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kalgon ago

Misled christians, jews, and diversities

These christians have been raised to support israel, and jews, because they confuse ancient hebrews and today's jews, and think judaism is based on the bible, they basically don't understand what christianity is talking/all about

They have all heard about the synagogue of satan, but they fail to connect the dots

These jews have their asses sit on 2 chairs, they can't advocate against themselves and at the same time they see something is obviously going wrong, with the jewry in america, and the west in general, shits are at odds at pretty much every level, jewish over representation in the american power structure is undeniable, and there's clearly an agenda coming from above aiming at basically sabotaging/debasing/overriding the US constitution, and whites in america, and this isn't just a coincidence nor a series of unfortunate accidents

And these diversities are pretty much in the same position as jews, they both can't advocate for white nationalism while at the same time they see immigration of non whites, from which they came from, is used to ethnically debase america, end game being the cultural debasement naturally resulting from it, which is basically the ultimate way to debase the american heritage, read, the constitution

Of course those diversities are pro 1st and 2nd and pro free market for the most part, they consider themselves americans, just like those jews (benefit of the doubt for you, happy hannukah), but they fail to realize that they are outliers, not representative of the new comers, they basically confuse their personal history with the history of new immigrants (that's ethnocentrism, just like democrat christians believing the rest of the world rapefugees included are also somehow democrat christians like them, or probably will be after a while because that's best, if it wasn't best they wouldn't be it so it has to be... See how that works? Everyone sees noon at his door, everyone is the gold standard, immigration is perfectly normal for immigrants, islam is perfectly normal for muslims etc)


But most importantly, all those people fail at reasoning "macro"; The first duty of any given nation leader, is to protect its people from ethnic debasement, because if you fill "la France" with africans for instance it's no longer "la France" but "l' Afrance", you don't build and matian a civilization with the kids of others, somalis aren't going to build and maintain japanese civilization period

And just because like salvini you put/or want to put, a full stop on african immigration in italy, doesn't mean you hate or are going to hate a guy just because he's black/african, that's two separate things, that's typically where q people fail in term of reasoning (and not just them most people)

Me, I don't hate africans, really, and I don't hate jews, and I don't hate arabs

Ok, that's not totally accurate

I don't like arabs in general, for how too many of them behave in my country, as a general rule... Arabs in the west are a disaster, socially, at street level, mostly but not only, they are too many times a crossover between jews and niggers

I don't like jews in general, I don't see many or any of them doing anything wrong in my country at street level, but I hate what they do politically, what they promote, as a lobby/group, in the west in general since decades, at street level they are perfectly fine for the vast majority, as opposed to arabs, but politically they are the plague

I don't like africans in general, mostly because too much of them come here and factually become jews' objective political tools, when they aren't already full niggers, socially they aren't as bad as arabs where I live, but too much of them inevitably results in failed assimilation and after that it's niggerism taking over the place and they become a social disaster just like arabs pretty much

Does this mean I will systematically hate someone for being an arab, a jew, or an african and shoot any of them in the face just because?

Of course not

I hate thugs, niggerism, and people enabling and promoting it, big difference