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25727042? ago

Bless him, and his family, for raising an outstanding, one hell of a model American!!!!!

P.S. Fuck the mods if they censor this.

I disagree. I suggest to ignore this call for violence.

Is someone trying to manipulate and deceive you into violence? This is your reminder about those two related sticky discussions about ignoring calls for violence:

A call for Equal Justice Under Law is not to confuse with a call for violence

Q4737 at

Who Is Kyle Rittenhouse?

For those not familiar with Kyle Rittenhouse's behavior. He is:

Is Rittenhouse a "useful idiot"? Was he fooled into using violence? Will you be fooled into violence?

Your Vote Matters


25727410? ago

A murderer. He killed 2 people. Source

in the clearest self defence as demonstrated from numerous video angles. If KR's circumstances dont warrant self defence then im unclear if there is any circumstantial threshold that would satisfy you, and thus you seem to think the concept of self defence is legally redundant. Expect resistance on this attitude, always, forever, all through human history to come

A "fugitive from justice". Source

a fugitive doesnt say to camera when asked while he is jogging 'im going to get the cops'. Reconcile

A coward. Because he "fled the state of Wisconsin with intent to avoid prosecution for that offense." Source

as above. We have evidence he was going to get the cops, and in the final analysis he surrendered himself to them, they didnt have to go fetch him. So how is that 'fleeing' ? fleeing INTO the arms of the police? Reconcile

He is in jail. Source

given the indecent haste with which the charges were slapped on him, and the temper of the times with Soros funded District Attorneys perverting justice on a mass scale, I'd argue he's a political prisoner. Expect more political prisoners should the Deep state win the culture war

Charged as an adult. Source

so? what argument does this advance ? When adults will not do the ugly and dangerous work Men should do, sometimes kids step into the vacuum of responsibility

Facing a mandatory LIFE SENTENCE in prison. Source

again, this has no argumentative merit in the context of District attorney's being on the payroll of Soros to pervert and disregard the constitutional and natural law right to self defence