26586529? ago

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26206147? ago

The BBC news media steals taxes, it does not need to make profit? @FannyCraddock @1opieson @AntiMason ....is this why its global agenda is so fucking disgusting? https://voat.co/v/funny/4094292

26206170? ago

most media in britbong is left, channel4 for example is a combo of muzzies, faggots and socialist welsh perverts ... BBC news goes here voat.co/v/BBC

25717161? ago

you honestly expect something that is overly dramatic, and judges shit based on feelings, to even remotely understand whats going on?

25730508? ago

It's all about dicks hitting 3 walls.

White women and black men. Yellow women and white men.

25730496? ago

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25729786? ago

25703307? ago

The devil knows he has but a short time.

His MISSION he was assigned to has always been the same, be the adversarial force to destroy the race created in the image of Yahweh, the Adamite white race. The very first sin was an assault on Eve ... He used a beast of the field to seduce the woman and the result was Cain, the first mongrel. 2Cor. 11:1-4.

The PURGE is coming.

I warn in Ezra 9:2 the mongrelization was acknowledged and the order was to PUT AWAY THE FOREIGN WOMEN AND THE MONGREL CHILDREN!!! No provision is spoken of for the white women that married foreign men. Once they're polluted they always are.

25699296? ago

news is more about Corona these days

25703000? ago

and what of Q anon?

25698440? ago

Women, jews and niggers are what's destroying America. Women are to emotional (just like niggers) and think with their unreasonable emotions and not with sound judgement. They see niggers as part of humanity, niggers are NOT human nor have they anything to do with humanity except for destroying it.

So the answer to your question unfortunately is YES, many MANY women are too STUPID to not stick a shit colored prison sandwich in their happy hole. Any race that irresponsibly breeds itself out of resources or is too ignorant to use the resources they have around, which in the niggers case are more abundant in their mudderland than any other continent, should be left to go extinct and die of their own undoing. They have more std's and diseases in general than any other species of bipeds. Nature ITSELF is trying to take these goddamn things out and the western world with its woman and jews are ensuring that everything but that happens. Bravo millennials, liberals, democrats, women and jews, you are all the same lot and at you hands on goes the worlds REAL black plague in an effort for you all to look compassionate for race that is anything but. Sincerely your, Will.

25704164? ago

Sure, it's my faggy fault for white wymyns fucking niggers. Instead of blaming fags for everything, KNOW that it's YOUR responsibility and duty STRAIGHT WHITE MAN to fight for and control your cock cozy's. Finally... something you can't actually blame on a faggot! It's not our job to please your goddamn insane prison meat sandwich loving emotional labia's. You're supposed to be so almighty and dominating yet the lower more sexually deviant (the ones who hurt others because of your own fear) of you find your own selves picking on fags, which sure anyone can do, it makes you look like such a fucking hero doing it though... oh that's right, no it doesn't... it makes you look like the closet fags you are and no I'm not talking about the majority of straight men who are comfortable enough with their own sexuality to walk past a "fag" without chimping out over it I'm talking about the psychopaths who call everyone fags (this excludes this example) who stalk gay guys because of their own projection onto others and because of their own sexual hang-ups and confusion. Make NO MISTAKE, MEN, REAL STRAIGHT WHITE MEN who are comfortable with their OWN sexuality, don't spend their whole goddamn DAY on the internet or in reality or any and everywhere else chasing down "fags" for any reason, especially to tell them something they ALREADY KNOW! "Hey fag, you're a fag!" Well no fucking shit! So now what do you want professor? You want to stalk and talk to a fag some more or are you finally ready to stick a dick in your mouth and SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR ONCE?

25706272? ago

hahaha... look at this pathetic faggot.

just because the kikes have interracial propaganda everywhere does not make that reality.

our white women like us quite fine, you nigger faggot, according to any objective study done.

25711146? ago

Too bad this is anonymous because you fell right into a trap that would oust fag trolling faggots like yourself, FAGGOT had it not been anonymous. I wonder how many more of you closet fags are stupid enough to fall for it! Hahahaha!!!! The saddest part is that you have to live with yourself for outing yourself TO yourself! Hahahahaha!!!!!!! What an idiot! Go beat up a mirror corn hole! This wouldn't bother the average STRAIGHT fella who is comfortable with his own sexuality, guess why? Because it's not about him FAGGOT, it's about YOU!!!! Hahahahaha!!!!!!😂🤣😂🤣😂😁😂😃😅😆😱😭😰🤪😵🥴😰😭😖😓😒😣😠😡🤬 <-----You Sparkles!

25711220? ago

lol wtf is this massive faggotry.

i glanced at your retarded statement claiming white women are fucking niggers and i refuted it saying it's not an issue and you're a stupid faggot and this is how you respond?

okay, well, maybe fuck off and die in a fire; you'll make the world a better place!

25704876? ago

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25697240? ago


25697243? ago

... the Theory? Open Borders for the Saudi and Israel? but why attack sell propaganda the a young male Negroe of the West, why attack the Western woman with Propaganda? It's the soft target for the extremist, old women, old men, kids, females and when not under direct attack the media tells them to open borders or to raise an alien brood that is not their own biology? @killer7 @Mustard_of_puppets @Helena73 @SegFault Anti-miscegenation laws were first introduced in North America from the late seventeenth century onwards by several of the Thirteen Colonies, and subsequently by many US states and US territories and remained in force in many US states until 1967. The Jews cannot legally marry non-Jews in Israel and a significant number of Israelis marry in Cyprus. Saudi women are prohibited from marrying men other than Arab citizens of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries without special dispensation from the King. Under the mohammedan Shari'a law, Saudi women, as Muslims, are not permitted under any circumstances to marry non-Muslim men. Whites have, indeed, been repelled by what they called “amalgamation.” At some point in their histories, 44 of the 50 states had laws prohibiting interracial marriage and sometimes fornication, with the first such law being passed in 1661. Prof. Lemire suggests that anti-miscegenationist feeling was stronger in the North than in the South, and she writes of the shock with which Yankees learned of close personal relations between Southern blacks and whites, and of couplings between masters and slaves. Like many states, South Carolina and Alabama wrote prohibitions of miscegenation into their constitutions. After the Supreme Court decision of 1967, these bans were unenforceable, but the language remained. In 1988 and 2000 respectively, voters in the two states went to the polls, in accordance with the procedures required to amend the state constitutions. Substantial minorities in both states voted to keep the ban: 38 percent in South Carolina and 41 percent in Alabama. Five of 47 South Carolina counties voted to keep the ban, as did no fewer than 23 of 67 counties in Alabama. In Brazil, "Mixed Race Day" (Dia do Mestiço) is observed annually on June 27, three days after the Day of the Caboclo, in celebration of all mixed-race Brazilians, including the caboclos. Forced Race Mixing they already tried it, Forced Racial Mixing it was supposed to fix everything in the Brazilian, Racial whitening, or "whitening" (branqueamento), is an old race mix ideology that was widely accepted in Brazil between 1889 and 1914, as the solution to the "Negro problem." Theodore Roosevelt: After visiting Brazil in 1913 he wrote an article in Outlook magazine. In his article he talks about how the Brazilian Negro is disappearing and a new mongrel brownish nigger tanned race was being created.

25696284? ago

jews are the snake that give the white women the apple to destroy Adam's Eden

25696384? ago

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25696304? ago


25696314? ago

It seems like /u/Drkadrka soap box fuckery @TheGook @MrPim ! @Heebro @DillHoleBagHands

25705175? ago

strange its deleted

25703820? ago


25694521? ago

Speak on any of this stuff, get put on an FBI Britbongistani list? @KalEl50 @White_Collar_Crimnal ? @SchwoogNite96 ? @RM-Goetbbels @Naughtius_Maximus

25694548? ago

25694142? ago

This just hitting demographics and to prevent the racisalisation of a brand in the fragile mind of the brain dead consumer.

Have a brand / product advertised by a full black product, and everyone who isn't black thinks "this is a 'black' product for black people, and I'm not black so it's not for me"

To a lesser extent this is the same if a white family.

So by having multi-race it becomes non-race.

Unpopular opinion no doubt, but I know people who work in advertising and they really don't give a fuck about trying to manipulate society with their adverts, that's what films, TV and the 'news' is for.

They care about ROI, engagement, and effectiveness of the campaign, as this is what determines their rates and bonuses.

Working in an advertising agency is often referred to in professional circles as "working for the dark side" with the obligatory joke that their "selling aspirin to kids" as a good agency is supposed to have no morals.

So it's not that they are trying to encourage race mixing, it's that if they're actions cause that, they don't give a fuck.

I laugh at the idea that someone managed to get all the advertising agencies in one room and convince them to do anything even remotely against their own interests

25703067? ago

The POPULATION TIME BOMB, perhaps one of biggest crisis of our time! Movement from Latin America, Africa, Middle East, India. islamist Criminals Low IQ needy Negroids? Millions, Billions More...The faggot dork masters of the universe are planning on riding it out in New Zealand. irst of all in the the USA, Europe, Canada you have a developing class of 'FEELS' Before Facts...Let's call them in-numerates, what is it to be part of the political in-numerates not understanding basic adding or math. Lets look at facts without saying these illegal immigrants are drug dealers, terrorists, criminal thief etc Looks look at the facts and numbers that dumb political elites, the in-numerates do not understand...there are only so many people you can put on a boat before it sinks, only so many in a movie theater you can fit before its a crush or a dangerous stampeed, only so much weight you can put on an aircraft... even if you wanted to help? Look at facts... Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=LPjzfGChGlE Muslim Invasion Of Europe 2017 https://hooktube.com/watch?v=Sirj6qNLAEU There isn’t nearly as much coal left as most people think. “Clean coal” will run down limited reserves even faster. If humanity doesn’t begin massive, sustained investment in renewable power sources immediately, civilization could be at risk before the end of the century. And that’s without considering the impacts of climate change. https://grist.org/article/2009-07-27-blackout-heinberg-on-dwindling-coal-reserves-and-the-siren-song/ A modest proposal for a new population debate http://www.pbs.org/wnet/need-to-know/opinion/a-modest-proposal-for-population-control/10420/

The chart to the right shows the sources of the population growth. The green section represents current native born Americans, whose population levels actually decrease over time because of less-than-replacement level fertility rates. The red section represents population growth caused by current and future immigrants.https://www.numbersusa.com/pages/whats-problem The chart below shows the U.S. Census Bureau's middle-range projection of how much additional population will be forced into the United States if current immigration and fertility levels continue. http://www.flsuspop.org/USGrowth.html 1970 serves as the baseline year for this analysis as it was during that decade (in 1972) that American women voluntarily reached replacement level fertility (2.1 children per woman). It was also near 1970 that the number of legal immigrants allowed into the country began to rise rapidly as a result of immigration law changes in 1965. http://www.cairco.org/issues/mass-immigration-driving-us-population-double Increasing Global Nonrenewable Natural Resource Scarcity—An Analysis The clash? https://www.quora.com/Are-we-currently-facing-the-clash-of-civilisations-described-by-S-P-Huntington ? Pol https://yuki.la/pol/87126440 Huntington’s Clash Of Civilizations Is Real ? https://www.rightsidenews.com/life-and-science/culture-wars/samuel-huntingtons-clash-of-civilizations-is-real/ Posted by Gail the Actuary . This is a guest post by Chris Clugston. http://www.theoildrum.com/node/6345 The Global NNR Scarcity Analysis is based on US Geological Survey (USGS) and US Energy Information Administration (EIA) data related to global production and pricing associated with fifty seven (57) NNRs—energy resources, metals, and minerals. http://dieoff.org/page54.htm The United States population would have increased by less than 24 million persons between 1970 and 1990, but immigrants and their descendants radically increased the growth by more than 24 million additional people. An NPG demographic analysis of age distribution, fertility, and mortality data shows that if there had been no immigration to the U.S. since 1990, the population in 2000 would have been 262 million - 19 million less than the 281 million counted. Thus, post-1990 immigrants and their children accounted for 61% of U.S. population growth during the last decade https://www.susps.org/overview/immigration.html Some reading http://in-gods-name.blogspot.com/2011/12/peak-nnr-scarcity-humanitys-last.html Peak NNR: Scarcity: Humanity’s Last Chapter : A Comprehensive Analysis of Nonrenewable Natural Resource (NNR) Scarcity’s Consequences https://catagenesis.wordpress.com/tag/ecological-footprint/ image below using Chris Clugston’s “On American Sustainability – Anatomy of a Societal Collapse” as the feedstock. It’s an eye-opening read if you haven’t yet had the pleasure of doing so. Check out Clugston’s writings.

25694446? ago

American women are programmed to be Coal burning Mudsharks?

25694366? ago

I would talk about the small advertsiers or tiny film makers or some CGI studio, those guys can be hired and fired and re-hired in one day, they can be replaced in seconds but think of the bigger gobal company with national links and possibly some agenda. You talk of return-on-investment but do you know Black Panther didnt really do as well as they claim at the box office and also in China and other places people openly talked of negro fatigue. There might be some political way of doing things now in Britbong, the USA or Frogistan? However if you ever go across the world to South America to Asia you sometimes see the total opposite, Chinese commercials advertise Blacks as troublesome, Japan advertized Obama as a monkey in a phone company comerical. Latinos promote themselves or both Asian and Latin want to be more 'White' toned, Arabs and Jews often show negative stereotype against each other. If these companies do not have an agenda then why are the ethnic mixes not random, why dont you see some Asian dude and a Brazil/Cuban Latin girl, Why do you not see a Native American guy with a White woman or a Jewish man with a Negroid woman? Why do you not see a Jew cap wearing guy hooking up with some Desi Indian woman some Jew hooking up with a Geetika or Indo-Anaya girl, why not a Jew woman and beardy Moslem dude with the rag on his head making out? the idea is to be 'diverse' is it not or would the ADL complain and Jewish Lobby shut it down? Do you know they do not need to get all the advertising agencies in one room, all the food companies, all the music record labels, all the big media entertainment names are now owned by about 5 or 6 families, they are the usual suspects, some of them old royal banking names, some of the Media giants who eat up and own all the smaller companies.

25693224? ago

The white women go along with it that's the problem.

25693385? ago

What happened to the Coal Fax? v/MUDSHARKMadness

25694181? ago

I have no idea why my name is being dragged into this...

25693375? ago

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25693143? ago

The new religion became degeneracy, subversion, war mongering, money greed and socialism? https://voat.co/v/QRV/4031492

25693627? ago

Some in the media even pray to a baphomet? @Dark_Shroud @LettItBurn ? @Totally-Not-A-Troll ? @fightknightHERO @Interruptedagain

25695661? ago

Yes. Pray, sacrifice, make offerings! I'd say most in the media do. At least the heads of the media companies.

25692391? ago

Looks like no-one wants sheboons. They can't get white males to even pose with them.

25692743? ago

Dating websites are typically scams, or else spyware, criminals often use the sites for theft, the dating users are sometimes weirdos and the dating companies full of bots snooping at your messages, the evil eye recording the mails, invading privacy, the Websites also reveal certain facts and Bias to Racial type. Online Dating sites - OkCupid run by Jewish Max Krohn and son of Syrian immigrants, Al and Dr. Haifa Yagan https://files.catbox.moe/ze925p.png Americans Lost $143 Million in Online Dating Scams. Match.com is a well known scam.

Florida Woman Loses $1 Million In Online Dating Scam


Even the male negroids don't want to fuck female niggers. https://archive.fo/eoYqp , the Angry Hulkout Apeface? high rates of STDs, obesity, children out of wedlock, poverty, criminal behavior, and low intelligence don't exactly make them look like a catch.

Oh, and they're usually un-womanly, agressive but also ugly as fuck.


Statistics is raciss!

Neofaggots would say Its okay for every other race to have a dedicated dating site, but its racist if its dedicated to white people. https://archive.is/uFVKE , Online White Dating Platform | WhiteDate.NET - This site must get some serious heat from the (((Usual Suspects))) ....but it also reeks of alt-right fakery honey pot.... Make sure you have COALFAX open in another tab? giving people the tools to act on racial bias is profitable; and second, it is not fair to users who are discriminated against to be matched with people who are biased against their racial group and, as a result, will dismiss them as potential matches.


The rest of the piece quotes SJWs in the online dating industry who encourage whites to date niggers.

Few white guys are oil drillers. Some white women are coalburners and the online dating industry seems to view its mission to encourage more white and Asian women to burn the coal. Shitavious likes him some tight white. Muh dick, muh dick....She also got tats, Deeeessgusting!! https://files.catbox.moe/98ikpq.jpg 4Chan Human Races Thread Anonymous ? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/276473341/

25697383? ago

The nation of Sweden and Britbong's BBC got occupied by Brood Parasites https://voat.co/v/news/4031764/25694872

25692542? ago

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25692094? ago

Lol that's just american culture.

25692333? ago

SJW Commie mind control? Also seems to be a shit ton of reverse-racism propaganda from places like Comicsgate etc https://files.catbox.moe/mit8w2.png

25695949? ago

No, sucking black dick. Its a core part of american culture.

25696188? ago

They do a lot fo fucking around in official, company, government, militray and social circles....but... What the fuck is going on with the Negroid woman from the Navy disrespecting rank and dancing with the shithop music? @StBlops2cel_is_Lord @Hammytime ? @Drkadrka ? @NoSafetySmokingFirst @SouthernCracker

25696631? ago

Allowing women in the military is lunacy, Negresses doubly so

25696249? ago

Also see the party boat USS Acadia aka Love Boat, one week 36 of the women got preggers ? @Skeptic5000 @Naughtius_Maximus ? @ravensedgesom ? @Orthalyx @Niggertown

25696289? ago


BTW, who are you exactly? Are you who I think you are? your post is anonymous.

25696256? ago

The media is full of BS propaganda, now who said what? @no-hurry-no-pause

25696722? ago

Who is saying what, asking which?

25696778? ago

WTF is going to happen the United States of America. Media and a Niggerism agenda, Ask? @SoSickOfBlacks @turdburglar ? @Goat7 ? @parnellsUprising @Will0890

25702255? ago

Thanks for mention

25691953? ago

What is the biggest cost, who are the biggest Leeches and Blood suckers? The Lefists and their Socialist ideas, the BLM Niggers, the Churches, the Refugee Asylum Seeking Invaders, the Wars, the Bankers, the Commie programs for Government. In FY 2021, interest payments on the national debt are estimated at $378 billion.That's enough to pay for 11 Justice Departments. It's also one of the fastest-growing expenses.By 2030, it will almost double to $665 billion, costing more than Medicaid. It's not a mandatory program, but it must be paid to avoid a U.S. debt default. These estimates will increase if interest rates rise. Washington loses hundreds of billions of dollars annually on spending that most Americans would certainly consider wasteful.

25692022? ago

What is the biggest cost, who are the biggest Leeches and Blood suckers? The Lefists and their Socialist ideas, the Hollywood movie studios, the BLM Niggers, the Churches, the Refugee Asylum Seeking Invaders, the Wars, the Bankers, the Commie programs for Government. In FY 2021, interest payments on the national debt are estimated at $378 billion.That's enough to pay for 11 Justice Departments. It's also one of the fastest-growing expenses. By 2030, it will almost double to $665 billion, costing more than Medicaid. It's not a mandatory program, but it must be paid to avoid a U.S. debt default. These estimates will increase if interest rates rise. Washington loses hundreds of billions of dollars annually on spending that most Americans would certainly consider wasteful. Departments that support defense: $228 billion. They include the Department of Veterans Affairs ($93 billion), State Department ($48 billion), Homeland Security ($48 billion), FBI and Cybersecurity ($10 billion), and the National Nuclear Security Administration ($17 billion).The next largest non-military department, Health and Human Services ($96.4 billion) is just above one-tenth of total military spending. Its primary function is to spend mandated benefits for Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Act. In FY 2021, interest payments on the national debt are estimated at $378 billion. That's enough to pay for 11 Justice Departments. It's also one of the fastest-growing expenses.By 2030, it will almost double to $665 billion, maybe that evil religious number of 666, that is costing more than Medicaid. It's not a mandatory program, but it must be paid to avoid a U.S. debt default. These estimates will increase if interest rates rise. costs will outpace interest and income by 2034. At that time, Social Security benefits will begin draining the general fund. It also means Congress can no longer "borrow" from the Social Security Trust Fund to pay for other federal programs.Medicare ($722 billion) and Medicaid ($448 billion) are the next largest expenses. Medicare taxes pay for $308 billion of its cost. The rest comes from premiums and the general fund. Child Nutrition, Child Tax Credits, Supplemental Security Income, and Student Loans. Unemployment insurance taxes pay for $43 billion of its cost. Contrary to popular opinion, welfare programs are not the biggest cause of government spending.•Retirement and disability programs for civil servants, the Coast Guard, and the military. Two-thirds of federal expenses must go to mandatory programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.•The United States must pay the interest or risk defaulting on its debt and shaking investors’ faith in its capacity to pay. If it does not, there could be domestic and global economic consequences. At least the Baby Boomers as stupid and Left as they were popped out the Babies? The mandatory budget will cost $2.966 trillion in FY 2021. Mandatory spending is skyrocketing because more baby boomers are reaching retirement age. By 2030, one in five Americans will be older than 65. The future costs will outpace interest and income by 2034. At that time, Social Security benefits will begin draining the general fund. It also means Congress can no longer "borrow" from the Social Security Trust Fund to pay for other federal programs.

25692169? ago

Some of the biggest costs on the system were not Welfare but the War in Iraq maybe as high as 4 Trillion even Higher, not millions, not billions whihc is thousands of millions but that's Trillion with a 'T'. The multi billion Dollar banker bailouts under Bush and Obama, a $700 billion bailout and other bail outs for other companies and banks which coudl have added another 2 Trillion. You basically could be sending spacecraft to Alpha Centauri and build cities on the Moon and Mars with the ridiclous ammount of money that was printed. However the bank bailout authorized by Congress wasn’t going to be anywhere near enough to save old rotten dinosaur banks like Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Citigroup and Bank of America,

25691686? ago

Pshh black men don’t have families

25692058? ago

Is the system dying....Why all this propaganda?

25691622? ago

Has the Open borders and Refugee invasion brought a new era of Islamic Parasites - Oil Ticks, Welfare Leeches, Hookworms... In nature a parasitoid is an organism that lives in close association with its host at the host's expense, eventually resulting in the death of the host. In wasps, usurpers typically kill eggs and early-instar larvae of the colony they have taken over, the bird kingdom a foreign alien bird lays alien eggs in the nest of another. In the scifi movies, books and comics you have the parasitoid form of the species Xenomorph, the face hugger lays eggs inside a host. Parasite Culture of sorts may exist or previously might have existed in past Human Civilsations, Parasitoids are found in a variety of taxa across the insect order and biological kingdoms. The Alien design is credited to Swiss surrealist and artist H. R. Giger who drew and painted a lot of dark satanic scifi alien art, practical effects for the Alien's head were designed and constructed by Italian special effects designer Carlo Rambaldi. The adult Aliens have been referred to as "drones", "warriors", "workers", and sometimes "soldiers", similar to the way ants have been defined, the film makers and directors Ridley Scott and later James Camerson introduced fictional character for these stories and creatures. Xenomorphs, are the main antagonists of the Alien film franchise, consisting of the films Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, Alien: Resurrection and Alien: Covenant. The scifi facehugger then "impregnates" the host with an embryo known as a "chestburster", which, after a period of gestation, erupts violently from the host's chest resulting in the death of the host. The real life Phronima parasite? Like their Alien movie counterparts, the young eventually wriggle out of the host-body, setting off to find their own. Much like social immunity, host defences against brood parasitism are employed by a donor (a parent) for the benefit of one or more recipients (typically kin), and as with social defences against classic parasites, defences have therefore evolved to protect the donor’s inclusive fitness, not the survival or ultimately the fitness of individual recipients. Cheating cheaters and killers, Scientifically and Briefly, brood parasites may show higher levels of both polyandry and polygyny as the lack of parental duties reduces the benefits of pair bonds. You have name changes like “Public Assistance” and perhaps many of the recipients have the latest phones, gold chains, gold name plates, the trendiest, costly jackets with whatever is the most current trendy labels on them, etc. They often do game the system. Yet there are many needy cases. Hungry children, neglected children, people who are genuinely needy. So then why are people on welfare benefits often considered to be parasites... Brood parasitism, also called social parasitism, is the exploitation by one individual (the brood parasite) of the parental care of another (the host). Brood parasites can deposit eggs in the nests or broods of another individual of the same (conspecific brood parasitism) or of a different (interspecific brood parasitism) species. Are Welfare Gibs recipients parasites is a question which could be asked.... Hosts often raise young of the brood parasite, typically at the expense of their own young or perhaps own nest or even civilisation? @Merchant_Menace @TheSeer ? @Nosferatjew ? @SumerBreeze @PizzaGate-Is-Real

25691631? ago

Has the Open borders and Refugee invasion brought a new era of Islamic Parasites - Oil Ticks, Welfare Leeches, Hookworms... In nature a parasitoid is an organism that lives in close association with its host at the host's expense, eventually resulting in the death of the host. In wasps, usurpers typically kill eggs and early-instar larvae of the colony they have taken over, the bird kingdom a foreign alien bird lays alien eggs in the nest of another. In the scifi movies, books and comics you have the parasitoid form of the species Xenomorph, the face hugger lays eggs inside a host. Parasite Culture of sorts may exist or previously might have existed in past Human Civilsations, Parasitoids are found in a variety of taxa across the insect order and biological kingdoms. The Alien design is credited to Swiss surrealist and artist H. R. Giger who drew and painted a lot of dark satanic scifi alien art, practical effects for the Alien's head were designed and constructed by Italian special effects designer Carlo Rambaldi. The adult Aliens have been referred to as "drones", "warriors", "workers", and sometimes "soldiers", similar to the way ants have been defined, the film makers and directors Ridley Scott and later James Camerson introduced fictional character for these stories and creatures. Xenomorphs, are the main antagonists of the Alien film franchise, consisting of the films Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, Alien: Resurrection and Alien: Covenant. The scifi facehugger then "impregnates" the host with an embryo known as a "chestburster", which, after a period of gestation, erupts violently from the host's chest resulting in the death of the host. The real life Phronima parasite? Like their Alien movie counterparts, the young eventually wriggle out of the host-body, setting off to find their own. Much like social immunity, host defences against brood parasitism are employed by a donor (a parent) for the benefit of one or more recipients (typically kin), and as with social defences against classic parasites, defences have therefore evolved to protect the donor’s inclusive fitness, not the survival or ultimately the fitness of individual recipients. Cheating cheaters and killers, Scientifically and Briefly, brood parasites may show higher levels of both polyandry and polygyny as the lack of parental duties reduces the benefits of pair bonds. You have name changes like “Public Assistance” and perhaps many of the recipients have the latest phones, gold chains, gold name plates, the trendiest, costly jackets with whatever is the most current trendy labels on them, etc. They often do game the system. Yet there are many needy cases. Hungry children, neglected children, people who are genuinely needy. So then why are people on welfare benefits often considered to be parasites... Brood parasitism, also called social parasitism, is the exploitation by one individual (the brood parasite) of the parental care of another (the host). Brood parasites can deposit eggs in the nests or broods of another individual of the same (conspecific brood parasitism) or of a different (interspecific brood parasitism) species. Are Welfare Gibs recipients parasites is a question which could be asked.... Hosts often raise young of the brood parasite, typically at the expense of their own young or perhaps own nest or even civilisation? @Merchant_Menace @TheSeer ? @Nosferatjew ? @SumerBreeze @PizzaGate-Is-Real

25692124? ago

I would say that the dividing line between parasitism and those that have a desire and the potential to recover falls more or less along racial lines. I would also point out that the dividing line between net contributors and net drains also falls along racial lines. The "social safety net" has effectively been twisted and corrupted into a giant wealth transfer mechanism.

I'll take a step further and assert that the ones who did this are jews. Typically in nature you'll find that parasites will leech metabolic energy off of their host organism for their own benefit and the benefit of their children. However, it is much less common for parasites to then encourage other organisms to follow suit so as to facilitate an accelerated downfall of the host from which they leech. Jews, then, become something even more exaggerated - something beyond parasitic. I'm not even sure if they have a name for such a thing. The only other time I can think of seeing it is with diseases that attack the immune system. To me, the closest analogy that I can think of is HIV/AIDS.


25691718? ago



25691596? ago

White women are not stupid or weak. They were viciously and specifically targeted.

26811084? ago

25691650? ago

Some far far too emotional, others are dumb and Low IQ, some biologically lean left due to the whole cute nurture element inside them, others are unreasonable, very few own their shit and have accountability, many are irrational. However once in a while you do find a woman with logic and her head screwed on straight, but usually by then its too little too late.

25691379? ago

mixed couples like that are about as nice as a box of dog shit. When I see a coal burner paying the toll I find it so funny.

25691427? ago

How many do some of these weird trashy women shit out? ? Did you know women in Georgia who received public assistance gave birth at more than three times the rate of women who did not receive public assistance, according to 2006 U.S. Census Bureau figures?

25694453? ago

watch the movie Idiocracy, its a documentary actually.

25695211? ago

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25691309? ago

Black Wives Matter

25692824? ago

What is the religion, what do they say of the Negroe Black?

25693076? ago

What one relgion has done more to promote racism, what religion wants to mix everyone into some mushy brown gray mix of people and mono culture, thus destroying all other cultures and races before it? Some interpretations of religions say negative things against an African Black, other readings from religious texts may have supported some forms of slavery. Religious People Tend to Be More Racist, Study Finds. An intriguing study conducted by USC examined the connection between religious groups and racism, arriving at a provocative conclusion, are the religious also doing forms of racism?

The Old Testament is often referred to as a book, it is really a collection of many books, or separate manuscripts, produced by different individuals over a long period of time.

Matthew10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

The Bible was used to justify slavery? Buddhism and Hindu culture was used to justify a life of misery and karma and punishment on sins from a previous life. Most Eastern religions believe in a form of re-birth most Eastern religions Vedism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism. Hinduism teaches about Gods, Buddhism does not. For Hindus, the earth was created by the Gods, some of these gods looked weird and kinda animal like, for Buddhists, the earth was created by this super space divine man’s thoughts all very esoteric? They say the Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha) came from a Hindu family, and both religions overlap somewhat. The major difference is that Hinduism is clearly a theistic religion, whereas Buddhism as a religion is mostly non-theistic.

The Collection of Christian faith and old Christian books? Same with the New Testament. Remember how much the Christian Bible shares with Jewish texts and other religious writings? ... division according to language could only occur after the confusion of tongues.... the account of the confusion of tongues in serves maybe as a divider between two genealogies... If as one people all sharing a common language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be beyond them. Come, let’s go down and confuse their language so they won’t be able to understand each other.” So the Lord scattered them from there across the face of the entire earth, and they stopped building the city. That is why its name was called Babel—because there the Lord confused the language of the entire world, and from there the Lord scattered them across the face of the entire earth. As modern ethnic racial groups the Seventh-day Adventists are white, while 32% are black, 15% are Hispanic, 8% are Asian and another 8% are another race or mixed race. Muslims (8.7) and Jehovah’s Witnesses (8.6) are close behind in terms of diversity, as no racial or ethnic group makes up more than 40% of either group. Blacks, whites (including some people of North African or Middle Eastern descent) and Asians each make up a quarter or more of U.S. Muslims, while blacks, whites and Latinos each make up a quarter or more of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (a mainline denomination), the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (an evangelical denomination) and the United Methodist Church (the largest mainline church) are all more than 90% white. Many people know of the KKK but few know the 'Janjaweeds', an Islamic group of militiamen that, with the silent approval of Sudanese government, they are trying to 'arabize' and 'islamize' the region overall killing thousand and thousand of Animists As a religion islam seems to be very racist, Ibn Khaldum, an Arab historian stated that “Blacks are characterized by levity & excitability & great emotionalism,” adding that “they are every where described as stupid.” al-Dimashqi, an Arab pseudo scientist wrote, “the Equator is inhabited by communities of blacks who may be numbered among the savage beasts. Their complexion & hair are burnt & they are physically & morally abnormal. Their brains almost boil from the sun’s heat…..” Ibn al-Faqih al-Hamadhani painted this no less horrid picture of black people, “…..the zanj (the blacks) are overdone until they are burned, so that the child comes out between black, murky, malodorous, stinking, & crinkly-haired, with uneven limbs, deficient minds, & depraved passions. The Quran or Koran seems to be a racist book and the prophet of islam himself moohammad probably described Black Africans as Pug Nosed Slaves and Raisin Heads. Atheism unknown to itself and its talk of evolution is probably what also promotes racism, or would it be race realism?

The West now for some of the religious extreme is seen as a Modern SinCity of ancient time, a Babylon, soddomite nation? The destruction of Arts and the end of good music...the sound of harpists and musicians and flute-players and trumpeters will not be heard in you any longer; and no craftsman of any craft will be found in you any longer; and the sound of a mill will not be heard in you any longer...Cut off the sower from Babylon And the one who wields the sickle at the time of harvest; From before the sword of the oppressor They will each turn back to his own people And they will each flee to his own land...By the rivers of Babylon, There we sat down and wept, When we remembered Zion. Upon the willows in the midst of it We hung our harps. For there our captors demanded of us songs, And our tormentors mirth, saying, "Sing us one of the songs of Zion....Those who had escaped from the sword he carried away to Babylon; and they were servants to him and to his sons until the rule of the kingdom of Persia... Your mother will be greatly ashamed, She who gave you birth will be humiliated Behold, she will be the least of the nations, A wilderness, a parched land and a desert. The beginning of his kingdom was Babel and Erech and Accad and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit, and a prison of every unclean and hateful bird? That is why it was called Babel —because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth.

They picked the manuscripts for the New Testament?

The First Council of Nicaea was a council of Christian bishops convened in the Bithynian city of Nicaea by the Roman Emperor Constantine I in AD 325. This Ecumenical Council was the first effort to attain consensus in the church through an assembly representing all of Christendom.

Ecumenical Council by the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches, as well by certain other Western Churches, met in 680/681....that is the religion, 100s of yrs later you have off shoots in America, the Mormons, the Scientologists and other new age Christian weirdos?

25697267? ago

Who benefits from the propaganda? https://voat.co/v/theredpill/4032044

25693167? ago

What do the major world religions say of abortion? https://voat.co/v/QRV/4031456/25692166

25693479? ago

Things could be worse, you could live in Swedistan with the Bix Noods? https://voat.co/v/4chan/4028624

25691415? ago

On his radio show, Neal Boortz described “single mothers receiving public assistance” as “welfare broodmares” -- a “broodmare” is “a mare [a female horse] kept for breeding.”

25691697? ago

Thats an accurate description

25693321? ago

LMFAO and Jews are so greedy they are short sighted, they get so greedy they destroy their own brood and civilisation. The whole Jew story is basically woe is me depressed, start trouble and cause other shit, then go on the run, bring the cancer and degeneracy and greed to another land nation, another exodus ... an endless cycle like the snake trying to eat its own tail https://voat.co/v/QRV/4031343/25691186

25695249? ago

Niggerism isnt just about Blacks, the Boston bombers btw were islamic Whites and Anchor babies. https://voat.co/v/QRV/4031663/25693641

25690693? ago

Has anyone considered bringing the light of BRENTON TARRANT to a marketing agency

25690727? ago

Not sure about the Brood-Parasite but has anyone been able to watch hollyweird movies or entertainment tv anymore?

25690756? ago

These alien invading Brood Parasites in ancient time, who knows....maybe....It was a trojan horse, of course the refujihad thing can be a biological invasion of a foreign hostile culture and people and there is a cultural infiltration agenda? The tv and media and hollywood filth film is impossible to watch now. A foreign agenda to support people that are also foreign and alien. Maybe that's the way to start looking at the alien Brood Parasite which puts alien spawn and eggs into another host nest, not sure when the Gibs Welfare Benefit agenda is going to end, maybe it would take a total collapse @Inaminit @burtzev ? @Doglegwarrior ? @videocodec @Bottled_Tears ?

25698124? ago

What the hell made you need to tag me in your post..

25694862? ago

i prey for a meteorite so we can have a real reset and get back to a natural world. the jew is the root cause of all this shit.

25691174? ago

Sometimes its a mind set?

25691187? ago

The weird thing about islam is its a cancerous demonic mindset. The jihadi mohammedan can be black, white, yellow or brown, so part of the fact radical lefists ignore muslim is not an ethnicity and islam is not a race. Communists and Satanists are not races either. https://voat.co/v/news/4031025/25689706

25691273? ago

Nation is no longer healthy perhaps....America the Free United States lasted for a while, the global machine eventually invaded and now its a giant LabRat experiment? @Bigz_Sarducci @HappyMealBullshit ? @GEODESY ? @HitlerDinduNufin @BlowjaySimpson

25691883? ago

Mind control is a powerful drug.

25690711? ago


25690716? ago

New type of evolved Trojan civilisation virus, Kebabs and Niggers are Brood Parasites and the Global Commies and Kikes push the agenda through MK-ultra propaganda?

25690587? ago

It increases the value of "white" males, while decreasing the value of "black" females, which in return decreases the value of "black" males.

25690650? ago

and the military propaganda ads?

25690681? ago

Military as in "public" daycare camp for undesirables -military, not as in segregated zog army of the pharmaceutical/military industrial complex. The structure of control is always in place, while the propaganda produced aims at deceiving the majority from not acting in their own interests, which is ongoing, because the majority that needs to be deceived is like everything else cyclical, therefore always in need of fresh (regurgitated) propaganda.

This system is based on shared energy, and for one to hold power of all others, one has to deceive all others to not use the shared power, and this will never change, because it can not change. They can only use force for control temporarily, because a few cannot force the many for long before the many comprehend the odds, and so the need for deception comes back into play. All that aside...this system is not a competition about who holds power, but about utilized the shared power for the benefit of all to sustain the system and all within, so what we are up to our necks in, are the consequences of our own selfishness.

25690661? ago

Those military adverts? Has the military explained how Parasitism could be used as a form of infiltration or warfare or cultural conquest? It is defined as the association of two organisms of same or different species, in which one lives at the cost of other, certain cultures might invade, leech of and subvert another. Animal Parasites, Sloppy Seconds, Micro Chimerism and Messmates, there is also a thing such as “welfare brood mares.” Brood parasites are reproductive theft and cheats that evolve ways of duping other birds into raising their spwn or eggs of young. There is the dumbass example of Allo Allo-parenting some moron getting cucked or alloparental care it is a term used to classify any form of parental care provided by an individual towards a non-descendant alien foreign young. Non-descendant refers to any young who is not the direct genetic offspring of the individual, but does not exclude related young such as siblings or grandchildren. What is a Brood parasite and Welfare Benefit Parasite that Gibs itself resources, theft from others? Examples in nature happen such as animal brainwashing mimicry of host eggs, chicks and fledglings by brood parasitic eggs, chicks and fledglings are amongst the most iconic examples of animal deception in nature? @daskapitalist @PhilKDick ? @killer7 ? @Maddmartigan @mxcviel

25690582? ago

Yup, they are too stupid, but on the other hand white men have become such cucks, they think the dad bod and soy bod is what women want.

25695300? ago

This is why women shouldn’t vote or have any leadership position. They’re willing to sell out their own kind for a black dick, then come running back when beaten up with their nigglets.

25758362? ago

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25692193? ago

I think we're realistically about ten years away from a form of psychiatric abuse in the west that will rival the psychiatric abuse under the Soviet Union. https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/278509794/

25690702? ago

Why all the military propaganda on broods? Do we know have Host Recognition of these Brood Parasites...Every year for millennia, the bird from romajewnigger regions types of cuckoo, this parasite bird has visited our shores in the spring in search of abundant insects and cheap child-care but it is a little known fact that they have not always been welcomed. what is invasion by stealth and subversion.... There are foreign spawns and alien eggs placed in the nest of another household maybe another civilsation... is Welfare Benefit a form of Brood Parasite Payment... Babies of the European cuckoo, also a notorious brood parasite, go a step further and kill the other native natural babies when they hatch. The baby cowbirds could be different, usually do not kill their nest mates...usually... One challenge for scientists is to devise ways to understand behavioral ecology and evolution, especially when a dumbass invaded dying species performs in a manner seemingly contradictory to what would be in its best interest...

Avian brood parasites have evolved striking begging ability that often allows them to prevail over the host progeny in competition for parental resources. Brood parasitism: this phenomenon occurs in some avian species, fish or insects and it generally occurs when offspring are raised and fed by other ethnicity, other species, other races that raise foreign alien creatures? The brood parasitism, this practice is rampant among coots, with most females laying some eggs in the nests of other coots in addition to laying a clutch in their own nest. Once hatched, the cuckoo chick begins immediate, plaintive calling for food. But that’s kids for you. The host parents then begin an almost incessant feeding pattern. Perhaps, the least understood part of cuckoo behaviour occurs when the host family’s own eggs hatch. Within minutes, the cuckoo chick will manoeuvre the hatchling into a groove on its back, and eject it from the nest to its certain death. The word ‘cuckoo’ is synonymous with madness in English, though it is not certain why. One suggestion has been that people near cuckoo types there is a higher than average rate of mental health problems. Do these races and species only exist in places with open borders and big Gibs welfare programs, 63 species of cuckoo around the world only those which inhabit countries with generous bird social avian welfare programmes actually engage in brood-parasitism and then purely to the advantage of the host.

? @LoveArchive @totallynotFBI ? @jewsbadnews ? @scottscience @Sneed-Chuckman

25699455? ago

You Chucked when you should have Sneeded!

25690581? ago

This post is subversive propaganda.

25690614? ago

Does Brood Parasitism exist in Mammals?

25690769? ago

There is something happening within the peoples and tribes and civilsations of the world now. If science or biology cant come up with questions and answer for the current madness. Ask the religion type and atheist what they think? @DeepstariaEnigmatica @markrod420 ? @Patchouli ? @albeit @GhostBalls btw there are also weird pagan types on voat who pray to the sky, the rocks and the Sun etc

25694747? ago

It's darkest before the dawn. I actually see quite a bit of promise lately. People are catching on to the toxicity and corruption in media and government. Not everybody though - some are still "trapped in the matrix" (social medial filter bubble, consuming mainstream media).

The thing is, most people still think of "genetic diversity" as a good thing. It certainly sounds better than "mulatto", "mixed breed", "half breed", etc. They think this because biology classes teach recessive genes as being linked with defects. If you think about it, technically the opposite of incest/inbreeding is finding a diverse partner. There are no downsides taught.

Religion-wise, people are taught that there is a difference between brethren in the flesh and brethren in spirit. Cain and Abel being an example. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò in his letter to Trump talk about the "children of light" and the "children of darkness". He is talking spiritually, but with even a small amount of discernment you can often tell by their deeds and how they talk / conduct themselves.

Women have a submissive nature. And here we have: media, education, religion, and social norms that encourage (or don't at all discourage) diverse couples. Despite this, a lot of white women who are intending to start a family (spiritual) do not settle down outside their race. Women have a lot of men who hit on them, so they can be picky (and tend to be). On the other side, slutty white women seem to burn coal more (date other races, and sometimes get knocked up). They're making their judgement based on the guy's confidence, smooth talking, status, money, physique. They're not looking for someone to spend the rest of their life with - they're looking short-term as they try to climb their slimy cock ladder. And of course as they age, they tend to backslide more ("hit the wall"). The ones who get knocked up and left to raise the kid as a single mother - their children tend to be at risk of perpetuating the cycle of broken families, crime, spiritual wickedness, etc down the road.

Now, this is an unpopular opinion on Voat: most black people are not niggers. There are a lot of niggers out there, and video of those people tend to be what gets positive reinforcement on Voat. Conversely, blacks who are decent, hardworking, well-spoken, or in some other way going against the nigger stereotype - those are negatively reinforced (dismissed as "magic negros") on Voat. From what I've observed, two parent households (marriage) and church attendance goes a long way - for all races. "The family that prays together stays together." My (white) parents didn't and they divorced before I was an adult.

Yes, as a group, blacks commit crimes in significantly higher rates. Yes, nature plays a role in this - nurture isn't 100% to blame here. Yes, as a racial group, jews have a higher rate of subversive behavior. But goats can have a tendency to overlook the spiritual side of things.

I see nothing wrong with keeping stereotypes in mind when first encountering someone. But I think it is best to not completely close yourself off to the possibility of being friends with people of other races. Some of my closest friends are minorities (church-going, but not my church), and they know that I only intend to date white women (I want my children to look like me). They are married to members of their own race. The one who's black (I've known over 10 years) and his marriage is still fine - lasting much longer than my parents' did. We were mostly broke college students back then (receiving government assistance), now we're decently well off working taxpayers.

25696560? ago

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25691685? ago

Certainly appears to be something. Been debating with myself between energy weapons (5g can apparently impact mood, only decent theory ive seen on 5g) or straight up demonic/lower dimentional energy possession. And im agnostic not relgius or atheistic. This is markrod420 btw.

25690574? ago

Not sure about the military propaganda but Something about Brood Parasites? Brood parasites are Orc-ish Gibs organisms that rely on others to raise their young. Parasite eggs and spawn happening in the animal kingdom, the Brood parasitism is when a bird lays its eggs in the nest of another bird. The breed and bird races of cuckoos and cowbirds, which lay their eggs in the nests of other species. @Oh_Well_ian @spaceman84 ? @rumorhazard ? @thebearfromstartrack @RepostGhostCst2Cst ?

26523482? ago

Spot on analysis!

25690610? ago

What are 'Brood Parasites'?

25690606? ago

Will the Army propaganda cover this one? Sometimes the brood parasite manipulates a dumb host of the nest, either of the same or of another species, to raise its alien foreign young as if it were its own. The foreign alien using brood mimicry, using shithop pop song cries or for for example by having spawn or eggs that slightly resemble the same shape as the host's, the mother / father get MK-ultra confused and then raise the alien young race as its own. ? @Sw0rdofDamocles @FreeSpeechWarriors ? @carnold03 ? @VAT @DirectPressure

25734220? ago

Is this @killer7?

25690713? ago

Who're you?

25691118? ago

Are certain views and thoughts wrong think, time to shut it down? https://voat.co/v/funny/4031240/25690479

25691307? ago

Billions more coming thanks to Over-Population ...but some people only want to shut the conversation down? https://voat.co/v/theredpill/4028978/25684540

25690537? ago

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