VoatContainmentGuard ago

I think you've become so toxic that you should be expelled from Voat.

Crensch ago

I think the first comments of your username were attacking me, meaning that your username was created specifically to attack me.

At what point did you realize your opinion was worthless?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I think the first comments of your username were attacking me, meaning that your username was created specifically to attack me.

Not a valid argument. Despising you does not automatically make him wrong except in your own mind.

Crensch ago

Speaking of not valid, where in that quote did I say he was wrong?

Good job showing yourself to be a Jew.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Good job showing yourself to be a Jew.

You're slipping. You are supposed to address us as "leftest jew pedophile"...hmmmm, damn you have so many now I forgot your other favorite kindergarten insult.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I get it. All of Voat's users are worthless, destroyers, low IQ, mentally ill and on disability. Anyone with a new-ish account is worthless because account age is a users worth here. Based on posts, how many users are left here at this time? It doesn't look good. I think you and Srayzie are responsible for a little of that.

Crensch ago

Your account was specifically created to attack me. Your first comment was attacking me. Have you still not figured out that your opinion doesn't matter?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I don't matter. Only you matter. Everyone else is dead weight.

Crensch ago

Every username like yours, and everyone that seems to be on your side about things. Absolutely worthless.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

You're right. We are worthless and our voices mean nothing. You are the only big brain here and the rest of us are goyim. You play guitar better than everyone here combined. You're Mick Jagger and I am the lowly drummer. You're Madonna and I am but the guy who merely pulls the curtain back. It should be law that I cannot even post a comment until one hour after yours have been posted because I am such a lowly animal. I can't even understand what you say because I am so dumb and you so smart. Us Goats trying to understand you is like ants trying to understand Einstein. You & Srayzie are king & queen of Voat and the rest of us peasants need to know our place. @heygeorge

Crensch ago

You are one over-emotional little bitch.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Who am I to even question your claims. I will just agree with them because I am a dumb and worthless peasant. I shouldn't even be allowed to utter your name.

Crensch ago

I'll try that, but unironically. You'll save yourself a lot of embarrassment.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Yes. From now on I will get out of my chair and get on one knee before I even post your name in the comment box because you are a king and I a lowly peasant destroyer. We don't deserve you. Us Goats are like roaches in a palace.

Maltherian1 ago

I’m starting to lose sympathy for you. You banned me for what was clearly a joke. Not that being banned from a q sub means much to me. Just wtf. I remember when you’d rip into Jews with epic posts. Trade all that in so you could be a builder?

Crensch ago

Nobody knows or cares who you are, or what you think.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

We will fuck you up whenever we get ready. As insane as you are, its just too much fun not to.