ghost_of_aswartz ago

They won't last long. There is so much animus that if they force me to start swinging, I'm going to go 1000% Negan on them

Ziggyspeaks ago

Yet another FINE example of our "Indoctrination" rather than "Education" system in public schools. If this ASSHOLE still has a teaching job, then the Government should not provide ANY financial aid or support for the so-called "University/College" where he works. This is an unhinged person who needs to be 5150'd and SHOULD NEVER OWN A GUN, or KNIFE or CAR or BAT!

AngryBlackMan553 ago


Trizzle1 ago

It has always been.

QCrumbCatcher ago

Does anyone know what websites they congregate on? Where do they meet and coordinate? I've encountered anyone remotely alt left.

Revised ago

You will see them on /qrv posing as Nazis all the time.

petevoat ago

Welcome. It's a spiritual war, it always has been.

thebearfromstartrack ago

The Bible fills him with rage? But has he EVER actually READ it? I'm betting no.

Ag47 ago

Now I understand why Democrat leaders refuse to condemn their violence.

It's an entirely astroturfed movement, fabricated by the left.

KyJane ago

Yeah, what those terrible Christians are trying to do to them... like stop them from killing and eating babies, raping and sacrificing children, thieving the workers dry, trying to prevent the real election fraud, make real criminals pay the piper... My my, those Christians just never quit.

Cuck_not ago

Perhaps the clown would much more happy living in an athiestic based country? Like NK, China or the old USSR eastern block nations.

369693936 ago

We need to bring awareness to what the Assembly of God church, which was founded by Freemasons in part as a way to trick Christians into believing that their salvation is directly tied to unconditionally supporting Zionism, has done to this nation with their ridiculous beliefs and predatory evangelism — and make sure people understand that these people do not represent true Christians.

deepstatebug ago

Old Spanish joke applied to Franco. Klinzman and akin should be buried on their belly. So when the day comes the dead arise from their graves they dig themselves deeper into the ground.

HerbanGardener ago

Antifa and many on the left are fueled by hatred, intolerance, and immorality, which is Satan's agenda. The Christians are fueled by love for God, love for each other, and morality, which is God's plan. You hit the nail on the head when you said it is a war of Good vs. Evil. Spiritual warfare. It is biblical. God wins.

Modernminuteman ago

What Christians are doing to the country? We are saving it you clueless mamma boys and a lot of us would love revenge on your kind that nearly destroyed it! I do trust the plan but when you see or hear these idiots it shoots your blood pressure through the top of your head.

zxcvzxcv ago

Jesus and his Christians control the good. Satan and his Jews control the evil.

GamerWithGlasses ago

All this effort only for Evil to be destroyed in the end. Seems like a waste of time doesn't it?

fuckingmockies ago

It's a war of white vs not white.

xenoPsychologist ago

humans vs nonhumans.

Ziggyspeaks ago

I dig your screen name!!!!

RoBatten ago

wew . . . define "unhinged"

singlebrain1 ago

There are 4 steps (or 6 steps according to the federalist) to a communist take over of a country. I think we are at step 2 and that is where antifa comes in.

Demoralize (tear the culture apart, history revision, kill the family, religion and patriotism), Destabilize (Antifa, riots, shootings, narratives of white suprematists etc), Crisis (civil war?), Normalize

6 steps:

redtoe_skipper ago

1.) Laying the groundwork through the cultivation of ignorance;

  • Common core among other things. Here certain aspects are rephrased: like the constitution grants certain rights to citizens is absolutely wrong. It curbs what .gov can do!

2.) Propaganda;

See your newspaper, newsoutlet today. Try and find one positive article on Trump. Recession scare.

3.) Agitating the masses;

White Supremacy, Biggot, Racists, you need to be reeducated!We want to smash the face in of these conservatives!

4.) Consolidating control over society’s institutions;

See 2015/2016 DOJ, House and Congress, FBI, 17 IC agencies, the courts, state and local government, charities, IRS

5.) Coercing conformity; and

IRS, google, facebook, Twitter, Instagram, the lot.

6.) Final solutions.

This is were we are. Trump got in between. 8 years Hillaryous would have finished things off.

singlebrain1 ago

Yes 4 or 6. If you take the 4 step we are at step 2 but the 6 step is much more dangerous and we are at the last step.

nevergiveup2them ago

I would really like to know what it is the loving evangelical Christians are dong that makes him so mad? Love God and each other? Support Freedom and human rights? Personal accountability? Being happy?

redtoe_skipper ago

Key component: independence and personal responsibility, coupled with a moral social outlook.

In other words: refusal to submit to globalist ideology. And because you are not part of their world, that is why they hate you.

They hate you for the freedom you stand for, while using that same freedom to attack you.

HndrxMn ago

Killing them with kindness and heaping burning coals upon their heads.

Doglegwarrior ago

Dont think you have met your christian breatheren... 90% of blacks are christians and they commit the most rape and murder of any group. So maybe he is mad at all the christian gang members rapist and murdering drug dealers.

WillGreeley ago

Do you know for a fact the run of the mill black churches pastors teach their 'flocks' to hate Republicans, white people, police, law and order? Ask your friendly black neighbor why they don't vote for Republicans! Ask them where do they get their news?

Doglegwarrior ago

I dont have black neighbors.

WillGreeley ago

Your not a Christian then?

Doglegwarrior ago

Agnostic leaning towards there being a creator of this shit show. Not a jew fucking goat herders god thats for sure those idiots didnt talk to fucking gods angels.

CMAnon ago

They believe the Christians are prohibiting them from their pursuit of happiness. That would include murdering babies in and out of the womb, getting paid for doing nothing, closing off the border where most of their recreational substances come from, and their only means of socializing after living in their parents basement and playing video games 20 hours a day.

RoBatten ago

Plus no more baby-killing . . .

Revised ago

The primary evil infesting America.

Some leftists have lamented that Trump is out to reverse Roe v. Wade.

I think that may be the keystone to blessings given v. blessings withheld.

redtoe_skipper ago

People saying reversing Roe v Wade, have no idea what they are talking about. The question at law was: is an abortion a personal decision that is protected as a reserved right by the people (10th)? The answer is: YES, unequivocally: YES. According to the ruling, it would not matter whether you claimed that freedom based on any of the other personal freedom amendments, or all together.

Reversing a "yes", then, would then become: No.

Given the extensive investigation into common law underpinning the yes-answer, a NO answer cannot be based on the same reason/ reasoning, but would entail legislating from the bench.

There is legally nothing withholding congress to enact legislation prohibiting abortion. And even to put that as an amendment to the constitution (see prohibition of liquor and the subsequent reversal)

Go read the damn ruling and be amazed!

Freedom, ,or reserved rights, mean: you can choose to do either way. It is your responsibility and don't expect the fed / state .gov to pay for it.

If you are then of the opinion, all abortion is bad, please, pursue your happiness. If you happen to conceive of a baby out of wedlock for whatever reason, keep the baby, you'll pull through with the help of your faith, your family and your community. It has been done before, and so can you.

If you happen to take that abortion, that is your choice. Don't expect the .gov, either fed or state to use taxpayer money to help you out. But people who would take to your position are free to provide funds, so it can be done in a way that is consistent with state interest.

This is the equitable solution in any free society. And I give a huge thumb up to the guy who refused to pay his taxes, lest PP was defunded. Turns out he had the law on his side. Now, he will have to pay, though, since Trump defunded PP ...:-)

Revised ago

States rights at best.

Since states prosecute murderers of pregnant women with two counts of homicide, killing an unborn baby is by legal definition, homicide. Not a choice.

redtoe_skipper ago

But you do not state to have read the ruling. Instead you are appealing to lower law. So, what did you learn from studying the ruling?

When a freedom, a state at best should lay down regulations on howto. If not a freedom, based on what legal theory?

So, step into the shoes of supreme court justices and eviscerate long standing common law, come one man, be the activist Justice you so love when the left has them. :-) And simply saying: it is homocide, does not cut it. I have a suspicion, but we'll see.

Revised ago

Truth is, irregardless of what any court rule it is homicide or not, IT IS.

The downfall of America started with two rulings from SCOTUS. Banning prayer in schools and legalizing abortion.

redtoe_skipper ago

That is an opinion based on religion, not on common law. Property rights, my friend. That is why within the third semester an abortion is considered consistent with freedom reserved by the people. Sometimes a vertilized egg flushes down the uterus without nesting at all. Sometimes it nests, but is naturally aborted, and sometimes, it is a hole-in-one.

I am not berating you for holding that opinion. As I said before, that is within the province of your freedom. The question is: why do you have a problem with other people enjoying their freedom? Because you do not condone it on moral grounds. As doctor Paul said: You cannot legislate morals.

The 10 commandments themselves are by many considered to be laws of moral superior standing. That opinion is largely overstated. Property rights are at the bottom of them all. God BOUGHT Israel from captivity. They were his property. Hence the first 3 laws. A married woman was considered to be owned by her husband. (where do you think the word husband comes from: husbandry: keeping cattle). So adultery is an act of aggression against the property rights of another man. So is lying, false witnessing, stealing, coveting etc.

There is one law that is a bit out of the ordinary: honor your parents. The Jews in Jesus time were so smart as to dedicate their means to the temple. By doing so, they were not obliged to honor their parents at all. See, Doctor Paul was right. Jesus had a superior law: Love God above all else and your neighbor as yourself. This is the ultimate condensation of The Law. To which John wrote: You cannot love God, whom you have not seen, while hating your neighbor whom you have seen. The onus of living a moral life in harmony with Gods Law or Natural Law is on you. It is an individual responsibility to which we all render an account to God himself.

And the seeds for the downfall of America, as you described it, were sown at the very beginning. Read the federal and anti federalist papers. It is a form of government by virtue of an informed and engaged populace who is very cognizant of what freedom of conscience actually is, and dare to stand up for it. You can blame anybody. All who came before you, who acquiesced to any contributing factor. In the final analysis, if you really belief in a government that retains itself within the limits of protecting the individual rights of its citizens, you will have to confront the facts of what freedom really means, irrespective of your religious persuasion (art 1.). Arguing abortion is homicide because of it being your understanding is against the establishment clause. And you would have to show non religious historic custom.

Apart from that, those arguing from that point of view, at best, have to be very biased.

"Tamar thy daughter in law hath played the harlot; and also, behold, she is with child by whoredom. And Judah said, Bring her forth, and let her be burnt."

Yeah, burn the fucking bitch and that son of a whore in her belly.....

"But that as before the Law!" Oke, I get that.

Hosea 9:16: Ephraim is smitten, their root is dried up, they shall bear no fruit: yea, though they bring forth, yet will I slay even the beloved fruit of their womb.

Right ..... .......

No, no, no. but that was because they were unfaithful!

Oke. let's see. I am going to massage this in a bit. Genesis 3. What was the curse for Eve for being unfaithful(eating from the fruit carried a deathpenalty, remember?)? Birthpangs enhancement!

You would like verse 14 of Hosea 9 then, because his righteous indignation says:Give them, O LORD: what wilt thou give? give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts.

For unfaithfulness? Don't you see? You consider abortion homocide, against gods law, unfaithfulness. And you consider abortion to be the reason for the downfall of the US. That is placing the horse behind the carriage. But please notice: abortion is called upon as a curse for unfaithfulness. So what is your problem with abortion, apart from not liking it yourself (just I I btw)

To finish things off, let's consider Gods Law:

Exodus 21:22-23 "If people are fighting and hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman's husband demands and the court allows.

Oke .... so .... a premature birth, but no harm to the woman .... then it is up to the husband to state a demand in equity and the elders should say if the demand in equity is fair. hmmmm ... not a big deal then. Except when the woman comes to harm, perhaps even dies. Then life for a life.

Sounds very much like property rights to me.

With this in mind, read the damn ruling! It will amaze you.

GamerWithGlasses ago

Shouldn't that be the very goal of human existance is to help, grow and love our neighbors. What is so bad about that, that someone has to get triggered. It's a good thing people!

Revised ago

You nailed it.

Democrats cannot tolerate these things so the stand firmly behind their Brown Shirts.

redtoe_skipper ago

Antifa = communist in pre WOII germany. Check Q post.

Ziggyspeaks ago

"Antifaschiste" Part of Hitler's regime

Revised ago

They did indeed adopt the German Communist colors and logos, but their methods and madness are straight from the Brown Shirts.

redtoe_skipper ago

Care to divulge how you came to your views?

xenoPsychologist ago

everything he knows, the jews taught him.

Revised ago

You really need to ask?

Like you, I have seen the comparative illustrations of flags, colors, logos used by German Commies.

Pretty much undisputed history that Brown Shirts used violence and intimidation while claiming to be victims of oppression to further the Nazi cause. The irony of it all is that in the end they WERE victims. Of Nazism. (Unternehmen Kolibri)

Antifa uses precisely the same method.

bb22 ago

Uhh Nazis claimed to be victims of oppression? Jesus Christ woman, go read actual literature from that era and not hippy commentary from 50 years later.

1920s Weiner republic. Gay Rights activism. The first transgender bullshit. Orgies. Public prostitution. Sexualizing children. Communism. THESE THINGS ARE WHY THE GERMANS ELECTED HITLER. Does any of that sound fucking familiar to you?

redtoe_skipper ago

Agreed. irony indeed. If being victim of national socialist policies is the bar that needs to be passed, to have access to the victimhood club plus reparations,........

Yet, I had to ask, since I cannot know for sure what you are thinking. So thanks for the response.

These things do not happen in a vacuum. I would posit, that there is a history that explains why certain events happen. Action reaction. considering that the communist also had their protection racket: antifa.

see for instance the two first paragraphs of Apart from the usual disclaimer regarding wikipedia, it gives sufficient amount of room for further research in how it operated and tried to influence the political landscap.e. Note that it was funded by the Soviet Union as a direct weapon to turn Germany communist in the weakened state the Weimar Republic was in.

This was complemented as a juxtaposition with the iron front of the social democrats.

There were more groups, yet, you would first have to view the question: why were these militant paramilitary groups in Germany and easy to grow? And what was Gernany's own history with democracy .... (not at all successful)

Here is a list of the actual situation on the ground by the fall of 1918:

Here is a list with peace proposals and why they failed. and why Versailles turned out to be so harsh:

With this in mind, let's look at the political situation:

Germany as a Reich is a hybrid system. The Emperor of the Reich, also was king of Prussia. Every state within the Reich had it's own system. Bavaria was a monarchie. The Emperor Wilhelm II was commander in Chief, but the chancellor, had a lot of political power. Compare this to the relationship Wilhelm I had with otto von Bismarck. Germany had very early on in it's history introduced a social welfare system. Though it was experimenting with democracy, on Reichs level, it was predomanantly autocratic.

At the same time, the imperial government in Russia collapsed and the Bolsheviks took power. Since the war was not going well, the same modus operandi was used as in Russia: there was a huge strike in Kiel, organized by the USP, die Unabhaengige Sozialistische Partei. These people were lefty breakaways from the SPD, the socialist centric party of Germany. In essence they subscribed to the bolshevik ideals. And truth be told: Hugo Haase, just happened to be a jew. In 1916, they voted against further credit for the war effort. ........

This strike completely lamed the fleet, and Kiel. The sailors demanded better rations, and the shipyard workers better pay. They were organized according to the Soviet system. And they armed themselves via so called shop stewart system. Other strikes took place in Berlin and Muenchen in the south.

At the same time, to coopt the process, the SPD outmaneuvered the emperor, fearing a hostile bolshevik takeover, and announced before the music had played the abdication of Wilhelm II. Now take into account what Wilhelm entrusted to the Chicago tribune in 1924, regarding these events.

So, here we have the communists, armed and ready, SPD, with it's military arm, and a fledgling NSDAP in the South.

In Munich, the socialist under leadership of Kurt Eisner , who also happened to be a jew, organised a strike with munitions factory workers, was convicted of treason but released during amnesty. His political ambitions lead to the fall of the Bavarian monarchy. (before the Empire, Bavaria was an independent kingdom) , and if you have read carefully the peace proposals to Austria, there was the idea that Austria could makes some gains there. Always nice to have other people talk about what to do with other people's stuff ..... it sounds very ... very ....bolshevik ....

Read this:

Can you imagine: two soviet governments rivaling each other fielding 38.000 troops to battle each other ..... It was chaos down south!

Together with the economical dissolution of Germany after the Versailles peace treaty, the inflation, the robbing of industry ..... in this lawless environment the NSDAP came on the scene. And just like now, when you start saying things certain people in power do not agree with, they have their paramilitary arm to make you think twice.

And this is the problem with these things: how do you guarantee free and open elections in an environment where the state institutions are weak, and certain political interests are geared towards to totalitarian regime of the proletariat?

What I find fascinating in Eisner, is he seemed to disagree with the bosheviks regarding private property. He thought it needed to be respected and protected. So, it is easy to see how wish for peace, private property protection, sollicits large support. Yet, he leaked documents pertaining to the start of the War as being the fault of Wilhelm II, which is ludicrous on it's face. But this man was so convinced of his own views what was good for the state ..... And surely it underpinned the harsh peace conditions Germany had to accept as a dictate.

And this specific idea, this having blinders on, regarding what is "good" for the country, was his demise. It seems certain individuals like Comey also suffer from this ailment.

In my opinion, when it concerns the knife in the back theory, I think it has merit. It was a deliberate action on the part of the USP, and as a reaction the SPD, that directly lead to a peace that completely ruined Germany. And it is also quite clear who the leaders were.

In terms of Hitler, he had done front duty in the most dangerous of posts, and being awarded an ironcross, cannot be due to being a coward. And given the peace proposals floating about, with the situation on the ground, despite US entry into war, there was sufficient room to provide for a better peace deal, than the one dictated that lead to the total moral degeneracy of Germany.

Those in control of the news, are the same people, as today. and by designing our language, our thoughts are designed and controlled. Combine this with fear of retribution, chaos, .....

fuckingmockies ago

Brown Shirts? The Nazi's were the good guys in WWII, buddy.

The1stLantern ago

Ding ding ding

ZombiClown ago

occultists are never the good guys that would include many so called christian cults

bb22 ago

As you yourself imply, occultists were on all sides. So your point is irrelevant.

ZombiClown ago

yeah? well thanks for pointing that out,and showing your other account names. nice job!

bb22 ago

I have one account here and you are a pussy who can't handle dissenting opinions or debate logically. Kill yourself faggot.

ZombiClown ago

debate? logic? meh, why bother I was able to troll you out easily. without even cussing ,thanks again

bb22 ago

You’re useless. Just remember next time you talk shit about Nazis you’re effectively siding with the transgenderism-promoting communist faggots of Weimar Germany. That is who they suppressed and it’s their books that the Nazis burned (though the Allies burned more of Germany’s books after the war than Germany ever did).

The fact that you are totally ignorant of this history, and prefer shit-talking, is why you are fucking useless.

redtoe_skipper ago

Christians are occultist too. Ever read about the Holy secret in Paul's letters? Or the phrase: carefully hidden within him (Phillipians I believe)

What about the secret who the seed of the woman is, and the seed of the snake, between whom God instigated enmity?

Do christians use symbols? Cross, bread and wine, fish .....

The meaning of these secrets and symbols are only for those who are initiated and thus they are occulted, or hidden.

So before you start ranting about occultist ... remember, to look at the beam in your own eye.

ZombiClown ago

uummm failed to see any ranting in the above remark,i think i covered your christian cults above. it appears you were on a little bit of one ,however(rant).

redtoe_skipper ago

occultists are never the good guys ... is what you said, right. Whatever the reason for hiding knowledge, even Q is an occultist.

ZombiClown ago

it appears you a confusing esoteric occult definitions to milintel physical NatSec secrets. meh weak,real weak.sorry.

redtoe_skipper ago

Now look at the wordsoup you are using: esoteric occult .... milintel physical natsec secrets ... WOW ... all in one sentence!

esoteric: belonging to an inner circle, or those in the know. General populace is not in the know. Esoteric is a description of the state of certain knowledge, without judgement as to it's validity and vector (good or evil) Aristotle had teachings only those who belonged to his private group would be explained and would understand.

Jesus says: To them I tell illustrations, but to you belongs the knowledge => esoteric.

occult = hidden. So if you stashed away a certain amount of PM because of a boating accident, you have occulted your stack.

So, what are you trying to say by this tautology: esoteric occult .... spooky!

Natsec is classified, meaning it is only to be seen by certain privileged people, who belong to an inner circle. = esoteric. Milintel can be classified. But not all milintel is. A secret is supposed to be that: knowledge only available to a privy (yes) group.

What do you mean by milintel physical natsec secrets? Man again, such tautology. it sounds impressive. Very very impressive. You heard the churchbell but have no idea where the clapper is located.

Which means .... the clapper is occult. And you do not belong to the in crowd who knows. To you that is esoteric. And since I am not going to tell you, because it is a secret. Classified information. Actually, it is a national security issue.

ZombiClown ago

my password is to this account is therefore occult,the code to the gate @ the swimming pool is by your definintion "OCCULT" you fail to understand there is a difference between "occult and secret. you 3rd grade teacher has failed, very badly.

redtoe_skipper ago

Not to you, but to us, for good measure. And rejoice. That is the reason why knowledge is occult.

With regard to 3rd grade teacher: you missed the tautology part. But that's ok. You see the difference in response. You trying yourself to make yourself big by using derogatories, while I point out the lingo. And if you take the historical use into account, you will find that certain group have an agenda to impart a judgement into a neutral word. I leave it to you to consider whether that is a good thing or not. That is your choice. As for me, I do not fall for such brainwashing.

ZombiClown ago

ahhh, I see, its someone else that stole the words and changed the meaning. Not you? you have many points that are agreeable however, the chance of having a deeper conversation is impossible as " That is the reason why knowledge is occult. " this statement is false. You continue to attempt to make these words interchangeable and they are not.

redtoe_skipper ago

Of course, and I will continue to do so.

But I did not claim someone stole it. You should be aware there is one entity that controlled language: RCC. Latin is the language of the RCC. And THEY had a powerful position to apply this term to anything they saw as threatening their primacy: astrology, alchemy and naturalism. Their version: transubstantiation, it is something magical. Certain individuals pushed the envelope and went beyond the confines of what this Church thought best by alchemy, astrology and more. (Leonardo da Vinci and the like) Science as we know it today, did not exist.

Yet, back in the time, this was the advent of western scientific efforts. And the current hollywood/ popular blabla, does it's best to keep it that way by associating it with other stuff.

To give you an example: The forces of nature in it's cyclic manifestation could not be well understood. Yet, many culture had symbols and mystical stories to explain there. For example, the wheel, Ygdrasil, Is (say: ees). Or the search for the fountain of youth, elixer of life. Deep down in time, in what we came to know as Egypt, which actual name is Misr, and indeed the Nile is not a river in Egypt, but Hapi, the search for this was present too, and they found a substance called Murgut. Or as the bible calls it: Manna: what is it?

Only with our current understanding of particles and their strange world, can we somewhat understand what is going on, with the bread of live that the king of Misr ate everyday to feed his astral body. But, in the time of the RCC, it was called: occult! And as a devout RCC member you were not supposed to touch such topics! Occult! Satan! the Church is your salvation! So, you see, I am not even claiming the word was stolen, as it was part of the vocabulary of the Church, but applied differently, or rather in their best interest. A sort of felon who now in California gets another label, that completely eviscerates the difference between perpetrator and victim. Or invaders who are called undocumented immigrants. It is obfuscation, or occulting what is really the matter, suppression.

Worse even, the word Pharmakia, which is in the actual book of revelation, is often translated with sorcery or witchcraft, but the word itself also gives us pharmacy, yielding paracetamol, painkillers, anesthetics, birthcontrol, penecillin, and more, although unfortunately also prescription drugs like prozac and the like. Yet, that word is actually warned about, while occult is not. The same goes for the word apocrypha. Or the misapplication of apocalypse. Stories to scare people. That is all.

But if you so wish, do not let history be of any import to how you view the world.

ZombiClown ago

nice, but incomplete, yet you are making a point for having a universal, immutable lexicon . If the aforementioned were adhered to, this conversation wouldnt be needed. I do like your use of occulting as a verb, however. @ some point in your studies you will come to the realization that evil exists and that evil entities are cheap and easy to leverage and this how this knowledge is used today, in general. Using Sumerian derivatives like egypt as a starting point puts a person in "their occulting box" as you are using "their " rules to explain history. You will discover as you circle around decade after decade. youll also discover your intuition is your most valuable tool. It was your intuition that made you respond, even though you found it adversarial @ first.You will, assuredly, come to the conclusion, metaphorically and literally"Dude, they channel demons" (said in the most pragmatic,SoCal dude speak)

redtoe_skipper ago

And thank you again for responding. hahahaha, very good! Occulting indeed is new lingo. by the same token occult can be used as a verb.

And agree with the view that evil exists. That is a foregone conclusion.

When I review the level of scientific understanding at this point about the expanse of our universe, and the advances science has made in the realm of the very small some very odd things happen. For instance, the discovery that certain particles enter en exit our 3D world and appear again in a different location. The fact that particles appear paired, so that what happens to the one happens to the other at great distances. Even the most famous of investigations of Alchemy (Al Khem => chemistry), turning lead into gold, we now have a pretty good understanding of how we can do so, and we are even capable of calculating how much energy that would take (not feasible). Considering the fact that a SOCAL Dude is corresponding via this medium in writing with the Dutch Dude, defies logic to a regular Joe brain a 100 years ago. Especially, given the fact that the keys I touch to write this are translated electronically into symbols on screen, and at the submit button, by light, are being send to and hosted on this platform, while you, accessing this message, will be receiving this by light pulses, through a transatlantic cable. This is magic. Although, I am capable of somewhat describing what happens, I am totally not equipped to detail who it actually works. So, how would you explain to John the evangelist what just took place? Would he think you are on some mushroom trip?

I think that there is truth to Arthur C Clarkes laws:

  • When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
  • The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.

  • Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

It is fascinating to read for instance about the pharmakia trials held in Virginia after 1600. terms like: he looks "more like a devil then a man", or Indians to be "making noise like so many Wolves or Devils". I am sure you too see the trick, that is being played. My logical brain would pose the question: How do you know how devils scream? When and how did you establish these facts? When I read the gospels, I am amazed at how many people were possessed by a demon, whereas we would now see these people to be sick or having a DNA deficiency.

Instead of acknowledging their own lack of understanding, their modern 16th century views of how things were supposed to be, were the measure of things combined with emotion (fear). This all comes on the heels of a previous period in Europe where the devil was under every table, especially during the height of the Roman inquisition. This in turn lead to suppression of thought, which lead to the Dutch declaration of independence in 1581. Even challenging the divine right of kings was considered evil, as it would undermine the order then established and was of the devil. Simplicity thinking was quite prevalent: one was of God or not. If not, one was of the devil with all the scorn and negative emotions that would bear. Being different was aberrant.

Turning the tables, native Americans being handed blankets, and those using it, became sick and died. Magic! We now understand why: germs. To them it must have been an invisible power, an evil power to which they had no medicine. It is still amazing that the 5th century BCE Greek philosophers, also based on the what is now called occult knowledge, were able to posit the existence of atoms.

When I compare the latter guys to people in the 18th century, taking these ancient kind of philosophies, and framing it inside their own references with their own goals, it seems to paint a picture of co-opting (appropriation if you will) and misdirection. It is being used for purposes not intended. Evil purposes.

That said, I am not so sure Misr, and I reject to use the misconception perpetrated by Herodotus here, is a copy paste of Sumer. Sumer dates back to maybe 3000 BCE. Yet, it is established that Gobleki Tepi dates back to 8000 - 10.000 BCE. And there is good reason to suspect that the Spfinx in Giza, due to its erosion by water, is around the same time frame. Given the fast difference in time, it makes sense to consider how these people viewed the world and why it changed.

ZombiClown ago

Forgive the sabbatical (no pun intended) :) so have no bones to pick with you statements,these are all historically considered true. Sure they are a little condensed an generalized, but for impromptu discussion . What i would ask ,and i think you know instinctively where i am going with this. You mentioned that in history ,religion,(the pope, and Catholics in particular) pretty much controlled the new "science" or whatever subject they thought detrimental to them controlling the status quo. And I will add they did it for many hundreds of years by using our "occulting" methodology. We know this is true and is even acknowledged by current Mainstream history . Yet we also know the Church owns and stores most of the ancient texts. They started their "ocullting " early on when they condensed the bible and left many of its books out, one of which is Enoch ,grandfather of Noah ,in Constantinople. This is general as well, detail is not really needed here.My question is "did the church itself ever stop "occulting" its competitors , for lack of a better word ? I would think/guess you would agree that it has not stopped.This is why you related the history , basically to prove that point. Science and its professors have been "occulting" their competitors as well . All the while both groups are using knowledge that is hidden from the general public to create self feeding institutions. False knowledge to control .My point in this rambling narrative is " if their were NO hidden forces(i referred to them as occult in my first post) why are the scientists here at the most advanced research laboratory throwing a demonstratively ritualistic ceremony? as i made reference to before "dude, they are channeling demons" all the while telling us that supernatural forces doNot exist, they are attempting to harness them. for our own good ,no doubt.

Revised ago

I can understand why children of Satan would say so.

bb22 ago

Great rebuttal. “You’re a child of Satan.” And you’re a stupid cunt of a woman, aren’t you? I can tell by how fuzzy your “reasoning” is. More like feelings and “intuition,” huh, you dumb bitch?

xenoPsychologist ago

i have never heard a jew say that.

also, for you. 1 2 3 4

fuckingmockies ago

Alright, so you have literally no understanding of history. You're a Boomer, right? You're somehow aware that all warfare is based on lies and propoganda and that the winners lies get recorded as history - except for WWII. Yeah, there were totally death camps and mad Nazi scientists lmfao.

Furlefonce ago

Nazis (NAtional socialists) were socialists, i.e. tribalists just like communists.

They - like everyone who gives credence and limits his perception to the left/right-paradigm - reject(ed), abhor(red) and combat(ted) individual reasoning, individual growth, and learning, true responsibility, freedom of speech and critical thinking, the right of individuals to be armed as a means against despotism and ultimately worship(ped) the anonymous collective and statism as an idol.

They were useful idiots. Fighting against other useful idiots. Just like RIGHT NOW “right wingers” fighting against the “left”. The stupidity is EXACTLY the same. Wrong tree.

History is useless if you fall from one stupid version of (hi)story to/ for the next version of (hi)story.

For those awake history is a tremendous teacher. For the idiots - that behave like you - it’s just another justification to engage in and write another chapter of “endless ever repeating war”.

bb22 ago

FDR was more socialist than Hitler.

Furlefonce ago

A) Though shalt not compare misery.

B) I see aspects where I get how you come to that conviction

C) I see aspects in which I certainly have to disagree. Like freedom of speech, freedom of association, all of jurisdiction, killing centuries of culture, 2a, SA n SS, indoctrination via Hitlerjugend/ BDM, medical experiments and torture (Your CIA torture manual is basically translated from German), shutting down and eliminating dissent, vanishing people, instilling an intangible ever present mood of fear, “Gleichschaltung”, ...

bb22 ago

Germany never had freedom of speech you dumbass. They were literally coming right off the heels of being under a Kaiser and had no experience at all with our form of republic. Do you know anything at all about German history?

Here’s an enlightening article for you:

It was the books of these transgenderism-promoting communist faggots that the Nazis burned, and I would have burned them too. And before you go all rah rah USA freedom of speech, you should know that after the war, the Allies burned far more books in Germany than the Nazis ever did.

Also, the Nazis were socialist economically but conservative socially. Freedom of speech and all the rest are not economic issues. Learn the difference.

Furlefonce ago

Projection much ... while you’re certainly not wrong that freedom of speech was never written into law, Germany had a very vivid and meaningful tolerance towards exchanging opinion and public discourse.

Schiller, Goethe, Lessing, Heine, Schopenhauer, Kant, ... were hugely respected but feared also because of their knowledgeable discourse. Criticizing the emperor was off, sure. But this emperor also had his power founded on a basis of natural law, i.e. a) there were real citizens, and b) they were regarded as humans. And this frame based on the tradition of roman continental law was a centerpiece of our culture. And it worked.

“Conservative in terms of THEIR culture” is cultural relativism 101. You’re talking bullshit. I am “German” and it has nothing to do with conservatism. It’s simply authoritarianism and in that socialist to its very core. In other words: “Germany” still doesn’t get it which is exactly why someone like Maas is - this week - trying to form a coalition for new and more migrants.

The discourse in Germany is mostly limited to “You reject Globalism means you want to reinstate the Kaiser”. That’s the level of stupidity we’re talking about.

Don’t try to teach me about my history.

bb22 ago

“Projection much ... while you’re certainly not wrong that freedom of speech was never written into law, Germany had a very vivid and meaningful tolerance towards exchanging opinion and public discourse.”

I don’t think you know what the word “projection” means, retard.

Nice job backtracking on essentially bitching about the Nazis violating a First Amendment that they never fucking had.

And here’s another clue you fucking moron. And seriously, do you really think Germans in 1930 were concerned with upholding American ideas of conservatism? Are you really THAT fucking retarded? Are you going to hold Julius Caesar to US Constitutional standards too? You are actually making the EXACT argument that leftists retards make when bitching about the founding fathers because they owned slaves and that’s not cool anymore.

You can’t judge the past and especially the past in foreign cultures by your own modern, national standards and expect to understand a goddamn thing. You are simply moralizing like a sore leftist pussy, and that’s no coincidence because you are following the left’s talking points on Nazis.

I majored in history and yes, I will tell you something about it you dumb faggot. That’s why I study it in the first place, to educate the ignorant.

Furlefonce ago

Keep rambling along... You repeat proving that you totally lack the necessary resolution to grasp the gist of the problem.

And since you obviously don’t figure shit what makes you believe you could understand my answer, moron?

Communists alike Nazis were tribalist shitheads like you that were completely absorbed in thinking along lines of power and submission because of their NPD underlying their immature and superficial understanding of arguments, incidents, and obvious patterns. Without standing a chance to ever solving the riddle.

You, pussy, couldn’t contribute a single fart towards Trump’s and Qteam’s undertaking to resolve centuries/ millennia of ever repeating history. “Those who don’t understand history are doomed to repeat it.” That’s you, sweet summer child.

bb22 ago

Bet you’ve never seen this either, from a 1990 article way before he was a controversial political figure:

“Donald Trump appears to take aspects of his German background seriously. John Walter works for the Trump Organization, and when he visits Donald in his office, Ivana told a friend, he clicks his heels and says, “Heil Hitler,” possibly as a family joke.”

“Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed. Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office, as if it were a grenade. Hitler’s speeches, from his earliest days up through the Phony War of 1939, reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.””

““Did your cousin John give you the Hitler speeches?” I asked Trump.

Trump hesitated. “Who told you that?”

“I don’t remember,” I said.

“Actually, it was my friend Marty Davis from Paramount who gave me a copy of Mein Kampf, and he’s a Jew.” (“I did give him a book about Hitler,” Marty Davis said. “But it was My New Order, Hitler’s speeches, not Mein Kampf. I thought he would find it interesting. I am his friend, but I’m not Jewish.”)

Later, Trump returned to this subject. “If I had these speeches, and I am not saying that I do, I would never read them.””

Trump also praises Patton all the time as a great general, one of our greatest, and he was. But you know what? Patton was assassinated because he knew, and began saying at the end of war, that we fought the wrong side, and should have went to war with the Soviet Communists. Patton hated Jews too. He was an American hero.

Furlefonce ago

Patton indeed was a great man. And Hitler feared him the most since he (Patton) naturally had everything that Hitler lacked: Integrity, morals, scruples, sense of responsibility and duty, walking the talk, a handshake more reliable than all paper work, respect - even and especially from enemies, faithful, decent, dedicated, ...

A lot of what he appreciated when he learned about the Germans. They are decent, faithful, crafty, ...

Hitler had none of these qualities. Albert Speer (Hitler’s master planner and architect) recalled conversations with Hitler where “the Führer” for hours wanted Speer to talk about how they would see “NY burn with their skyscrapers like torches”.

Hitler - though just another abused puppet by the Cabal - is pretty much exactly like the people Trump will take down: He had no positive vision for the Germans. All he dreamed about was dominance and beating others into submission.

He - most likely - wasn’t “wrong” with his observations about jews manipulating from the shadows. Putin said in 2013 that 85% of the first Duma was jewish. But Hitler utterly lacked all necessary skills which is why he ended as just another useful idiot.

Q(+) didn’t and will never show respect for Hitler. And I totally get why.

bb22 ago

I'm reading your post looking for verifiable facts instead of just subjective opinions and I'm coming up seeing nothing of substance at all. Instead you sound like an emotional woman. And you may in fact be a woman, which would explain your flowery faggot language that no native English speaker uses unless they are a total loser.

I should have known better than to talk to a retarded German. You motherfuckers are among the most brainwashed people in the world today, no joke. Europe in general is much more fucked than the US and you're just one more example of that.

I don't read books by people I don't respect. I don't think Trump would, either.

Furlefonce ago

Bless your heart, my friend

bb22 ago

Hug a Muslim for me cunt. Hopefully they'll be strapped with explosives.

Furlefonce ago

Thanks for the laughs, buddy

Again: Bless your heart, be well, be safe


bb22 ago

I don't give a fuck if you laugh. You're just a bag of emotions anyway, and still dumb as fuck.

Furlefonce ago

I truly, honestly thank you 🙏

Be well and take care. 😉

bb22 ago

I understand what you post as easily as I understand a drunk rambling fool. It’s not difficult. Nazis were evil because they burned tranny books and violated a non existent 1st amendment etc etc, but the tranny commies were fine, even though the same Bolshevik fags just murdered 20 million in Russia.

What would you do if you were in 1930s Germany? Start a third party? Would that be your solution, genius?

You sound like a 13 year old trying too hard to use flowery faggot language. You must be a real loser in real life.

fuckingmockies ago

Nazis (NAtional socialists) were socialists, i.e. tribalists just like communists.

Stopped reading here because you're retarded. They were fascist capitalists. I know the word "socialist" in their name can be tricky, but don't let it fool you.

Who do communists hate more than anyone else? Nazi's. So I'm not sure why you think they're just alike lol.

Revised ago

Perhaps it would be more appropriate to say they behave exactly the same.

There is a difference in their agendas from the POV of their grass root followers, but both lead to the same destruction. Not so much difference from the POV of the leaders. Power and control over everything and everyone.

fuckingmockies ago

I can't wait for you Boomers to die out. It's not about power and authority. It's about racial conflict.

The Bolsheviks were a Jewish clique that seized power in Russia and slaughtered tens of millions of Russians.

When Jewish communists then attempted the same coup on German, the Nazis resisted and formed a government based on the principle that Germans would be unified as a homogenous people to protect themselves from outside, malicious forces.

It took the entire world to stop them and now they're reviled as the most evil thing mankind has ever done - they dared to resist Jewish power.

General George Patton said we fought the wrong enemy in WWII, and he was right.

Revised ago

It was never resisting Jewish power that caused Nazis to be reviled by the entire world. It is their evil intent to destroy all who do not agree with their warped view of their own superiority and serve them under brutal rule. Much like Islam.

fuckingmockies ago

Lmfao you're retarded.

Revised ago

Funny how a retard just nailed it.

Furlefonce ago

So I'm not sure why you think they're just alike

Totally believe you. If you understood my point you wouldn’t come up with that bull.

Just to give it to you from another angle:

AOC, Tlaib, Omar, Cummings, Sharpton, and every single other loudmouth is also totally convinced that they have it all figured out. Which is the reason why they’re rambling that shit in the first place.

You, my friend, right now do not comprehend the difference between “a critical individual thinking for him-/herself” and “someone totally absorbed and identified with groupthink”

So, no it’s not “tricky”. It’s You not getting the gist of it. That’s why it appears confusing. National socialists were socialists in that they killed individual thinking/ identity, put so much emphasis in “Gleichschaltung” - which is the exact same thing Obama did with the media following up on Bill Clinton’s concentration of corporate media.

I am a little bit more and longer interested in that topic since my grandpa spent 6 years in concentration camp Sachsenhausen. And: No, it wasn’t a death camp.

fuckingmockies ago

Oooh, you're a Jew. This explains much.

Well, friend, one day soon your meddlesome race will be purged off the face of the Earth.

redtoe_skipper ago

Fuckingmockies, even nationalist could be critical of Hitler or the NSDAP agenda. e.g Canaris. He was a nationalist. And a very smart one at that, till his luck ran out in the 1944 purges coming about as a result of Operation Valkyrie.

Gleichschaltung, is basically, "to bring on equal footing", or a resetting of watches at the same time, synchronization, is the implementation of social reform with the aim of equity between people, communities, and states.

Here is an entry from wiki, take it as you will:

While greater German social and economic unity was produced through the Gleichschaltung initiatives of the regime, it was at the expense of individuality and to the social detriment of any nonconformist;[37] and worse—it contributed to and reinforced the social and racial exclusion of anyone deemed an enemy by National Socialist doctrine.[38][b]

I was wondering about this. SDAP and others have tried for 15 years to get things into gear. Even appealed to the french for a union, to have them as a security guarantor (1921/1922 Geneva) Did not work out. But the social and economic effects on domestic matters are not really taken into account, whereas the wins by the political correct choice (see commies in USSR) are touted, and failures scrubbed.

Furlefonce ago

Boy, oh boy, ...

If my grandfather or anybody close to in my family had been jewish my grandpa wouldn’t have been taken to Sachsenhausen but to Auschwitz, Treblinka, ... He was military police and critical towards Nazis since before 1933.

Do yourself a favor and look into Hitler and “Gleichschaltung”.

Hitler, like Stalin, like Mao, like Polpot, like Che + Castros brothers have one common denominator: They are authoritarians abusing collectivism to shut down the individual. And Obama tried the same shit in a slick and soft version preparing the grounds for Hillary. Remember 16yrs plan?

Revised ago

Being a Boomer, I have heard far more than enough from first hand witnesses to know how false the "Nazi's were the good guys" line is.

See also Thule Society for a lesson in the formative influences and the evil that it truly represents.

bb22 ago

Oh great, the boomer is bragging about trusting kikes now. Do you know how many people have been busted for lying about being in the Holocaust or having family in it? No, I doubt you do. Why would people lie about such a thing, do you think? How can a survivor possibly survive multiple fucking death camps if they are final destinations? I bet you didn’t know Auschwitz had a pool and theater for inmates either. Before you accuse other people of being children of Satan, maybe you should check the lies you are spreading yourself, you ignorant cunt.

Revised ago

If true, seems Nazi's and (((they)) would be BFF's.

VicariousJambi ago

So as Q says, you've been lied to your whole life, but can't imagine people have lied about the holocaust? Really?

Maybe I should have been more specific. This is a good documentary as in introduction to the topic. You don't even need to watch all of it, hell, by the first half hour he already uses the primary sources to make the holocaust claim look silly.

One Third of the Holocaust -

sbt2160p ago

Hitler was a zionist. That doesn’t make him wrong for standing up to the international banking system and judeo-bolshevism.