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Piscina ago

Another mod circle jerk.

So now mods have taken to slandering and attempting to discredit victims of ritual abuse? Barnett has at least had the courage to call out fakes like Sawyer. She was the first one to do so.

Vindicator claims he 'never lies' and claims there are no Nazi mods, while Crensch his sidekick, is famous for his Nazi posts like this one and makes comments like this:

Fully 4 million of the original 6 million claim were supposed to have been from Auschwitz. They OFFICIALLY lowered that number to 1.2 million. Why do we still hear about the 6 million? Also, there were absolutely zero homicidal gassings at Auschwitz. Or, you know, homicidal anything. It's a lie. The nuremburg trials? Really?

CrenschStench ago

Crensch is vindicator or AKA MARK, just like srayzie is shizy and molochhunter are all the same. Vindicator will be scrubbing my comments soon, might want to check out before they go bye bye. I took pics in case!

sunajAeon ago

ALL SRA ALLEGATIONS have to be vetted before they can be trusted-that's investigational skills 101

SearchVoatBot ago

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Vindicator ago

I wondered when you'd pop up, Piscina. Maybe you could answer a few questions. Why is Barnett attacking so many people? Why have you destroyed your reputation here defending liar and manipulator ESOTERICshade? Why are you defending Barnett, whose claims are the exact same kind of dishonest smears of people trying to help kids? Why did you try to discredit Honeybee? Why did you try to discredit the mods who called out all this BS by claiming they were pedos with no evidence?

Are you part of the Barnett attack dog squad described in the anon's documentation?

Piscina ago

Wow, 'tried to discredit Honeybee'? I always had the highest respect for HoneyBee. I was one of her biggest fans. I saw that she had retweeted Ark of Hope whose ambassador is Blackhorn33, AFTER there had been a thread about Ark of Hope here on Voat. I tried contacting her for days, with no response. So I made a post on Voat asking why she was RTing Ark of Hope. I expected a simple explanation such as, 'Sorry, I didn't realise that Ark of Hope was dodgy', which would have been understandable as HoneyBee can't be expected to be across everything. Instead, what I got was a torrent of abuse from the mods, with their pinging one another. I had never seen this happen on Voat. The response from the mods was the most telling in this sorry saga. Instead of dealing with the issue honestly and reasonably, I was bullied. This begs the following questions:

  1. Why the immediate stonewalling?
  2. Why did the mods jump to conclusions and go into attack mode immediately?
  3. Why did mods surround HoneyBee to protect, without admitting she may have made a mistake?

All I did was ask a reasonable question, and I got gangstalked in response. It was the reaction to my post which caused suspicion and led me to the conclusion that something was not right. A simple and honest response would have fixed the issue, but instead the mods incriminated themselves.

Vindicator ago

You are rewriting history. You did not "make a post asking why she was RTing Ark of Hope". You pushed the idea she was in league with pedos. I encourage everyone to have a look. Here's the post:

Why is The Honey Bee Melissa promoting shady Ark of Hope for Children (pizzagate)

submitted 5 months ago by [deleted]

Honey Bee, Melissa; Tracy Beanz; and Hagmann Report are supporting Ark of Hope for Children--a group that we here have discussed a few times. I am in shock that they are associating themselves with Ark of Hope for Children, which is linked to NCMEC.

This is Honeybee retweeting Ark of Hope:

This is Ark of Hope's pinned tweet showcasing the names of Tracy Beanz, Hagmann Report and others.

Ark of Hope is a very shady organisation that purports to be anti-child-trafficking but in reality does nothing except perhaps signal to other pedos that they are in the same business.

You provided no proof in the original version of the thread of any of this -- it was merely an unsourced claim about Honeybee, as you admit, here:

**Piscina [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 6 months ago ** In fact, it was edited. I was asked to prove that honeybee had retweeted arkofhope, and I added a screenshot. I was also asked to provide evidence that aoh was in league with Tracy beanz and hagmann report and I added a screen shot of that. What you're doing is sad.

Nowhere did you ever prove Honeybee was affiliated with AOH or had any knowledge whatsoever of any "shadiness". She retweeted the meme they posted about supporting survivors, and you put together a whole thread lambasting her for it. If you "had the highest respect for Honeybee" you would have tried to inform her about your concerns about the organization before making an entire thread trying to paint her as a pedophile protector.

The second link you added purporting to show Beanz, Hagmann et al "in league" with AOH showed no connection at all, other than they had endorsed the same independently created A Child's Voice movie that AOH was endorsing. The producers of that film got dozens of children's groups to endorse it, most of whom have no affiliation with each other at all. Yet you posted it as if it was proof they're all employed by AOH. A completely dishonest attempt to fabricate evidence for your claims of collusion.

This post was ultimately removed when you failed to address the other baseless claims I pointed out, such as the one where you claimed the AoH founder was pushing child love:

"Ark of Hope's founder is Blair Corbett. He also founded the Good Men Project: You will see that he has posted an article on a Dutch court legalising a 'child love' (aka pedophilia) group. Blair talks about the 'battle for the hearts of oppressed children'."

without supplying any actual direct links to specific evidence of this, just a general link to his bio. A look at the article in question makes it very clear Corbett is raising a red flag about government-enabled abuse by pedo groups -- the exact OPPOSITE of the meaning you claimed. You acted as if this link -- which you mention but did not provide -- supported the negative you were trying to prove. Again, this is a blatantly disingenuous, manipulative tactic.

Finally, when called out on all these baseless claims and outright lies, you feigned innocence and lied some more:

I never accused HoneyBee of anything; I asked her to explain some issues. I did not draw a conclusion until her reply.

But sixteen hours prior to that comment, you said in that very thread Honeybee was a shill: That was about eight hours before @Honeybee_ replied. You also attempted this hit piece on a fellow Voater without pinging her and got called out for it, yet another completely dishonest tactic.

These are the exact same tactics Fiona is using to smear a bunch of good people here.

Now...are you going to answer those questions?

Piscina ago

First, I had for two days tweeted HoneyBee. I got no response. I provided evidence to her about this shady organisation Ark of Hope. She neither replied nor fixed her error of Rting Ark of Hope for Children.

Secondly, she had RTed Ark of Hope because they were promoting her movie. If I were to give her the benefit of the doubt, I'd say she was just so eager to sell her movie that she was willing to RT Ark of Hope without looking into them. That would have been an honest mistake. To keep the tweet up when someone had sent her lots of evidence of Ark of Hope being shady AF reeks of disingenuousness and begs the question: why is she RTing an organisation about which she has evidence is not legit??

Thirdly, Ark of Hope takes money from innocent people and provides not one iota of transparency. It is a one-man band with Blair Corbett at its helm. He has at various times referred to himself as a pastor and a reverend. At one point his 'charity' was housing kids in his basement. He then went on to claim he was giving phone advice to homeless and abused kids. Corbett has no credentials; he has not been vetted; he is not a counsellor. He provides no tax returns for the money he takes. Now (and this really disgusts me) he is making money selling a book with stories by abused kids about how they've been mistreated. He is exploiting damaged children and profiting from their hardships. These kids are not getting any of the profits from the sale of the book. Corbett gets all the money. This is sickening.

Ark of Hope for Children's 'ambassador' is 'Blackhorn33'. The dude had satanic links all over his website. He was another who claimed to be helping abused kids, but does nothing in reality. Blackhorn33 is the head of Not in My World, another shady af organisation, who referred people to psychologist 'MaKeitULTRA'. No, nothing suspicious about that at all!!!

Here is info about Ark of Hope for Children and its ambassador:

Vindicator ago

To keep the tweet up when someone had sent her lots of evidence

Nowhere did you show any proof "someone had sent her lots of evidence".

Piscina ago

It's all there on twitter. I won't spoon feed you.

Vindicator ago

No, it's not. What is your Twitter handle? It was nowhere in your post.

Piscina ago

Yes, it's all there.

And when I got no response, I posted on Voat. And even then she didn't bother attempting to either distance herself from Ark of Hope for Children, delete the RT, or simply say, 'Oops, sorry, I didn't realise'. Even with all the information about Ark of Hope for Children, she did nothing except to make a snarky comment about 'you people'. This speaks volumes. Pull the RT once you find out about Ark of Hope for Children, not go on the defensive and attack the people asking questions and bringing something to your attention.

Once somebody is asking for money or is willing to take money, they can be compromised. I don't trust anybody with cap in hand.

Vindicator ago

I see no links were ever provided to support these claims about the supposed Twitter interaction between you and @Honeybee_. You didn't even post your Twitter handle if anyone wanted to look it up. Noted.

CrenschStench ago

Hey Mark, isn't your twitter handle @Vindic8tor?


OneOfSrayziesAlts ago

Why the immediate stonewalling?

Any claim backed up with evidence that makes their boss Pizzaman JA and Podesta look bad is an immediate dock of their pay.

Why did the mods jump to conclusions and go into attack mode immediately?

See above answer.

Why did mods surround HoneyBee to protect, without admitting she may have made a mistake?

Because they are masters of Saul Alinksky’s tactics and like the big boys and girls that are their masters (and run payroll for these employees), they were quietly trying to sweep the mess up under the rug trying to save face.

TrustTheTruth ago


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