Crensch ago

Technically speaking, my spelling was fine, the word was wrong, but you wouldn't know that because you're retarded. Also, try to use SOME punctuation now and then... wait, don't. You'll just butcher it like you did in your stories.

Crensch ago

Speech-to-text, you butthurt retard. I actually know the difference, unlike you.

argosciv ago

Arrived here via comment context (I iz stalk yu, C). Figured main post would be trolololol.

>clicks expando


Off to bed, fuark this.

Crensch ago

Sorry dude. All of it needed to be said.

argosciv ago

No apology needed, I can just barely see straight.

This [post] is next in my queue when I wake up, after this (don't worry, no need to get involved).

Ciao for now.

Gothamgirl ago

It's way more the 911 posts if you count my Anon posts to.....

The same people who created LHOHQ also created Q 🤣😂🤣 so that's the horseshit I copied.

Crensch ago

The same people who created LHOHQ also created Q 🤣😂🤣 so that's the horseshit I copied.

Prove it.

Gothamgirl ago

LHOHQ is a part of a puzzle made by cicada3301, and it is well known Cicada3301 created Q, they let the tripcode get taken over shortly after creating it, intentionally.

Crensch ago

I said prove it, not give me a story about your delusions.

Gothamgirl ago

I have already told you, you want proof you go find it.

I put in hard work to learn what I know you should to, bird brain.

Crensch ago

You make the claim, you prove it. It is not my job to help prove your mentally and physically handicapped, cave troll story true.

Gothamgirl ago

Hey Crensch why didn't you attack you friend, @insanegoatposse in this post for defending that "pedo" you speak of?

Crensch ago

Defending him?


Mocking you by saying the guy was too drugged up to realize you are MTF tranny.

You're such a disgusting pedophile lover.

Gothamgirl ago

Nope seems you have more of a fancy for pedos then I.

Come on, you can do better name calling then a Tranny? 🤣

Lol thats not even possible. I gave birth to babies, men can't do that.

Crensch ago

You stayed with one and declared your love for him over and over again.

And you put CP on your phone.

Gothamgirl ago

I will always love him to some capacity as well as the other men I dated. Doesn't mean I approve of what he has done at all.

And no I didn't put cp on my phone I googled a missing kid, and a picture came up under Google images that resembled cp but it was a deplication of 222 cult.

Someone was following and tormenting me on different sites at the same time, Srayzie had played with my emotions, she blamed Flynnl1ve5 for things I know he didn't do, was one of the last people to speak with him before he was arrested, she was fishing around for information on me, and falsely accused me of being Sarah for no reason at all, when I believed we were friends. Then goes after another pizzagater, so at the time I really thought she had something to do with it.

Although I later realized I could be wrong, so I apologized...

You should stop making false accusations 2 wrongs don't make it fact scumbag.

Crensch ago

I will always love him

A pedophile. You will always love a pedophile.

You had CP on your phone and got spooked- you accused a PG researcher of putting it there.

You put it there.

Gothamgirl ago

You are the one wants to murder brown kids you sick freak. You want to be with another man's wife Sancho..

Crensch ago

Srayzie was nuts dude, she colors dicks in her spare time,

She wrecked you with a pic of her face and a colored dick. So?

begs for cock on one of her social media sites,

Evidence of this? You're just lying again, aren't you, guntpiggy?

she was shoving titty pics down peoples throats cause of sex addiction.

Any evidence of this? None of you have proved anything beyond what she already admitted - that she sent some to esotericshade.

Gothamgirl ago

Did you really just write this:

and a colored dick, so


Crensch ago

What a desperate response. You're trying any which way you can to not have to face the fact that you're an ugly, ugly bitch. You want to talk shit about another woman for race-mixing but you couldn't even keep your beaner. She can keep her husband even though she did things you think make her the worst possible person.

Gothamgirl ago

My kid's dad isn't from Mexico and his family arrived in America in the 1920's from PR he is a spic, so get your racial slurs together dickhead.

IDGAF about your friend, you do.

Your the one claiming Nazism, while protecting a hooked nose kike/and a real beaner.

No wonder you defended taco Bell back in the days....

Gothamgirl ago

You can keep talking about me all you want, I am not interest in feminine men and I get all the attention I need...

No she didn't wreck me, she scurried right out of here after, fucking with me 🤣😂 the bitch looks like she has no soul, and is an ugly Mexicant hooked nose kike.

Guess you forgot a video was made of it?

Everyone knows about the titty pics Crensch don't act dumb.

Crensch ago

You're dishonest characterization of the pics is all I was objecting to. Try to do it honestly, and you won't have an argument from me. But that's a little too difficult for a guntpiggy, isn't it?

Gothamgirl ago

Guntpiggy? really have you seen Srayzies other pics? You know the ones before meth, pills and apps?

Crensch ago

Hell, in no world do you hold a candle to the fat slut you guys were posting everywhere claiming was her.

Gothamgirl ago

Funny I took her pics right from her husband Chico's social media accounts, not here. Those accounts also included her pics of her whole family. So there was no falsified anything.

Crensch ago

You already posted her pic that she didnt post here.

Gothamgirl ago

Crensch I am up to 389 likes now not bad for what 12- 13 hours.

Crensch ago

We both know if you were actually rated on a scale from 1 to 10 you wouldn't be above a 3.

That's what that website used to do. Looks like they cut out and now everyone gets a few hundred likes so they stick around and buy some premium bullshit I'm sure.

Regardless, you couldn't even keep a fucking spic in your life that you made subhuman beanlets with. Even a spic thinks you're too ugly to stick around.

Gothamgirl ago

Not at all true, 💅 try harder Sancho 🤣 you can only get a used kike beaner with mental problems, that's married 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 with a shiton of kids.....

Crensch ago

None of that, even if true, changes the fact that nobody wants your tit pics. They see your face and they want a trash can so they don't get any vomit on their shoes.

Gothamgirl ago

Well I am 44 years old so that could be true about the tit pics, however I would never offer mine in the first place. Im just not that Trashy.

Crensch ago

Well, you do date pedophiles and drug addicts. And your hand your money over to them. And if they're getting with you, they are already expecting broken ass shit because of your broken ass face.

I guess what you look like doesn't matter as long as you put child porn on your own phone.

Gothamgirl ago

Coming from someone who just defended a pedophile like yesterday- fatskat, who posted about inboxing another user child porn.

Coming from someone who is pretty tight with a lapdog who summoned pedos to murder and rape my child.

Coming from someone who used information based on lies from zyklon, to target me and my children , the same person you are now claiming is a pedo. Which you are only calling him a pedo now cause he turned on you. Remember when you made a submission, stating he has the plausibility of a shit poster? I do...

You're a joke and pathetic

The best you can do is talk about my face and body which you know nothing of..

You keep parrotting the same garbage lies over and over again bird brain.

Echolalia go get diagnosed dude

Crensch ago

The best you can do is talk about my face and body which you know nothing of..

No, you put CP on your phone and got spooked and accused srayzie of doing it.

Then you dated a literal pedophile and stuck by him as he threatened to rape kids.

And you showed a pic of your face. Meaning I know plenty about it.

Gothamgirl ago

I didn't not put cp on my phone you delusional sicko...

I did not date a pedo either.

Your are the dumbest person on here, you repetitively lie, twist things, to make yourself look and feel better, no wonder you can't get a woman of your own. I don't care what you think of me.

You are Nobody......

Crensch ago

Coming from someone who is pretty tight with a lapdog who summoned pedos to murder and rape my child.

Your man did that to you first.

And you stayed with him long enough for him to threaten the exact same thing on other womens' children, and more, for over a month.

You have absolutely no room to talk.

Gothamgirl ago

But that whore srayzie was flirting with him on multiple accounts during the duration of those threats, joining in also, don't you remember? She didn't give a flying fuck about the threats or my kids, did she?

And at the same time of those threats towards my family, you were getting information from him also, joining in to, and also trashing my children. You are no better then he was...

Why didn't you give a fuck about those threats then? Because you don't give a fuck about kids at all, unless it involves a married whore.

Fuck you, fuck her, and fuck him too, I hope each one of you including FatFartso meet a horrible fate, you are all shitty horrible people...

Crensch ago

But srayzie was flirting with him on multiple accounts during the duration of those threats,

Prove it. I bet you can't. Because you're a lying cave troll that needs paid accounts to tell you you're hot here.

Gothamgirl ago

Clitorissa, and gyna were her alts and she admitted it right before she cracked and scurried out of here.

She was flirting with him using Srayzie screen name also, just ask her.

Crensch ago

I have a photographic memory go back and look for yourself.


Thanks for providing me with new things to laugh at. You can't even keep your story straight in the same nest of comments.

Gothamgirl ago

Well I have been laughing at that whore to, actually the whole site has 🤣😂🤣

Crensch ago

Aww, cave troll doesn't realize her only friends mock her behind her back, and always have.

Gothamgirl ago

So who would that be? Time for you to prove what you say. Bet I won't get a response because you're a liar.

I have hundreds of real friends in real life. Plus I have helped quite a few soldiers in disparity. This is one.

See his last name Crensch he almost lost his life for this country because weak men like yourself, have let Jews take over. The only weapon you used thus far, is your mouth and keyboard, your so very weak.

Crensch ago

I have hundreds of real friends in real life.

You reek of desperation.

Gothamgirl ago

Really me? lmao Got any of those 2nd hand fat girl, tit pics from a the married whore you defend relentlessly?

Crensch ago

Whatever she may or may not be, you're hideous, and you couldn't even keep a taco nigger or a druggie pedophile around.

Gothamgirl ago

Dude lulzzz I could have multiple men at once, but I don't behave like her 🤣

Crensch ago

Multiple Taco niggers or druggie pedos?

Crensch ago

Prove it. Stop being a useless, flabby-titted cave troll and do something even a handicapped MTF tranny can do.

Prove your words.

Gothamgirl ago

You went and documented my posts from years ago, but can't come up with my posts and comments from 6 months ago. You are useless.

Crensch ago

You went and documented my posts from years ago, but can't come up with my posts and comments from 6 months ago. You are useless.

It's not my job to prove you right.

Gothamgirl ago

It's not my job to prove anything to you either, you're a nobody.

Crensch ago

If you make a claim, it is your job to support it.

Otherwise it can be laughed off legitimately.

Gothamgirl ago

What has Q taught above all else?

Do your own research!

Have you learned anything at all, or do you need someone else to hold your hand all the time? You are lazy, ineffective and a complete dud.

Crensch ago

Do your own research!

Burden of proof has fuck-all to do with Q, you genetic failure.

Gothamgirl ago

I don't have to provide any proof to you dickhead, this is a free speech website, did you forget where your at?

Crensch ago

At least you know you are a Marxist, leftist, race-traitor. I bet you think everyone's opinions are equal and if you shout them enough over and over again that you will be right.

Yes, you have to provide proof if you want anyone to take you seriously. Especially when you are a known liar.

Gothamgirl ago

Nope I am Yankee who absolutely loves Trump, I understand how he thinks because we grew up in the same neighborhood. Worked in pretty much the same fields as well- Construction. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't concerned about a few things he has done, lately.

I voted left once in my life.

I am not a race traitor. White is beautiful. I was 15 when I meet my kids father and I was young and kinda dumb, unfortunately I fell for propaganda. I did my best to make it work for my kids. I learned not to make mistakes twice. I only date white men.

Not many people in this country is pure blood anything, this country has been a melting pot from everywhere for a long time.

Crensch ago

If all the women in the world looked like you, I might actually consider going gay.

No tranny passes for a female, but you don't even pass for a human.

Gothamgirl ago

Yeah because your opinion matters or something..

I think you are just fucking gay so glad to see you admit it.

Crensch ago

Did you turn your beaner gay? Is that what happened? Is that why you misunderstood my words? you had personal experience of this happening, didn't you.

Gothamgirl ago

He has never been gay, not ugly either.

Crensch ago

So you're saying that a shitskin exists that isn't ugly?

Gothamgirl ago

Compared to you nobody is ugly fucktard.

Crensch ago

Why did you have child porn on your phone?

Gothamgirl ago

I already explained what happened, don't act dumb.

Crensch ago

I read your explanation, and it's horseshit. You got spooked and you panicked about the child porn you put on your phone and you accused someone else of putting it there.

Gothamgirl ago

No I didn't panic about shit, cause I would never look at cp ever intentionally. I didn't sleep for months at a time, I gave up everything in my life to research pedos, everyday and every night and it just made 3 years. They should all receive a death sentence, I wouldn't have a problem going vigilante, and killing them with my bare hands,, If it wasn't for my kids and 2 grandbabies, I would do exactly that.

Our president really hasn't done jack shit about any of it either, these people are still walking free. Where is that Q post?

Why do keep insisting that you know me, or anything about me at all?


Crensch ago

No I didn't panic about shit, cause I would never look at cp ever intentionally.

Nice story, but the most plausible answer is still that you put CP on your own phone.

Peak hypocrisy that you want pedos dead but won't admit you stayed with one, much less that you are one.

"I want pedos dead, ignore the fact that my man is one and definitely ignore the fact that I am one".

Gothamgirl ago

First off ex man, we ended it 6 months ago, he was absolutely amazing to my kids, and all kids. Kids love him. HE IS NOT A PEDO.

Your friend and yourself had absolutely no grudges against that man, when he said those things to me, you joined in....

You know why I forgave him, because I knew he was just spewing words, in an Asperger's sperg.

Neither of us would ever hurt a child in anyway. You don't even know us.

Crensch ago

First off ex man, we ended it 6 months ago, he was absolutely amazing to my kids, and all kids. Kids love him.

Kids seem to love the storytime pedos at libraries, too.


Defending a man that threatened to rape and murder children for over a month. "not a pedo" kek.

Gothamgirl ago

Really? Do you attend that storytime yourself? If you seen a pedo reading to children, what exactly did you do about it? Do you get arrested for kicking the shit out of that pedo? If not, why not? I surely don't recall a rant post on your behalf about that!!!

I will defend the truth first always.

Secondly, I know that man better then any of you, and he would never hurt a child.. infact, he has in real life beat the fuck out of a pedo, to the point the man couldn't eat anymore, and his friends have verified that to me, without him even bringing it up.

And yes I stand firmly with what I said, he is not a fucking pedophile. What he is, is a well known shit poster whose bio stated -All is satire and performance art, which you were well aware of prior to his comments. You had even made a post to say he is a shit poster, your fucking self.

See you want your cake and eat it to, it doesn't work like that bird brain.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

If you make a claim, it is your job to support it.

Otherwise it can be laughed off legitimately.

Why do you think we can't stop laughing at you then? You make more unfounded claims, daily, more than any other person on Voat most of us know that are familiar with this situation. Srayzie stalked @gothamgirl relentlessly, doxxed, used more alts than we can count, sent people nude pics, and made a huge ass of her self. Srayzie admitted she has a freaky side and gets on the internet to get her freak on.

Zyklon, as fucked up as he is, trolled the living shit out of you so badly that still to this day you have not gotten over it. Zyklon did wrong talking about children like he did, but he literally gave you brain damage by trolling you as bad as he did.

The evidence is that still to this day, you are so butthurt, that you sit on the internet all day hurling fifth grade insults at strangers. Zyklon tore a hole in your pride.

Zyklon, as unfunny and wrong as his tactics were, blistered your asshole with a sophisticated troll job. That is why I call you "manlet" because you are so inferior that you will never get over it.

Crensch ago

DanglingGoatBalls ago

We will fuck you up with trolling whenever we get ready. As insane as you are, its just too much fun not to.

Want some more?


Homo bitch boy sitting on the internet all day, calling himself a "man", hurling insults at strangers over a tittie pic, is a his own salt mine. We ain't no where done mining your salt baby puppy. More. We want more.

Crensch ago

DanglingGoatBalls ago


Bullshit. The amount of salt we have gotten out of you so far is up to saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalty level. Dion't cut us short.

Crensch ago

You created a username specifically to attack me. How salty is that?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

You created a username specifically to attack me. How salty is that?

There is still several tons of salt left in you. We gonna milk you dry.

Crensch ago

So, she made an account to fuck with you after you accused her of putting child porn on your phone?

Gothamgirl ago

No she didn't make that account on my behalf, she made that account to fuck with everyone in the most slutty way imaginable.

Crensch ago

Sounds like she still isn't a pedophile or someone that would put CP on their own phones and accuse others of doing it.

Gothamgirl ago

Ok Crensch the fun and games are over. I can't fix your mental illness.

I have plans for the rest of the day. With my kids, who are my closest friends of all, cause they're the only ones that really matter..

And like always, this is for you.

Crensch ago

You need a cartoon nigger to tell me something?

Enjoy knowing your kids are subhuman scum that doesn't belong in a civilized society, because spics can't create a civilized society, and mixing fine foods with shit only makes more shit. Of course, in your case, mixing McDonald's with shit only makes shit, too.

Look at your kids and realize they're less than human. Then smile, because you were at the bottom of the genetic barrel of whatever inbred white ancestors are responsible for making you.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

How does srayzie feel about you talking about her beaner kids like that?

Crensch ago

How does it feel to create a username specifically to attack someone?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

How does it feel to create a username specifically to attack someone?

Makes no difference to me what clothes I wear when i'm putting a pig on the spit to get roasted.

Crensch ago

You mad. You made a username cuz u mad

Gothamgirl ago

Yes I used a black guy intentionally, to trigger you 🤣 It worked.

Ok faggot my son can wipe you off this Earth easily with his eyes closed he was a 10th mountain sapper and the other one can hunt you electronically, both can fuck your world up. I do smile everyday, they have made me a very proud.

You are a faggot incel crying on the internet about someone else's wife for the last 7 months 🤣😂🤣😂🤣👍🤡

There isn't many full blood anything in this country the borders have been open since everyone got here...

Do you say this to Srayzies kids too?

Crensch ago

I like how you can't face the truth and you live in denial. Denial that you are ugly. Denial that your children are subhuman.

And you don't even realize one of your main defense argument is that you think someone else is in the same position as you. How utterly pathetic.

If any rational human looked in the mirror and saw what you saw, they would not have children. Who would do that to a child? I bet you fucked the beaner to try and destroy your own bloodline just because you knew on some level that you were hideous and stupid and you wanted your children to at least look like the kind of people that you should be associating with.

Gothamgirl ago

You sound so desperate. Ok big bully, back to talking

about my kids again, like the pathetic loser you are..

According to you, zyklon is a druggie... So what's your excuse, reasoning , or whatever to carry on talking about other people's kids, that makes it ok?

You know I haven't told you something about my 2nd son yet. I told you he can find you electronically. You know why that is?

He works for the cybercrimes unit for the sheriff's department.

Keep talking cunt..

By the way if that was your Instagram I saw, wtf were you eating small kids and whole animals? Your fatass was bigger then my refrigerator....

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Is there a link to that?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Thanks, sweetie!

Gothamgirl ago

You're very welcome.

Crensch ago

How does it feel to be hideous?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

He works for the cybercrimes unit for the sheriff's department. There is no such thing as a VPN.

Let that sink in. And sink in deep.

Crensch ago

You know I haven't told you something about my 2nd son yet. I told you he can find you electronically. You know why that is?

He works for the cybercrimes unit for the sheriff's department. There is no such thing as a VPN.

I hope he does. I'll sue that bitch, his department, and city for hiring a nigger that misused his position to target me when I committed no crime.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I hope he does. I'll sue that bitch, his department, and city for hiring a nigger that misused his position to target me when I committed no crime.

You mad criminal?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I'll sue that bitch

You are broke as a nigger's bicycle. You ain't got the money to handle this little baby dog.

Crensch ago


Gothamgirl ago

The fact that you still exist on this site, is hideous.

How does it feel that in my pic I was overdue for my eyebrows to be waxed by at least a week, my hair isn't done at all, it's not even close to my best pic, I didn't even try. Yet I still waxed your friend in that poll, and would in any future poll. You know why? It's not that I am prettiest, it's that you can clearly see that woman has no soul, and we already know she lacks morals also. Just an all around wench. Plus it's very clear in her original Twitter photo she is possibly on zanex, or some other drug.

Crensch ago

You didnt win anything, Caterpillar couldn't keep a beaner because you're uglier than subhumans.

Gothamgirl ago

He calls my house everyday 🤣😂 maybe I should get him on here..

Crensch ago

It wouldn't matter. None of that makes you any prettier than butt ugly, and it doesn't make your kids any more human than Taco nigger.

Gothamgirl ago

Your mom gave birth to you, and that's nothing to be proud of, freak show circus animal 🤡🤣😂

Crensch ago

I bet neither your mother nor father were proud of you. I bet they both knew you were butt ugly and you could only get a subhuman shitskin to pay attention to you long enough to get Knocked Up.

The only other alternative is a druggie pedophile with the right colored skin but probably too long of a nose.

Gothamgirl ago

My parents are very proud of me. I purchased my dad a house. I built my mom a house, and then purchased her a 2nd house, I gutted it and rebuilt it for her. I also brought her a new Mercedes SUV and paid for AAA...

And Crensch I paid cash 32 years old.

Oh and it was right after I purchased myself a Lincoln aviator SUV, A brand Honda pilot touring, H2 Hummer, zo6 Vette, an Enduro, a 420 Honda rancher, a Suzuki Ozark, a Honda 50, a mustang GT supercharged. 2 boats, Built a 4/4 house with pool and jacuzzi, a condo, and guess what.

I paid cash for then too 🤣😂🤣

Crensch ago

So even your parents aren't married. I bet your mom is as ugly as you are.

Gothamgirl ago

No they're married just not to eachother.

Really! talking shit about my mother. How grown up of you! 🤣😂

You are such scummy individual who shouldn't talk about ugly, you are obsessed with a $2 married whore.

Does she get paid for those webcams or does she do it just to satisfy her sex addiction?

Crensch ago

Right, your parents are subhuman.

Are you saying you don't look anything like your mother? That would be pretty sad, but for your mother's sake I guess that's a good thing.

Gothamgirl ago

So now Polish and Irish are subhumans also 😆

What nationality are you? Hypodermic seeking Streetshitter ?

My mother at 65 years old, is prettier then your border hopping friend, I can guarantee you that.

Crensch ago

Your parents are not married to each other. That's why they're subhuman.

Then again, if all they could make is cave trolls, maybe they had a good reason to try to find better.

Your mother is probably hideous.

Some women turn heads, you turn stomachs.

Gothamgirl ago

Dude if that the case then more then half this country is subhuman, and out number purebreed incels like you.

My sisters are both model quality! Extremely beautiful blondes with blue eyes..

Epsteins crew Actually tried to recruit my sister at the Treasure coast mall in Jensen Beach Florida, while she was still in Junior high school.

My sister is prettier then ANY Victoria secret model EVER to walk the runway

My brothers, one is 82nd airborne badass soldier, and the other is a fireman. Both are extremely good looking..

Na I don't turn stomachs maybe yours because your gay....

Let's here about your life for a change, or are you just a total failure it's to embarrassing to speak about?

Crensch ago

Dude if that the case then more then half this country is subhuman


And your shitskins help in that number.

How does it feel that your children are like the niggerest of niggers possible given their genetics? Taco niggers + mom and grandparents not together still because they're awful, shit-tier people.


My sisters are both model quality! Extremely beautiful blondes with blue eyes..

And you were the shit genetics left over?

Epsteins crew Actually tried to recruit my sister at the Treasure coast mall in Jensen Beach Florida, while she was still in Junior high school.

Oh, this is just hilarious. Anything to feel important and close to SOMEthing better than you.

Na I don't turn stomachs maybe yours because your gay....

You turn everyone's stomach. The only people that complimented your looks were usernames specifically created to attack me, and an algorithm that didn't factor in your cataracts, 80-year-old falling-out hair, caterpillar eyebrows, Missing-Link cheeks, and your MySpace angle.

Congratulations, broken/paid-for things say you're pretty! Don't you feel so good about yourself that you should reward yourself with a tub of ice cream?

Gothamgirl ago

Dude go swimming with your friend Skrayzie, make sure she submerged, tell me what happens when she leaves the water. I bet the Jew curls pop right back into place tightly, I bet she has a wart somewhere on that face somewhere 😆

Subhumans ok let's go there, so your a white male/female living in Cali surround by fags, illegals, shitshitters, squatters, gangbangers, druggies, and that's what you as an adult choosen for yourself. I live where its basically just white people. Judging by your gay femine voice I bet you live as a tranny in San Francisco...

Real men tell me I am pretty all the fucking time, always have. I don't need a poll or internet to tell me anything at all 😆

I do feel good about myself, very good indeed. I retired in my early thirties, and everything I own is paid for.

I don't eat ice cream, it makes me have nightmares for some reason. Shit I don't even eat junk food at all and hardly ever go out to eat. I do drink alot of caffeine that's the best you get on me about..

Crensch ago

You turn everyone's stomach. The only people that complimented your looks were usernames specifically created to attack me, and an algorithm that didn't factor in your cataracts, 80-year-old falling-out hair, caterpillar eyebrows, Missing-Link cheeks, and your MySpace angle.

Gothamgirl ago

I really don't care either way, this isn't the real world. I am pretty confident in my looks without all that. 😁😋

Crensch ago

I seen other pics that were real, and I've seen the bullshit that you guys have posted everywhere. I can tell you that in no world do you hold a candle to her.

I can also tell by the pic you showed us that your tits are saggy as fuck while the images sent to me that she confirmed wear hers show tits that are not saggy.

Gothamgirl ago

Says who? You? 😂🤣👍🤡

Ok ornory ass, let's see a pic of you, big mouth.

You know what I do have that you both lack, street smarts..

Crensch ago

According to you, you already have seen me.

Anything posted here purported to be me is way out of your league.

Gothamgirl ago

Well I seen an Instagram account of a huge beastly looking woman who got skinny and still looks like a man.

Although I am beginning to think your actually the titty flapping, hussy srayzie the crazy.

Crensch ago

Srayzie was nuts dude, she colors dicks in her spare time

That pic got exactly the reaction out of you that she wanted. You knew she was hotter than you ever could be, and you whined about it like the disgusting, fat guntpiggy you are.

She didn't do Jack shit, for Pizzagate..

You have 911 posts of complete bullshit, you spammy, trollfaced pedolover.

And for the last time I don't support what zyklon (someone else) did.


I know he is not a pedo

That's what humans call "support". Also, you supported his abillity to continue doing what he was doing IN YOUR HOUSE for the duration of that.


Gothamgirl ago

That pic made me laugh she is coloring dicks ffs.

Crensch ago

Apparently you don't see how hideous you are. Some part of your mind just blocks that out. Also, if you look at it, the pen used to write that note to you is not the same ink color as the rest... which looks printed.

And where is this color you keep mentioning? Is it somewhere in those caterpillar eyebrows of yours?

Gothamgirl ago

Actually that website you suggested hotornot, I just joined. In the first 5 secs I recieved 22 likes using that same pic posted here. I will update in the am.

Crensch ago

Oh wow, did it turn into a dating site in the last decade? I had no idea it even existed.

Either way, enjoy your bots that "like" you.

Gothamgirl ago

You suggested it and I am up to 94 now. You know I did this a few months ago after shizy tried pulling the same as you with same pic. I got like thousands of messages in under 3 days.

So moral of the story is your either a woman, incel, or very fucking gay.

Crensch ago

That's a lot of bots.

I'm guessing they don't actually rate the photos anymore? Used to page through them and faces like yours would get a 1 or 2, while faces like hers would get an 8 or 9.

If you got any real "likes" they're from niggers or 300lb fatasses that would take anything claiming to be female despite looking like a cave troll.

Gothamgirl ago

Of course its bots now lol why would you suggest it then? ..Not seeing any niggers just alot of hot guys asking me to jump on webcam with them.

Crensch ago

Yeah, let me know when the ratings show up instead of the "hot local guys in your area waiting to fuck."

Gothamgirl ago

No it's called stating facts, is not support. Damn your quite fucking retarded.

Crensch ago

No it's called stating facts, is not support.

You have nothing but your personal opinion on that. It's not a "fact". FACTs go like this:

Fact: He talked about raping a boy for over a month.

Fact: He talked about eating children.

Fact: He talked about murdering children.

Fact: He talked about shooting them with a gun in the head.

THOSE are facts. Your whining is nothing but an OPINION, and has absolutely NO support for it, whereas my assertion that zyklon is a PEDOPHILE is supported by the above facts.

I'm of the mind that healthy human males do not find pleasure or entertainment from talking about raping a boy for over a month.

Gothamgirl ago

He also stated "all is satire" beforehand.

Crensch ago

What a convenient License to Jew. "I can say anything at all because I tell you it's satire, even though I don't know the definition of satire, and am in no way using humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule, but actually THREATENING TO RAPE AND MURDER AND EAT CHILDREN.

And you're supposed to be a pizzagate researcher. You fat, ugly troll.

Gothamgirl ago

I am not anything. I gave up my personal time to try my best to help there, but was chased away by you and your hateful crew and I choose not to continue because you cause so much drama.

The guy who proposed to me on Thanksgiving doesn't think I am fat. Neither do my real friends or family. So what is your opinion worth? ZILTCH

Crensch ago

I am not anything. I gave up my personal time to try my best to help there, but was chased away by you and your hateful crew and I choose not to continue because you cause so much drama.

You never were anything but a drain on everyone around you.

The guy who proposed to me on Thanksgiving doesn't think I am fat. Neither do my real friends or family. So what is your opinion worth? ZILTCH

More than theirs, since they don't want to upset you. Your lie of a man wants your money, and your family doesn't want to be written out of your will.

Gothamgirl ago

I have no money compared to him fucktard, plus he is extremely cute. He could have any woman he wants.

There is more then a few millionaire's in my family I am actually the brokest of them all...

Crensch ago

It's going to be funny when you realize he's a con artist.

Gothamgirl ago

I doubt it. His assets alone are over $500k and he is a very generous hard worker. Although I didn't accept, check out this ring he gave me. Easily worth 2-3k.

Crensch ago

Worth over 500000, but a ring only worth two to three thousand? God damn you are one delusional cave troll.

Gothamgirl ago

No he is worth more then that, and never let's me pay for anything at all. What would you spend on an engagement ring? I bet buying one has never crossed your mind, kike faggot...

Crensch ago

You tried to brag on how much he spent on a rock. And it was only two to three thousand. Not even 1% of what he's worth. That's what you are worth to him.

Gothamgirl ago

Crensch but you aren't worth shit to anyone, except a used up married whore. She used you to protect her and her titty scam.

Crensch ago

Everything about you is comical. You're not even married. You couldn't even keep a fucking beaner around because he couldn't stand looking at your face.

Gothamgirl ago

Why should I marry, I don't need the Government knowing more about me. Unlike you I try to limit their presence in my life. The less they know, the less the Jews profit...

My kid's father would drop his whole life to get back with me in just a phone call.

So is talking about the way I look the best you got? 🤣 So child like.

Gothamgirl ago

Oh fuck not again, get a life faggot...

Roughpatch ago

I remember a comment by someone, atko or something, bragging he was a pedo and his girlfriend was ok with it.

Crensch ago

atko? The previous owner of this site?

Roughpatch ago

Maybe wrong's been a while..2016. started with an A. Guess I shouldn't say less I know for sure. It was strange and I dogged the guy for a while. It's when all the pizzagate info came out.

Roughpatch ago

What kind of person says those things about kids?

Crensch ago

A pedophile. One that doesn't want PG researchers to continue researching.

Srayzie was one of the best, if not the best. They wanted her and the Q stuff gone for reasons. Especially because she destroyed NeonRevolt.

Roughpatch ago

Dude, she was showing skin...that is kind of an oxymoron for a pizzagate researcher. I mentioned she doxxed herself when she posted something from a site and she was in the comments. She wasn't concerned. I wasn't here at the time when this blew up, but it never seems to go away. I have no respect for women who use their body as tools. I've seen her comments about voat in other platforms, and it seems she likes to stir up the boys. So you take that however you like but I have no respect for hypocrits.

Crensch ago

Dude, she was showing skin...that is kind of an oxymoron for a pizzagate researcher.

Yeah? How's that?

I mentioned she doxxed herself when she posted something from a site and she was in the comments.

1) How is this relevant.

2) Context? Where did you mention this?

She wasn't concerned.

So... you mentioned the previous sentence to her? When? Where?

I wasn't here at the time when this blew up, but it never seems to go away.

It never will.

I have no respect for women who use their body as tools.

Nobody asked you to respect her as a woman. As a researcher, she was one of the best.

I've seen her comments about voat in other platforms, and it seems she likes to stir up the boys.

Sources? You're bringing up a lot of irrelevant horseshit here.

So you take that however you like but I have no respect for hypocrits.

Hypocrisy? Where? Do provide support for this implied claim.

Roughpatch ago

Just get over yourself....this is why you get so much shit from people.

I'll make sure to not engage in any conversation with you again. Your like a little crybaby on the play ground when you haven't gotten your way. And if you think she was/is such a great person and believed in researching that's on you. Her actions and words proved to me she wasn't/isn't. That's what makes pizzagate sub a joke. If it wasn't a joke it would flourish and info would be out in public about the important things instead of fighting over a women who had no morals. Ghost

Crensch ago

Just get over yourself....this is why you get so much shit from people.

Any particular part? Is asking for clarification or support for your comments something to be looked down upon where you're from?

I'll make sure to not engage in any conversation with you again. Your like a little crybaby on the play ground when you haven't gotten your way.

Sounds like you want to say what you want and not have anyone ask you to clarify or support your statements.

And if you think she was/is such a great person and believed in researching that's on you. Her actions and words proved to me she wasn't/isn't.

You can't even handle supporting your position in this comment chain; I'm not sure you're qualified to make that kind of judgment.

That's what makes pizzagate sub a joke.

PG was made a joke by the massive amount of money going towards COINTEL psyops against it. The users/researchers were too weak as a bloc to handle it - she wasn't, which is why her IRL was doxed and threatened. In fact, almost all the best researchers were doxed and threatened off the site.

If it wasn't a joke it would flourish and info would be out in public about the important things instead of fighting over a women who had no morals.

You're a little on the stupid side, aren't you? PG has been neutral and outside of the warzone since she was first attacked. Did you misspeak here, or are you really this stupid?


Ghost? Cheesebooger's?

You should really work on your communication skills. You seem to think others can read your mind, and you don't provide clear context or convey your ideas without there being more questions than the ones you may have answered.

If English is your second language, I'm happy to work through understanding what you're writing here; I used to help ESL from non-nigger countries learn to speak like an American, so I'm more than qualified to help you communicate whatever it is you're trying to communicate here.

Roughpatch ago


Crensch ago

Yeah, didn't think so.

Bleat all you like, but every facet of your argument was demolished by asking you to clarify.

Gothamgirl ago

Are you on crack? The best 🤣🤣🤣

Crensch ago

911 posts of horseshit, and you stayed with a literal pedophile when shown what he was multiple times.

Also, you had CHILD PORN on your phone.

Your opinion really doesn't matter.

Roughpatch ago

Walk the talk....should I break that down for you! Thanks for banning me by the way from great awakening. Abuse of power much?

weak_penis ago

@GothamGirl is a fat faggot larping as a dumb bitch

@Crensch is an fat faggot who likes cock in his ass

Gothamgirl ago

No I am not either of those things...

weak_penis ago

TITS or GTFO fatass.

Gothamgirl ago

You first, half pencil limp dick.

Crensch ago

It'd be better if you were. Anything is better than being as ugly as you are.

Gothamgirl ago

You know what's ugly, a married mom acting like a whore on the internet.

Crensch ago

Better than sticking by a pedophile and putting child porn on her phone then accusing someone else of doing it.

Crensch ago

GG IS fat.

And you're a 5 day old account with 28ccp

weak_penis ago

GG IS fat.

How fat are you, Crensch? Do you still have both your feet?

And you're a 5 day old account with 28ccp

At least I'm not a 60 year old diabetic with such a fragile ego that I ban people for insulting me.

Gothamgirl ago

Prove that statement right now! You are sick twisted liar.

Crensch ago

I bet he uses you to make sure he can't keep any of his food down when he looks at your face.

Gothamgirl ago

Nope, he wants to Rip my clothes off 🤣

Crensch ago

We both know that's a lie.

Gothamgirl ago

I have no need to lie, and In 1 hour last night I had over 99+ likes on that site you suggested.

Crensch ago

The rating. The one to 10 rating they used to have. What is it?

Gothamgirl ago

Not sure how to find that, I see is this:

Crensch ago

Looks like they cucked out. Don't worry, I'll put some potato on there and show you that you got no more likes than a retard. You and I both know the interest you seem to have garnered is not legitimate.

Especially since you're so desperate for approval that you would actually put your photo on a site like that.

Gothamgirl ago

Ok well when you put your ugly potatoe face on there, we will see how it goes.

Oh please, I have never heard of that site until you mentioned I get on it. Thats the only reason I did it. Your the one desperate to prove I am ugly and fat. Which I am not either. Nor do I care what you or anyone thinks or believes. I am a very confident person. I just thought it would shut you up.

You know what married skank, did use those type of sites like that and webcams 😂? Bet that's how you knew about too.... You seem to forget I have her whole internet history, maybe one day I will get on my website and post it all, and do to her, what you think your doing to me. I think it's only fair and since I archived her whole life, it should be as easy as a couple of clicks...

Crensch ago

You really are one stupid cave troll. If that site is nothing like what I remembered, then what are the odds that I found out about that site within the last year or so?

Gothamgirl ago

Ok cuck who keeps getting cucked, get your face on there, until then, shut it...

Crensch ago

You stayed with a pedophile because you were so desperate to have anyone in your general vicinity, even a druggie pedophile that admitted he barely touched you because he didn't want to.

Gothamgirl ago

Not a pedophile, and I didn't stay with him, I left him in a hotel 2 states away. I think the feelings were pretty mutual on the last sentence.

Crensch ago

He is not a pedophile, and I didn't stay with him, I left him in a hotel 2 states away. I think the feelings were pretty mutual on the last sentence, so didn't bother me at all.

So you admit a druggie pedophile that you did stay with while he was threatening to rape and murder and burn alive a child didn't want to touch you.

Gothamgirl ago

I knew nothing about drugs, he was on prescribed meds, and drank a few beers a day. . After he left my neighbor said some things about him though. I have already made it very clear, the statements I saw made me uncomfortable.

I didn't want him to touch me since before that.

You know you seem to forget you used information from this same guy, to slander me and my kids.

Who the fuck do you think you are?

m_1 ago

29 if you count the upvote I gave him.

Memorexem ago

Taking it back cause that was some low tier shit, lol.

m_1 ago
