adam_danischewski ago

Shoa business. The holocaust is a fabrication, Jews did starve but that's because there were no supplies and they were known to sabotage so they were not released to forage.

Crensch ago

Yeah, /u/SecureYour Seats posted 14 hours ago - this isn't an invisible post.

Crensch ago

And old. Very old. Someone commented on this one last night if I'm not mistaken.

Crensch ago

I'm pretty much in agreement here.

SecureYourSeats ago

Such stupidity.

Crensch ago

I think you'll find the information you've been provided is faulty - just like how HRC was going to win, and wikileaks was unreliable (before they took Assange).

Antiracist10 ago

Crensch is an idiot. He literally doesn't understand burden of proof. He literally doesn't know what constitutes evidence. He literally has no idea how authority works.

He literally doesn't know basic logic or philosophy, but he makes threads like this to insult the intelligence of theists:

Here he calls Oxford a cult:

NSFW: Fitting flair for Crensch:

Crensch ago

This guy has at least 14 alts with similar ccp to what you'll see by simply mousing over his name. Also, they all bear the fantastically stupid moniker showing that he won't change his mind despite being shown evidence that his beliefs do not match reality.

alalzia ago

So how come over 50.000 of my compatriots never came home and their houses are still empty ?

Crensch ago

Because you're a liar?

alalzia ago

Jews of Salonica in the nazi census , from those only 1950 return

Jews in Giannena waiting their deportation , almost nobody return

96% dead

fuck off nazi shit

Crensch ago

Jews of Salonica in the nazi census JPG , from those only 1950 return

Look very much alive, and where did you get that number?

Jews in Giannena waiting their deportationJPG , almost nobody return

Like the above, why am I looking at a picture of living people, and being expected to take your word for it about who survived?

96% deadYouTube

Complete and utter garbage. You'll find that kind of low-quality programming on Shark Week.

fuck off nazi shit

Nazis were better humans than Jews could ever be, lying about 6 million dying, and forcing the world to allow their victim card to be played.

alalzia ago

Nazis were better humans than Jews could ever be

got what i want , thanks .

Crensch ago

I bet you did. A smug sense of satisfaction for something that someone with higher standards would find repulsive. Your whiny, emotional argument isn't effective to anyone with an ounce of sense.

alalzia ago

The results of a stupid peace treaty and inflation gave you this higher standard ? because you know those were the reasons that created the nazis .

Facts have no emotions and you sound like an Ottoman trying to deny Armenian genocide ...oh wait !

Crensch ago

The results of a stupid peace treaty and inflation gave you this higher standard ? because you know those were the reasons that created the nazis .

That has nothing to do with anything. I like how you bring stuff up that is absolutely meaningless in the conversation.

Facts have no emotions

Your arguments are pictures and some whiny text afterwards. Oh, and a Shark-week-style video.

and you sound like an Ottoman trying to deny Armenian genocide ...oh waiJP

Great, another picture that you think means something. 3 guys reading a pamphlet. /golfclap

Crensch ago

Right, that it didn't happen. The testimony was absurd, and post-torture. It was so absurd that it was almost as if the person admitting to it wanted people that examined the situation to see how absurd the claims were.

Bluetoothache ago

There is no good reason to believe the Holocaust didn't happen. Who benefits from pretending millions of Jews were murdered? Who paid for all the fake prison camps? Who arranged and coordinated all of Germany to fake killing people instead of just killing people?

So on one hand we have your doubt and on the other hand we have hundreds of eye witness testimony. Mmmmmm. Tough call!

Crensch ago

Crensch ago

There is no good reason to believe the Holocaust didn't happen.

There's lots of good reasons to believe it. Which facet of the holocaust do you believe, and what makes you believe it?

Who benefits from pretending millions of Jews were murdered?


Who paid for all the fake prison camps?

Prison camps existed. Nobody's arguing that.

Who arranged and coordinated all of Germany to fake killing people instead of just killing people?

Nobody. Most Germans didn't know a thing about it. Why? Because it didn't fucking happen. The few that admitted to it were tortured beforehand, and their admissions were pure absurdity.

So on one hand we have your doubt and on the other hand we have hundreds of eye witness testimony.

No, you don't even have that.

Mmmmmm. Tough call!

Not really. Go ahead. Which part of the holocaust do you think actually happened? The poisoning? The 6 million? The furnace? The Showers?

Go for it.