted more, they wanted to be like God; and who wouldn’t, right? How do you become like God? First, you must have the knowledge of good and evil. God knew our choice way before we did and opened the door to learn. Now, here we are, at the beginning of the end about to look into the eyes of evil. Knowledge of evil complete. But what about the knowledge of good?

CosmicNeo ago

The problem wasn't Adam and Eve. The problem was Lucifer. Lucifer knew the potential of Adam and Eve. He knew they were destined to be elevated above the angels. This made Lucifer jealous. So he tricked Eve into forfeiting her position as a "princess." This trickery resulted in humankind falling under servitude to Lucifer's selfish desires. If Lucifer had kept his proper relationship, Adam and Eve would have matured into the "kings" and "queens" they were destined to be. And their offspring (us) would be "princes" and "princesses." And our knowledge would be infinite as we would all be one with God's Heart.

Jimipickle ago

this makes the third time I have heard this story. Add in that the Quran reveals that God made angels bow to man and you find pride of position (Lucifer) over Gods rule. But, why did God let Lucifer carry out his plan? Why earth? Why Humans? Why us? Why did we draw the short straw?

We are special. Another truth that has been robbed from us. Godspeed anon and thanks

CosmicNeo ago

Why? Because to interfere would have validated Lucifer's actions. God is perfect and can only relate to perfection. Directly relating to a fallen-Lucifer would have violated God's principle of perfection. Consequently, fallen-Lucifer would have become a permanent fixture of God's creation. Instead, God didn't interfere so that a way would be left open for Lucifer and fallen humanity to be returned to their proper positions in the scheme of creation. Again, the best analogy is the Law of Thermodynamics. The system is locked in. It's a principle of the universe that remain constant no matter what.

Jimipickle ago

We got to get out of this mess soon. At several points in my life I have wanted to be excluded from this game. I call it a game because I am and have always been the pawn. We all have. Godspeed anon

CosmicNeo ago

Pray for others. Live for the sake of others. Focus on giving more than you receive. Do that and you'll soon escape from the "game."

Jimipickle ago

20 year, Medically retired combat vet, two brain injuries and rare diseases from the burn pits in Iraq. I should be dead, 22 vets die from suicide everyday for over 8 years. I am only here by God’s grace. So I have made repentance, tried to settle the harm I have done in my life. The list is long and the work is difficult. Everyday is tough. I saw HRC’s state department (2010-2011) at there worst in Iraq. Embassy’s were used as palaces to reap the spoils of war, tyranny and perversion. I saw what they were really doing. I carried a lot of anger, sometimes it comes out. Scares my family. I have one more battle in me if God asks, until then, I enjoy the time with my family and help veterans. Have a homeless vet living with me now. Not easy, vets carry a lot of mis directed anger. Head meds! Damn head meds. Thanks for listening. Godspeed

CosmicNeo ago

Evil is real. None of it needs to continue. This is the time for High Noon where no shadows are cast and all evil can be exposed. This is the second Messiah's doing. Hang in there. The world is being transformed by the Light. Continue trusting the plan. And pray that your sacrifices will not have been in vain. (Offer it all for the sake of messianic world peace. Heart and intention is key.)

Jimipickle ago
