25731064? ago

Saint Rittenhouse family name origin Austria/Germany.

25729571? ago

is that the self defense kid ?

25729102? ago

An American Hero

25729120? ago

one of the Greatest

25727042? ago

Bless him, and his family, for raising an outstanding, one hell of a model American!!!!!

P.S. Fuck the mods if they censor this.

I disagree. I suggest to ignore this call for violence.

Is someone trying to manipulate and deceive you into violence? This is your reminder about those two related sticky discussions about ignoring calls for violence:

A call for Equal Justice Under Law is not to confuse with a call for violence

Q4737 at https://www.qanon.pub/#4737

Who Is Kyle Rittenhouse?

For those not familiar with Kyle Rittenhouse's behavior. He is:

Is Rittenhouse a "useful idiot"? Was he fooled into using violence? Will you be fooled into violence?

Your Vote Matters


25727410? ago

A murderer. He killed 2 people. Source https://archive.md/0l5tT#selection-301.0-301.60

in the clearest self defence as demonstrated from numerous video angles. If KR's circumstances dont warrant self defence then im unclear if there is any circumstantial threshold that would satisfy you, and thus you seem to think the concept of self defence is legally redundant. Expect resistance on this attitude, always, forever, all through human history to come

A "fugitive from justice". Source https://archive.md/BLp5e#selection-517.95-517.116

a fugitive doesnt say to camera when asked while he is jogging 'im going to get the cops'. Reconcile

A coward. Because he "fled the state of Wisconsin with intent to avoid prosecution for that offense." Source https://archive.md/ZmXYH

as above. We have evidence he was going to get the cops, and in the final analysis he surrendered himself to them, they didnt have to go fetch him. So how is that 'fleeing' ? fleeing INTO the arms of the police? Reconcile

He is in jail. Source https://archive.md/BLp5e#selection-517.25-517.62

given the indecent haste with which the charges were slapped on him, and the temper of the times with Soros funded District Attorneys perverting justice on a mass scale, I'd argue he's a political prisoner. Expect more political prisoners should the Deep state win the culture war

Charged as an adult. Source https://archive.md/xt4he#selection-2459.0-2459.44

so? what argument does this advance ? When adults will not do the ugly and dangerous work Men should do, sometimes kids step into the vacuum of responsibility

Facing a mandatory LIFE SENTENCE in prison. Source https://archive.md/xt4he#selection-2459.0-2459.132

again, this has no argumentative merit in the context of District attorney's being on the payroll of Soros to pervert and disregard the constitutional and natural law right to self defence

25724229? ago

Who would downvoat this? A minor was attacked by adults with felonies....he was community conscious as evidenced by his outreach participation painting over graffiti which we have photographs of. He is an example of what we want our society to be, NOT the bussed in anarchists financed by foreign powers that have PROVEN apt and able to infiltrate our nation.

Mods got it wrong with Kyle. Having said that, take heed, do not dabble in law enforcement on your own. Rioters come and threaten life and property of yours or your neighbors, take action but be prepared for the consequences. Have a plan like US law shield or some other representation. Be prepared to cover your ass.

25723385? ago

God bless Kyle Rittenhouse.

25723284? ago

I love this subverse. The rest are full of defeatists and demoralizers. Keep it up and stay armed.

25722864? ago

There's no censorship here.

25722826? ago

A lot of courage and mature judgement from a 17yr old boy. Look at these cowards, wanting to make an example out of a kid, a righteousness citizen. They will have a proper taste of American freedom when all the patriots raise and eradicate these rats.

25722595? ago

Pretty wild how one teenager with a gun could sway an entire nation's views on the 2A. Shot heard round the world.

25721732? ago

I had no idea about those other 4 shots! wow.

Even without that info, he should still be free.



25722757? ago

other 4 shots?

25723294? ago

The 1 shot before Kyle fired on Rosenbaum, and then 3 more shots fired near/or at Rosenbaum that were apparently not from Rittenhouse.


25721242? ago

Trump should pardon that kid on November 4th. If nothing else just to piss off the left's thugs.

25726050? ago

Innocent people don't need pardons.

25721156? ago

one hell of

That's a faggot way to say things.

25720753? ago

I think God did bless that kid or he would be dead! FREE KYLE!

25724255? ago

God didn't bless him. He acted with bravery and excellent execution, of his own accord. God may have nodded in his general direction, but that's the extent of the divine intervention. This kid's a legend.

25720751? ago

Go do what he did...you want to place him on a pedestal, then you should emulate that action.

25721991? ago

except it didn't help anything, Trump doesn't want his supporters confronting the agitators.

25722905? ago

Bullshit he doesn't.

Twice on his Twitter he has insinuated it... number of times he has condoned it, and once he asked for it.

Doesn't even go into how many times at rallies he has.

Biden ain't no better either. The both of them are out of touch boomers pandering to the American people for relevance and legacy.

How's that wall? We got money from mexico directly for it yet? Surely people could build that wall for a job during the lay offs, and such?

Don't want to take a hand out, but I never saw people going to offer to build along with others for it.

25723377? ago

I don't give a shit who pays for the wall, Trump has been trying to do that and a lot of things but is roadblocked by Deep State at every turn. If you think the policies of Biden and Trump aren't much different you are smoking crack, that is all.

25723978? ago

I think that old rich white fucks got there by holding the hand of the Jew.....that is what I think.

No matter who wins, we will lose. If that wasn't the case then we wouldn't be locked into a two party system with zero option to be had for another candidate.

If you think differently then you are shooting up waaaaaaaay to much hopeium

25724115? ago

Why is Trump turning on goobalist trade deals if he is with them?

25724147? ago

Give a fuck about deals for anything but American people NOW.

Millions of people are fucked, and all because that fuck won't motivate his own to get the nation out of this slump.

Globalist deals, and bailing out the country of kikes.....yeah helps his own life....not Americans.

25724464? ago

before the scamdemic we had the lowest unemplyment of my lifetime (45), economy was booming.

So CCP attacks us with a virus and you blame Trump.

Your assertion that Trump is with the globalists is bullshit.

Trump has to win this election or we are fucked. It is 40 some days away.

If he wins amd doesnt clean this shit up, talk to me then. We know Biden is owned and against us, we now give Trump the chance to prove himself like he did before CCP attacked us.

Makes no sense to turn on your only chance now. To say otherwise would tell me you aren't right wing at all and are simply trying to sow dissent to get Biden elected.

25724593? ago

I am not left wing, nor right wing....i am a fucking American as that is all I need be.

You want to segregate as much as you can so that its easier to attack.

25724617? ago

so you have no ideology? I dont believe that, people with no ideology dont give a shit about politics at all and would not waste time debating them.

25724750? ago

America is my ideology...does there need to be any different?

25724770? ago

America is a country not an ideology retard.

25720463? ago

Tucker video was awesome. Those 4 other shots fired will be interesting.

25727037? ago

God bless Kyle Rittenhouse

I disagree. I suggest to ignore this call for violence.

Is someone trying to manipulate and deceive you into violence? This is your reminder about those two related sticky discussions about ignoring calls for violence:

A call for Equal Justice Under Law is not to confuse with a call for violence

Q4737 at https://www.qanon.pub/#4737

Who Is Kyle Rittenhouse?

For those not familiar with Kyle Rittenhouse's behavior. He is:

Is Rittenhouse a "useful idiot"? Was he fooled into using violence? Will you be fooled into violence?

Your Vote Matters


25731078? ago

Found the Jew. Fuckoff

25730698? ago

Disagree. You must have watched a different video than I did. Self defense, tried to turn himself in. He will get off. If I'm in that situation I do exactly as Kyle did. Protect myself. We will no longer be victims.

25728144? ago

Muh bullet points

25727877? ago

Guess he should've just let them kill him, he would’ve got off scott free!

25723852? ago

I pray more jews fall in battle or to disease soon.

25720448? ago

How about the corrupt prosecutors get killed? Just saying.

25721252? ago

I like that idea too.

25720273? ago

Hopefully he’s enjoying the oral and anal rape he’s receiving in lockup!

25720067? ago


25720061? ago

oy vey how dare you fascist Nazis praise this redneck little hick. Antifa/BLM are the good guys and were just peacefully protesting. Israel is great and jews are smarter than you cattle.

25721475? ago

Two of them are good. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that a whole shit load moar are made good before this is over.

25721213? ago

Jews are the worst!

25720013? ago

Judicial oligarchs will execute him.

25719868? ago

^^ Found the forum-sliding, chinabot mod

25720025? ago

^Soros operative

25720203? ago

^^nazitard who has no idea he's a Soros drone.

25720220? ago

Do you even have an ideology?

I'm no Nazi, but you don't seem to believe in anything.

25720674? ago

Do you even have an ideology?

It's called "trust the plan". America must learn to trust, if it wants to survive. Children playing with rifles interfere with Q's plan to save america.

25720696? ago


Some anon friendly fire, this.

I'm no Q, but I'm right there wirh you.

25720652? ago

I'm no nazi

You will be

If your dare to look for yourself instead of leaning on your lifetime of indoctrination by the bankers and commies to oppose the thing that could completely destroy them.

This is from the horses mouth.


25720729? ago

Racism is low IQ

25721405? ago

Good goy.

Let everyone else fight for the interests of their race while you repeat satanic lies.

25721291? ago

Fuck off slave

Genetic equality is a lie and the foundation belief of the religion pushed onto the Babylonian slaves

The only thing there should be equality under is the law and we don't have that.

25720797? ago

Yes, blacks score lower on IQ tests.

But that's only on average. There are smart black people, you know?

25720933? ago

While that might be a fact...judging someone based solely on their race is very stupid.

25721169? ago

Let's factor in clothing and company then.

I will judge someone who wears a suit or a christian cross around his neck very differently from someone who has a hoodie and MS 13 style tatoos.

That'a regardless of race but it's still judging based on appearance.

25720711? ago

Pure racism is self-deification. You have been cursed by God to be stuck in 2018 while the rest of us move on.

Life didn't start at WWII. That's leftist ideology.

25720841? ago

Pure racism is self-deification.

It's almost as bad as liking your own family more than strangers. You shouldn't like people more just because you share their genes.

25720861? ago

That is not God's command.

25720926? ago

It's narcisstic to love people more just because they share some of your features.

I support the left in it's dismantlement of race and family. Until we opened our borders, race was basically extended family. People who share your genes and culture and children with each other for hundreds of years.

Loving them more is equally narcisstic.

25720990? ago

The height of narcissism is putting one's will over God's.

It may be that loving family more is rooted in narcissism, but Divine Good overrides mortal good or evil or else destruction.

Large and strong families are successful, thus they follow God's Command.

25721025? ago

What does god think about open borders after constantinople?

25721246? ago

God's Command is BOTH Carthaginian AND Spartan walls.

None of us are ready for what's coming.

BY Trump UNDER God!

25721281? ago

Walls to protect us from whom?

The polish? French? Norway?

Or mexicans ("not sending their best"), arabs and iranians?

25721482? ago

In reality, the Americas will demand Trump gently conquer them, thus we will tear down Trump's and all other's walls since no one will want to migrate anymore. Our law comes to them, so riches come to them. And they're Christian, so they will vote properly.

Then we only need walls of navies.

Until the entire world begs Trump to conquer their law. You think immigration is bad now?

There's a reason why Carthage had the biggest walls, and it wasn't armies they sought to keep out.

25721587? ago

And they're Christian, so they will vote properly.

Indeed, lots of christians in mexican cartels. We can absolutely trust in their votes and their ability to govern.

25722626? ago

They will present their arms to God's Scepter or perish, utterly wasted.

Banditz are nothing compared to our new law.

25720813? ago



Oh, you mean 73 after Hitler.

25720853? ago

I mean that Trump has ALL of the good intents of Hitler without all the evil and failure.

You don't even know your own "Fuhrer". Trump takes good from ALL heroes while leaving the bad.

Your prophecies were true, but you cannot recognize your own "messiah".