WhiteRonin ago

Where does Voat draw the line of passing along dox material?

Is it just publicly transmitted data or any form electronic transmission using voat code?

DillHoleBagHands ago

I left Voat today to spend Memorial Day with family.

Holy monkey fuck what dumpster fire I have come back to...

theoldones ago

you walked in on zykon_b.

theoldones ago

there it is, done. they look the same a lot. i also have his feeling voat might have to have things fixed soon

none of these events should have fucking happened, and @zyklon_b deserves to be shot right now for this bullshit.

zyklon you piece of walking fucking garbage! go overdose on pills

zyklon_b ago

her husband n kids will suffer as @trigglypuff did i bet ese'

CerealBrain ago

One dumb sonofabitch right here.

bopper ago

Hey man, just want to say, I apprecieate your helping Srayzie in all this, takes some time and energy.

She's solid so you're doing the right thing.

Good to see the triggly character got the ax from Putt. Hopefully soon Zyklon.

Maybe we'll get some peace around here soon, at least in the G/A sub.

Dortex ago

Did you know u/theoldones begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when he got called out for it? Also u/TruthDefender is his alt.

theoldones ago

@Cynabuns dortex spam here

bopper ago

Have not heard of that no.


theoldones ago

dortex is a serially dishonest spammer whose links complete warping of the truth

he's one of those guys who twists words to describe events from certain points of view to trick people who dont read deeper and dont do their homework

Cynabuns is watching him for this behaviour

bopper ago

Thanks! I'll accept your word for it, you seem to be a straight shooter and seem to have a moral compass.

theoldones ago


this'll be about the 230th time iirc the running count here

bopper ago

Damn. Thanks..

theoldones ago

as you can see in photos, i once received 81 pings overnight while i slept despite having him blocked

bopper ago


theoldones ago

this dude spammed so hard he broke an exploit in searchvoatbot and the bot had to be upgraded to fix the error.

Dortex ago

Zyklon is clearly an effective chemical to use to exterminate CP soliciting felons.

bopper ago

Well I expected a little better than that!

theoldones ago

...um guys, where'd the button to remove a ban go? O_O

auto_turret ago

White knight bullshit. She ain't gonna suck you off, you know this.

theoldones ago

this is reasonable to criticize.

the bans are being lifted.

@Gothamgirl @C_Corax and @zyklon_b play nice. or else. you just attempted to doxx a person i was still handling on my desk, and i hate being interrupted like that

you 3 ought to banned like your accomplice trigglypuff! what the fuck is wrong with every single one of your moral compasses!?

posting "publicly available information", if i judge you to be doing so under hostile intentions, will get you banned a second time

argosciv ago

the bans are being lifted.

Thank you. I've just seen that they are indeed lifted.

I've flaired the original complaint as resolved.

@kevdude @Crensch @PeaceSeeker

C_Corax ago

Shut the fuck up you useless cunt and show me where I doxed anyone.

sguevar ago

I certainly don't agree with this.

@Rotteuxx did posted evidence that @srayzie and @shizy did use alts against him and that wasn't a false accusation.

I also do not support the idea of guilty by association I don't believe their intent was to doxx anyone but to get under her skin. Yes the approach that became stalking and harassment wasn't correct and I certainly do not support them whatsoever as I expressed before.

Your accusation on @Rotteuxx needs to be taken off, I don't know about any of the others attempt of doxxing. I just know that @Trigglypuff got banned for the pictures she got from the twitter account that @srayzie has once posted here at voat.

The main thing here is that the harassment was there and was promoting the stalking and possible endangerment of the 2 users and their families.

I certainly do not agree with preemptive banning either this is not minority report. You are not entitled to ban someone from your sub for what they did on another sub as long as it didn't infer an direct or indirect attack on our sub perse. That is the way I see it.

@Zyklon_b fucked up here and prompted a fire he was looking for and got a user burnt for his fuckery. This have got to stop and what you are doing is just adding wood to the fire.

Shizy ago

@srayzie didn't post her pictures on voat. This little doxxing group pulled them from online and posted them here. She had to pull all her pictures from social media because of them.

Ina_Pickle ago

Then she needs to absorb this lesson well. The internet is forever. she may have removed them, but everything is still there when I image search for srayzie.
Harrassing her was not cool, but this Doxx thing is a farce. She doxxed herself ages ago.

Rotteuxx ago

You're full of shit, it used to be her bio pic on here

Shizy ago

You're full of shit! It was never on her bio here. Ever!

Nosferatjew ago

How tf would you know?

Shizy ago

Because Ive known her for two years and it's never been on her bio.

bopper ago

@Nosferatjew I can vouch for this and I've known her for the same amount of time,


"In the mouths of two or three witnesses let everything be established."

sguevar ago

I remember I talked with her once regarding a post she did that linked to her twitter account and told her about. Otherwise I wouldn't be here defending u/trigglypuff from her ban. But a link to her twitter was posted previously I can certainly dig up my comments if you like, but it would be easier for her to accept that she did at one point and her twitter did have said pictures. I am sorry but I can't agree with the doxx attempt nor with the ban made to Triggly. I have to be objective as mad as I am with ZB for fucking everything up.

Rotteuxx ago

She used to have a picture of herself as her avatar in her voat bio.

Shizy ago

She used to have a picture of herself as her avatar in her voat bio.

This is a lie! Stop spreading lies.

sguevar ago

No archive on the matter but I know I spoke with her about the one post I saw to her twitter account.

The matter rest on her hands.

All this shit got out of control for the lack of restraint of the igniter of the problem at hand and he still dodges his responsibility. Fucking faggot.

theoldones ago

i will remove the accusation of @Rotteuxx and blame extreme anger and shifty circumstantial evidence around a burning dumpster fire

sguevar ago

Man I am not even angry, I am tired... This is going into a slippery slope that endangers voat. It has to stop.

theoldones ago

this entire thing was a shitshow for all involved.

@zyklon_b just crossed ten lines and kicked a puppy for good measure.

sguevar ago

I agree but that doesn't mean that you should apply "guilty by association". I mean I like some of his comments and posts but this whole matter went out of hand and many of us have had tried to reason with him. He needs to man up... I honestly hope he does but I fear I hope too much.

zyklon_b ago

@trigglypuff did i get u burnt? iima burn it down with my army if trig aint unbenned..

@andrew_jackson @freshmeat. @thelma

andrew_jackson ago

@theoldones you are going to lose!

zyklon_b ago

make him suff34

andrew_jackson ago


You are facing total defeat! You have the spine of a jellyfish! Our troll army shall emerge victorious. We, who have stood against pizzagate, who have stood against QRV, who have stood against various people who's name escapes me, we shall troll you until you have had enough! Then you shall flee from Voat! I trolled a Voat user so bad that she actually left Voat, I'm not even kidding I'm that bad!

CerealBrain ago

You one dumb faggot lol. You in middle school bro?

andrew_jackson ago


No, but that's how old I was when your MOM started blowing me. Kind of creepy, isn't she? Sorry man! @zyklon_b

zyklon_b ago

@heygeorge is his alt


MolochHunter ago

Moloch has never even created an alt

ad im happy for @theoldones to run an IP check and verify that for your lying, manipulative asses

heygeorge ago

I’ve always been kind to you.

Why does moloch speak in 3rd person?

@theoldones please, when you verify with IP check, don’t forget to show your work!

MolochHunter ago

doubling down on the Conspiracy to Dox , eh?

@theoldones i'm not convinced these people are getting your message as to what is acceptable conduct

heygeorge ago

doubling down on the Conspiracy to Dox , eh?

I don’t understand what you are saying. Maybe you have mistaken george for someone else. See? It’s a bit off-putting to use 3rd person

@theoldones if there is anything I can help you with, please let me know. I know you will.

theoldones ago

what am i IP checking for? first time wandering into the conversation by your pings

heygeorge ago

I forget, but I do remember I wasn’t serious about it.

zyklon_b ago

@srayzie lil bohs neez be kilt

Shizy ago

Do you realize how lame you sound?

zyklon_b ago

we will d4ink @srayzies chidrems blud

andrew_jackson ago

Damn Bro! That's pretty hard core. You've been listening to Metalica again? Hey did you know that I saw them play like 25 years ago?

zyklon_b ago

i listen everyday

Rotteuxx ago

The dumb bitch @Srayzie uploaded multiple pictures of herself to various social media networks.

They are publicly available on google if you search for "@srayzie"

This is not a dox, you're a fucking moron for believing it is.

alalzia ago

Alts are fucking retarded

Drama is fucking retarded

We are adults , if you are involved in either stop acting like a pussy .

  • This poster allows the downvoting and brigading of his comments

theoldones ago

do you think these names should be unbanned?

i have some them right now going "posting public information isnt doxxing", and i don't want to deal with doxxing in my sub if i let them in

i would appreciate it if they admitted to their intentions of doxxing first, and gave me their word they will not engage in those practices

MolochHunter ago

'conspiracy to Dox'

theoldones ago

this would be a 100% solid summary of my ban reasoning

if you actually look at the website main banlog, a doxxing burner account was also banned for posting 2 comments with addresses

Maltherian1 ago

I don’t know who fucking over who. All I know is this constant drama bullshit is sad and annoying. Somewhere the Jews are laughing at us.

argosciv ago

Oh I know and as much as it sucks, given the people involved, I'm in agreement with you.

There's a natural course waiting to play out here, this will only impede that.

ExpertShitposter ago

can you please explain why talking outside of GA breaks the listed rules of GA?

can you please explain why posting public information from open social media, deliberately put under the same name Srayzie is doxing?

Nosferatjew ago

^^Exactly this

MrPim ago

Can you please explain why posting public information from open social media, deliberately put under the same name Srayzie is doxing?

Yeah I'm not sure I count this as doxing.

theoldones ago

that is doxxing. you can be banned for it.

trigglypuff just was



ExpertShitposter ago

You only consider it doxxing if you are a massive faggot.


C_Corax ago

Here's the post I got banned for btw.

I'm thinking short rope so we get to see a dance fag.

theoldones ago

this is a post you participating in the doxx attempt

argosciv ago

I'm gonna have to defer this one to @kevdude, @Crensch and @PeaceSeeker.

This is their territory. I'll check in as it progresses though.

Gothamgirl ago

I am not from SBBH and my accusation was over a year ago, her false accusation against Zyklon posting Loli is what started this.

theoldones ago

begone thot you just attempted to doxx @Srayzie

Gothamgirl ago

No I didn't kike you are a liar.

Shizy ago

begone thot


Gothamgirl ago

Not as bad as being called Lapdog, nigger.

freshmeat ago

the more faggot drama you create the more people that leave FYI

Nosferatjew ago

Maybe that's the point...

freshmeat ago

it always has been but now its in the open. I dont get what positive motives the admins have nowadays. Seems like they are exploiting their audience now

andrew_jackson ago

@theoldones you cannot stand against the Troll Beast Army!