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nevergiveup2them ago

I would really like to know what it is the loving evangelical Christians are dong that makes him so mad? Love God and each other? Support Freedom and human rights? Personal accountability? Being happy?

Revised ago

You nailed it.

Democrats cannot tolerate these things so the stand firmly behind their Brown Shirts.

fuckingmockies ago

Brown Shirts? The Nazi's were the good guys in WWII, buddy.

Revised ago

I can understand why children of Satan would say so.

fuckingmockies ago

Alright, so you have literally no understanding of history. You're a Boomer, right? You're somehow aware that all warfare is based on lies and propoganda and that the winners lies get recorded as history - except for WWII. Yeah, there were totally death camps and mad Nazi scientists lmfao.

Furlefonce ago

Nazis (NAtional socialists) were socialists, i.e. tribalists just like communists.

They - like everyone who gives credence and limits his perception to the left/right-paradigm - reject(ed), abhor(red) and combat(ted) individual reasoning, individual growth, and learning, true responsibility, freedom of speech and critical thinking, the right of individuals to be armed as a means against despotism and ultimately worship(ped) the anonymous collective and statism as an idol.

They were useful idiots. Fighting against other useful idiots. Just like RIGHT NOW “right wingers” fighting against the “left”. The stupidity is EXACTLY the same. Wrong tree.

History is useless if you fall from one stupid version of (hi)story to/ for the next version of (hi)story.

For those awake history is a tremendous teacher. For the idiots - that behave like you - it’s just another justification to engage in and write another chapter of “endless ever repeating war”.

fuckingmockies ago

Nazis (NAtional socialists) were socialists, i.e. tribalists just like communists.

Stopped reading here because you're retarded. They were fascist capitalists. I know the word "socialist" in their name can be tricky, but don't let it fool you.

Who do communists hate more than anyone else? Nazi's. So I'm not sure why you think they're just alike lol.

Revised ago

Perhaps it would be more appropriate to say they behave exactly the same.

There is a difference in their agendas from the POV of their grass root followers, but both lead to the same destruction. Not so much difference from the POV of the leaders. Power and control over everything and everyone.

fuckingmockies ago

I can't wait for you Boomers to die out. It's not about power and authority. It's about racial conflict.

The Bolsheviks were a Jewish clique that seized power in Russia and slaughtered tens of millions of Russians.

When Jewish communists then attempted the same coup on German, the Nazis resisted and formed a government based on the principle that Germans would be unified as a homogenous people to protect themselves from outside, malicious forces.

It took the entire world to stop them and now they're reviled as the most evil thing mankind has ever done - they dared to resist Jewish power.

General George Patton said we fought the wrong enemy in WWII, and he was right.

Revised ago

It was never resisting Jewish power that caused Nazis to be reviled by the entire world. It is their evil intent to destroy all who do not agree with their warped view of their own superiority and serve them under brutal rule. Much like Islam.

fuckingmockies ago

Lmfao you're retarded.

Revised ago

Funny how a retard just nailed it.