ManchesterT ago

Of course it does. That's the whole point of Q. To get people to sit on their hands, doing nothing, "trusting the plan".

WolfgangBlack ago

I have a question for all you Q Anon believers.

Do you know that a Q Clearance is a Top Secret Department of Energy clearance and the workers

who have to get such a clearance is so they can work with classified material related to nuclear materials?

Nothing at all to do with anything political.

CrusadePrime ago

Im part of the Q movement. I advize any and all violence equal to the amount of violence our Forfathers used.

MolochHunter ago

well played, SIR

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Red4Ever ago

I agree, but there is a line that I WILL cross if my life is being threatened. EVERYONE in this world has a right to defend themselves. As long as you are not out looking for violence, and you do not initiate any fights, you should be in the green. Just sucks that the left doesn't believe in Self Defense.

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Ketteleo92 ago

Violence in our community is a growing concern. Everyone in the lions den has been thinking of ways to use scripture to refocus anger into effective political action as opposed to violence. We suggest everyone open their hearts and do the same in your communities, in the real world and online.

Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay," says the Lord.

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Lawyer42 ago

You gotta admit that there are whole lot of people on here who talk about killing Hillary and Obama. It’s a little creepy.

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lsdflkoi ago

What do you do with a rabid animal? @PissaGate-Is-Real & @Hamnegg get it...

At some point, many are going to have to be "put down", there will be a breaking point where' "others" will see the consequences of their actions and have their own personal "Great Awakening". However, without some physical altercation, they will continue to seethe and seek new avenues to continue their plight.

It all depends on how law enforcement, NG, Military, etc deal w/the left. If their response is inadequate, Patriots have an obligation to put down the rabid animal(s).

Q or no Q

Hamnegg ago

Most folks (sadly) don’t see the agenda of the left, which is to wear us down to the point where we just say “fine then. Have your way.” This is why they attack the courts so violently. They know that with a corrupt justice dept. they can get away with anything without prosecution. And the ground and pound continues, until the sheep finally just give in and give up. They, the left, have already Stated their agenda. So yes, a hot dose of their own medicine will put fear back into their hearts and minds.

GotimeisNOW ago

lol. You are gona MEME and Talk the Nazi/Bolsheviks to peace huh?

MolochHunter ago

Trump has deputised portland police to Federal status, and the streets are now quiet

thats the template he'll use anywhere, so patriots dont need to take matters into their own hands

keep up

GotimeisNOW ago

LOL. ok clown. How about the West Coast there champ? Let see , PA riots now? LA cop shootings? I can list 100 more. You are a pathetic excuse for a Patriot. The Bolsheviks love people like you. Weak lemming. Stand down and watch. By the way, change your handle. You are far from a "Hunter" let alone A Moloch Hunter. You are more like a Moloch Cuck.

MolochHunter ago

and the Salt must FLOW

stormymonday ago

Were are Q post? Went to and its gone.

DustinFromVancouver ago

what happened to this site?? no new stuff on here for 9 days now-- did i miss something??

MolochHunter ago

i think theyre just tinkering with their site is a good alternative too

MACSOG68 ago

First let me say I believe in the PLAN to a point. Sometimes Plans need to be adjusted based on daily attacks on POTUS.

With all of the evidence we have (?) why aren't more documents being DECLASSED in favor of POTUS?

Why is our campaign not going after BIDEN and COCKFACE relentlessly?

Why hasn't ANTIFA and BLM been declared a domestic Terror group. Their websites say it all? Free speech is one thing, but yelling death threats is something WAY DIFFERENT.

Why is the DOJ still CORRUPT at ALL levels? Tom Fitton is the ONLY person trying to get documents and getting the stall treatment?

Why not use the Video of BIDEN saying in public that he got the prosecutor in Ukraine fired or forget the million dollar loan guarantee's

Why do we need to wait until November 4th to release it all?

In my opinion the Patriots shit tanks are full and there is NO drain. 4 years of shit?????? CIVIL WAR coming?

KosherHiveKicker ago

Trust in the plan Goys. -Q


VotingGodWins ago

if they would stay in their own democrat owned cities and not start leaking in the suburbs where the patriots live, maybe they wouldn't get shot?

don't come to my house and try to pull me out of it or burn it down. it won't be pretty.

ShutUpShill ago

This post will surely convince everyone of the non-violence of the Q movement. Thank goodness it is stickied so that all will know that Q does not promote violence. Therefore, those who commit violent acts in the name of the ideas promoted by Q shall be condemned and shunned. All the comments here that promote violence are not really representative of Q, so ignore and disdain anyone who is doing that.

mendelbot ago

Q doesn't advocate violence. But anons are not slaves of Q, whatever anyone would suggest. We have eyes and ears and hearts. We see the abuse and cruelty and the helplessness of the victims. It is a morally serious crime to let this go on forever. What, you gonna call the FBI?

Azamuku ago

Well if we have the ability as Patriots to disrupt and disappear a few it's our own fault if we don't preserve the Union. Especially when we know we are under attack. They made tea in Boston Harbor for a reason. Fuck being sheep, Goat's dwell here!

baccachew75 ago

Folks, my browser updated, and I lost all my links to alt news. Not a coincidence. Could you please give me a list of sites you read, so that I can repopulate my bookmarks? Thanks.

MolochHunter ago

zerohedge is a good news source, and also has a long list on its sidebar of informative sites

Whatevahh ago

You actually believe the covid-19 bs? Talk about a false flag

TJBrown ago

911 TV studios!

markrod420 ago

Didnt the sticky in QRV do enough to show you idiots we wont disavow kyle? You mods may be willing because youre manipulative kikes. But not us.

MolochHunter ago

this is not QRV

this subverse's moderators support Kyle and the right to self defence

if you have a problem differentiating between initiating violence and self defence, that doesnt make us jews

4TheRepublic ago

'self defense'? unless, of course, you're a Brit ... where 'defence' is not a misspelling.

But, DAMMIT! ... does ANYBODY anymore understand the difference between 'violence' and 'force'?

Yes. There is a difference. But, hell, in these unprecedented times and with the future uncertain and all ... where VIRTUAL learning has become a 'thing'. What would one expect. Right? The language ... and the fabric of our society ... is being ripped to shreds.

If you actually think that this evil violence that is being visited upon us can be repelled without a forceful response (or is it 'responce'?), then I suspect that you have not ever been in an actual fight for your life.

markrod420 ago

oh. Well i guess i misunderstood the intent of this post.

harv ago

Kyle Rittenhouse was a false flag

Whatevahh ago

Are you completely stupid somebody ried to pull me out of my car will eat lead. Castle law in my state specifically has a law covering this.

Whatevahh ago

I find it interesting that you would post this after all the crap going on QRV.

MolochHunter ago

i posted this 7 days ago

which is, like, 5 days before that dogshit sticky post trashing Kyle Rittenhouse, if thats what you're referring to

bingbang ago

Kikes gonna kike.

extrakushy ago

NO not in Q's name, but Kyle Rittenhouse was justified and that black dude from kenosha deserved to be shot. Media has been stoking a civil war and after Trump gets re-elected I think its going to be all bad.

Whatevahh ago

Ahee martial law will be necessary

AngelofDeath ago

Psa 149:5  Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds. 

Psa 149:6  Let the high praises of Yahweh be in their mouth, and a twoedged sword in their hand; 

Psa 149:7  To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people; 

Psa 149:8  To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; 

Psa 149:9  To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye Yahweh.

I'll stick with this, you can go to hell with you Mossad agents. LOL

Unkaveh ago

God you're a self righteous faggot. Omg youre user name too.

I bet you're such a pussy IRL.

AngelofDeath ago

You're a nigger, right?

Whatevahh ago

Think not that I come in peace but with a sword

MolochHunter ago

oNwaRd kRiStiAn SolDieR

y000danon ago

  • I disavow violence.
  • I disavow racism.
  • I disavow Communism.
  • I disavow Fascism.
  • I endorse Constitutional Republic as described in the United States Constitution.
  • I disavow out-based-education and the public paradigm model.
  • I disavow Internet Censorship.
  • I disavow the Chinese Communist Party.
  • I disavow abortion.
  • I disavow abandoning children and their educations.
  • I disavow refusing to help my clocal community.
  • I disavow being a member of my nation before my allegiance to my state.
  • I disavow Leftist Extremism and Global Ideals.
  • I disavow putting any nation or entity and pledge my undying loyalty to my neighbors and our children.
  • I disavow asking what y country can do for me before I find a way to contibute to my country.
  • I disavow Medical Tyranny and I support the Freedom to Try any medication - likewise to REFUSE MEDICAL requirements of any sort.
  • I disavow perpetual war.
  • I disavow rewriting the history of this country.
  • I disavow being a victim instead of fighting on as a warrior.
  • I disavow taking the easy way out.
  • I solemnly swear to fight for Dangerous Liberty to Never Surrender the birthright of children yet born by trading that Dangerous Liberty to the promise of a Government to provide security in an ever-expanding ghetto of Federal Domestication.

PatrioticOkra ago

O look! Another jew telling us who is and isn't part of the movement, and how we should all think and act.

Who died and made you King of Q?

MolochHunter ago

if there's a single post of Q's where he endorses patriots engaging in violence and vigilantism, do please point it out for me

otherwise, STFU cunt

markrod420 ago

how about following your constitutional rights and self defense. Since thats what Kyle did as he left that violent jewish pedophiles brains leaking onto the pavement. Did that upset you for some reason?...

MolochHunter ago

look at the sticky post here about Kenosha / Kyle, faggot

you got your panties in a bunch thinking this is QRV

markrod420 ago

No i know where i am kike.

Nfn8wzdm ago

I'm game, what's "Q's core edict"? We all have to admit that there is an awful lot of blood lust on these boards. There are calls for mass hangings and execution of people based on rumor. Very few of the charges being thrown around in here have met with any proof. Hanx and Oprah for example.

bingbang ago

found the jew

MolochHunter ago

Trust the Plan

means : dont do stupid shit.

You can call for violence if by such you mean the violence of State executions for crimes that carry the death penalty, arrived at through Due Process

Nfn8wzdm ago

Is that what "trust the plan" means? I didn't see where Q said that.

I saw where Q said Flynn was done in 30. What happened there?

And, you'll never find an interpretation of Capital Punishment referred to as 'violence'. It's actually lined out as swift and humane. If there are any executions, they'll almost definitely be lethal injection.

Lawyer42 ago

And yet there are many posts where people advocate for assassinating or lynching democrats. That is kinda concerning.

MolochHunter ago

true, but then, you're on the verge of a civil war, thats only to be expected, and commonplace on the Left (and tolerated by the Left media)

1st amendment allows generic threats of violence. Specific threats on specific persons should be disavowed

mendelbot ago

Denounce away. Denounce your family, denounce some random strangers. Denounce away MolochHunter. Get that microphone and denounce people. But let's at least be civil when it comes to child molesters and bought-off traitors. Wouldn't want to have bad optics eh? Got to keep the anti-fa crowd satisfied. People who are okay with pedophilia, gosh, wouldn't want to offend them.

ThreeBladedKnife ago

As long as the post ends with "after conviction and sentencing", I'll let it pass.

Otherwise it's probably an agitator seeding the comments for other trolls to later use as fodder.

EyesOpenMindOpen ago

But self defense and protecting your community is acceptable I certainly hope!

mendelbot ago

Oh no, according to the pacifists that would be violence. No, you're supposed to lay down while they rape your wife and then kill you. The cops in britain are supposed to turn a blind eye while british kids are peddled like flesh. Same things happening in Canada, just not covered by the news and covered up by the cops.

No exaggeration. Just lie down and think of britain, because resistance is criminal.

alphazebra ago is down. Like, really down

MolochHunter ago

yea i just did a sticky on it

bingbang ago

Key word "edict". Fuck off.

XSS1337 ago


Bill of Rights.


A republic ... it’s that easy.

fujison ago

The violent riots in Denver last night were staged on Reddit. Notice how they banned GA for fear of violence but they allow Antifa to use their site to coordinate these riots.

mendelbot ago

I noticed reddit being a coordination site. One of the largest social media organizations in the world, seldom mentioned. But definitely a hub of violent subversion.


Yup, well stating the fact that enemies of freedom both foreign and domestic should be neutralized or swing from the gallows is as true today as it was in our founding Father's time.

In fact many here have sworn to this for life.

If and when this scenario goes truly hot it won't be a Qanon who started it and we all know this.

For the most part we are God fearin' folk here.

Sure the enemy is gonna try their bullshit.

They were going to ANYWAY.

Just look at all the crap they did when they were not focused on Qanon.

Stay frosty, stay vigilant and stay true brothers and sisters.

Khemyst ago

These idiots dress like ANTIFA, and BLM. Totally obvious as fake!

cabalstone ago

Jews are something like 2% of the American people. So do you think they're all 'in on it'?

Systematicparadox ago

Brace yourselves, Q falseflags incoming!

DRQ ago

Our tools are pens, not swords.

cabalstone ago

More blame the jews, suprize? Predictable.

stature ago

I agree BLM has no defense for their rioters. I just added to your sentence since it seemed it abruptly ended at 'pull from cars' and missed the part about the BLM violence that happens after.

1811Tornado_Tara ago

I’ve never made a post before, this is the first. I just learned about QAnon in June of this year, so I have just scratched the surface. But I love rabbit holes and I’ve explored them my entire life. I like to objectively look at all situations and then see what my gut says. Which leads me to my concern.

I just joined 3 or 4 QAnon FB groups to start seeing what it was all about and now all my groups are gone.... I can’t search for them and they aren’t on my list of groups anymore.

I find this really odd because I am a believer in free speech as well as the freedom to go down any rabbit hole my American born soul would like to.

Is anyone else having issues like mine?

What groups are crazy talk and which are the freshest source of information?

How can/does someone weed through all the hidden messages to make sense?

I need to know more about this rabbit hole because I am pretty sure this topic isn’t going away and I also feel sure there is much truth, but I also feel there is much propaganda.

Someone please assist me.

bingbang ago

Stop being a weak cunt. FFS grow up.

VirtuousPatience ago

ipot1776, deception bytes, pastor gene kim, on youtube. Julians Rum on twitter

cabalstone ago

A good start would be to check out the links in the right column under the 'About Q' title.

Self-reliance is a big part of this 'movement'. Ya gotta dig for the information. Indeed, newcomers on 8kun where Q posts are instructed to lurk for a while to get a feel for the community before jumping in with posts. We're not so cryptic here, but nobody's gonna hold your hand.

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

All right... I will also challenge people here to rein in the nutjobs. Just this week I've had two people here call me a traitor and threaten me with death. Q does not condone this behavior. It is up to us to self police.

moderator99 ago

Uh huh.

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

At a certain point, violence is the answer. All power is ultimately derived from violence or threat of violence.

Decide for yourself where that point is, but don't pretend it does not exist.

Z_42393587 ago

Exactly. When your opponent is bereft of all reason he must be convinced in the only way he understands. Liberals cannot be reasoned with. They are incapable of critical thinking and their only recourse in debate is ad hominem or reductio ad absurdum. It only takes 30 seconds of arguing with one before I want to punch them for being so fucking stupid and naive.

mendelbot ago

" he must be convinced in the only way he understands."

The thing about violence is that you only need to persuade the survivors. No convincing is necessary for the evil. They will have to meet their master.

That's 4th generation war. A battle for legitimate authority, but a battle nonetheless.

Francewhoa1905151045 ago

violence is the answer.

I disagree. I suggest to ignore this call for violence.

Is someone trying to manipulate and deceive you into violence? Related sticky discussion about ignoring calls for violence at

A call for Equal Justice Under Law is not to confuse with a call for violence

Q4737 at

Your Vote Matters


mendelbot ago

You don't think the law is violent? You clearly have no experience or knowledge about how the law operates. That includes, instrumentally, the use of gangs by the law.

I second your call for nonviolence. And shut up otherwise. (Run silent, run deep.)

Hamnegg ago

Agreed, whole heartedly. When war is declared in our own soil by a pair of terrorist groups, and our own government does nothing, what are we to do, get on our knees and suck their cocks? It is starting to look more and more like people are more concerned about their image than they are about saving our cities and neighborhoods. History has proven that nothing of this magnitude was ever settled without a blood bath. So, how are we to bring about this Pattern change, without the entire fucking planet laughing their asses off at us, because we have become so accustomed to law and order? How many innocents have to die? How many businesses have to be destroyed? The Democrats are telling us that it won’t stop.

Let this be a really good fucking lesson for everyone. Everyone!

On the other hand, this movement is about taking down the cabal, through digging for intel and sharing it. It is not about what we do to stop the rioting. That shouldn’t even be discussed here. But sadly, it is. And this is what really infuriates me. I live overseas, and so the rioting will never reach my doorstep. But, for those of you who want to discuss it here, yet chastise those of us who offer a workable solution, then maybe the discussions should stop.

cabalstone ago

Anyone could claim their 15 minutes of fame by posting plans for 3d-printed weapons to QAnon venues. The MSM would eat it up.

cabalstone ago

Here's a good graphic with a similar sentiment.

Charmark ago

What 'IS' The Q movement?

cabalstone ago

Not easy to answer in a quick post. See the links in the right column under the 'About Q' title.

cantaloupe6 ago

The oppressed peoples of Kekistan


wish well the long oppressed Q's; and may they be kept from detractors or smolletters

1anddone ago

Prepare yourselves for a Q follower mass shooter

Angelique ago

I'm shocked it hasn't happened, yet.

amarQ144 ago

It has happened yet.

Angelique ago

The Q hoax, yeah, like I said, it hasn't happened, yet. If you think any of these "mass shootings" are real, you are giving retard. Do not reproduce, you microenpchlaic moron.

amarQ144 ago

"giving retard"??? ... "microenpchlaic" Must be tough. While you weren't paying attention have been several FF's attempting to incriminate Q followers. Charlottesville? El Paso? New Zealand? Time to bitch slap yourself outta that state of shock

Angelique ago

I'm also not attempting to incriminate anyone.

bingbang ago

You didn't have to be a bitch about it. /js

Angelique ago

It'll be ok :)

Angelique ago

Giving retard vibes. I am aware there have been attempts but nothing the fake news has blown up.

Tandemlee ago


stature ago

"pull a few people out of their cars" and beat them to the point of having to be hospitalized

cantaloupe6 ago

So tomorrow 150+ cities? save the children?

Antifa FF

pdpbigbang ago

Violence should always the be the LAST resort. The key to a successful movement is winning the hearts of people through respectful and open discussions. Anything and everything should be allowed to be debated by people given that the participants have mutual respects for each other's opinions. The Holocaust, Pizzagate, 9/11, Q, jews, or whatever topic you can think of should be allowed and discussed. The censorship and the cancel culture only go to show that the powers that be are afraid of honest and open discussions. Take power back from them. Discuss things with hard evidence and respect for one another. It's the knowledge that will set us free.

mendelbot ago

Seems like BLM and antifa are having hundreds of millions of dollars in success using violence. Just like how the Republicans/conservatives always concede to the unlawful machinations of the communist party.

It's not so simple as violence or nonviolence. Not anymore. That's the frightening reality of these times. And it's only going to get worse. False flags, real anarchy.

bingbang ago

Fucking delusional much? Leftists don't have hearts and minds...Jesus Christopher toe-tapping Christ! WAKE THE FUCK UP.

Whatevahh ago

Jew downvoat? Typical

nowhat ago

The Holocaust, Pizzagate, 9/11, Q, jews

You just said jews 4 times, can you cool it with the antisemitism?

markrod420 ago


moderator99 ago

Let's make sure that talk promoting violence stays out of this sub.

OnandonAnon ago


moderator99 ago

A 2 month old account finds that funny. Sure thing.

cantaloupe6 ago

Attempting to set up a false flag / fake protest.

PGLiterati2 ago

They are having fake Q parades. Holding up signs that also support BLM and getting rid of ICE. Palpably fake demonstrations:

These people haven't read Q, aren't Q followers--Oh I don't vote, demonstrator says. I won't be voting. I learned long ago that FEW bother to read--and with Q drops as massive as they are, if you are new you have to either be massively dedicated in playing catch up, or you read the media's fake cliff note version. We are not vigilantes, we are not interested in violence. We want truth and we are patriots and we vote and we think for ourselves.

ioillusion ago

Those movements gain steam by hijacking other movements.

BlackSunRising ago

They never quote Q to back up the assertion that the movement is violent. Because they can't. It's not there.

Angelique ago

They only believe it is violence when one is protecting their home and family.

VotingGodWins ago

yep, (((they))) only call it violence when patriots protect their own.

we haven't burnt anything down or gone after them, but protection of your own property and loved ones is violence. Ok then!

cabalstone ago

No need to back up lies.

endomorpho ago

Lies reinforcing lies. And nuggets of truth reinforcing lies. This is how they work. And they've sold us a lie

rndmvar ago

That also falls in line with MKUltra style conditioning.

ThisIsHeaven ago

Aside from self-defense, violence is pointless now.

joeneesima ago

Aside from self-defense -- exactly what I was going to post...