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sguevar ago

I certainly don't agree with this.

@Rotteuxx did posted evidence that @srayzie and @shizy did use alts against him and that wasn't a false accusation.

I also do not support the idea of guilty by association I don't believe their intent was to doxx anyone but to get under her skin. Yes the approach that became stalking and harassment wasn't correct and I certainly do not support them whatsoever as I expressed before.

Your accusation on @Rotteuxx needs to be taken off, I don't know about any of the others attempt of doxxing. I just know that @Trigglypuff got banned for the pictures she got from the twitter account that @srayzie has once posted here at voat.

The main thing here is that the harassment was there and was promoting the stalking and possible endangerment of the 2 users and their families.

I certainly do not agree with preemptive banning either this is not minority report. You are not entitled to ban someone from your sub for what they did on another sub as long as it didn't infer an direct or indirect attack on our sub perse. That is the way I see it.

@Zyklon_b fucked up here and prompted a fire he was looking for and got a user burnt for his fuckery. This have got to stop and what you are doing is just adding wood to the fire.

zyklon_b ago

@trigglypuff did i get u burnt? iima burn it down with my army if trig aint unbenned..

@andrew_jackson @freshmeat. @thelma

andrew_jackson ago

@theoldones you are going to lose!

zyklon_b ago

make him suff34

andrew_jackson ago


You are facing total defeat! You have the spine of a jellyfish! Our troll army shall emerge victorious. We, who have stood against pizzagate, who have stood against QRV, who have stood against various people who's name escapes me, we shall troll you until you have had enough! Then you shall flee from Voat! I trolled a Voat user so bad that she actually left Voat, I'm not even kidding I'm that bad!

zyklon_b ago

we will d4ink @srayzies chidrems blud

andrew_jackson ago

Damn Bro! That's pretty hard core. You've been listening to Metalica again? Hey did you know that I saw them play like 25 years ago?

zyklon_b ago

i listen everyday