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15201320? ago

The Jew hate is strong in this place. People need to out this poison before it gets out of hand. Hating Jews is the equivalent of NPCs watching CCN and repeating "Orange man is bad" but in this instance its "Blame all Jews" for all that is wrong in the world. Its classic ignorance and actually Satanic at its core. Here's a little diddy. God instructed Adam and Eve not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But as you know the story, they didn't obey Gods command and both did eat. When God inquired of them both about disobeying His command get this ...Adam instead of saying something along the lines of 'yeah I ate the fruit, sorry about that, it was wrong of me' he instead blamed the woman and told God "the woman you made and gave me (throw in a bit of blaming God too) she gave me of the fruit and I did eat" so God asks the woman if this is so, and the woman, instead of saying "yes I did eat of the fruit and gave it to Adam to eat also" instead she turns around and blames the serpent for tricking her into eating it.

Moral of the story? Right from day one, a part of the infection of the sinful nature is to BLAME OTHERS! Blaming others for all that's wrong is as old as time itself. Adam and Eve demonstrated this the moment sin entered mankind. And mankind has been doing it ever since. Never underestimate the lengths at which people will go to justify their behavior. You can take that to the bank. And that my friends and fellow patriots is what's at the heart of Jew hate. If you are a Christian you'd be wise to stay clear of Jew hate. Its a Satanic trap and appeals to our most basest of the sinful nature to blame others.

15202036? ago

A lot of the anti-Semite angst being expressed here is coming from Muslims who are angry that God loves Jews and not them. They hate Jews so much that they switched Ishmael with Isaac in their Koran, saying Abraham blessed Ishmael instead of Isaac. (This action is the action of someone with Cain's nature.) The bible even talks about this character of descendants of Ishmael:

"And the angel of the Lord said to her, 'Behold, you are pregnant and shall bear a son. You shall call his name Ishmael, because the Lord has listened to your affliction. He shall be a wild donkey of a man, his hand against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he shall dwell over against all his kinsmen.'” Genesis 16:11-12

As we know, Ishmael and Isaac were reviles. The same "Cain and Abel" problem is seen in the following bible passages:

''I have loved you,’ says the LORD. But you ask, 'How have you loved us?' ‘Was not Esau Jacob's brother?’ the LORD says. ‘Yet I have loved Jacob, but Esau I have hated, and I have turned his mountains into a wasteland and left his inheritance to the desert jackals.’” Malachi 1:2-3

“Not only that, but Rebekah's children had one and the same father, our father Isaac. Yet, before the twins were born or had done anything good or bad—in order that God's purpose in election might stand: not by works but by him who calls—she was told, ‘The older will serve the younger.’ Just as it is written: ‘Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.’” Romans 9:10-13

Today, the world is still suffering from this course God is deliberately putting us through. As God said to Cain when Cain was about to kill Abel:

"If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” Genesis 4:7

The background explanation for these bible passages are discussed in my Spirit of Truth series here.) The series explains why, even to this day, people "blame the Jews." (It's because the Jews represent "Abel" and everybody else represents "Cain.")

15205160? ago

Religion is a scam. As commentor here each attempt to determine which religion is correct. Religion is to adults like Santa clause is to children. Like parents around the world tell their children to be good all year and they will be rewarded by the clause with gifts. Just as spiritual leaders around the world tell their followers to be good all their lives (to follow the laws created by corrupt men) and be rewarded with eternal life. We can travel thru history and see the Kong’s using religion to rally their troops, to go to war..... in the name of GOD. No better way of control ever devised.

15217378? ago

The Illuminati Cabal was establish with the same sentiments that you just voiced. It's the impetus that's guiding the anti-Christian agenda. Why? Because it's the Judeo-Christianity that's making America great again. That bothers you, doesn't it.

15219788? ago

No. I agree with U. It’s true. This is why Russia is our traditional ally. Judeo-Christianity is the best route if u have to subscribe to one. I do not.

15223614? ago

You're right about Russia. Where would America be without its help during the Revolutionary War? We do need to find common ground for relationships to develop. That's how diplomacy works.