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25730435? ago

No, this is the kyklos.

Anarchy is like a virus worse than CCP-AIDS.

It will spread to all.

25730488? ago

'you honestly expect something that is overly dramatic, and judges shit based on feelings, to even remotely understand whats going on?'

25730520? ago

It's not feefees. It's dick fit. Women with all needs and wants taken care of look for dicks that hit all 3 walls.

White women for black men. Yellow women for white men.

25730980? ago

And jewish women for arabs......who cares they are only females!


25730989? ago

Arabs are at least 25% negroid.

White women get that too.

25731034? ago

Who cares? color programming at its finest point.

A problem for the elite? seen a favela lately....

You are just humans....


25731042? ago

I certainly don't. I'll just bang some Asians or Indians for dick fit jollies.

A favela is paradise compared to what's coming once you all fail to show virtue.

25731082? ago

The thing is....a long time plan to take away the Queens power has been executed.

No following men? equality=work bitch.

Imported men to keep the balance?

Laugh out loud