LoveIsBlind ago

Spitting image except for about 6 shades of color but both beautiful.

Steelerfish ago

I thought that was the next James Bond?

I’m so confused

boekanier ago

Didn't you know that the painter was Color-blind?

dummythicc ago

When we win, and we will, shit like this will line textbooks when they talk about how culture and history was attempted to be rewritten and destroyed. One thing I do find curious, why are blacks never upset about this, even the so called educated blacks, this person was clearly historically white.

friendshipistragic ago

I’m supposed to believe Henry VIII left the Catholic Church for a fucking ape?

GoatWhisperer ago

This is why Cousin Bong can get fucked for all I care anymore.

P.S. Anne Sacoolas is innocent.

GrayGadfly ago

Shitting image maybe.

Jabilukka ago

Let's do MLK with an albino.

CalibanFresco ago

Our history sucks, so your history is now our history.

Cgeo9 ago

Lmao thats a dude

RoryBellowsLives ago

These same fucks have the nerve to bitch about white people playing cleopatra because herrr derr Egypt is in Africa! Meanwhile modern Egyptians aren’t “African” and Egyptians back then sure as shit weren’t sub Saharans.

Skeptic5000 ago

At least we'll see her getting decapitated...

This is why you can't have the state run its own media. It's only propaganda.

thebearfromstartrack ago

WHY do they say SHE is an example of beauty? She is REPULSIVE (and greasy) looking. AND with WAY TOO MUCH attitude showing in her demeanor, and NO reason for that.

piss_factory ago

Wait. What happened to "only people of x race can act as people of x race" in television etc? Rules for thee...

USAF_Patriot ago

Close, but the hair is just not quite right.

con77 ago

I have and will never watch anything that has niggers shoehorned into a white role.

binrobinro ago

Another show to not watch.

nigger_plz ago

Anne Laquisha Boleyn.
I is Henry the 8 I is, Henry the 8 I is, I is. I got married to the nigger next door, she been married 7x befo'...

She2002 ago


Maat4u ago


Tyrone_Biggums ago

We knew this was coming.

Friar5577 ago


PhilKDick ago

Well, she gets her head cut off in the end.

dampkitty ago

I predict the reviews will be 1% from real people, and the "Professional TV Reviewers" will give it 99% without even watching it.

it's the same with Shakespeare plays now, they all have a couple of token niggers in them.

Malithion ago

Is the nintendo logo shopped in? lmao if so good touch, if real jeez.

child_abuse ago


Plant_Boy ago

We need some sort of protest to unite the people, something like #StopObfuscatingOurHistory or something.

BentAxel ago

The Fuck? Well she dies at the kings hand for being a whore. So? Yeah ok.

Nesano ago

Blackwashing is worse than whitewashing.

MFin_Looter_Kangs ago

So the Ginger Prince wasn’t the first coalburner?

plasmah77 ago

Shit makes no fucking sense. Lol

BlackJivesChatter ago

She was beheaded, not burnt at the stake.

Maat4u ago

Race bait

MFin_Looter_Kangs ago

Who’s playing Henry VIII?

Anzac5665 ago

Wow, it's like a mirror!!


MFin_Looter_Kangs ago

Maybe she’ll play it in whiteface.

Aries_Rising ago

The ratings will be terrible

Anam ago

BBC doesn't care. They are taxpayer funded junk.

Aries_Rising ago

Maybe they will when the productive classes get swept under the rug and tax pools dry up, and Chinese start invading.

PogotheClan ago

More Niggafication from the Kykes running (((UK))) television

HiJoker ago

At some point I have to blame white people for being such pussies that they don't do something about it all.

Friar5577 ago

What could they do ?

HiJoker ago

Murder every last fucking asshole involved until they run out of jews with balls enough to try it.

BasedWolf ago

Can't wait for nigger Hitler next.

Doglegwarrior ago

seriously why do the jews do this? It just makes no sense unless their goal is to rub it in white peoples face.

mean_dot ago

It's an attempt to test the waters of history re-writing. If successful, and all signs point to that begin fact, they will be able to change history to meet any requirement they need.

WhatsThatSkaSong ago

their goal is to rub it in white peoples face.


AlfonsHilter ago

Plus you're gonna have people that learned "history" from that kind of shows in their childhood and they will believe this shit.

Apathy ago

You know what's funny, pretty soon all of those people responsible for "colonizing" the world will be portrayed as blacks and other browns from said colonized places.


She2002 ago


Pointyball ago

BBC= Blacked Beyond Control

Glipglup ago

I always think big black cock since they love sucking it so much.

Askaboutthefreeplant ago

It's not even colorblind casting. It is deliberately overcasting blacks.

ModernChonger ago

Why do they think that's ok? It doesn't even make sense.

un1ty ago

The excuse is that "UK theater has always changed characters through out history to make theater fun" or something. Thing is, it was like a woman playing a man or vice versa - or a blonde playing a brunette.

Askaboutthefreeplant ago

I think the fact that it's not ok is why theu do it.

PriMerovingian ago

It's OK. It red pills and provides evidence of kikery

Chad_LongFellow ago

Ann BoNig

n_word ago

This is retarded.

Interruptedagain ago

Let them eat mud.

mean_dot ago

That God awful Planet of The Apes movie (2001) predicted this.

Everything statue and image of a White person was replaced with monkeys, as if they were always monkeys.

wutwutever ago

Trading places is the move you really want to watch.

AesopsFaggot ago

"B" is for bling.

ravensedgesom ago

just an antisemitic conspiracy theory goys.

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Mmmmkaybitch ago

Oh great, yet another remake of Planet of the Apes.

JohnGaltApproves ago

It’s like having Pewdiepie play Harriet Tubman.

Friar5577 ago

Hm.. ((Tubman))

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favoritecoloriswhite ago

The Great Replacement takes many forms.

FannyCraddock ago


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Reverse-Flash ago

Heavy on the shit.

1opieson ago

All we have to do is:





Nukeisrael ago

Lolbert retards thinking they are going to boycott their way out of weimar 2.0 are so fucking retarded.

1opieson ago

We have to do EVERYTHING we can to resist and overcome.

I probably should have said, stop watching their shit and not all we need to do... ill give you that.

But your comment creates divide among us. We should be supportive of anyone who wants to resist. I mean truly resist or overcome not whine and do nothing.

NoseSubversion ago

Kikes have endless supplies of cash. They literally own currency. Taking “a loss” doesn’t mean shit to them. It doesn’t exist. This is pure propaganda. Anyone who creates movies, has to legally cast niggers in these roles or the (((studios))) will not produce the films. If you find one that does, you will be disqualified for awards. So if you are in the movie business and want to make any money as a wage cuck, you must suck the jew cock and become a traitor to your own.

CalibanFresco ago

It's 'fuck you' money. You're already unimaginably rich, so you spend a little hear and there to tell the peasants 'fuck you'.

1opieson ago

You can’t convince me that (((they))) won’t be affected by masses of people abstaining from their garbage PROGRAMMING. They want all of us to watch and be changed by it.

If we abstain, they will change to find another way.

I agree it’s not totally about money. You’re right, they make all the fiat cash, its not even real.

It’s about control.

So vote by abstaining so those who bend the knee to make the movies give them grief.

It’s just one small thing we can each do to be a part of the solution. But it is by no means the full solution.

That would be the removal of all who support this frankist, jewish ideology.

GritD2 ago

It's not about making money, its about paying to shape the minds of the youth so a complete takeover can be had.

mean_dot ago

There are SO MANY liberals that (((they))) don't need conservative dollars... the traditional way. They'll just back-channel your money through taxes anyway.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Ah yes, the "vote with your dollar" delusional lolbert cope.

Nukeisrael ago

They are literally valueless pussies. They would rather tell you to make your own Amazon than admit their little free market isn’t perfect.

captainstrange ago

I noticed some of you started equating capitalism (jewish corporate socialism) to free markets when people started pointing out the initial difference.

Now I'm sure of it. You are a slimy jew NS.

Nukeisrael ago

Ah yes, the thing kikes are actually afraid of is libertarianism, I’m sure that will scare them shitless. You’re just another dime a dozen lolbert dipshit that doesn’t understand that this is real capitalism just like how real communism ends up like the USSR. You make fun of commies for saying not real communism and then turn around and do the same. Delusional idiots.

captainstrange ago

Ah yes, the thing kikes are actually afraid of is libertarianism,

Ah yes, lets shit the goalposts so you an jew-on-and-on about "muh lolberts".

Yes, this is capitalism.

Which is not the same as free markets.

False Equivalencies between two very different ideas.

Stick your head in an oven you lying jew. You belong in a camp.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Free markets are a fucking retarded globalist ideal.

captainstrange ago

NS gets on his alt to shitpost somemore.

Capitalism is a fucking retarded globalis ideal, same as communism.

Freemarkets are what we had before jewish corporate socialism.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Oh really? When?

In the entire history of the United States, we have never had a "free market".

captainstrange ago

Prior to the federal reserve act. Fiat favors investors over savers.

Savers were the engine of small businesses and the middle class.

And it was around that time we started the transition to jewish financier capitalism.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Even fed pre kiking, we had mad tariffs, you fucking mongoloid.

captainstrange ago

No, you just fell for the communists language games.

See, thats what I mean by well poisoning.

It starts with the myth of the 'tragedy of the commons'.

I'll let you go research how thats a myth because I'm not gonna spend two hours arguing minutae about that.

In short: systems tend to self regulate. The minute you introduce a single regulation from outside parties, it breaks those systems.

Consequenly, instead of competitors coming together to keep eachother in check, we get a regulatory system in governments. Regulatory systems are just the pre-step to regulatory capture, which leads to monopolies.

This is usually the moment that all this flies over people's heads and they come in with "hurr durr regulations ARENT FREE MARKET!"

And thats also part of the well poisoning because it presupposes that free markets are an exact synonym for "laissez faire capitalism", which it isn't.

But because we've spent so long using "free" and "regulation" (starting with the myth of the tragedy of the commons), they're now antonyms.

But theres definitely a distinction to be drawn:

There are two kinds of 'regulation', same as theres two kinds of 'eugenics'.

  1. effective - that which improves (market) fitness and efficiency, improving stability

    and reducing pathologies (monpolism)

  2. pathological - that which lowers efficiency, increases instabality, leads to

    monopolism, or general market dysfunction.

As an example I give you the market for devices pre-usb vs the market post-usb.

Government intervention here was number 1 - effective, rather than forcing a particular

solution, it mandated that market competitors come together to agree on one standard

(the commons).

Had the government itself explicitly mandated one particular standard, say because of

regulatory capture, that would have been a pathological case.

We see then what a free market actually is:

Cartels in a regulatory environment where the existence of the competitors keeps

the regulatory environment from favoring any one market member too much.

The market regulates the regulators, the regulators regulate the market.

That is a 'free' market.

It leaves room for new (and old) competitors, simply by the nature of the competition

and the environment that surrounds it.

Capitalism on the otherhand is the rule of those who have capital. Those already in the

market, forming organic and artificial hierarchies of sway and political outcomes

based on market share. It's just communism in disguise, the whol inner circle/outer circle

shtick. Which is why capitalism always collapses under monopolism and reverts to

socialism/communism after impoverishing everyone under jewish financiers.

Capitalism, which should really be called Monopolism, drives out competition, because

jewish bankers and investors see competition as a deadly sin.

Glipglup ago

Wait, are you saying that Amazon has been operating in the red since literally day 1 and has been continuously forwarding it's debts by injecting a false cash flow in order to facilitate a distribution program designed to obtain sales and customer information from as many merchants as possible so that it can use the information to form its own shell companies that will kill the individual ownerships and give Amazon complete control over the global distribution market, and all while getting away with it by paying massive amounts to lobbyists to legalize the system they are abusing, and those lobbyists work with the same capitalistic entities that have a interest in pushing Jewish propaganda and subversion in an attempt to weaken and destroy the American middle class (eg white people) in order to facilitate a mass over taking of the American empire to funnel global power into the hands of a few unknown abusive individuals that have ties with operations under Epstein to set them up with proof of child abuse to blackmail politicians in order to prevent them from spilling the beans publicly on the globalists plans?

That just sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory!

1opieson ago

This is making incredibly good sense...

Nukeisrael ago

Yeah I said capitalism. Oh wait it’s “not real capitalism” though I forgot. In a perfect world that doesn’t exist the state and market would never mingle and we could have real capitalism finally! Yes retard, this is what happens when power centralizes and is the end result of capitalism.

FannyCraddock ago

When are we going to get a white person to play Nelson Mandela?

Nukeisrael ago

Nelson Mandela was a terrorist.

Friar5577 ago

Or a black person to play a jewish person 🤔

puggy ago

that actress looks exactly like Anne Frank

RoryBellowsLives ago

If only. Ann frank died of pneumonia.

AntiMason ago

Off with their heads.