new4now ago

I have confirmation of a Sawyer, Veterans for Child Recuse, helped with a pedo bust in Utah

Operation Blue M&M

I get a 404 on the Vets home page, so dead end on that one

@Vindicator This should make ya smile :)

still digging, will do more on both, but thought I'd share it with you right away

SearchVoatBot ago

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new4now ago

There's diffently smear campaigns going,

but who is the real victim?

here are some links to Fiona's side

In this link she covers a lot of stuff

Her Father, Bond Pysch docs, and other stuff

this one addresses Sawyers daughter

Going to look up as much as I can

Fiona has a lot out there

then will dig on Sawyer

not sure how honeybear got dragged into this, but I digging

Jenny Moore in the mix, who's story isnt as clear cut as some say, is really interesting

I need a lot more info

so much as happened and is happening

easy to leave something I had to many questions on

maybe, working together, we can get to the truth

new4now ago

I've read Holmseths work in Florida, they went after him hard, he even went to court on it

luckily he had his evidence to back himself up

I wasnt aware he was a bodyguard to Hillary and McCain, that sure stands out to me

sry I missed you post

remember when camp story broke, there was something about the timing that bothered me

it sure divided people

Seals have been in the news lately, not for good reasons either

Thanks, good post 👍

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You're welcome.

new4now ago

you are probaly the most Thanked person here

keep up the good work

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Well, Thank You. You keep posting, I'll keep reading.

new4now ago

and archive everything 😁

Vindicator ago

Can anyone read the images Barnett posted on her site as "evidence"? They were too small for me to make out much, and didn't expand when I clicked on them. No links to originals.

Seems fishy, unless I am not doing it right.

SandHog ago

No, I can't make out any of them. Either she is completely inept or it's intentional. I tried saving one to disk and the resolution is shit so all you can see is blur when you try and blow them up.

Vindicator ago

Of course. /sigh

Vindicator ago

Here's a deleted tweet from Barnett going after a whole bunch of people. This smearing is not the behavior of someone who cares about the kids.

new4now ago

if you scroll down a ways, you can find out why she going after some of these people

she has honeybee hooked in with the Gambino Family

this is getting thick

seems she is going by what someone told her and I think the fact most had blocked her

Vindicator ago

she has honeybee hooked in with the Gambino Family

Did she provide any actual evidence of that? From what I've had time to look into so far, she is prone to making dishonest, misleading statements to paint people she doesn't like in the worst possible light, which is completely unacceptable.

new4now ago

as I said, she seems to be going by what someone said to her, check it out in the link

am finding other Fiona stuff, that in comments mention honeybee, but in a good way

seems she has grouped all of them because they know each other somehow

you need to read it yourself

Vindicator ago

Okay. I just read it. Here's the direct link to the hit piece.

Sure enough, she provides ZERO evidence for any of her claims about Honeybee, or about Sawyer. It's just a big story based on hearsay, loaded with ludicrous claims that Honeybee is part of the Gambino crime syndicate, and Sawyer is filthy rich, a fraud and has never rescued a kid.

She goes after Hoffman because he apparently had a contract dispute with one of the people in his documentary. She shows a response letter from the attorney of the person, but no corresponding info from Hoffman. This is the only "spectacular evidence" presented that An Open Secret is "a shitty CIA front." She claims "In 2015, Gabe Hoffman threatened to sue one of the victims for outing Hoffman and his film as a fake" and doesn't address the breached agreement mentioned in the attorney letter at all. She gives no evidence the guy "outed" Hoffman, either.

This is really, really bad. Straight up hit jobs on multiple people trying to help kids based on rumor and innuendo. I can't believe anyone in our subverse supports this!

@think- @Sandhog

argosciv ago


Wait till you see what I just found...

new4now ago

nothing solid, for sure

as for honeybee, she goes by info given to her by Michele Weingart

her cousin is married to honeybee's cousin ..... therefore

nothing solid

and Sawyer was part of the bust in Utah

The Vets are the ones that placed the ad on Craigs List

Something stinks for sure

think- ago

The Vets are the ones that placed the ad on Craigs List

Which ad?

Vindicator ago

her cousin is married to honeybee's cousin

Has anyone actually confirmed that?

new4now ago

not that I know

there was Frank Costello, but he wasnt with Gambino

She's from Arizona

only place you see the names are on Fiona's twit

argosciv ago

I'm in the process of digging into this right now.

So far, bits and pieces of the claims check out, others not so much.

Yet to find anything at all linking Honeybee to Weingart.

SandHog ago

She has always been like that. I don't think there is anyone out there she hasn't attacked or accused of being a spook. Her rebuttal today was also weak as hell and didn't address most of the claims against her.

Hoffman is a hypocrite and I don't trust him at all. Same thing with Enty from CDAN. Gabe talks all this shit like he cares about helping and then goes on a 2-part podcast with Enty about the Singer shit and that's locked behind a fucking paywall. Then he pulls the same shit Fiona does and calls other people liars and frauds and slinging accusations around that come from suspect sources.

You would think that a guy who cares so much about protecting children and also has a friend that 'knows' all of hollywood's dirty little secrets might actually fucking do something to stop the pedos.

Vindicator ago

Yeah this appears to be about attention and money for most of these people, which is why I never followed any of them. The sheer lack of...seriousness...of most of what I read looking into this is quite telling. The lack of sources. The lack of evidence. The wild claims. The backstabbing. It's just wrong. No honor.

think- ago

Yeah this appears to be about attention


and money

...and also this.

SandHog ago

I think sums it up pretty well.

SandHog ago

Agreed. I wonder what Kappy has to say about all of this. Looks like he did a periscope yesterday. I haven't watched it yet but might be something of interest in there somewhere.

Vindicator ago

Just watched. At 2:30 someone asks him if he thinks Fiona is a fake. He says "Well, Fiona accused some people that I know that are really good people of some really bad stuff. So..." rubs his mouth "that wasn't cool. So, I reached out to her about it and she hasn't gotten back to me since. So..." shrugs open-handed "do what you will with that." Mentions it again at 6:25 (but doesn't say anything new).

At 8:20, someone asks him if he has talked to Mikey. He says yes, and that he had to have emergency surgery and then had to move out two days afterward and may be homeless. A few minutes later he says it was really really shitty.

At 13:12 he's asked "have you seen the new Fiona Hit piece? it has like 1000 links and 80 pages....was definitely C..I..A". He says "I've seen some of it. It's not entirely accurate, I'll tell you that. I had some weirdo try to like get me to give up Fiona's address? ...I didn't go through the whole thing, though. To be honest, when she stopped...well, uh...David Shurter attacked me on Twitter -- which, by the way I don't have Twitter and I can't defend myself -- he said that Ella High and I were trying to set Fiona up. Which is fucking stupid and uh..." rolls eyes "didn't appreciate that and she was not online to like dispute that, so" shaking head "really dumb! Really dumb shit! So people are like 'Fiona Fiona' and I'm like" waves hand away dismissively "I reached out, she hasn't reached back to fix the situation," frown "so there we are. Like I would waste my fucking time to go to Australia to set up Fiona." Shakes head, closes eyes. "Ugh. So stupid." ...Really, the only victim I'm talking to is Mikey, 'cause...yeah.

At 17:03 they are talking about how many fakes there are and a guy says "Fiona is not 100%" and Kappy sucks a breath of his teeth, bobs his head back and forth in a yes/no manner and says "I have questions now after she slandered good people.

In only made it to 25:00.

argosciv ago

Watching this now too.

Interesting scope. I obviously have issues with some of the ludicrous claims that Kappy's made in the past, but, this is actually a rare time I find myself impressed by Kappy.

Not just with regards to Fiona, either.

He actually takes the time to mention Kutcher being so close to Scientology through Masterson.

Props when they're due.

@Crensch @srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter @new4now

argosciv ago

SandHog ago

Yeah. I think he is a genuine guy that really wanted to help but was completely unprepared for the push-back he received. He pretty much nuked any decent future employment opportunities for himself by doing what he did and the manner he did it in. He should have been smart enough to know that taking a troll pic of him with Brock would blow up in his face. It's just easy ammo to use against him and if he actually was working for Brock he would certainly have been aware of that.

SandHog ago

Yeah, I watched it last night. Seems like he just wants to get away from all of it and move onto something else. He said he started a youtube channel and wants to start a podcast but I get the feeling that he'll move on from the pedo-related stuff. I think he was very naive about how things would go when he got in the spotlight by talking about Seth Green.

new4now ago

not at all, wonder what changed?

will see what you guys all came up with

very intriguing, was iffy on the camp, could see both sides, but if this is a big smear against him, he must have some interesting knowledge

thought he strange he was back in news, but followed the links you and shizy gave

was hoping for interesting comments, looks like a rabbit hole you fell in

think- ago

if this is a big smear against him, he must have some interesting knowledge

Craig Sawyer is fishy imo. I don't know why Fiona doesn't like him.

Unfortunately getting attacked by her doesn't automatically mean he's legit.

@Vindicator @SandHog

Vindicator ago

I don't know why Fiona doesn't like him.

Why is she attacking anybody? THAT is the question. And why is she pushing blatant falsehoods to smear people? If she was attacking you the way she is attacking Sawyer, what would you want people following her to do?

new4now ago

and now she is being attacked

there hasnt been that many subjects where us goats took different sides, but given some time and more info, one side got burned

stay tuned, I think more will be coming out

his stories sound like a combination of many things I have read

his non profit is like the CF, they got busted working in states they did not register in

Corey talk, nothing burger, then the fraud comes out

Confusion works wonders when your sitting on the fence

his reputation seems to be falling apart

easy to see he smack in the middle of what could be big news

Vindicator ago

his non profit is like the CF, they got busted working in states they did not register in

Is there evidence of this? If so, please post it.

new4now ago

maybe Sawyer hasnt been busted or fined yet, but allegation in first link is reminisce of the CF

Vindicator ago

Thanks for the links :-)

SandHog ago

I don't trust him either. I trust Fiona a fuck of a lot less though. Some very shady shit going n with her and her twitter army as I only recently discovered.

Vindicator ago

was hoping for interesting comments, looks like a rabbit hole you fell in


think- ago

I'm glad that you did the post about Fiona, Vin. Hopefully, we will be able to figure out a thing or two about some people.

Vindicator ago

Well, I finally obtained the irrefutable evidence of Sawyer’s fraudulent and highly lucrative child advocacy business. Multiple former V4CR staff have blown the whistle on Sawyer’s crimes. And I mean crimes. Sawyer is only licensed to gather donations to his not-for-profit in 5 USA states. Yet he collects moneys from multiple states in which he is unregistered, and in which he is legally mandated to register. His latest target was Idaho.

This looks like a smear to me.

I don't know whether Sawyer is good or bad, but I do know a little bit about taxes. V4CR is (PDF) a registered 501c3, that has filed Form 990 and disclosed it's funds. Barnett appears to be claiming this is fake -- despite the fact 4VCR is subject to IRS review and is in good standing with the IRS.

Barnett is implying he is illegally collecting contributions, despite the fact that V4CR warns potential donors right on their site they are not yet registered in every state.

According to this article, not all state require it AND it is an extremely labor intensive and time consuming process for those who do.

Charitable nonprofits frequently think they need to register to solicit donations in all 50 states. Fortunately, not all states require this. The number of states that do require charitable solicitation registration varies in some circumstances (e.g., depending on the type of organization)...Currently, 37 states and D.C. broadly require charitable solicitation registration and renewal, unless a specific exemption applies.

There are 9 states that do not require charitable registration: Delaware, Iowa, Idaho, Indiana, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota, Vermont & Wyoming. Texas has limited registration requirements that are only applicable to law enforcement, public safety and veterans organizations. Arizona requires charitable veterans organizations to register if they are soliciting money or other support in the state. Finally, Louisiana only requires registration if a charity engages paid, professional solicitors to fundraise in their state, while Missouri exempts 501c3, 501c7 and 501c8 organizations, upon application.

The charity is quite new and only collected $552,004 last year. Seems a bit unfair to expect them to have been able to complete that exhaustive process already, let alone claim this is "irrefutable evidence of Sawyer’s fraudulent and highly lucrative" "crimes".

That is not an honest assessment based on evidence. This should raise major red flags for anyone genuinely interested in the truth about all these characters.

More info on charities:

@think- @Sandhog @Shizy @srayzie @MolochHunter

new4now ago

Thanks, didnt realize all thats been going on

know theres a lot of trafficking in Arizonia, and wasnt sure when he found that camp

Odd that so much coming out

need to catch up

Was hoping for more info on this, and now I have so much to read TY

SandHog ago

She's had a rage boner for him for a long time and has always been very spiteful. I don't know what started it or who attacked who first but her nuking all her social media when all that info came out is extremely damning, imo. As public as she has been she could easily explain or outright refute the allegations. Instead she ran away and hid from them.

I don't really trust Sawyer either though. He likes to pile onto whoever AnOpenSecret attacks without really digging into anything and I really, really don't trust AOS at all based on how he has comported himself over the last year or so. It's all such a tangled mess. Someone is gonna fuck up again and expose themselves at some point. It's only a matter of time.

Vindicator ago

I would really love it if you could put together a thread on who did/said what, when so we could have an official record of this tomfoolery. Maybe we could actually get to the bottom of it. I see these people occasionally pop up on my Twitter feed, but I've never paid too close of attention to any of them. I'm now at an extreme disadvantage trying to piece it all together.

I have realized tonight, though, that there is some kind of intersection between the Fiona gang and the ESOTERICshade crew we've been trying to get to the bottom of here on Voat. They're both involved in Jem777/Jenny Moore fiasco. Perhaps our admitted Mossad guy George Webb is at the heart of this?

SandHog ago

Yeah, I really should. I've been thinking about it for a while now. It's going to take some time though and a lot of it is based on video which presents a certain issue you brought up earlier. Also, I'd have have to go back through the video and pull timestamps and include summaries as to why it's important because noone is gonna want to watch a shit-ton of video and I don't blame them. I do have a pretty good handle on who did what and roughly when as I've been monitoring it pretty closely over the last year or so. If it would help getting to the why that would be extremely helpful in unraveling all of this shit. There are several organized groups of people that seem to intersect in all of this and it all seems to revolve around Michael Whalen coming forward and doing that first interview with Lift the Veil. At least that's where I started paying close attention again.

Vindicator ago

I think if you put together a timeline off the top of your head, with whatever easy-to-find links you have, we could all help fill it in. You could post links to the videos with a brief line about why you think they're important, and ask folks to help dig out the relevant timestamped material. We can crowdsource this.

Couple more things I found:

They were pushing the idea the Thai cave rescue of the boy scout troop implicated Sawyer in child trafficking.

I just found this hit job on Steemit, and this thread debunking it.

I would love to see the concerning stuff about An Open Secret. Haven't heard as much about that guy.

it all seems to revolve around Michael Whalen coming forward and doing that first interview with Lift the Veil.

Was that before, or after the Cemex property investigation where Sawyer showed up thinking there were kids to rescue and the Veterans On Patrol guy and him got sideways, and Sawyer deleted a video or changed his position or something?

SandHog ago

Hmm, I'm not sure who is who on steemit. Probably Fiona or a proxy of hers attacking Sawyer and him or a proxy debunking it

Was that before, or after the Cemex property investigation where Sawyer showed up thinking there were kids to rescue and the Veterans On Patrol guy and him got sideways, and Sawyer deleted a video or changed his position or something?

Timeline was VOP > Isaac Kappy > Whalen/Voodoo

Going back like 7 months ago or so for VOP

Shizy ago

Excellent info vindicator! Thank you.

Shizy ago

And then there's this that just happens to be blowing up right now regarding Fiona Barnett over on pizzagate:

new4now ago

Wow, didnt realize

knew there were two sides in regards to Sawyer

have to read all of it

didnt realize about Fiona


Shizy ago

No problem! I just found out about that and I'm still trying to make sense of it all.

new4now ago

was wondering if Fiona has fits like Amanda Bynes

Googled and saw some of what she twitted

one right after the other, didnt look at time,

all I could think was " You Ugly" lolol

The things Fiona talks about hard to read, but I believe it , I mean you cant just make that shit up

Then you get Kappy in there, and I'm like Where have I been

last thing I knew she was in hiding

as for Sawyer, knew there were 2 sides

personally I thought it could be homeless people

they will use whatever they can get their hands on to get out of the sun

seems I have to look at what started the feud

will look through link I found and posted

had info I can try to take further

I have "you ugly" stuck in my brain now

I've compromised myself lol

Vindicator ago

Yep. The trolls showed up in droves in that thread. We've got tons of research linked now in the comments about various people connected to Barnett.

argosciv ago

We've got tons of research linked now in the comments about various people connected to Barnett.

For example:

Aaaand BAM!:

I couldn't dredge up the tweet itself, but, duckduckgo still returns a result for a tweet in which she speaks of/to Jenny Moore and/about Craig Sawyer in a single context... quite strange.

[I wonder why Barnett purged her social media... trying to hide something?]


Here she is accusing HoneyBee and Craig Sawyer of being a CIA team:

Now, who was it that went on a campaign against or had a clash with HoneyBee?

Now check this shit out: |

@Crensch, didn't something else happen that you got involved with? Something to do with an accidentally removed comment?

@kevdude does that ring a bell?


M'bad, the situation I'm thinking of actually occurred in that very same submission.

The fucking funny part is that he lied about which comment was removed, so that he can appear as though he wasn't trying to provoke a negative reaction.

See page two("page=1") of the comment removal logs.

@Shizy @MolochHunter @srayzie

Vindicator ago

Now check this shit out

WTF? Esoteric tried to fuck up @Honeybee_'s thread with disinfo. Huh. Don't think I saw that at the time.

argosciv ago


I just love this reply to him from @Crensch. A thing of beauty, that one.

Again I must also point out that ES lied about which comment was deleted(verifiable by checking the comment removal logs), so that he could appear as though he wasn't also intentionally trying to get a rise out of @Honeybee_.

Vindicator ago

Again I must also point out that ES lied about which comment was deleted

Here's his comment. Seems to match the removed comment. I'm confused.

argosciv ago

Oh! My mistake, I was referring to the quote in the archived context - will amend, then zzz time.