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nevergiveup2them ago

I would really like to know what it is the loving evangelical Christians are dong that makes him so mad? Love God and each other? Support Freedom and human rights? Personal accountability? Being happy?

Revised ago

You nailed it.

Democrats cannot tolerate these things so the stand firmly behind their Brown Shirts.

fuckingmockies ago

Brown Shirts? The Nazi's were the good guys in WWII, buddy.

Revised ago

I can understand why children of Satan would say so.

fuckingmockies ago

Alright, so you have literally no understanding of history. You're a Boomer, right? You're somehow aware that all warfare is based on lies and propoganda and that the winners lies get recorded as history - except for WWII. Yeah, there were totally death camps and mad Nazi scientists lmfao.

Furlefonce ago

Nazis (NAtional socialists) were socialists, i.e. tribalists just like communists.

They - like everyone who gives credence and limits his perception to the left/right-paradigm - reject(ed), abhor(red) and combat(ted) individual reasoning, individual growth, and learning, true responsibility, freedom of speech and critical thinking, the right of individuals to be armed as a means against despotism and ultimately worship(ped) the anonymous collective and statism as an idol.

They were useful idiots. Fighting against other useful idiots. Just like RIGHT NOW “right wingers” fighting against the “left”. The stupidity is EXACTLY the same. Wrong tree.

History is useless if you fall from one stupid version of (hi)story to/ for the next version of (hi)story.

For those awake history is a tremendous teacher. For the idiots - that behave like you - it’s just another justification to engage in and write another chapter of “endless ever repeating war”.

bb22 ago

FDR was more socialist than Hitler.

Furlefonce ago

A) Though shalt not compare misery.

B) I see aspects where I get how you come to that conviction

C) I see aspects in which I certainly have to disagree. Like freedom of speech, freedom of association, all of jurisdiction, killing centuries of culture, 2a, SA n SS, indoctrination via Hitlerjugend/ BDM, medical experiments and torture (Your CIA torture manual is basically translated from German), shutting down and eliminating dissent, vanishing people, instilling an intangible ever present mood of fear, “Gleichschaltung”, ...

bb22 ago

Germany never had freedom of speech you dumbass. They were literally coming right off the heels of being under a Kaiser and had no experience at all with our form of republic. Do you know anything at all about German history?

Here’s an enlightening article for you:

It was the books of these transgenderism-promoting communist faggots that the Nazis burned, and I would have burned them too. And before you go all rah rah USA freedom of speech, you should know that after the war, the Allies burned far more books in Germany than the Nazis ever did.

Also, the Nazis were socialist economically but conservative socially. Freedom of speech and all the rest are not economic issues. Learn the difference.

Furlefonce ago

Projection much ... while you’re certainly not wrong that freedom of speech was never written into law, Germany had a very vivid and meaningful tolerance towards exchanging opinion and public discourse.

Schiller, Goethe, Lessing, Heine, Schopenhauer, Kant, ... were hugely respected but feared also because of their knowledgeable discourse. Criticizing the emperor was off, sure. But this emperor also had his power founded on a basis of natural law, i.e. a) there were real citizens, and b) they were regarded as humans. And this frame based on the tradition of roman continental law was a centerpiece of our culture. And it worked.

“Conservative in terms of THEIR culture” is cultural relativism 101. You’re talking bullshit. I am “German” and it has nothing to do with conservatism. It’s simply authoritarianism and in that socialist to its very core. In other words: “Germany” still doesn’t get it which is exactly why someone like Maas is - this week - trying to form a coalition for new and more migrants.

The discourse in Germany is mostly limited to “You reject Globalism means you want to reinstate the Kaiser”. That’s the level of stupidity we’re talking about.

Don’t try to teach me about my history.

bb22 ago

“Projection much ... while you’re certainly not wrong that freedom of speech was never written into law, Germany had a very vivid and meaningful tolerance towards exchanging opinion and public discourse.”

I don’t think you know what the word “projection” means, retard.

Nice job backtracking on essentially bitching about the Nazis violating a First Amendment that they never fucking had.

And here’s another clue you fucking moron. And seriously, do you really think Germans in 1930 were concerned with upholding American ideas of conservatism? Are you really THAT fucking retarded? Are you going to hold Julius Caesar to US Constitutional standards too? You are actually making the EXACT argument that leftists retards make when bitching about the founding fathers because they owned slaves and that’s not cool anymore.

You can’t judge the past and especially the past in foreign cultures by your own modern, national standards and expect to understand a goddamn thing. You are simply moralizing like a sore leftist pussy, and that’s no coincidence because you are following the left’s talking points on Nazis.

I majored in history and yes, I will tell you something about it you dumb faggot. That’s why I study it in the first place, to educate the ignorant.

Furlefonce ago

Keep rambling along... You repeat proving that you totally lack the necessary resolution to grasp the gist of the problem.

And since you obviously don’t figure shit what makes you believe you could understand my answer, moron?

Communists alike Nazis were tribalist shitheads like you that were completely absorbed in thinking along lines of power and submission because of their NPD underlying their immature and superficial understanding of arguments, incidents, and obvious patterns. Without standing a chance to ever solving the riddle.

You, pussy, couldn’t contribute a single fart towards Trump’s and Qteam’s undertaking to resolve centuries/ millennia of ever repeating history. “Those who don’t understand history are doomed to repeat it.” That’s you, sweet summer child.

bb22 ago

Bet you’ve never seen this either, from a 1990 article way before he was a controversial political figure:

“Donald Trump appears to take aspects of his German background seriously. John Walter works for the Trump Organization, and when he visits Donald in his office, Ivana told a friend, he clicks his heels and says, “Heil Hitler,” possibly as a family joke.”

“Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed. Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office, as if it were a grenade. Hitler’s speeches, from his earliest days up through the Phony War of 1939, reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.””

““Did your cousin John give you the Hitler speeches?” I asked Trump.

Trump hesitated. “Who told you that?”

“I don’t remember,” I said.

“Actually, it was my friend Marty Davis from Paramount who gave me a copy of Mein Kampf, and he’s a Jew.” (“I did give him a book about Hitler,” Marty Davis said. “But it was My New Order, Hitler’s speeches, not Mein Kampf. I thought he would find it interesting. I am his friend, but I’m not Jewish.”)

Later, Trump returned to this subject. “If I had these speeches, and I am not saying that I do, I would never read them.””

Trump also praises Patton all the time as a great general, one of our greatest, and he was. But you know what? Patton was assassinated because he knew, and began saying at the end of war, that we fought the wrong side, and should have went to war with the Soviet Communists. Patton hated Jews too. He was an American hero.

Furlefonce ago

Patton indeed was a great man. And Hitler feared him the most since he (Patton) naturally had everything that Hitler lacked: Integrity, morals, scruples, sense of responsibility and duty, walking the talk, a handshake more reliable than all paper work, respect - even and especially from enemies, faithful, decent, dedicated, ...

A lot of what he appreciated when he learned about the Germans. They are decent, faithful, crafty, ...

Hitler had none of these qualities. Albert Speer (Hitler’s master planner and architect) recalled conversations with Hitler where “the Führer” for hours wanted Speer to talk about how they would see “NY burn with their skyscrapers like torches”.

Hitler - though just another abused puppet by the Cabal - is pretty much exactly like the people Trump will take down: He had no positive vision for the Germans. All he dreamed about was dominance and beating others into submission.

He - most likely - wasn’t “wrong” with his observations about jews manipulating from the shadows. Putin said in 2013 that 85% of the first Duma was jewish. But Hitler utterly lacked all necessary skills which is why he ended as just another useful idiot.

Q(+) didn’t and will never show respect for Hitler. And I totally get why.

bb22 ago

I'm reading your post looking for verifiable facts instead of just subjective opinions and I'm coming up seeing nothing of substance at all. Instead you sound like an emotional woman. And you may in fact be a woman, which would explain your flowery faggot language that no native English speaker uses unless they are a total loser.

I should have known better than to talk to a retarded German. You motherfuckers are among the most brainwashed people in the world today, no joke. Europe in general is much more fucked than the US and you're just one more example of that.

I don't read books by people I don't respect. I don't think Trump would, either.

Furlefonce ago

Bless your heart, my friend

bb22 ago

Hug a Muslim for me cunt. Hopefully they'll be strapped with explosives.

Furlefonce ago

Thanks for the laughs, buddy

Again: Bless your heart, be well, be safe


bb22 ago

I don't give a fuck if you laugh. You're just a bag of emotions anyway, and still dumb as fuck.

Furlefonce ago

I truly, honestly thank you 🙏

Be well and take care. 😉