High_Sierra_Trail ago

I'm sure that her entire military career is a fucking joke. I know people who left a promising career because of shit like this. This is what happens when you don't have to work for anything-it all becomes a joke.

douk_nokum ago

That's pretty intelligent and respectful... for a gorilla.

RowdyBusch ago

Any military branch that allows fat niggers should simply be closed.

Odin_NtR ago

I'm a veteran, and I'm sure there's plenty of vet goats among us here. This shit is pathetic yet completely unsurprising. Her superior probably wouldn't even reprimand and, in fact, approved such a travesty.

Shotinthedark ago

This can't be real

Friendly_Troll ago

Can we put these "officers" on the cheapest, oldest, trawler the Navy's got and send it hurtling towards the coast of China?

Aries_Rising ago

China is going to rape us.

AllOfItAgain ago

We will never win a war again with our fat, retarded armed forces. It's all spics and nogs. Look at this obese babboon.

whitesrbetter ago

When people still think our American military is still competent i laugh, all the branches have become this nigger, beaner and women welfare. I see the recruits all the time for navy , air force and marines its a joke. 4ft beaner females on the frontline under sgt.dindus and lesbo leadership. The worst part is that the US military is just spreading shitskins to places in the world they would never be like Poland. Don't be fooled by the American military program like the be all you can be thats still around from the few White People, thats equivalent of a fancy foreclosed mansion that all the shitskins are squatting in and thinking they will treat like the original owners.

I'm not kidding that White People militia is the only military the USA still has. So that puts us back to square one as settlers fighting dieing Western powers and shitskin tribes.

Thankfully so much of the worlds military is just as incompetent. China can't build anything that doesn't blow up, and completely dependent on ripping off the Western tech, their military leaders are all silver spoon retards. The Russian military has a lot of corruption and is using old equipment. Europes militaries are basically a part time job. India has the same problem as China but with less money. The rest of the world is either too poor , dumb or corrupt to be effective.

500five ago

The rest of the world is either too poor , dumb or corrupt to be effective.

That has to be a line for the history books. The only advantage you have is that others are more corrupt than you.

BordelonLoop ago

did she just fucking say "cryptologic technician?"

Jack-Wagon ago

Oh my fucking god! Court martial now!

outshiner667 ago


StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

That rump-shaking gorilla should be sent to Leavenworth

Stubbabubba ago

Not that I'm dumb enough to join but I would have walked right then and there had I witnessed this baboon behavior.

fightknightHERO ago

fucking nigger

Lemore ago

It looks like a gorilla, for real. No kidding.

Askaboutthefreeplant ago

Our standing armed forces are a joke.

I'm not disrespecting the fine men who serve, but every year they are joined by and ever growing number of pieces of shit.

Interruptedagain ago

At first I seriously thought that was someone dressed up in a gorilla suit!

Then I figured out it wasn't a suit!

maaaxheadroom ago

Me too

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uab ago

Unworthy and absolutely shameful... And the problem is those who allowed this mockery

Anzac5665 ago

I've said it before and I'll say it again,

niggers ruin EVERYTHING

BumbleTummy ago

I swear to God that in the first few seconds of the video, and I do not exaggerate, I literally see someone wearing a gorilla mask. Is that just me? I'm not even being racist. I just literally see a gorilla mask on that woman.

SheaButterVaseline ago

Standard SSA: Sheboon Seeking Attention.

Blork_Blorkinson ago

This was at the TOP OF REDDIT.

The TOP FUCKING POST on the site.

KillKillary ago

Niggers respect one thing....violence.

KillKillary ago

I think that my Navy Vietnam Vet spouse will be happier not seeing this bullshit. Damn

areyoumygaffer ago

fucking shameful.

KillKillary ago

She and the ones who laughed should be drummed out of the military. Disgusting ape display. I had to enlarge the pic thinking it was wearing a gorilla mask. Not lying.

Buzzzard ago

Nigger please.

MelatoninDreams ago

What's going on here? Did she just get promoted to Grand Admiral-General of Wakanda?

GMarksTheSpot94 ago

What weird madness where she looks like a monkey, only the position she was standing at with regards to the sun's rays could have lit her face up to such an all uninspiring sight, is it a sign from up high?

Doglegwarrior ago

i legitimately thought they had deepfake impossed a chimp face on that thing.. wtf

RabbiPuttitout ago

Crypto technician. Bullshit. That monkey fills a chair with a fat ass and nothing more.

CrackerSlant ago

The US military de-moralization is complete.

CrackerSlant ago

Fuck me, I thought it was a parody video, it looked like a planet of the apes costume!!!!!

XSS1337 ago

I would have pulled my blade and ran her through on camera

Killnigs3 ago

literally looks like a gorilla

im so excited to easily wrest the armories and weapons from the niggerspawn they infected the military with, these kikes never think their lans through.

There are chemical weapons stores that are being defended by this calibur of "soldier", its gonna be BIBLICAL.

Credible_Hulk ago

Wtf was all that hey, hey shit that's the stupidest chimp walk and shouldn't have been allowed

truthbeloathed ago

Couldn't make it through the entire clip

INK9 ago

same. My father served in the Navy in WWII in actual battle. That was a disgrace to the entire organization. Both ugly and stupid.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago


A_Punkass_Bitch ago

firing squad time

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

A reminder that these are the people who control cruise missiles and nuclear weapons.

LeopoldXXII ago

China is shaking in their boots.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Niggers can not respect even the simplest of traditions

It is not her tradition, it is your tradition. Why should she respect your traditions. You are the retard for letting her join in the first place.

blueblur ago

Hippity hoppity.. get a rope.

9000timesempty ago

Money doing money things.

Heartdisease ago

OMG, I just realized that one day a female ape will be on a nuclear submarine. They recently let women serve on them a few years ago.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Imagine being stuck with this baboon on a goddamn boat for 8 months

letsgoallthewhey ago

A monkey in a uniform.

ADaniels ago

For a second i thought i was watching a Planet of the Apes movie....

ravensedgesom ago

nothing is sacred anymore.

SouthernCracker ago

never was to niggers, kikes, and shitskins. These are White traditions.

Naughtius_Maximus ago

This pisses me off. Zero respect for the uniform, Navy, personnel, tradition, flag, rank...

Fucking cunt

no-hurry-no-pause ago

It is not her tradition, it is your tradition. Why should she respect your traditions. You are the retard for letting her join in the first place.

You are blaming her for your unwillingness to face your own retardation.

peacegnome ago

what are "her traditions"? I'm being serious when I say I honestly don't know anything about their traditions other than dress, and jewelry.

From what I can tell they have no history that they know of, and that is quite sad. They quickly fill the void with wakanda or kangs, but nothing reality based.

KillKillary ago

twerking, smoking crack, and having babies with no Dads around

Cucky_Sanders ago

twerking, smoking crack, and having babies with no Dads around

none of that is/was really theirs, all shit pushed by the (((media))),[C] [l] [A], democrats ect. Same with (((RAP))) & (((HIPHOP)))

black dads used to stick around

favoritecoloriswhite ago


no-hurry-no-pause ago

black dads used to stick around

Half a billion black dads all around Wakanda think otherwise

no-hurry-no-pause ago

what are "her traditions"?

Who cares. Thats a fucking ape. The whole point of my post was not to focus on the fucking ape, even if we're here on v/Niggers.

Naughtius_Maximus ago

Dude, what is all this blame shit?

If this is my fault in anyway, you are just as much to blame. I think I get what you are trying to say but FFS, chill out with the rage blame. Unless you believe I had a hand in founding Navy traditions, uniforms and so on. I didn't create them but I love and respect them.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

chill out with the rage blame

You started the blame game. You (or we, or I, who cares) invited a chimp for dinner. It is beyond retarded to blame the chimp for the inevitable you-should-have-known-better chimpout.

Especially BECAUSE you claim to love and respect the uniform, you should shift the blame toward those who desecrated the uniform by putting it on a damn ape. By blaming the ape, you cover for those who should have known better.

Naughtius_Maximus ago

At this point I see you as the same as a liberal that can not see reason because they have TDS. It is clear logic - I do not know that woman and I had nothing to do with her joining the Navy. Either explain how I am wrong, or fuck off.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

You are not wrong. Youre just wasting your time focusing on niggers instead of nigger lovers. Niggers gonna nigger. Blaming them for niggering is as useless as getting upset about chimps slinging shit at zoo goers.

Brodude101 ago

Cringe as fuck

cattarhero ago

A nigger's gonna' nig, no matter how you dress it up!

Skeptic5000 ago

Who could have guessed it? The black fat entitled woman behaves like a negress. Who thought it would be a good idea to have black women in the Navy ?!!?!?

Obama dropping the mic was another example of niggers niggifying culture.

Luis_Sphincta ago

The feet on the desk should have lead to a horsewhipping.

DrYiddingston ago

I think you meant niggerwhipping.

Luis_Sphincta ago

Mea Culpa and all apologies to any horses that may have read and been insulted by that.

KillKillary ago

That pic still pisses me off. What an asshole!

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Bush Jr did it too

Whatevahh ago

He's always crawling all over Big Mike.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

He has to crawl, because Big Mike rek'd his anus so hard he can't walk

puggy ago

2 words: court martial

Drkadrka ago

What charge though? It's only a freshly minted petty officer, so most it will likely get is NJP, and even then, the Navy won't do shit because they don't want another ship burned to the hull.

NoSafetySmokingFirst ago

Any more word on the Bonhomme Richard fire? I only heard a small mention of arson but nothing else

Hammytime ago

Article 134 is general articles. Its a catch all in the ucmj to cover nigger bullshit like this display.

Orthalyx ago

I. Fucking. Hate. niggers

Sloppy_Joe ago

This bitch would probably run at the first sight of actual combat.

DoctorK ago

I'm not kidding when I say I thought she was wearing a Planet of the Apes costume under her uniform.

Chimaira92 ago

I was going to make that exact same comment.

Yuke ago

You weren't alone in that one, brother.

KillKillary ago


c0ck ago


blueblur ago

Remember when Jewgle Image search labeled joggers as gorillas?

mleczko ago

I legit thought it was a fucking gorilla at the start

c0ck ago

Floppyhorsecock ago

i thought it was a joke post with planet of the apes costume also til the video was half done...

How the fuck is she that fat and still active duty

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

Different people are held to different standards.

AllOfItAgain ago

Obligatory how dare you, just because she's a body-positive curvy goddess blah blah blah

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Go back to reddit faggot

AllOfItAgain ago


smokratez ago

You should also go back to reddit, you atheist nigger.

ravensedgesom ago

we are living in the planet of the apes.

fusir ago

Only problem with that is that in that book the whites chimp out.

High_Sierra_Trail ago

Are you literate? I mean, come ON.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Thats not chimping out. Thats how White people rage war against an enemy.

fusir ago

The point I was trying to make is that whatever label fits more accurately for what's in the book, it was the whites doing it instead of the blacks. We don't seem to be doing much of anything when we being our minds back to reflecting on reality.

Skeptic5000 ago

Absolutely, at the beginning it does look like she's wearing a mask.

Swordfishtrombone ago

Ditto. "Cornelius? Is that you?"

Nuffin ago

I would say she looks like a gorilla but that would be an insult to gorillas.

KalEl50 ago

She should have been stripped of her fucking rank and discharged immediately.

Ps37-27 ago

They can’t do that. She mighta been on her period.

tallarn ago

Happened to the Guard commander who let one of his people renew her enlistment with a dinosaur puppet. Should happen to this bitch too.

KalEl50 ago

I remember that.

Niggertown ago

Why do we pretend the US military has dignity and honor? They are Zogbots. Let them twerk.

Drkadrka ago

fucking niggers, and fuck all those idiots laughing, giving it the attention it wants. any sailor worth their salt should be straight faced and disapproving, but it's a "preferred species"

altident ago

Notice that everyone smiling was either a nigger or a woman, people who don’t belong there anyway

PanteraFan99 ago

Exactly, two things wrong here, 1 letting a sheboon into the military, 2 letting a woman into the military, everything else in this video should come as no surprise considering 1 & 2.