kalchaya ago

  1. Freshly minted from the mainstream blanks, so old habits die hard.

  2. Being bullied and chased out of reddit, 4chan, 8chan, and voat by fellow whites likely did not improve their attitude.

jewsbadnews ago

The greatest obstacle to the survival of our race is Christianity. Even with all their malice and cunning, the Jews would pose no real threat to the race were it not for their Christian collaborators. In the U.S. just as in South Africa, the Jews may be pulling a lot of strings behind the scenes, but the troops in the war against the White Race are mainly White Christians filled with religious guilt and obsessed with the need to expiate that guilt by sacrificing their own race on the altar of ‘equality’. Let us never forget…that Christianity itself is an alien, hostile, racially destructive creed of Jewish origin, and in the future most of those who have fallen under its spell will continue to be our enemies and the enemies of our race.

DawnPendraig ago

Maybe it's more that they are afraid to be shut down and run off again. We had many obvious attacks on Reddit, hell media matters made a whole sub for it and they would come into our sub and post all kinds of shit including calls for violence and then report themselves to get our sub shut down.

It worked.

I'm a late Gen X er. I cut my teeth on IBMs and Mac II. Spent high school on BBS and MUDs. But even my dad who was building computers in our garage (like soldering and shit) has a lot of trouble breaking the mindset. He grew up worshipping the state but as it was sold to us in the 60s and his grandfather whom he adored who was his stable father figure was over there in WWII as a carpenter for the Army.

He knew MSM had a huge bias and he taught me about it in the early 90s when I was 12 or so. He didn't understand our CIA was doing it. Or what Operation Mockingbird was or any of that.

The "liberal bias" of media made it so when Talk Radio became a thing for Conservatives he was all in. He adored Rush Limbaugh. Who was such a Bush licking sycophant I couldn't stand it. I tried explaining to him 9/11 is a huge lie and he got quite seriously angry with me. Usually he would debate anything calmly if passionately and not take it personally. That and any debate about Jesus Christ being married he wouldn't even consider discussing. He got furious and left the room the 1 time I tried.

So now here they are thanks to Q (well I dont know about Dad but his generation) actually researching and reading. Actually entertaining other conflicting ideas before discarding them. Open to the realizations of Pizzagate and MK Ultra, OP Mockingbird and Paperclip.

Most know we are being assaulted and replaced by non whites. But we all have people, good and moral people, of various races and religions that we love. That are true patriots with us. And that understand they are being replaced too. Blacks are being aborted to extinction actually and Clinton's War on Crime destroyed their family systems. You all judge them all and it is tragic 76% of blacks have no dad at home. Is it their fault? Or is it the very successful war waged against them not by whites but by the elites because if the good conservative God fearing blacks ever banned together with the same people that are white and Hispanic and Jewish and Asian we could stop their evil plan for this world.

Divided we fall. They've been dividing us since forever. The Civil War wasn't about slavery it was about dividing us so we couldn't stop their plans to enslave us ALL into their central banking debt slavery to the Vatican/British Royals/ 13 Bloodlines etc.

Q has kept any rhetoric against Jews, even truly evil ones like Soros and the Rothschilds not focused on them being Jews but about their actions and their history. To do otherwise is stupid. It plays right into the cabal's hands. Q will be much easier to villify if they did that. Besides which it drives away GOOD people who happen to be black or Jewish or whatever and want to have a true Constitutional Republic and live free. We need each other. It is good vs evil here. Not black vs white etc.

So no, you will have to forgive us and understand why we won't be jumping onto the "Holocaust is a lie" and "Jews are responsible for all the evil" Voat train. Those aren't even fully true just a nice trap to catch angry people in.

Yes, the Synagogue of Satan is real. It also includes "Zionist Christians" like the Bush family who participated in the rise of the Nazis. It also includes atheists. None or them worship God including Jews like Soros. They worship Satan or themselves or greed and lust. All of the above really.

Now don't get me wrong. Personally it is thanks to you guys that I am researching and considering the Holocaust narrative. Asking myself how a poor failed half Jew Austrian painter took a failed state that was beyond poor and in debt and made it a titan war machine as we are all taught from birth. How did he viciously murder 6 million + Jews and millions of other people and no one seemed to know until after? That he wanted to and almost ruled the world. Who found him? Funded him? Supported him? And why? How was he so brilliant at first then so mad? How did he repeat the nearly same exact mistake Napoleon did and crush and destroy his army against Russia the worse enemy if the Russian winter?

Now I ask myself, understanding as a 20+ year conspiracy theorist and because of even more I learned from Q's drops & our Q Anon community, is it possible all the starved near to death "Jews" in photos were actually Germans in work camps after the war?

I still haven't decided but it's the first time I let myself take the question seriously.

You guys in Voat may despise us, call us stupid names, label us as a "qult", which us moronic, and decide you don't want us here.

That's fine. Maybe though you can leave your prejudice against "boomers" and women and Jews and Blacks at the door and actually find out what we really are about.

We aren't monolithic. Yep some Q followers worship Q like a false God or prophet. Some aren't ready for the bigger pills yet. Some are still raw and hurting from the first revelations. Don't try to force feed people.

As I understand it Q is a psyop. A brilliant one used against the evil cabal running the world and a beacon of light to wake up the sheeple.

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think people would be waking up like this... Well not since I was young in 2001 and recently waking up myself and finding out I was alone in my life in that regard.

It was all so hopeless except conspiracy sub on Reddit and some old BBs we thought we were few and it was never going to change.

Even my old BBS friends from 1994 were drugged and asleep. I couldn't even wake them about corn syrup, toxic food and Pharmascuetals. They attacked me, my old friends. They joined the zombie masses.

Q has woken thousands. Maybe millions around the world. I see them everywhere online. So does the cabal. They have all sorts of high profile "news" websites, magazines and papers writing shit about Q and us but they don't dare ask anyone on TV. Dont dare as POTUS. Kind of odd for a LARP.

If it is a LARP it's fucking genius and absolutely God sent.

I ask you though, what if Q is for real? Are you ready to have missed the Great Awakening of the world even as a observer because you think you know better than any of us? That's a shame because we have so much we could teach each other.

whatdoesthereeesay ago

The 6 million is a jewish mythcal numbers. its the number needed to be able to return to isreal. also check out if you can find that six million number being used before WW2.

also read the talmud.

kalchaya ago

Tools are to be used (while useful), then discarded...trust does not enter into the equation. Think tools, not allies.

Conway ago

It's possible that the Q movement is just a jewish or other subversive group operation to make white people look bad. They have the unwavering loyalty of a bunch of disgruntled white people(funny they are so quick to trust an unseen voice in the dark). Wouldn't take much to push the diversity agenda into the message.

I have to ask myself, what would happen if the Q movement was proven a fraud tomorrow. How would the Q followers react?

BiscuitFever ago

Why are qtards so retarded? They worship the larper like he's a god. Voat is turning to shit with their stupidity spreading like wildfires in california.

iDontShift ago

Dunno where you've been but the jew shit is all over q.

iDontShift ago

because you want a race race. what the fuck for? overpopulation? so we can be like India everywhere?

or for war?

q wants peace, this stupid shit like hating self isn't q. everyone just shut the fuck up and do your thing... be nice to each other.

and make it fair... no special privileged for anyone...

JopharVorin ago

Look down through the comments at them admitting they are jews!! wow

shillbuster1 ago

Jew Shill ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

KublaiKhan ago

Guilt. They became unbelievably successful by a fluke of birth, timing and some hard work and they feel like they owe it to the less successful “minorities” to hold back the whites and only promote these “minorities” in every facet of our culture.

JopharVorin ago

Trust fund kids dont work for anything

NoOneAtAll ago

Intelligent people don't see color. We see individual human beings, each one created by God. There are godly, hard working, honest people of all colors in this world, just as there are thieves, liars and murderers of ALL colors - yes, even white. The problem is completely yours if you choose to be ignorant about the truth.

Schreiber ago

Because many of them are not even white.

Neon__Wolf ago

They're not you fucking lying shill, you and all of the frauds who upvoated this shit

JopharVorin ago

I've had many of these cultists admit to me that they are jewish. That is why.

Cleanhobo ago

The Qtards here at Voat come from Reddit. You guys missed the point of why this happened. It was NOT to swarm Voat with muh boomer libtard whitehating liberal (whatever that is), it is for VOAT to REDPILL THEM ON RACE. Trump cant get up there and say he hates jews and niggers. He cant or there woudl be AWESOME ammunition for his enemies. Nope... He has to do the opposite.. "I Looooove jews... I looove niggers" is what he has to say, then work against them in the background.

Want an example??? The US embassy in Jerusalem. Trump sucking jew dick again right? RIGHT? I don't think so. In fact I think there are some really pissed off Jews. They wanted to spend over A BILLION DOLLARS of your money to build a custom building in Jewrusalem. You know Israelites would ahve vaccumed ub hundreds of millions in this job and built a sorry piece of shit that had to be rebuilt 20 times and is then hit by a missile at the first opportunity and needs to be done all over again. Instead Trump just did it for 400k in a building we already owned and walked away and laughed in their faces for like a year. What are they going to do? Shit all over him for giving them what they say they want? What are they going to do? Say they didn't get enough free money? Nope all they can do is clap and cry... This is one that I picked up on. Here is another... Trump: We got less niggers on food stamps than EVER BEFORE! Yay Trump Economy!!! Reality: Trump kicked niggers off food stamps and helped states do the same. Same with welfare. Remember, if you are not actively receiving benefits from unemployment insurance then... get this... YOU ARE FULLY EMPLOYED. Now he runs around saying that nog employment is the highest ever (since the civil war KEK!) Now the individual nogs won't know that there is not actually other nogs out there getting jobs since they dont know all the measurements for unemployment are fake and have nothing to do with employment ad are only measuring those who are actively receiving unemployment insurance. There are probably more like this IMO.

I sincerely believe that there are good things happeing. Instead of attacking the Qtards (Redditors) on Voat for following Q simply make reasonable arguments as to why whites are under siege. Are you sure Q didn't send them all here so that we could turn them into rabid racists and defenders or white culture and western norms? I get the feeling this is EXACTLY the reason they formed QRV. It was to toss them all into the mix here and have us turn them INTO US. Hell, it worked for me! Years ago Voat taught me that there are places where one can be an open racist and be cheered on for it. I fucking love it here and will never go back. Anyway, chew on that shit. Sorry about the wall of text.

DawnPendraig ago

Some great insights on the Embassy. I had started to consider that and got distracted.

And yes the unemployment numbers I figured out under Obama. I laugh with glee as he tries now to simultaneously claim the numbers aren't accurate without being able to tell us he lied to us for 8 years and also take credit.

That said things are improving. Sadly until we get rid of the Fed and get sound currency back it's fragile and as we see Obama lobbied GM's CEO directly and she shut down 14,000 jobs in US. Thing is though Obama and his masters overplayed their hand and now we see their manipulations... Not just conspiracy theorists like me but the wide world.

All your racist crap is childish to me. Yes whites are actually the world minority. Yes we are under life and death assault. So is the traditional black family. They are almost destroyed. It's by design. So is creating new white racists with this constant attack by society on whites especially males. It's part of the Marxist planks. You play right into their hands. Divide and conquer.

We need to embrace our conservative black and Jewish brothers and sisters. We also need to dedicate ourselves to educating and waking up whites. Between the white trash killing themselves with meth and opioids and fast food and the suburban zombies and hipsters we are our own worst enemy.

I see the worst racism against whites from whites.

1985 Yuri Bezmenov ex KGB explains how to brainwash and subvert the USA by making white people feel so marginalised ajd hated we retaliate and become racist and violent so govt must intervene and destroy us.


Why do you think Commie Obama worked so hard to make is hate blacks and blacks to hate police and us?

Here is a short clip of how they make is communist and destroy America with 1st Ideological Subversion. https://youtu.be/zeMZGGQ0ERk

DawnPendraig ago

Some great insights on the Embassy. I had started to consider that and got distracted.

And yes the unemployment numbers I figured out under Obama. I laugh with glee as he tries now to simultaneously claim the numbers aren't accurate without being able to tell us he lied to us for 8 years and also take credit.

That said things are improving. Sadly until we get rid of the Fed and get sound currency back it's fragile and as we see Obama lobbied GM's CEO directly and she shut down 14,000 jobs in US. Thing is though Obama and his masters overplayed their hand and now we see their manipulations... Not just conspiracy theorists like me but the wide world.

All your racist crap is childish to me. Yes whites are actually the world minority. Yes we are under life and death assault. So is the traditional black family. They are almost destroyed. It's by design. So is creating new white racists with this constant attack by society on whites especially males. It's part of the Marxist planks. You play right into their hands. Divide and conquer.

We need to embrace our conservative black and Jewish brothers and sisters. We also need to dedicate ourselves to educating and waking up whites. Between the white trash killing themselves with meth and opioids and fast food and the suburban zombies and hipsters we are our own worst enemy.

I see the worst racism against whites from whites.

1985 Yuri Bezmenov ex KGB explains how to brainwash and subvert the USA by making white people feel so marginalised ajd hated we retaliate and become racist and violent so govt must intervene and destroy us.


Why do you think Commie Obama worked so hard to make is hate blacks and blacks to hate police and us?

Here is a short clip of how they make is communist and destroy America with 1st Ideological Subversion. https://youtu.be/zeMZGGQ0ERk

ScientificRacism ago

You can't have reasonable conversations with these people. I've tried several times. Just over the past 24 hours even. I was accused of being a shill, and told that I can't understand any of this because I'm not familiar with the chans. ( Even though I am. )

They're fucking delusional man, to the point that I genuinely believe they're as mentally ill as the fucking genderqueer SJWs on Tumblr. I seriously mean that. It's the same fucking mental illness just different manifestations.

Cleanhobo ago

I've got a foot in both ponds myself. I have redpilled racist jew haters here on Voat about Q and have redpilled Q loving former liberals with mulatto family members about race and the jews. How does Q work so well on them? Do the same. Q asked a LOT of questions. Q sent out information but not a lot of it. Do the same. Ask them why Q/Trump supports Israel so strongly? Ask them why Israel has a wall WE PAID FOR as well as Mexico has a wall WE paid for. Why? Why is nearly every single accepted application for Harvard Law school a Jew? (I got someone cold with that one since they were DENIED entry to that school). Easy Money. Ask them why every single higher-up in the evil Fake News that Trump pushes is an Israeli citizen. That is another winner for me. I did it like this:

Person: Trump hates the evil fake news and so do I Me: Then he hates jews... Person: Nooo he loves nice fuzzy cuddly litttle jews and so do I Me: But every single person who is running every single Fake News agency are Israeli citizens. WHY? (I claimed I didn't understand and was suuuuper convincing) I got lots of confusion from them. It was pretty funny tbh. Weeks later this person actually told me that they think that there are some bad Jewish cabal members who are working for the evil deep state against Trump. Then I asked this Person about Chuck Schumer and his "wife" who is a completely obvious MAN. I asked what they thought of that guy hangout in a dress next to ole' Chucky. Another confused angry look... Then I went on to Michael Lavon Robinson Obama. Then I went on to Ruth Bader GinsJEW... I asked why she wrote that she wanted 12 year old prostitutes leglaized in the US if she is a JEW and they are sooo good. etc etc. At this point I actually lost the person and they called me a Nazi because I had given up my questioning and started to make statements and they figured out they had been played but the transition grudgingly took but they still wont talk to me but I DID hear that they wanted to homeschool their kids :>))))))))

Cleanhobo ago

I think Q and Trump is awesome and I hate niggers and Jews and fucking Mexican border jumpers.

fuckmyreddit ago

@whitemouse If you understood a little about boomers it would probably help. See my other comments. Boomers don't chan. I don't even chan without a link because navigation is not intuitive. 8chan search is weird. Yes, I could learn it, but I learned Fortran as my first language and the instructor was an unintelligible Paki, so I can learn anything if I spend enough time at it.

fuckmyreddit ago

Whitemouse, maybe boomers are not open to your point of view because you're using the wrong words. Or maybe you need to understand them (see my other comment) and use that as your starting point. It's like you're speaking hindi and you expect them to understand you and trust you. And, of course, some of them are following shills and bots off the cliff because they have no experience on forums. Actually, Voat is my only forum experience, but I don't think like a normal boomer. Ask any of my husbands. Kekekek.

AEndtoThemForever ago

Nah, whitemouse is fine. If we have to use special magical language to talk to these fucking things, then fuck these fucking things. Their egos aren't important enough for me to work around, and they contribute nothing. In an emergency situation, they're the people the adults will have to be taking care of.

Fuck these fucking things. let them fucking die.

Tallest_Skil ago

Because they're paid jewish shills.

shillbuster1 ago

Jew Shill^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Optional-Reading ago

anti whitemouse. OP is a faggot


I've literally never gotten an anti-white vibe from Q and followers. Could this be another attack on Q, the 2nd most hated figure by the media on the planet?

Tallest_Skil ago

I've literally never gotten an anti-white vibe from Q and followers.

Sure you haven't, Q-LARPer.

Q, the 2nd most hated figure by the media on the planet?

  1. Kill yourself if you're really so stupid as to think that anyone in the media actually hates Trump.
  2. Kill yourself if you're really so stupid as to think that anyone in the media actually hates Q-LARP.

Answer my questions, shlomo.

Establishing legitimacy

Let’s talk about statistics. Let’s talk about the concept itself. Q-level clearance exists within the Department of Energy. What the fuck does that have to do with anything regarding the court system? What the fuck does that have to do with anything Q-LARP has claimed it knows? Look at the number of people who have Q-level clearance. All none of them. What’s the likelihood that any of them are committing an executable offense by posting on a fucking imageboard? Look at the posts. Why don’t they say anything? Someone that important–if it actually has knowledge he wants to disseminate–is also not going to type cryptic bullshit. It’s also not going to ask questions that it doesn’t answer. The sum total of Q-LARP is an exercise in postdiction. Everything it has said is too vague to actually mean anything. It never says anything of any value or specificity. A combination of pareidolia, confirmation bias, and apophenia does the rest. PEOPLE ARE LOST. THEY ARE BROKEN. THEY FEEL WORTHLESS AND WEAK AND POWERLESS. WHAT BETTER WAY TO PREY ON THEM THAN TO CONTROL THE OPPOSITION? They won’t fucking question you if you can trick them this way.

Establishing trustworthiness

Someone that important is, statistically, owned by jews. It’s just that simple. In fact, Q-LARP is entirely owned by jews. It admits it. It openly admits to being civic nationalist. It doesn’t support a restoration of the US or Europe to being white-only nations. It doesn’t support deportation of nonwhites. Since the first week, it has called for protection of nonwhites, from the whites who would see them deported/killed. It openly calls for regime change in Iran for the sole purpose of fulfilling the Oded Yinon Plan. Q-LARP has publicly stated it has no intention of removing jews from the West or punishing jews collectively.

Establishing realism

What purpose is served by leaking the proceedings of nationwide martial law and the arrest of three quarters of the US government… eight months early? Why is that helpful to anyone except the people toward whom it is supposedly directed? Oh, and why has it taken so long? 8 months of waiting is 8 months to prepare. You realize that even the group that Q-LARP talks about is one of the highest flight risks on earth, right? Why would anyone want to give them time to escape? How does that help us? It doesn’t. It helps THEM. It helps them so much that it hurts us. This is on purpose. Q-LARP exists to create an Orwellian narrative about “the bad people being arrested”, so that when all the good people are arrested they will say that good people are bad people, and the stupid Q-LARPing masses will simply believe it and help commit their own genocide. We’ve already seen this for 70 years. Why do you think it isn’t continuing?

Why would someone ostensibly leaking the proceedings not actually leak any information? Why would someone who claims to be on our side not give us a playbook for how to operate during the event? Why isn’t it telling us how to become leaders of our community to calm the terrified millions around us–who will inevitably exist once the media starts reporting on the “Trump coup”, or when they see their favorite media reporters arrested by the military live on air? Why is Q-LARP a civic nationalist? How does that help America? How is Trump is magically insulated during what will be painted internationally as a soft coup? Why would the apparatus allow him to engage in this coup to the extent that he would actually be protected? Why does the coup–by Q-LARP’s own admission–not cover the actual PROBLEMS facing this country? Everything Q-LARP has said points to the action as being “Part A of the ZOG wants to get rid of Part B of the ZOG.”

Establishing results

If there is something, why is nothing Q-LARP said would happen happening? Where’s the Emergency Broadcast System announcement? Where’s Trump using Obama’s emergency television override to speak to the people? Where’s the martial law? Where are the riots it talked about? Antifa couldn’t even get off their asses for a completely unrelated outing. Where’s the Huma arrest? Where are the Podesta arrests? They were supposed to be in custody by now; no one has any information on that beyond your continued shilling campaign.

Establishing psychology

Already touched on this at the end of the first section. So Q-LARP’s going to arrest most of the US government, right? All the bad people going away. And what’s this? It says that WE won’t have to grab our guns and help out? Why, that’s exactly what we would want! Happy day! All of our dreams are coming true, and we didn’t even have to put in an ounce of work ourselves! Hooray! It’s over! We’re saved! Don’t ever question the validity of these claims! Just spend MONTHS ignoring everything else that is ACTUALLY happening in the news, never mind your own wildly successful campaign of “It’s okay to be white.” Because nothing ever came from YOU doing an honest day’s work!


Explain your reason for believing otherwise.

Establishing inconsistencies

  • If, as Q-LARP says, there are more patriots than traitors in the government, why did they let the last 70 years happen?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, Obama went to North Korea, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, the CIA/alphabet agencies were responsible for the 11 minute Twitter takedown of POTUS account, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, elections no longer matter, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, martial law is inbound, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, mass arrests of the government are inbound, where is the evidence?

shillbuster1 ago

Jew Shill ^^^^^^^


Why all the effort to discredit Q? What harm does it do to you if I still look at Q drops?

Tallest_Skil ago

why all the effort to prove that liars are lying

Gee, I wonder.

what harm does it do people to believe a jewish hoax rather than the truth

Can’t imagine.


K. This is why all these "people" trying to disprove is so offputting. You're not teaching, you're telling. I would think that many Q followers are the type that when you say jump they say, "Why the hell would I do that?"

Your approach for trying to disprove Q are doing nothing but talking down to me. In what backwards world do you think that would be a good method to turn Q followers away? You have no proof that Q isn't legit, and Q has countless number of proofs as evidence he is legit. Not saying you're wrong, and Q is right, but Q does a much better job convincing than you do. Probably why he is Q and you're desperately trying to get one random guy on VOAT to stop believing Q.

Tallest_Skil ago

you’re telling

That’s how truth works.

a good method

I don’t care about your feelings in any respect. Don’t like that? Fine; go commit ethnic genocide on yourself by following a proven hoax. Otherwise put your fucking emotions on a goddamn shelf and accept fact.

you have no proof

  1. We have plenty of proof.
  2. That’s literally not how proof works, you fucking dumbass. YOU made the claims. YOU prove them. NO ONE else has to do a goddamn thing. It was proven false an entire year ago. NOTHING it said came true. EVERY single date has come and gone. NO one is doing ANYTHING. Read the fucking post. Answer the fucking questions.

I’m convinced by something who has been proven wrong for an entire year

not by the list of proofs that it is wrong

You are truly mentally ill and beyond saving. Again, enjoy committing genocide on yourself. You are a coward. You can’t even answer questions about your own fucking god. ANSWER. THE. FUCKING. QUESTIONS. YOU. STUPID. PIECE. OF. SHIT.


Make me. You have literally zero control over me. Try and get me to stop following Q again. See what happens lololololol! I believe Q to spite people like you. Every time you push, I stand my ground harder. You will never make progress telling people to kill themselves (unless that's your end goal(oops did I catch you revealing plans?;))) There's no harm in following Q, so why all the fuss? That's my question that you haven't (and won't) answer, because there is nothing wrong with following Q.

You're like the child that keeps changing the rules to a game because you refuse to lose. I'll just keep standing here, smiling.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting your god is a hoax.

All you have to do is answer some fucking questions, you subhuman piece of shit. Your physical incapability of doing this proves the nature of your hoax. You’re a traitor to the United States.

Will you kill yourself when the date comes and nothing happens? Just like every single other date in the last year? Or will you just pretend it never happened at all?


I'm going to do the opposite of what you want. My purpose on this planet is to frustrate and spite you, for no other reason than fuck you, and everything you love.

Tallest_Skil ago


Thanks for personally admitting you were proven wrong and that your god is a hoax. Shut the fuck up and go the fuck away, race traitor.


It's not that I don't care for truth, it's more me doing the opposite of what you want because you are that big of a piece of shit. You're such a piece of shit, that you're causing humans do deny "Truth" because that's how big of a piece of shit you are. That's literally the only reason I am doing the opposite of what you say, and no other reason beside YOU ARE A PIECE OF SHIT.

Tallest_Skil ago

Still no answers to the questions, you subhuman faggot.


Same goes for you, you pathetic pile of shit.

I already explained your questions don't matter because I have decided I automatically do and think the opposite of you, because that's how pathetic you are. If I had any similarities to you, I'd kill myself.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting you were proven wrong.

BuMN ago

They are basically collaborators at this point. You really can't trust them.

AEndtoThemForever ago

This is the correct term

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Fuck every racist.

My-Name-is-Mud ago

I find the goats level of intrest in the q folk to be suspicious. They aren't hurting your feelings are they? You aren't anti free speech are you?

MaFishTacosDaBombBro ago

There's Q-tards, then there's shills. I believe you're speaking of shills.

Tallest_Skil ago

Q-LARP is nothing but paid jewish shills.

shillbuster1 ago

Jew Shill ^^^^^

TheTruthTheFacts ago

its all about the commoncore mind control of the idea of 'equality.' Everything the left screams is all about 'equality'.. They have been indoctrined into Marxism.

lazylance ago

College 'tards

Humansized ago

Because theyre brainwashed

jewyork ago

Easier to herd sheep when the dogs are barking and circling them.

Because Q is a pysop, and they're all liars.

Stay away from anything virtual. No evidence in puzzles and riddles. And when the retards tell you it's about "figuring things out for yourself" then ask yourself; why do they keep shilling about it.

Because they don't want you thinking for yourself. They want you agitated.

AEndtoThemForever ago

This exactly. Yes, there are little nuggets of whatever profound bullshit hidden in the trip and ID signifiers and codes. So what.

Thus far, I'm going to have to agree with the assessment that trump and the holy spirit, 'Q' I mean, are demonstrating that they're ZOG through and through. Absolute and unlimited slavish support for Israel at the expense of funds that are utterly vital for our disintegrating infrastructure. Total devotion to Jew before American.

He's playing you.

pushthis ago

fake debate^

Womb_Raider ago

Sounds like a desperate attempt to slander the Q movement. Why are you anti-Q?

Tallest_Skil ago

Because you're a paid jewish shill and traitor to the United States.

Womb_Raider ago

In your mind, does repeating something eventually make it true?

Tallest_Skil ago

No, I’m not a Q-LARPer. That affectation doesn’t apply to me.

Answer the fucking questions.

Establishing legitimacy

Let’s talk about statistics. Let’s talk about the concept itself. Q-level clearance exists within the Department of Energy. What the fuck does that have to do with anything regarding the court system? What the fuck does that have to do with anything Q-LARP has claimed it knows? Look at the number of people who have Q-level clearance. All none of them. What’s the likelihood that any of them are committing an executable offense by posting on a fucking imageboard? Look at the posts. Why don’t they say anything? Someone that important–if it actually has knowledge he wants to disseminate–is also not going to type cryptic bullshit. It’s also not going to ask questions that it doesn’t answer. The sum total of Q-LARP is an exercise in postdiction. Everything it has said is too vague to actually mean anything. It never says anything of any value or specificity. A combination of pareidolia, confirmation bias, and apophenia does the rest. PEOPLE ARE LOST. THEY ARE BROKEN. THEY FEEL WORTHLESS AND WEAK AND POWERLESS. WHAT BETTER WAY TO PREY ON THEM THAN TO CONTROL THE OPPOSITION? They won’t fucking question you if you can trick them this way.

Establishing trustworthiness

Someone that important is, statistically, owned by jews. It’s just that simple. In fact, Q-LARP is entirely owned by jews. It admits it. It openly admits to being civic nationalist. It doesn’t support a restoration of the US or Europe to being white-only nations. It doesn’t support deportation of nonwhites. Since the first week, it has called for protection of nonwhites, from the whites who would see them deported/killed. It openly calls for regime change in Iran for the sole purpose of fulfilling the Oded Yinon Plan. Q-LARP has publicly stated it has no intention of removing jews from the West or punishing jews collectively.

Establishing realism

What purpose is served by leaking the proceedings of nationwide martial law and the arrest of three quarters of the US government… eight months early? Why is that helpful to anyone except the people toward whom it is supposedly directed? Oh, and why has it taken so long? 8 months of waiting is 8 months to prepare. You realize that even the group that Q-LARP talks about is one of the highest flight risks on earth, right? Why would anyone want to give them time to escape? How does that help us? It doesn’t. It helps THEM. It helps them so much that it hurts us. This is on purpose. Q-LARP exists to create an Orwellian narrative about “the bad people being arrested”, so that when all the good people are arrested they will say that good people are bad people, and the stupid Q-LARPing masses will simply believe it and help commit their own genocide. We’ve already seen this for 70 years. Why do you think it isn’t continuing?

Why would someone ostensibly leaking the proceedings not actually leak any information? Why would someone who claims to be on our side not give us a playbook for how to operate during the event? Why isn’t it telling us how to become leaders of our community to calm the terrified millions around us–who will inevitably exist once the media starts reporting on the “Trump coup”, or when they see their favorite media reporters arrested by the military live on air? Why is Q-LARP a civic nationalist? How does that help America? How is Trump is magically insulated during what will be painted internationally as a soft coup? Why would the apparatus allow him to engage in this coup to the extent that he would actually be protected? Why does the coup–by Q-LARP’s own admission–not cover the actual PROBLEMS facing this country? Everything Q-LARP has said points to the action as being “Part A of the ZOG wants to get rid of Part B of the ZOG.”

Establishing results

If there is something, why is nothing Q-LARP said would happen happening? Where’s the Emergency Broadcast System announcement? Where’s Trump using Obama’s emergency television override to speak to the people? Where’s the martial law? Where are the riots it talked about? Antifa couldn’t even get off their asses for a completely unrelated outing. Where’s the Huma arrest? Where are the Podesta arrests? They were supposed to be in custody by now; no one has any information on that beyond your continued shilling campaign.

Establishing psychology

Already touched on this at the end of the first section. So Q-LARP’s going to arrest most of the US government, right? All the bad people going away. And what’s this? It says that WE won’t have to grab our guns and help out? Why, that’s exactly what we would want! Happy day! All of our dreams are coming true, and we didn’t even have to put in an ounce of work ourselves! Hooray! It’s over! We’re saved! Don’t ever question the validity of these claims! Just spend MONTHS ignoring everything else that is ACTUALLY happening in the news, never mind your own wildly successful campaign of “It’s okay to be white.” Because nothing ever came from YOU doing an honest day’s work!


Explain your reason for believing otherwise.

Establishing inconsistencies

  • If, as Q-LARP says, there are more patriots than traitors in the government, why did they let the last 70 years happen?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, Obama went to North Korea, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, the CIA/alphabet agencies were responsible for the 11 minute Twitter takedown of POTUS account, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, elections no longer matter, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, martial law is inbound, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, mass arrests of the government are inbound, where is the evidence?

GhostSkin ago

White babies

auralsects ago

because theyre mostly women, unlike actual truth/resistance movements.

next question.

oddlike777 ago

Lol you know nothing. Q-anon is the movement. Q is not one person. It's the beginning stages of transparency from American Military Intelligence. Q+ is POTUS.

YugeDick ago

By "leaking" already public information? That's a deep source ya got there.

oddlike777 ago

Does it hurt being that ignorant?

YugeDick ago

You have evidence to the contrary?

oddlike777 ago


But you're not here to learn, you're here to shill and say stupid shit.

YugeDick ago

You may as well have pointed me at wikipedia and said "there it is". You're going to have to be a bit more specific. I'm talking about showing me something that was previously confidential and never officially declassified.

oddlike777 ago

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. This isn't Wikileaks moron.

YugeDick ago

So you'll admit that I'm right? That there has never been any leaked information that wasn't already in the public domain? Or do you in fact have evidence to the contrary? Because I would love to see it.

oddlike777 ago

Q has nothing to do with leaking information. Q points people in the direction of finding answers for themselves. You wouldn't understand that, since you're still asking for the answers to be handed to you. I bet you still trust the "news".

YugeDick ago

Thanks for admitting I'm right. Have a good day.

oddlike777 ago

Okay rabbi. Happy Hanukkah.

YugeDick ago

Happy Kwanza, nigger.

cylon-z34 ago

why is Op so retarded?

Tallest_Skil ago

Kill yourself immediately, paid jewish shill. Go suck jew cock back on reddit.

cylon-z34 ago

whomst? me? lol you rightwing NpCs are just like the Left. hahaha

Tallest_Skil ago


Thanks for admitting you’re a paid shill and were proven wrong.

cylon-z34 ago

i am? look at my comment history, nignog.

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey ignore that I say things only paid jewish shills say and which are proven falsehoods

Thanks for admitting you’re a paid shill and were proven wrong.

cylon-z34 ago

paid shill lol. look at my comment history retard.

Tallest_Skil ago

I don't give a fuck. You're spreading a jewish narrative. Go suck Q-cock back on reddit.

Mooncrickets ago

Fairy tale? It’s a troll. It’s hilarious how many retarded conspiracy fuckwits have fallen for it.

WSchultz ago

Sorry, whats a Q-Tard?


The original answer is false. The truth is there is a movement that started on 4 chan, and it moved to reddit, then reddit shut it down, and their platform moved to here. The Q movement is the most hated movement on the internet, which begs many questions. Are they violent? nope. Then why are they hated so much? My guess is there is some truth to it that could seriously damage what Q followers refer to as "The Cabal". Regardless your opinion on Q, there is zero reason to get mad at Q followers, because there's nothing wrong with reading Q drops. People who get upset at the Q movement are either shills, or people with very very very serious control issues. Regardless, I wouldn't listen to the rif raf and just think for yourself.

oddlike777 ago

The people from reddit the old goats are trying to get rid of.

WSchultz ago

ahhhh. wasnt familiar with the term.

Apply_Filters ago

Are you saying this on QRV? It's anonymous, and there are many outsiders (non-Q folks) and anti-Q people posting there, polluting the discourse and causing confusion and disruption. I don't believe anything is sincere when I read the responses/comments, and take it all with a grain of salt.

I am a full blown Q-tard, and I can almost guarantee: nobody here could ever guess what race I am, what location I am at, what age I am. Most especially, what my views on race and such are. Most 'real' people are fairly complex in their views. And there's too much bullshit subversion and masquerading puppet accounts on internet sites like voat, reddit, etc. More than half of what is being posted here on voat is probably in this category, especially on QRV.
Any broad generalizations based on such unreliable evidence can be suspicious themselves, actually.

rage_ELITE ago

“Someone said something (((we))) don’t agree with and it doesn’t make sense to (((me))). Don’t (((we))) just hate them, Voat?” These endless types of posts are slowly turning Voat into a reddit circle jerk. Saying and agreeing with the exact same complaints over and over doesn’t make (((you))) special or edgy.

kalgon ago

Misled christians, jews, and diversities

These christians have been raised to support israel, and jews, because they confuse ancient hebrews and today's jews, and think judaism is based on the bible, they basically don't understand what christianity is talking/all about

They have all heard about the synagogue of satan, but they fail to connect the dots https://voat.co/v/milliondollarextreme/2877117/15262362

These jews have their asses sit on 2 chairs, they can't advocate against themselves and at the same time they see something is obviously going wrong, with the jewry in america, and the west in general, shits are at odds at pretty much every level, jewish over representation in the american power structure is undeniable, and there's clearly an agenda coming from above aiming at basically sabotaging/debasing/overriding the US constitution, and whites in america, and this isn't just a coincidence nor a series of unfortunate accidents

And these diversities are pretty much in the same position as jews, they both can't advocate for white nationalism while at the same time they see immigration of non whites, from which they came from, is used to ethnically debase america, end game being the cultural debasement naturally resulting from it, which is basically the ultimate way to debase the american heritage, read, the constitution

Of course those diversities are pro 1st and 2nd and pro free market for the most part, they consider themselves americans, just like those jews (benefit of the doubt for you, happy hannukah), but they fail to realize that they are outliers, not representative of the new comers, they basically confuse their personal history with the history of new immigrants (that's ethnocentrism, just like democrat christians believing the rest of the world rapefugees included are also somehow democrat christians like them, or probably will be after a while because that's best, if it wasn't best they wouldn't be it so it has to be... See how that works? Everyone sees noon at his door, everyone is the gold standard, immigration is perfectly normal for immigrants, islam is perfectly normal for muslims etc)


But most importantly, all those people fail at reasoning "macro"; The first duty of any given nation leader, is to protect its people from ethnic debasement, because if you fill "la France" with africans for instance it's no longer "la France" but "l' Afrance", you don't build and matian a civilization with the kids of others, somalis aren't going to build and maintain japanese civilization period

And just because like salvini you put/or want to put, a full stop on african immigration in italy, doesn't mean you hate or are going to hate a guy just because he's black/african, that's two separate things, that's typically where q people fail in term of reasoning (and not just them most people)

Me, I don't hate africans, really, and I don't hate jews, and I don't hate arabs

Ok, that's not totally accurate

I don't like arabs in general, for how too many of them behave in my country, as a general rule... Arabs in the west are a disaster, socially, at street level, mostly but not only, they are too many times a crossover between jews and niggers

I don't like jews in general, I don't see many or any of them doing anything wrong in my country at street level, but I hate what they do politically, what they promote, as a lobby/group, in the west in general since decades, at street level they are perfectly fine for the vast majority, as opposed to arabs, but politically they are the plague

I don't like africans in general, mostly because too much of them come here and factually become jews' objective political tools, when they aren't already full niggers, socially they aren't as bad as arabs where I live, but too much of them inevitably results in failed assimilation and after that it's niggerism taking over the place and they become a social disaster just like arabs pretty much

Does this mean I will systematically hate someone for being an arab, a jew, or an african and shoot any of them in the face just because?

Of course not

I hate thugs, niggerism, and people enabling and promoting it, big difference

MrDarkWater ago

We have to unite with whoever is against our enemies, of which we have many. There are several battles that need fighting and unless we are going to kill everybody who disagrees with us, we need the votes. We've got to change minds: not just write them off completely.

Just over a year ago, most of them wouldn't have believed the level of corruption was even a possibility.

They can change, but we've got to use tact, not just continuous headbutting

aLegoInYourShoe ago

You are no better to be honest. You still think that voting can save you from this situation. And I'm pretty sure that you would not be willing to give up almost every luxury and comfort you have to create a better future for the coming generations of white Americans / Europeans

MrDarkWater ago

Wrong. I've got nothing to lose and plenty to fight for. I'm the youngest son: I'm prime expendable fighting meat. I'm waiting to see what voting can do.

Voting made Hillary lose. That changed my mind on voting. There may be a time to do more than vote, but don't tell me that I'm no better. You aren't forming a militia either, faggot.

If voting can't work for us, what would you do today to ensure a better future for us?

That's right bitch, you know the score too. We won't fight until things get worse and our numbers grow. So calm down your judgments, we are on the same page, but we've got many fish to fry.

You ain't shit without numbers, and those numbers are all watching and waiting, same as you.

Waiyu_Dudat ago

I agree with both your points but I'd really like to address your line "whoever is on our side"... That's the tough thing. We are the honest open side. We aren't shifty liars. Anybody can say they are on our side but it's a philosophical battle that once some ideas are presented as options, it shows they are still either very uneducated about the direction we want or they are trying to subvert our direction to allow more mass migration and banking control.

I agree with the above guy though, saying "every vote matters" shows you still think any vote can really modify the system from within. Democracy (including republics, any system wherein there are votes) is a farse. Stalin liked votes too. America must collapse and rebuild, it was broken from the start. Read Plato's Republic, Unqualified Reservations by Moldbug, every single republic in history has done what we are doing and we will collapse the same way they have. Learn history and see that what you're trying to do is a little futile (convert the masses to vote in a way that'll produce a better society, can't happen, never has happened in history, ever).

MrDarkWater ago

Thanks for a quality readiness response. I've that I don't disagree with. I know the cycle, I know what's coming.

My problem is not how or why, but when and how effectively IT will work and last.

Numbers are required, but numbers are stupid and pacified right now.

I understand the criticism in getting, I don't understand y'all's better option though

Waiyu_Dudat ago

Fair enough. I don't have a battery option yet either, I think the more important thing is to not move too quickly, over extend, look like retarded neo nazis and then get killed before we even make any moves.

I don't know a better option up front. I know "not doing this" over many things will lead us to a better option, but we barely have that time.

Maybe the best thing we can do is red pill the blue pilled, black pill the red pilled, and white pill the black pilled. Or ultimately, I believe, God pill the black pilled, which leads to what I think the better option would be: a return of Christianity without the Jewish/secular/materialist mindset that has entered. I find Orthodox to have a good perspective and it seems to be doing really well for Russia and other eastern European countries. The reason I believe this'll matter is because it is the most significant difference in defining philosophies between the east and the West, and the east has done far far better at dealing with (((problems))) than the West.

And perhaps this argument sounds too big, "you want me to convert everyone to Christianity?"... Not necessarily. I want everybody to understand the logical arguments involved in defending a metaphysical worldview, since we've all been indoctrinated since birth into an atheistic materialist mindset that "allows anybody to be whatever they want" (relativism that leads to gender dysphoria and more importantly, complete control).

But maybe I just think philosophy/religion and history are going to be the things to help people because I'm learning about it right now more than I ever have and I find it more relevant to these political issues than any other study.

MrDarkWater ago

Yes, we are on the exact same page. Great response. Thanks.

Waiyu_Dudat ago

Best of luck then friend. Here's to the future. God bless.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Huh? Da fuq you talking about?

Arrvee ago


Steelerfish ago

PsyOp ago

Because the "Q-tards" are under the control of their Jewish masters...indeed, a significant number of them are Jews (most likely sitting in cubicles in Tel Aviv). We see the exact same thing with Donald Trumpstein's worshipers...a significant number of them are Jews, to get the ball rolling, and to keep the momentum going.

fuckmyreddit ago

I'm an outlier Jew in Oregon, not Tel Aviv. And I'm neither part of the cabal nor an employee of the cabal. I actually agree with some of your points. If you would tell the truth and use the words Khazerian Mafia or Rothschild Cabal or Fake Jews, you might have a chance at getting through to boomers.

A. Saying Jew bad goes against their programming.

B. Saying Khazerian Mafia or Fake Jews is the truth. You'll get more allies if you research the truth and use the truth.

You children keep saying you can't trust me because I'm a Jew, but how is your method working so far?

CivNatisFullRetard ago

Shut the fuck up faggot. I'm a mischling (dad is jewish, mom white) and I see exactly what the fuck you are doing. Voaters, do not be fooled by this kike trying to police your wording. You CANNOT trust jews. DO NOT TRUST ANY OF THEM. The only jews you can ever THINK of trusting are ABSOLUTE ANOMALIES, like Bobby Fischer, who was a mischling like me, and maybe .01% of other jews and misclings.

Do not fall for this BS of you having to trust jews or not generalize them. GENERALIZE THE SHIT OUT OF JEWS. They are evil fucking liars and even if some good ones die in a real holocaust, WHAT THE FUCK EVER. DOES NOT MATTER. Jews are self-serving evil creatures and this fucking kike is no different. His best advice is to waste your time telling boomers it's some long-winded group of people WHO ARE STILL A BUNCH OF KIKES.

IT IS THE JEWS. Not the "bad jews". It's the fucking jews. The majority of jews are lying sacks of shit who deserve to die. It's fucking simple. Same with niggers. Like fucking John McAfee said, at best 5% of blacks are functional, the rest are goblins and should be exterminated. And McAfee married a fucking nigger prostitute and is telling you this shit.

Get fucking real people and DO NOT waste your time believing jewish bullshit or changing your language to appease THE MOST WORTHLESS GROUP OF SELFISH ASSHOLES TO WALK THE EARTH: DER BOOMERS.

fuckmyreddit ago

I like to think I fall into the .01%. Thanks for elevating my status.

Schreiber ago

The irony here is how Voat is full of kikes larping as white supremacist.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

Yeah, all social media is bullshit and Jewish.

PsyOp ago

It's easier to type the word 'Jew' than to type what you've typed. I've read "The Invention of The Jewish People" by Shlomo Sand, I am well aware of who's who and what's what. Most Jews on earth are not Semitic people, including you...I've explained this to people hundreds of times, it doesn't seem to be sinking in.

ps...wtf is a "Boomer"?

fuckmyreddit ago

ps...wtf is a "Boomer"?

An old white person.

kalchaya ago

Strategy, tactics and the cunning necessary to use them is not compatible with laziness, nor shortsightedness. Many here have no comprehension of what is required for one who is older and weaker, to defeat one who is younger and stronger; nor what is necessary for the few to overcome the many. As with 8ch.net, many cannot grasp simple math...if you red-pill five, but in the effort blue-pill a hundred, you have helped your side little, and aided your enemy much. There is a time for blunt honesty and a time for shrewd subterfuge. Boomer as in baby boomer (https://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h2061.html).

PsyOp ago

I'm a boomer...born in 1962. I was first red-pilled back in the mid-70's...since then, however, I have been forced to swallow the black-pill. I agree with you that most people here are completely ignorant of strategy and tactics...they obviously don't understand the danger we're facing. The reason I'm more forthcoming about the Jews is because we're out of time...this shit is going down right now! We need to push forward with the army that we have, rather that fantasize about the army we wish we had.

kalchaya ago

One way to look at it. I would argue that seeking to optimize ones numbers (and minimize those of the enemy) has nothing to do with fantasy. There is nothing wrong about being "forthcoming", but it's entirely dependent on how one does it. A few can take the blunt force trauma of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but.....many require a more subtle approach...while some (I call them the Ostrich Clan) will never take off their blinders. The former are easy to turn; the latter are wasted effort. It's the middle group that can go either way, and require 'handling'. Recruiting for the enemy is never wise.....let the libtards, lefturds, and commies do their own enlisting. Also, don't believe everything you read, and less of what you hear. This "shit" has been going down for decades. I recall the beatniks making the same claim, then the hippies, and on it has gone. Like the jesusfreakos and their unending "Repent! The Time Is Near" doomsday chant, so to has the anarchists a similar soliloquy that 'The Revolution" is mere days away, and so it has been for over fifty years now. Assume that we have neither limitless time, nor no time at all, and that the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Remember that instilling panic and agitation is a tactic going back to the days of Musashi and Sun Tzu, to keep the opponent off balance and make mistakes to screw himself. Haste makes waste. In times like these, the Chicken Littles do not fair well. Cunning is required.

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

Because they are boomers, a lost generation.

N3DM ago

Don't get me started on those retards. Every time I point out something stupid they've posted, they act like I should be shipped to gitmo for hating DJT, Q, and the USA.

Fuckin fags. Paranoid, delusional, etc.

lazylance ago

Boomers are 'tards

Conway ago

Indoctrination is hard thing to overcome. Comfortable lies are easy to accept, hard truths are not.

gazillions ago

Who fucking cares. As long as they aren't voting for hillary and bernie trash. Just see that they're voting for someone that isn't going to kill half the county. The wrong half.

EnterTheUnKnown ago

Qtards = Boomers. Boomers = most brainwashed generation by the jews. The programming runs deep with these people. They can see the glitch at times, but always revert back to the programming.

Doglegwarrior ago

My dad who is close to 70 tried to explain to me how the caravan was not an invasion. I couldnt believe my ears.

EnterTheUnKnown ago

It is sad isn't it.

tokui ago

Q is civnat, so is Trump.

Civnat is how we get 36,000 white women raped by niggers every single year. Civnat is how every major urban center is a feral nigger infestation of sloth and crime.

Civnat is why we can't have nice things.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

Agreed. Hence my name.

Becoming a civnat means going full retard and it's exactly why it's mostly boomers doing it.

moviefreak ago

So here we have another jew propagandist spreading discord, here carrying the name "tokui". I hope you develop a painful anal cancer from getting it up your ass, you disgusting jewswine. You don't even deserve a good hanging.

ThirteenthZodiac ago

Holy shit, you are a fucking faggot. Kill yourself.

Tallest_Skil ago

you're a jew because you told the truth

What the fucking christ is wrong with you.

truthwoke33 ago

Do you live in a black neighborhood? Ever lived around black people?

moviefreak ago

First: I have no clue why you ask me, but I'll just answer honestly before politics invade the subject.

  1. No, I have never lived in a black neighborhood, but if I had too, I'd pack even heavier than I already do. They tend to be racists.

  2. Yes, I have lived "around" some black girls, and they were sexy as fuck, though I have always had my blonde girlfriend whom attracts me more. Even though she likes her black girlfriends.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

Wow, so your GF is clearly a coal-burning whore and you're a bitch. Just kill yourself bud.

truthwoke33 ago

Then shut the fuck up. You've never had the real feral nigger experience. Go volunteer in Africa, go live in black neighborhood, live next to poor blacks and then come back and tell us about how "racist" we are for not wanting them around us. I'm from Texas and there's a ton of niggers here and they bring problems. Same with Mexican spics, they aren't nice people to live amongst.

pisstossingman ago

Jesus, and here I thought we'd lost the last of those bestiality freaks a few months ago. Get the fuck out of here.

moviefreak ago

Wow, you are a true faggot. Again, and answer me honestly, is your foreskin intact?

P.S: I don't watch porn, I happen to have a girlfriend.

aLegoInYourShoe ago

You know how to spot a faggot who hasn't got a girlfriend?

Look for the guy constantly telling people he got a girlfriend on the internet. (shoe horning it into everything he says, no matter the context)

jthun2 ago

as a married guy, I have to agree. Bragging about girlfriends is always a dodgy sign.

No one brags about having a wife, because a wife is far more responsibility and financial risk than a girlfriend.

BumFightChamp ago

Look for the guy constantly telling people he got a girlfriend on the internet

Dude, I don't just have a girlfriend, I have her black girlfriends who want me so badly! I'm not only having sex with a hot blonde, but I'm also not racist, and have even more girls on my dick! Also, I pack heavy.

not just like, an easily concealable 9mm or something, no way, that is for faggots. I pack HEAVY. Fucking sawed off shotgun on my calf, .45 1911 IWB on my back and then a .380 appendix IWB cuz, YOU NEVER KNOW, RIGHT FELLOW ALPHAS??


moviefreak ago

I am so glad you guys are answering. You make it easy to spot the Reddit trash faggots invading our once nice house. Now go post a good book in my new sub. Or a good movie in my other sub. I dare you.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

Shut the fuck up you little bitch. Nobody hear believes any of the BS you are saying. Just hang yourself you fucking loser.

Whatnext ago

So they think its bad to preserve the White race? Well isnt that promoting genocide?

moviefreak ago

Because they are jewish propaganda, and the white race and jews are at war. Why do you pay taxes if your country wasn't invaded by jews? Don't you think we could make roads on our own?

Those fucking leeches are sucking our culture dry, and they even brag about it. Read the Talmud and wake the fuck up.

CatsControlTheEU ago

Because they are jewish propaganda

This is so absolutely true, I've noticed a lot of people arguing with me and downvoatimg me recently whenever I called out the jew. Fucking boomers.

Landwhaleonline ago

This. The whole idea that any gov is necessary is propaganda from the government. It's no different than a car salesman selling cars.

MisterHitlerHimself ago

Excuse the ignorance, but what is a q-tard?

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Have a look at v/QRV

zyklon_b ago


Cleanhobo ago

Just redpill them on race with nigger violence and murder stats. Do the same with 'jews control everything and are evil' data and stats. No reason to shit on them. they will just turtle up and fight back. Instead... teach them... Remember Q opened their minds wide open. Put your own information in there. That is the REAL reason they were sent here... Not to fight Voat and win but to come to voat and LOSE THEIR PROGRAMMING. Find effective ways to redpill them. Q cant say it just like Trump cant say it. It would give ammo to the opposition. Instead WE HAVE TO DO IT. Think about it??!! Why the Chans and Voat of all places?? Fucking WHY? Why is Q not somewhere else? They were sent here for us to train them in the stuff Trump and Q simply CANNOT. So do that and tell other goats to do the same.

fuckmyreddit ago

You cannot redpill boomers with the typical hater attitude. It won't work the way you approach it.

lazylance ago

Sometimes it seems like they are wailing away with a sledgehammer instead of using a precision drill.

Yeah Voat, talking about YOU!

Cleanhobo ago

Yep... This exactly. Its all about effectiveness. There is a way to get through the programming. One just needs to be creative and find it.

AEndtoThemForever ago

Or, you could just accept that it's not our fucking responsibility to save these fucking defective horrors and let them march themselves toward jewish apocalypse. They want to die for the jew, want to send their kids to die for the jew, let them.

petevoat ago

I have yet seen any Qers do what you are alluding to.

I think you've spent too much time in a hate bath here. I get it, you hate jews, you hate blacks, whatever the terms, but think about that, the very thing you hate is what the globalists want. THEY'VE WON, you've been divided and conquered. The jews made you and divided you, and conquered you. Can you see?

Let me make it clearer. Qers know it is them vs us. We are the people, all colors, all race, all whatever, and they (1%) are the psychos, and yes they are jews, the sick ones.

boredTech ago

the very thing you hate is what the globalists want.

Expand that one. The globalists do not want us to have national / racial pride. They've systematically destroyed it. Now some jews donning KKK hoods running around whipping up a frenzy for the ADL is beneficial to them (always has been).

You could say that pointing out the faults of other races is harassment and division. But, when attacked do you just sit there with you thumb up your butt, or do you punch back. If anything a good fight will make the better of both sides.

1% psychos

HAHAHAAHA, look into who makes up most of the 1%. HAHAHAA

ThyCultOfQ ago

So if (((they))) want to play us off against each other then the answer is to implement the ethnostate. The fact you expect low IQ Africans or follows of Islam to understand that they mustn't push their anti-white hate or force their culture because it's a divide and conquer strategy is laughable... they don't know don't care. It never works. The answer is the ethnostate. The ethnostate beats divide and conquer once and for all. The sooner you idiots see it the better.

markrod420 ago

Q said patriots have no skin color. they seem to be following Q with the same dogmatic level of belief that the westboro baptist church has. i HOPE Q is real. i want Q to be real despetately. but Q's insistance that we all ignore race sounds too similar to (((many others))). if Q is real then the nonsense he says about race must be because racism is a socially unacceptable position and to entertain it would be to push away many people. also, as a right wing thing, if Q does not openly denounce racism then they will be branded as white supremacist and distregarded by 80% of people. so Qs statements on race are either a necessary political deception, or Q is just more kikery. it makes me sad that option B is the likely one.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

Good news is that nobody will pay money to bury boomers since they are 99% worthless idiots who leveraged their homes so they could live beyond their means.

markrod420 ago

so are you assuming im a boomer then? youre very wrong.

Neskuaxa ago

Your question is framing a false narrative I've not seen any anti white sentiment from the Q crowd.

Tb0n3 ago

Because it's only a problem in your own fucking head. The white race is not in danger of anything but idiocy like your own.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Found the Boomer Qtard

Tb0n3 ago

You've obviously never seen any of my posts.

ThyCultOfQ ago

Boomers.... they are the brainwashed generation that not only allowed us to be set on the path to become a minority in our homelands.... THEY WISHED FOR IT.

To accept now that their choices were the result of propaganda aimed at weakening the West and not the fact that they are in fact divine intellects who have risen above all notion of race, religion or any other (((subject))) with blind faith/ignorance and unfaltering moral justification, all whilst there nations collapse around them, would be too much for them to come to terms with.

So instead they continue to parrot the propaganda that got us here in the first place. It. Really. Is. That. Simple.

MrDarkWater ago


aLegoInYourShoe ago

You couldn't be more right. Spot on analysis.

Doglegwarrior ago

You cant blame the boomers for be tricked after their parents joined two world wars on the wrong fucking side. If germany had won either war especialy the second one we would have a much different jew question it would probably be more of an american jew problem now.

Cleanhobo ago

Could it be that Q is the only thing that would wake a boomer up? What do you think? Sure got them looking at the deepstate and at pizzagate. Sure got my parents to stop voting Dem. Only took a lifetime to get them to stop but Trump/Q did it. They sure love those gibs and retirement bribery. Amazing to see them voting against it.

Doglegwarrior ago

I dont how people can ignore pizzagate the circumstancial evidence was insane if you looked into it at all. The media did a masterful job of covering it up. The one guy that exposed it originaly was sent to buttfuck egypt and never heard from again. Itz insane

Cleanhobo ago

pizzagate is a dark nightmare Probably darker than anything I could imagine. It is part of all this and it is falling apart and coming out. Its all so fucking huge and so fucking secret. It really is the matrix. I like to say everything is fake. because it is.

MrDarkWater ago

Right. Blame is the problem. Understanding should be the goal, not just butting heads

ScientificRacism ago

Have you ever tried having a conversation with any of them? Ever? They're fucking delusional man. Like mental illness delusional. It's fucking astounding to be honest.

BordelonLoop ago

there's a boomer in my small family. she isn't eaten up with stupidity. so i can't accept they all are dumbasses. i did, however, get to embarras one, a disgusting jewish boomer, who had moved to the South to infect students with his harvard, progressive ways. i called his shit out. called him a commie of the worst order and laid bare for those there to see his hypocrisy. i should have said, "well, the good news is is that you will be dead soon. you are all your bolshi jewish hippie friends."
just don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

MrDarkWater ago

Yeah man. I know. Some are able to dust off the old brain, but it seems harder for them than young people

blackwithhiv ago

Boomers could also stop fucking each others daughters, but I agree. small steps.

MrDarkWater ago

Hey, those daughters were asking for it

ReAwakened ago

Boomers aren't the one's voating for this shit. Boomers are the ones voating against it. http://assets.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2014/07/typology_age2.png

Turn on your parents and your elders. The jews will love you for it.

Fcaf1202 ago

Agreed....not productive.

I_like_paint ago

Well said.

LostandFound ago

The only thing that keeps me in the game at all when it comes to Q is that ( at least on 8 ) the JQ is common and well known, countless hours have been spent looking into the roths, zionists and the BIS. I just cant work out what the complete long term play is here, as it really is waking up many normie tier people.

I have in recent weeks come to the unfortunate conclusion that one of the primary goals of Q is to prep people for accepting war with Iran via the Muslim brotherhood, so that itself leads back to something like a JDIF op and would also explain the rhetoric regarding whites and JQ. We got a weak strain of the Q following here due to reddit.

Goat-Master-5000 ago

We don't need to invade Iran. Whenever there's Islamic terrorism, it's not an Iranian that does it. It never is.

That's why I say that it's not an accident that the elites want to conquer Iran. That don't have a Rothschild bank in Iran, right? While Muslims were always a problem, it's the wealthy (((globalists))) that made Muslims more globally dangerous and radicalized.

WhitePaladin ago

They want to invade Iran for years, its the last ?? piece of the puzzle to weaken all countries around Israel.

whatdoesthereeesay ago

Yeah, I heard them supporting a coup to free Iran.

Rawrination ago

Removing an evil person is easy. Removing and more importantly REPLACING an evil system is a lot harder.

Also we're not dealing with an evil person, but an enemy occupying government filled to overflowing with evil.

It's going to take a war, or at the very least a credible threat of one.

fuckmyreddit ago

Rawrnation, we are not just fighting an enemy occupied government. We are fighting all governments. Every single government on the planet is infested. And, with the exception of the US Military (hopefully), we have no allies to fight this cancer because the heads of big religion, big news, big entertainment, big corporation, big pharma, big union, big education, etc. are part of this evil. It would be much easier if we were just fighting an enemy occupied government. It is systemic. Maybe the boomers are right when they say to pray.

Landwhaleonline ago

It's not evil occupying gov like u say, that's the same thought process of a typical Q'er. The idea of a gov itself is the problem, go figure.

fuckmyreddit ago

Landwhale, I'll give you an upvote. Government is the problem. I would be even more specific. Giving money to the government is the problem. They can't control us as well if we don't have high taxes. Find some way to lower taxes (and gibs) and we might discover freedom.

Rawrination ago

To have a government and what form is a literally eternal debate. I'm leaning towards elected monarchy myself, but the Pope's bullshit has shown the issues inherent in that.

Complete anarchy would be great in theory... but someone's going to get a group of heavily armed people together and go on a conquest spree.

I wish we could return to the days of Grande Tartaria, but it will take a lot of work for humanity to return to those heights.

But by any definition our current form is working against the interests of the people of this nation and for those of another. Therefore we have a hostile occupying government of some form or another. (gas the kikes)

BordelonLoop ago

mankind will always be mankind. no matter how many are good, decent, and kind, there will always be the base of the species fucking things up. this is why we in the know realize utopia truly means "nowhere." there will be no heaven on earth. and it is going to be a battle to the day we die to have peace. relish loved ones, good food, good friends, and those short respites of joy. i am a very thankful and grateful person. seems being thankful and loving the simple things makes for a more "realized" life. what we need to protect is our basic right of freedom of association and all that that entails.

Landwhaleonline ago

Complete anarchy would be great in theory... but someone's going to get a group of heavily armed people together and go on a conquest spree.

Sorry, but I disagree. Having rulers has almost always been the case, and it's very clear decent human beings don't need rulers. Any idea that you need a government, even a very limited one, is propaganda. Also don't forget who allows which historical records are available for you to read, and to believe any of the written history we've been sold would be all based on faith. Faith that your gov won't lie to you.... well, we know how that goes.

Rawrination ago

No I think you're mostly right. But nature abhors a vacuum and the power vacuum WILL be filled. IF not by a government the people at least tolerate, then by a brutal ideology like Islam. People are inherently good, but with evil inside. And not everyone even has that good on the surface. It only takes a handful of people (like the jews) working against the rest to fuck the rest over.

I think over time technology will help reduce our need for a government, and ideally local militias would be the main holders of some level of military defense against the conquering Islamist or whomever.

For an idea of a super high tech and low government society I recomend checking out https://www.quantumvibe.com

For another take on it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_series for a post scarcity take on things.

Another great place to check is Isaac Arthur https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Kt7883oTd0

Landwhaleonline ago

Try not to forget that religion is actually a tool used by the governement as well. These muslims are muslims because their country raises them as such. The idea that the church or any religious institution we currently have isn't used as a form of control would be false. Our own dollar bill says "in god we trust". Don't you find it curious they felt the need to put that there?

So this goes back to what I meant when I asked who do you think is responsible for creating indecency in the first place.

Rawrination ago

Humans are responsible for creating all suffering other than that which happens as an accident of nature. People don't have to be taught how to be evil. But they can be taught how to be even more evil.

Landwhaleonline ago

Yes, and it's also because of the dualistic nature of reality. There will always be good and evil for the very same reason there can't be an inside without an outside.

Doglegwarrior ago

You also need to mention the overflowing evil fucks in control are the richest people in the history of the world (maybe the egyptians, persians and chinese at one point probably relativly had as much) but these rich overlords have access to technology and propaganda that no one has ever had.

Rawrination ago

At least no one since before the Flood. All the time I think we are heading right back to that and with the return of absolutely evil everywhere will come the final end of the world.

Doglegwarrior ago

Ya lets hope and pray that a jew created religion will save us. I believe in god but not one so stupid to be used for thousands of years by jews to trick people.

Rawrination ago

It's not the Bible that makes me believe in the flood, but studying science and doing my best to get truth from wherever I can.

Whether it was completely global, or there have been one or many, every culture remembers it to some degree.


Doglegwarrior ago

Ya ive heard about that.. but multiple cultures also had a belief in zome type of big foot. My friemd is big into big foot and thats part od his evidence multiple cultures talk about a big foot so should we believe in bigfoot as well?

Rawrination ago

Yes big foot is real.

Believe whatever you want to.

I just follow the truth wherever it leads. I'm a nerd who likes to learn. https://voat.co/v/TheDonald/2092975

ReAwakened ago

Killing an evil idea is the hardest. You have to kill everybody that truly holds the idea.

truthwoke33 ago

And on top of that you have to be careful not to become what you are fighting against

BordelonLoop ago

off of the top of my head, Robespierre comes to mind.

Rawrination ago

Like in everything else its likely the kikes. Your last sentence makes me wonder if you're part of the plan.

Whoever isn't against us is for us. Most of the Q-tards will come around. The ones that won't will catch a round if it comes to it.

15270932? ago

For them Being pro white is racist

fuckmyreddit ago

Some of those boomers are shills and bots that migrated with the herd. While I can tell many in the Boomer group are naive followers, remember we grew up without internet, without text messages, without email, without contact with anyone we didn't meet in the wild. We had 3 tv channels. No cable. We had music to help us bond with other anti corporate, anti government people, but most of those Qtards did not hang out with radicals at jimi hendrix concerts. They watched TV and went to proms. Going indie was very different in the 60s and 70s. Information came from friends, underground newspapers on paper, and books. You had to order the books or stumble across them at a library. And you did not have Amazon where you could search for the right book.

kalchaya ago

Allies may be taking it a bit too far. I'd think pawns a better descriptor. in the chess game of life, it's doubtful these critters will ever allow themselves to be red-pilled enough to rise above the level of mindless tools, but pawns have uses too.

AEndtoThemForever ago

I don't know who you are lady, but I want to have your hatebaby. This was far, far more apologetic and sepia toned a perspective than I believe boomers deserve. I'll agree that the Boomers are naive followers, but you kind of left out that they are and have always been violently willfully ignorant followers. The Boomers (and I watched this growing up) made a generational decision to always, always, always, under every circumstance, choose themselves over their children. Always. Without exception. This applies to school policies, mental health facilities and selling your children to the system because they're inconvenient, and an endless litany of sins which need to be added to your assessment.

Yeah, these former humans had access to limited information in their formative years. But that ceased to be a valid excuse when they demanded that the jew attack the world trade center and consign our civilization to endless war.

fuckmyreddit ago

they demanded that the jew attack the world trade center and consign our civilization to endless war. I guess I forgot to demand that. I grew up in America with European grandparents who had lived through the aftermath of war and it affected my outlook. In addition, I don't watch television, so my emotions were not enflamed to the point of insanity.

MrDarkWater ago

A small percentage, and it's just the boomers

LostandFound ago

Boomer infestation from reddit, its not like that on the chans but half these people don't even know what a chan is or how to get there. They sit around waiting for someone to post it up here or else it literally didn't happen.

That and crazy levels of shilling. I used to be pretty involved in the Q thing back in the early days and not even pizzagate had that much shilling. PG the internet started to vanish up its own arsehole but Q is constant army's of shills from multiple sources.


"Shilling" is the jidf, or similar reinforcing the propaganda and stearing the conversation to serve them

LostandFound ago

Way more than just jdif on there I think, I watched a few groups battling it out before it went to 8chan and they banned trip codes. Whatever it is, it's not a larp anyways that much I'm sure. But I do not know exactly what it is, Q does not seem keen to point out any (((crimes))) other than Rothschild bogeymen, no mention of billions of dollars flowing into an enemy's hands. Containment board or creating a false narrative or road to Valhalla I guess time will tell.


Oden's waiting for me.

Mylon ago

Dunno, QRV likes to call me a shill. I'm just tired of the nothing happening and the qult level apologetics to excuse missed dates and non-happenings. They're going on like the predicted Kavanaugh confirmation hearing was a proof because it highlights the outcome of the senate race weeks before the election which is insane.

ScientificRacism ago

which is insane.

And if you try to break it down for them, they just shout at you. It's incredible. They don't belong on this website, people here disagree all the fucking time, but we at least hear one another out.

agodgavemethisland ago

There's a whole army of JIDF shills who follow this script LARPING as Q-tards.

Old-Misogynist ago

Don't blame the boomers. Most of us are white, gun-owning conservatives. We earned our education and jobs by ability not by gender, race or sexual preference like the younger "diversity quota" generations.

Landwhaleonline ago

You are being distracted by the media. No one gives two shits about genders or sexual preferences, only people that read or watch that propaganda would mention it. You are still pretty conditioned by merely aligning yourself with a political side, when all political sides were created to cause infighting among the population. When will you realize you are still being played?

Neinlife ago

Boomers got the best or the American dream and closed the doors behind them.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Ha! Don't blame the boomers? You fucks are the ones that are cashed jg out on all these problems we have today. From me to them ,, fuck off and good day.

truthwoke33 ago

Yeah don't blame the generation that controls 100% of politics. Ok. I mean just look at all those millennials in politics who support Israel. #/S