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sunajAeon ago

The assertion she is a fraud is stunning to say the least; this requires a lot of studying to come to a conclusion , still looking at it-The headstone is interesting, but there could be a reason for leaving her name off of it. There are definitely games within games when it comes to the PTP-this could be an attempt to smear real victims as just another conspiracy, or someone could be going to great lengths to dismiss Barnett's testimony, thanks for the post

SandHog ago

Funny how her twitter account disappeared after this information came out and she isn't bitching about getting banned on any of her websites isn't it? Noone currently talking about a ban either.


Vindicator ago

Did it really? Do we have an archive?

Wasn't she the one that was going after Craig Sawyer a few months ago?

SandHog ago

Here is a cached page of her twitter from 11/30. Maybe someone with better search skills can find a more recent snapshot. I know it was active last month at some point because I remember seeing it. It's also interesting that this account started tweeting about people spreading lies about Fiona 11 hours ago yet no mention of a ban anywhere. And those two were thick as thieves. Whoever Fiona attacked that account would also attack. And it's the same account that was trying to dox Lift the Veil late last year after he covered some pgate stuff (voodoo doughnuts). And that account also really pushed the Jenny Moore is a hero stuff.

And, yes, Fiona was attacking Sawyer or Sewer as she referred to him. So was the Marrianne account.

Vindicator ago

And that account also really pushed the Jenny Moore is a hero stuff.

You don't say...!

@think- Check this out

SandHog ago

Yep. Her pinned tweet for the longest time was about how Jenny Moore was a hero. I don't have an archive of it but if you dig back in her history around the time of her death you can find it.

argosciv ago

I'm quite sure I remember her being involved with the Jenny Moore stuff too...

Gimme a sec...

Aaaand BAM!:

I couldn't dredge up the tweet itself, but, duckduckgo still returns a result for a tweet in which she speaks of/to Jenny Moore and/about Craig Sawyer in a single context... quite strange.


Here she is accusing HoneyBee and Craig Sawyer of being a CIA team:

Now, who was it that went on a campaign against or had a clash with HoneyBee?

cc: @Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude @srayzie

SandHog ago

Yep. It's interesting that the youtube group I mentioned in an earlier comment also attacks all the same people.

Vindicator ago

That was @Piscina. Honeybee_ has been missing since October.

SandHog ago

Woah, the last I heard they were planning on releasing the documentary she was working on before Christmas.

Well, that was quite the fucking rabbit hole. The Director and Co-Producer last tweeted about the documentary on Oct 21 and hasn't tweeted anything since December 4th. I wonder if they got bound up over legal issues? They were taking on the wretched monster that is CPS. I hope it isn't something more nefarious. Nancy Schaefer and her husband died doing the same. So did Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington although they were digging into a different facet of the beast.

think- ago

There were some news that a staff member involved with filming the documentary had taken money, so they were in financial troubles.


Vindicator ago

News about the film Honeybee is working on? Do you have a link?

think- ago

I read this a couple of weeks ago, and unfortunately, I don't have a link. Sorry.

SandHog ago

Ah, thanks for the insight. Still seems odd that neither of them addressed it given that they crowd-funded the doc.

think- ago

There were accusations that Sawyer made the 'someone of the staff has taken money' thing up, and that he himself is responsible of the alleged financial problems.

Unfortunately, I don't recall where I've read this.

SandHog ago

Huh. I don't know what to make of that guy. He comes across as less than trustworthy to me. All that shit with his daughter and who has he ever really saved? Plus the whole netflix movie thing.

think- ago

He comes across as less than trustworthy to me


All that shit with his daughter

I haven't followed this.

and who has he ever really saved?

Well, maybe he did a few operations, just to have some footage showing him as a 'hero'.

He did it either for the money, and or he is a CIA/FBI asset. I tend to think the latter.

SandHog ago

That's the way I am leaning as well.

argosciv ago

Now check this shit out: |

@Crensch, didn't something else happen that you got involved with? Something to do with an accidentally removed comment?

@kevdude does that ring a bell?

I'm sure I saw one of you mention it recently... or I saw it while digging around...

argosciv ago


M'bad, the situation I'm thinking of actually occurred in that very same submission.

@Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude @srayzie @EricKaliberhall