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25690581? ago

This post is subversive propaganda.

25690614? ago

Does Brood Parasitism exist in Mammals?

25690769? ago

There is something happening within the peoples and tribes and civilsations of the world now. If science or biology cant come up with questions and answer for the current madness. Ask the religion type and atheist what they think? @DeepstariaEnigmatica @markrod420 ? @Patchouli ? @albeit @GhostBalls btw there are also weird pagan types on voat who pray to the sky, the rocks and the Sun etc

25694747? ago

It's darkest before the dawn. I actually see quite a bit of promise lately. People are catching on to the toxicity and corruption in media and government. Not everybody though - some are still "trapped in the matrix" (social medial filter bubble, consuming mainstream media).

The thing is, most people still think of "genetic diversity" as a good thing. It certainly sounds better than "mulatto", "mixed breed", "half breed", etc. They think this because biology classes teach recessive genes as being linked with defects. If you think about it, technically the opposite of incest/inbreeding is finding a diverse partner. There are no downsides taught.

Religion-wise, people are taught that there is a difference between brethren in the flesh and brethren in spirit. Cain and Abel being an example. Archbishop Carlo Maria ViganĂ² in his letter to Trump talk about the "children of light" and the "children of darkness". He is talking spiritually, but with even a small amount of discernment you can often tell by their deeds and how they talk / conduct themselves.

Women have a submissive nature. And here we have: media, education, religion, and social norms that encourage (or don't at all discourage) diverse couples. Despite this, a lot of white women who are intending to start a family (spiritual) do not settle down outside their race. Women have a lot of men who hit on them, so they can be picky (and tend to be). On the other side, slutty white women seem to burn coal more (date other races, and sometimes get knocked up). They're making their judgement based on the guy's confidence, smooth talking, status, money, physique. They're not looking for someone to spend the rest of their life with - they're looking short-term as they try to climb their slimy cock ladder. And of course as they age, they tend to backslide more ("hit the wall"). The ones who get knocked up and left to raise the kid as a single mother - their children tend to be at risk of perpetuating the cycle of broken families, crime, spiritual wickedness, etc down the road.

Now, this is an unpopular opinion on Voat: most black people are not niggers. There are a lot of niggers out there, and video of those people tend to be what gets positive reinforcement on Voat. Conversely, blacks who are decent, hardworking, well-spoken, or in some other way going against the nigger stereotype - those are negatively reinforced (dismissed as "magic negros") on Voat. From what I've observed, two parent households (marriage) and church attendance goes a long way - for all races. "The family that prays together stays together." My (white) parents didn't and they divorced before I was an adult.

Yes, as a group, blacks commit crimes in significantly higher rates. Yes, nature plays a role in this - nurture isn't 100% to blame here. Yes, as a racial group, jews have a higher rate of subversive behavior. But goats can have a tendency to overlook the spiritual side of things.

I see nothing wrong with keeping stereotypes in mind when first encountering someone. But I think it is best to not completely close yourself off to the possibility of being friends with people of other races. Some of my closest friends are minorities (church-going, but not my church), and they know that I only intend to date white women (I want my children to look like me). They are married to members of their own race. The one who's black (I've known over 10 years) and his marriage is still fine - lasting much longer than my parents' did. We were mostly broke college students back then (receiving government assistance), now we're decently well off working taxpayers.

25696560? ago

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