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nevergiveup2them ago

I would really like to know what it is the loving evangelical Christians are dong that makes him so mad? Love God and each other? Support Freedom and human rights? Personal accountability? Being happy?

Revised ago

You nailed it.

Democrats cannot tolerate these things so the stand firmly behind their Brown Shirts.

fuckingmockies ago

Brown Shirts? The Nazi's were the good guys in WWII, buddy.

Revised ago

I can understand why children of Satan would say so.

fuckingmockies ago

Alright, so you have literally no understanding of history. You're a Boomer, right? You're somehow aware that all warfare is based on lies and propoganda and that the winners lies get recorded as history - except for WWII. Yeah, there were totally death camps and mad Nazi scientists lmfao.

Furlefonce ago

Nazis (NAtional socialists) were socialists, i.e. tribalists just like communists.

They - like everyone who gives credence and limits his perception to the left/right-paradigm - reject(ed), abhor(red) and combat(ted) individual reasoning, individual growth, and learning, true responsibility, freedom of speech and critical thinking, the right of individuals to be armed as a means against despotism and ultimately worship(ped) the anonymous collective and statism as an idol.

They were useful idiots. Fighting against other useful idiots. Just like RIGHT NOW “right wingers” fighting against the “left”. The stupidity is EXACTLY the same. Wrong tree.

History is useless if you fall from one stupid version of (hi)story to/ for the next version of (hi)story.

For those awake history is a tremendous teacher. For the idiots - that behave like you - it’s just another justification to engage in and write another chapter of “endless ever repeating war”.

fuckingmockies ago

Nazis (NAtional socialists) were socialists, i.e. tribalists just like communists.

Stopped reading here because you're retarded. They were fascist capitalists. I know the word "socialist" in their name can be tricky, but don't let it fool you.

Who do communists hate more than anyone else? Nazi's. So I'm not sure why you think they're just alike lol.

Furlefonce ago

So I'm not sure why you think they're just alike

Totally believe you. If you understood my point you wouldn’t come up with that bull.

Just to give it to you from another angle:

AOC, Tlaib, Omar, Cummings, Sharpton, and every single other loudmouth is also totally convinced that they have it all figured out. Which is the reason why they’re rambling that shit in the first place.

You, my friend, right now do not comprehend the difference between “a critical individual thinking for him-/herself” and “someone totally absorbed and identified with groupthink”

So, no it’s not “tricky”. It’s You not getting the gist of it. That’s why it appears confusing. National socialists were socialists in that they killed individual thinking/ identity, put so much emphasis in “Gleichschaltung” - which is the exact same thing Obama did with the media following up on Bill Clinton’s concentration of corporate media.

I am a little bit more and longer interested in that topic since my grandpa spent 6 years in concentration camp Sachsenhausen. And: No, it wasn’t a death camp.

fuckingmockies ago

Oooh, you're a Jew. This explains much.

Well, friend, one day soon your meddlesome race will be purged off the face of the Earth.

Furlefonce ago

Boy, oh boy, ...

If my grandfather or anybody close to in my family had been jewish my grandpa wouldn’t have been taken to Sachsenhausen but to Auschwitz, Treblinka, ... He was military police and critical towards Nazis since before 1933.

Do yourself a favor and look into Hitler and “Gleichschaltung”.

Hitler, like Stalin, like Mao, like Polpot, like Che + Castros brothers have one common denominator: They are authoritarians abusing collectivism to shut down the individual. And Obama tried the same shit in a slick and soft version preparing the grounds for Hillary. Remember 16yrs plan?