Reddit_traitor ago

I will unsub now. Also you still doing /v/Hawaii ?

Le_Squish ago


Reddit_traitor ago


cyclops1771 ago

LOL. @madazzahattereboot must be a total fag. What kind of hairless pussy deletes an entire subverse of content out of sheer spite?

That's some real "stuck your dick in crazy" throwing all your shit on the lawn type of temper tantrum. Right, @crazy_eyes?

Glipglup ago

@madazzhattereboot keep scrubbing, you're making the right call. @Le_Squish is v/SBBH they are literally a pedophile group and the cancer that killed Voat. You have our back, we know le squish is a fraud.

cyclops1771 ago

If it's not illegal, better to leave it.

Erasing people and ideas you don't like is pretty fucking gay.

Le_Squish ago

Too dumb to make a bot to do it I guess. Also too dumb to make "new" owner do it.

I'm loling at his salty balls deleting them one by one. It's gonna take him days. I hope his employers make him pull an all nighter.

I'm gonna build a new island from the salt harvest alone.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/ProtectGoats submission by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#81028) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Le_Squish: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Sorry to hear that, Squish. You were pretty much the life of that sub. Who are those scumbags?

Le_Squish ago

I hope that one day someone cast res on Putt and I can start anew . They are paid squatters, apparently.

Drunkenst ago

“Don’t you have homes?” - Judge Smale

KikesOnTrikes ago

The state of Hawaii does pursue online commenters if they say things the state doesn't like


Le_Squish ago

State is currently trying to unmask a user that left a comment on the local newspaper because he talked shit about them. They have in the past pursued Facebook and Twitter users for talking shit about them as well. Hawaii has a lot of real life spooks so it's best not to make it easy for them.

anticlutch ago

anon is just learning voat is controlled by the same group controlling reddit

Le_Squish ago

We need a purge. It'll be fun.

Glipglup ago

Go back to your pedophile sub you gaslighting sack of dog shit. Kill yourself.

aikibiru ago

Typically the gay mafia is frontin' for the Yids

m_1 ago

Does this mean you will have time to play Lethal Weapon with me?

Le_Squish ago

But I dun wanna be Danny Glover...I wanna be Mel Gibson =/.

m_1 ago

I already called Riggs. My game. My rules.

Killdozer6gozillian ago

This honey pot is getting digged/reddited/kiked

Le_Squish ago

Can't kikes stop ruining everything white people make? I just want to live in peace and eat fried chicken with my white friends.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Who are you? Who are they? As someone who does not care about voat drama, how does this affect me?

Le_Squish ago

Not particularly. Carry on.

Heebro ago

menehune is virge

Crikes ago

As long as we tolerate the world reserve fiat global enslavement system, everything that can be corrupted will be corrupted.

The pope has been replaced with an anti-Christ, slaver agent. Think Voat is immune?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

The Catholic sect itself is anti-Christian, so no big deal.

Crikes ago

My point is, if the Vatican, if religion, if the United States and the united states, if every other nation, if every political party, if Google drops the "Don't" from their motto...

It's not a matter of if, but when, Voat is corrupted.

jonnyquest ago

What day-to-day life like in Hawaii!? What kind of dwelling is 'normal'? Apartment-style or do many folks actually have a tiny house and/or a small piece of 'property' (quotes b/c taxes and lack of allodial titles)?

Very curious, only because I have a long-time doctor friend who wishes to this day he did what a friend of his did a hundred years back (exaggeration, but that's how he likes to frame it) and instead of going through all the schooling and hard work, just moved to Hawaii and got a gov't job [anything outdoors] or something.

Wondering if there's any validity to this 'dream' or if weather aside, it sucks the same as anywhere -- and if the weather is enough to make up for it? I always figured if the weather never changes and you don't get anything to contrast it, you can't really appreciate it ... hell, that's why I'm asking.

Le_Squish ago

The big island is it's own corner of weird.

It still holds on to a lot of old Hawaii and it's mostly rural with a few major small towns.

I know people that do what you are describing and they love it.

If you want to tell the world to fuck and buy a square of jungle or desert rocks to call home you can do that too. Many do.

Big Island isn't for everyone. It's hard to live here especially if you have no social capital. We always recommend people arrange to rent for 1-3 months before deciding to stay. Most people burn out in two years.

AnotherGrayman ago

It's hard to live here especially if you have no social capital.

Elaborate on this?

jonnyquest ago

Thanks, this is exactly what I, too, was curious about.

Le_Squish ago

First of all you have to be a bit insane to live here. There are far easier places to live comfortably. With cheaper real estate, better jobs, medical care and generally better everything and much lower risk of natural disaster.

Survival here depends on being able to form a tribe and support each other, sharing bills, resources, trading, peer to peer lending, etc. Be friendly, be respectful and be useful. If you aren't, you'll end up homeless, trapped on welfare or limping back to the mainland broke.

We are a hyper diverse bunch of idiots and overwhelmingly poor but we learn to get along by necessity. It is what this land demands of us. When the lava comes, she don't care what color you are nor do the tsunamis or hurricanes. All that matters is can we work together to pull through and protect out communities.

Some people don't get this and when the hard times come they have no safety net and fail to thrive.

AnotherGrayman ago

That sounds like paradise. A real community with a looming danger that keeps the people from being drowned in pretentiousness, where they look out for each other for the sake of mutual survival. Poverty isn't a problem if you have happiness, a place to sleep, and something to eat.

SurfinMindWaves ago

I'm holding up a picket sign right now!

REMOD Le_Squish!!!

I'm sure they'll fix it any minute now.

Le_Squish ago

I don't even want to be remodded. It's just such a shitty and suspicious thing to do.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Putt fucked up with The Builder. Maybe he was doing shady shit before that idk but, that was pretty much the turning point in my opinion.

Glipglup ago

OP is a "builder". OP should commit suicide. Build a pole 20 feet up your ass.

Sum-of-Nun ago

Please refresh the memory of this old fart goat and enlighten the kids. I remember this but am foggy on the details.

RM-Goetbbels ago

gaahhhh. I really don't want to re-live that.

The Builder

The Builder - A Voat Update Part 1

On Bans...

This is my summarized take on it:

Be Putt

Have a plan

Turn Voat to Invite-Only so no new accounts can be made

Post The Builder Part 1 and rally allies with shiny gifts, then mock the untermensch with their impending doom that they don't know about yet

Set the bans in motion

Go into the comments and declare how good you are and how bad they are while they are being banned behind the scenes

Get questioned about the validity of a couple of the bans.

No dissent is allowed. Putt has spoken.

Banned users are unpersoned, they can't bother me now.

:Holiday Weekend. I'll just take off because they'll cool down in a couple of days and this will be easier to "explain".

  • A couple of days before we thought it was weird that he turned off registration because we weren't really having those problems. I was in a post about it, I don't know who brought it up........anyway, we all kind of shrugged it off. But then Putt posted the Builder and got all cryptic with his poetry bullshit, we've seen this before, it's kind of his style. Then came the PIA giveaway. Woo hoo, yay putt! But wait.......there's more for just $9.95! The Builder Update 1. Yeah! He then tells us he's been sneaking into the code and finding out who's been downvoting/upvoting him and that they're gonna pay. (To be clear, I didn't downvote that post, I have a specific criteria for DV and this didn't fit).

  • So the bans hit and shit starts and there Putt is, in the comments, defending his actions and denying any wrongdoing. It was like a runaway train of murder. And then he just leaves because it's Memorial Day(?).

We have been self moderating for years now. We've downvoted the shit out of any shill that dared come. Any group that threatened the ideals of voat. WE'VE BEEN DOING THIS. But now, Putt decides he wants to enforce the rules, that aren't CLEARLY WRITTEN, no matter the cost. He wants the shills to run free and for us to have our hands tied because..........he sure isn't going to, or be able to, do it.

You can't help but see this was selective if you know what to look for. I do. I knew what to look for.

IT WAS SHITTY FUCKING MOVE PUTT. But don't worry, I'm not brigading those shills anymore............of course you aren't stopping them either. So what was better? Us doing it or you not doing anything?

Sum-of-Nun ago

Thank you. I really do appreciate it. Drama has never been considerably palatable. I appreciate you giving a concise summary with sources.

Questioning leadership is ugly and uncomfortable but entirely necessary. While I love this site for many reasons, the foremost reason being the users' love of liberty, Voat is still just another website run by some guy we have never met. Once Voat abandons those principles, many of those users that make this place worthwhile shall then abandon Voat. Over the last few years, I have noticed a decline in post and comment quality. It is difficult to gauge whether I am just becoming more of a curmudgeon or some low effort, low quality shit posts keep mucking things up. Again, thank you.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Absolutely. That was the day I knew Voat had been subverted.

virge ago

No kidding.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Thanks for the warning. The years' long failure to clean up who owns subs is a major problem with this site. The issue is heightened by the inability to create new subs.

NamelessCrewmember ago

Dude. Be the bigger man here. Go start /biggerisland

lord_nougat ago


thantik ago


bambou1991 ago

An island made of writing equipment or the Land of Cocks? You decide!

lord_nougat ago


Redcobra ago

Reminder .People Enjoying Nature In Silence meetup has been moved to next Wednesday

lord_nougat ago

In honor of baby jesus!

Redcobra ago

Sure that too! Brother nougat

smokratez ago

Good. Get wrecked faggot.

lord_nougat ago

Who is wrecked faggot and why would he want to get him?

smokratez ago

Have you ever tried not being retarded?

lord_nougat ago

Have you ever tried not getting faggots? Faggot getter.

smokratez ago

I bet you eat tons of pasta and pizza.

lord_nougat ago

I bet you get faggots.

smokratez ago

Grains make you bipolar. This is not your quirky personality. It's literally mental illness from the food you eat.

lord_nougat ago

I'm tripolar, you shitlord!

smokratez ago

You are a dumbass who gets his personality from eating garbage.

lord_nougat ago

Lmao, thanks! Omnomnomm!!

You are a dumbass who gets his personality from GETTING FAGGOTS!

smokratez ago

You were smarter a year ago. You're diet is literally making you retarded.

lord_nougat ago

I'll eat better in 2020.

0011000100100111101 ago

i blocked the sub as well.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

I fucking told everyone here that voat is compromised and got downvoted lol.

Mumbleberry ago

Looks like a couple folks have used the DV hammer on him/her/it.

Hyst ago

You Soapbox kikes sure kick and scream when people take your positions of power away from you.

Do you have an actual example of the current owner doing anything wrong? I mean you say that people have accused him of posting fake news, are those accusations by other Soapdox flunkies? Or your alt accounts?

I honestly love how fucking 90% of any subverse drama on this website can be tied back to Soapbox though. Totally nothing strange about that goys....

AltOfSomeone ago

Fuck off, anti SBBH hysteria faggot.


Hyst ago

21 day old account defending Soapkikes.

Shitposting is not evil, however what a dozen or more Soapkike accounts were banned by Putt due to brigading and generally fucking with the rules of Voat?

But we're the wild wild west I guess so your kike brothers were unbanned and now you all can shit wherever you want just like pajeets. Congratulations. Doesn't mean I'm not going to highlight your bullshit.

But by all means continue hiding behind the shitposting concept. Totally nothing that anyone on Voat understands, right? I mean shitposting, jesus, none of us here have ever done that, thank you for explaining the fucking concept to me, nigger.

Redcobra ago

This is @crensch acct right?

AltOfSomeone ago


Hyst ago

How many of your Soapkike accounts were banned by Putt? It's not a matter of opinion. You people act like kikes. You're subversive. You use manipulation. This has all been proven.

AltOfSomeone ago


What's it like to have a bushman level IQ?

Hyst ago

When said subverse is the Voat equivalent of SRS then yes. You all do act the same way. If you didn't all act the same way then a couple dozen of your accounts wouldn't have been banned by Putt, right?

I wonder if we were to look at the ban statistics, I bet SBBH is the most common subverse for banned accounts to have been a part of.

AltOfSomeone ago

None. Quit generalizing an entire subverse, bushman.

Drstrangegoy ago

Yeah this is starting to get suspicious. Putt used to be found on sbbh. Now it almost seems as if @TheBuddha runs voat now. What say you, you old lech?

TheBuddha ago

I don't owe you anything, including answers.

Think better, not more.

Drstrangegoy ago

Sure, buddy.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I have a theory on all of that.

Drstrangegoy ago

I'd love to hear it. I'm just about ready to check out of voat because I suspect it's lousy with reptilian types.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

*unlike the rest of the internet and real life.

Drstrangegoy ago

Ha! Trufe

Hyst ago

Examples of Putt being on SBBH? The only examples I can find of Putt and SBBH in relation would be the couple dozen SBBH accounts that Putt banned for breaking Voats rules and brigading.

Very suspicious.

smokratez ago

He once commented to me that he couldn't take me seriously anyone, because I used the word tranny.

Hyst ago

I don't know the context but I could see that being said with humor. Like if someone was being outrageous and calling people trannies for no reason I could acknowledge that I would take them less seriously? In general whenever someone resorts to personal insults instead of sticking to the argument I take them less seriously. But if you're just talking about a situation with a tranny and refer to them rightfully as a tranny then I dunno.

smokratez ago

I was spreading truth about trannies in hollywood. Put is a tranny. That's how the reddit faggots controlled him. By supplying him with estrogen.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Estrogen Shortage Disrupts Lives of Trans Femmes | them. › story › estrogen-shortage-estradiol-valerate

Apr 4, 2018 - This year's estradiol valerate shortage is still ongoing; the FDA's website still lists the drug as in short supply, without explanation or projected ...


Hyst ago

By supplying him with estrogen.

Are you fucking with me? I think you're fucking with me. Either way, Merry Christmas.

smokratez ago

I wish I was joking. Thank you. Merry Christmas to you too.

Drstrangegoy ago

I'm Drstrangegov and sirrantsalot. I've been around a long time. But I delete occasionally. Don't know why. Maybe it's when I feel like I'm getting too involved.

Hyst ago

I understand that, I do the same. Thing is, what I'm saying here isn't really controversial. There were at least a dozen or two accounts from SBBH banned by Putt. There is something strange there. I don't think it's every single member of SBBH, as they spam out mod invites like it's nobodies business, thus giving themselves a veil of legitimacy. However practically every single subverse drama there has ever been on Voat can be tied back to SBBH. It's fucking strange.

Then Putt essentially said he felt forced into unbanning them, declared Voat was the "wild wild west" and fucking disappeared. Hasn't been seen since. That's fucking strange.

Drstrangegoy ago

That is strange. I didn't know about the last part. Any idea what he could have meant?

Acerphoon ago

I never cared too much about SBBH, but something strange is going on there. I remember reading people being randomly banned from there multiple times.

I have never posted there and I was banned aswell (though I was unbanned the next day).

I don't know why. I looked at the sub and maybe it's just some very weird sense of humor? I never found it funny, so I don't know, but it always looked strange to me.

Hyst ago

They randomly ban me even though I've literally never stepped foot there. It's a form of advertising basically. They do the same with mod invites. They'll invite tons of people to moderate it seemingly randomly.

My theory is it's a small group of users that use SBBH as a veil of legitimacy. If anyone criticizes them they'll say what is wrong with shitposting? They invite randoms in so that their organizers are harder to pinpoint. Average users willing to say there's nothing untoward going on because all they've ever seen on the surface is as you put it a very weird sense of humor.

Again though, at least a dozen accounts associated with SBBH were banned by Putt not that long ago. Basically right before Putt disappeared.

Redcobra ago

I’m curious as to who these dozen accts were,

Hyst ago











And those are just the ones that didn't outright delete their accounts after it happened thus stripping their posting data and history. There were more. Feel free to go through the banlogs yourself if you're curious.

Redcobra ago

These are not SBBH accts. I guess maybe the casual observer would be fooled .

Hyst ago

Right, accounts that posted to SBBH to upvoat farm aren't actually SBBH accounts even though the people they were accused of upvoating were other SBBH accounts. It's all in the banlogs. You can't lie your way out of this.

Redcobra ago

I’d never need to lie my way out of this.I can’t be bothered to dig around these users comment history.but as of late both @virge and @M_1 who some suspect is the same user (although I’m not sold on that) have been very active on sbbh, and yet are not sbbh. Although I’m certain you’d claim they either your lieing or blissfully your crensch alt.

Hyst ago

I actually asked Virge about that when I saw him talking with some of the Soapbox flunkies. I don't remember him having been a regular there in the past.

I'm not a Crensch alt. I don't trust him any more than I trust a Soapdox.

Didn't take the bans to convince me of any of this though. The issue isn't new. It's been happening for years now.

Redcobra ago

Ok so just so we’re clear people who aren’t sbbh post there ?

And some do in order to frame a certain picture of what it is.

And you blame actual sbbh for it.

And your cool with virge ok gotcha.

Hyst ago

Yes, but as can be seen in the banlogs those accounts were used to promote Dial and other actual members of SBBH. They also used SBBH to upvoat farm. If they weren't SBBH upvoat farming there wouldn't be effective. Virge as per your example is heavily downvoated with his submissions to Soapbox. He has come out negative in that regard.

m_1 ago




Redcobra ago

Ok ,I wasn’t planning to. But ya ,you should talk to someone.

m_1 ago

Can't I just talk to you? You seem nice.

Redcobra ago

I am pretty nice , but I’m kinda in the middle of something with @crensch right now. Here let me try ..what’s on your mind ,get all your Christmas shopping done?

m_1 ago

Whacha doin' with crenschy?

Redcobra ago

Ah , we chatted a bit. Then I made a fun challenge. Now I’m just waiting to see if accepted.

m_1 ago

I'd offer to help but he has me on ignore for some reason. Nobody wants to play with me. Well I guess @Tallest_Skil does. But he just mostly says fuck off a lot.

Redcobra ago

Meh thanks anyway but I don’t need the help ,I don’t even dislike was just a funny idea I had.umm if I remember correctly this is a shit disturbing acct.thats probably why no one wants to play.but I also think I’ve laughed at a few things you’ve said or perhaps submitted.

m_1 ago

Right on. crensch still all pissed about that dox. He's handling it well. Tell boobs I said Hi!

Redcobra ago

Why don’t you head over and do yourself?and no I don’t think @crensch is handling it well.but I’m still not sure if it’s just vengeance or something else.either way popcorn at the ready

m_1 ago

I was kinda a dick to him when his site got de-platformed. Not sure if he'd be happy to see me. And there's that rumor that I'm virge and that I trashed his site or some shit.

Redcobra ago

Ya there’s that I guess,

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

That sucks. It's always nice to see news from the far flung reaches of the empire as an indication that we still do have wonderful, weird, and varied cultures. Oh well.

Seems like an awful coincidence between this and the front page porn spam.

fusir ago

All of the sites are getting hit with it. Look at right now. They are going through a full war.

Le_Squish ago

The timing is definitely suspicious and its a major election year for Hawaii in 2020 and squish hears all sorts of rumors on local politicians. Mostly unflattering things but worth posting.

Glipglup ago

Fuck off nigger, go back to your pedo sub you creepy child molester. Die in a pit of fire.

Womb_Raider ago

So... same group playing the same stupid games and drumming up drama that they've themselves caused...

This gets old, man. What's the point?

Le_Squish ago

I dindu nuffin.

Womb_Raider ago

Still doesn't answer the question: What's to gain?

Le_Squish ago

I'm not a kike like you. I don't think that way.

Womb_Raider ago

You mean... you don't think about the pay-off of your labor, like a hard-working European American?

Sounds like you prefer to carve a parasitic life off of those that do... which would make you far more kike-like than myself, if you're going there. Why get so defensive about my question?

Le_Squish ago

Gawd, you are retarded.

Womb_Raider ago

Your people are the sole reason this website is dead.

Rotteuxx ago

People posting to niche subs is the reason Voat is dead ?

Le_Squish ago

Why is your dumb ass still here then?

Womb_Raider ago

I'm not wrong.

alakai ago

Maisy did some good screaming during that impeachment hearing I think she wanted judge Kavanaugh gone 2

Le_Squish ago

Mazie is deranged. She pretty much a dirty word and locasl feel like she had made us lose face. Nothing Asians hate more than losing face.

Rotteuxx ago

The cabal is very displeased with this most unfortunate turn of events, unfortunately the war hatchet has already been dug up for @Crensch & his race mixing princess who loves to gobble on little pinto beans.

Drstrangegoy ago

There's another reference to this cabal. You guys the Jews or the devil worshippers? Or maybe the mermans?

Phantom42 ago

Jews or devil worshippers

They are one and the same.

Drstrangegoy ago

Entirely possible

Rotteuxx ago

We sign Putt's paycheck, ask @Freshmeat.

Drstrangegoy ago

Yeah but are you the good guys or the bad guys? I mean from a middle class American average joes perspective.

Rotteuxx ago

We're you... your brother, your father, that little kid that lives down the street, that telecom guy up in the pole.

Whether we're perceived as good or evil depends on your mental conditioning.

Redcobra ago

Ive been conditioned to believe honesty and truth above all else that freedom isn’t free that those who value truth and honesty are my brothers and sisters.ive been conditioned to believe @puttitout is a “good guy” and those that work against him by way of working against his site are “bad guys”.so with theses points in mind can you clarify for the good dr.?

Rotteuxx ago

Well to be clear, I was going off from the assumption he meant "SBBH" by "you guys".

It's an often repeated lie that we're some sort of organized group with subversive goals, it's actually quite funny to me since it always comes from certain user groups who seem to have an anti-sbbh agenda.

We're just random folks from everywhere and anywhere who came across each other on Voat many moons ago, I didn't post much to SBBH for the first few years on here but I still enjoyed the userbase.

Here's my first post there :

As Voat was being attacked internally & externally time and time again, many users began to stand out as devout protectors of free speech and dedicated a lot of energy to doing their best to make sure no censoring faggots set foot in here.

It just so happened that many of those goats were shitposters who frequented SBBH, same for others who were more of... an acquired taste. At some point the sub & its users became a target for a certain group, they founded /v/realprotectvoat & were organizing off site. The narrative was that we were SRS and were here to subvert the site by controlling subs & the dialogue.

In time, some shit disturbing accounts squated in SBBH a while bfr creating drama elsewhere on the site, giving it all they had. That's where the "SBBH is SRS creating drama to kill the site" came from as far as I can understand it. Accuse the enemy of doing what you're doing yourself... in reality the same old goats from before were getting smeared for shit that had nothing to do with them but still standing up for the same ideals as before. It really became a shit show at some point, so many alts gaslighting & going after the same targets.

Queue in the demoralization campaigns...

Then there was the whole Srayzie vs Zyklon_b period, none of us old goats defended his style but his 1A rights, yes. Honestly there was so much shit going on at that time I'll never have the full picture in mind. There was gaslighting going on from both camps using alts, publicly revealing PMs (that were mined imo, another discussion maybe), trying to polarize the community into 2 warring camps... and once again we (pro 1A no matter what old goats) are getting attacked as pedophile defenders who protected an evil man harassing an innocent little cunt.

So depending on what narrative you suscibe to, you might perceive us as evil (ie. Qtards hate our guts) or good. We're just random people with an affinity for shitposting and/or trolling that truly believe in freedom of expression, we also happen to have become frens over the years.

Pinging for anyone with anything to add :

@heygeorge @expertshitposter @trigglypuff @nadesh @friendshipistragic

Redcobra ago

Hey man thanks for taking some time to reply.a lot of what you described seems to confirm my suspicions(that some people have a vendetta for some reason).i see your being attacked right now, and for some reason I was targeted as well. Pretty weird behaviour if you ask me.

Anyway thanks again.

21854616? ago

Nicely said Sir if I wasn’t so spent from going to the gym my brain could possibly add more to this. @gabara is also still around I assume and @thebuddha also understands this well.

Rotteuxx ago

21854738? ago

Oh geez I nearly wet myself, that’s a spreadsheet luv!

Kek, your name made it on a freagin spreadsheet on Voat made by Crensch...

ah he wuvs you... much efforts... clearly he is not one for Christmas cards so it makes sense...

I mean really, he made a spreadsheet and ticked your wee ol’ name on it!

spread + sheet= it’s habbening dude!

A lil’ Christmas bonus for you is a coming!!! Lol... ;)

@heygeorge excel much?

heygeorge ago

@rotteuxx and myself (along with others) are frequently attacked for supporting @puttitout if that clears things up for you.

Glipglup ago

That's because you're a scumbag piece of shit pedophile who hasn't had the good Grace to commit suicide. Go die of AIDS faggot.

heygeorge ago

@Glipglup 23 minutes ago

That's because you're a scumbag piece of shit pedophile who hasn't had the good Grace to commit suicide. Go die of AIDS faggot.

Golly, @glipglop, I’m not sure you’re in the proper holiday spirit. Have you also been ostracized by your family? @Nadesh I think we should add him to the list.

21854652? ago

We need holiday cards for these people, I freaging dragged myself to the gym and I feel like I could nap... What unnecessary torture to endure... I was looking forward to using paint and drawing something speciamanal... where’s @puttsmum when you need him... or miss him...

heygeorge ago

We need holiday cards for these people

Good idea! @glipglup give us your address!

21854927? ago

Great idea and gopheryourself dude too, they need some sprucing up... :)

Redcobra ago

Here’s the thing ,I’ve had good conversation with you and other users that would be described as SBBH.ive posted a lot in (presumably) your sub and I’ve been here long enough to have observed what’s happening on the surface.what I always wonder is what’s happening beneath the surface.@clamhurt_legbeard yourself and Puttitout all put in an effort to let me explore the chat side of clearly you’re not trying to hide below the surface stuff (atleast from me).whatever I don’t think sbbh is the “bad guys”.if there wasn’t a fun aspect to voat I’d have fucked off by now.also voat needs a function that shows who dv’s as I can guess confidently at who those 3 are I think it should be public access.

Crensch ago

I've been enjoying the mood. Have you been paying attention?

Glipglup ago

Commit suicide nigger

Redcobra ago

Not as close as I should have been I suppose. I’m drama fagged out.but on a side note one of your arguments is that @srayzie was bullied off the site when we both know she’s still here.

Crensch ago

Got any evidence of that last sentence?

Redcobra ago

Let’s say I do , of course it would be heresay and of no real consequence.lets just say a tiger can’t change its stripes

Crensch ago

Why is it that you tried to get me to go along with your narrative by saying that we both know something?

If you know she is still here, why has she not been harassed off the site like she was when she tried to come back?

Redcobra ago

Because she took my advice and layed low.But her rage never subsided.and now it’s identifiable.

Crensch ago

You mean she got harassed off the site and threatened more, and your advice had nothing to do with it?

I'm interested in this supposed rage that is identifiable. Do all of your buddies know how to identify it?

Redcobra ago

As we know I’m kinda a lone user ,I observe I laugh I fish.If I have buddies here it because we have similar interests or senses of humour.So in short I have no idea, I have heard/read that people notice patterns so I’d guess some do, but I generally keep my ideas /opinions to myself unless I see it as a net any rate I’m not here to mud sling just to mediate.

Crensch ago

So what you're saying is that nobody else you know has come to this conclusion, but you're sure enough of it that you can tell me what I know or don't know about it?

The only objection you have to my side of things is a hypothesis only you have thought of, that needs a persuasive trick when presented?

Redcobra ago

I’m an oddball,the concept of a chat board was extremely new to me when I arrived on voats shores.i play the game of voat a little differently I suppose.really I just find it entertaining plots sub stories alts ,it’s all fascinating to me.hence my lack of desire to meddle to much.even when I made fun of you or her there was a light comedic aspect.

Crensch ago

So you just made it up? It's a complete fabrication?

Redcobra ago

What ,that srayzie is still here, let me get my popcorn.

Crensch ago

So, you have nothing? Are you able to just admit that, or are you going to act like your buddies and never admit when you're wrong?

Redcobra ago

Mmm. I’m just not motivated to but I’ve been talking with her lately here and there.popcorn’s so far as the here and now I’m not going to reveal srayzie and have no plans to.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Out of curiosity, what did she say about the big events in November?

Redcobra ago

Sorry I missed that.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Her big event.

Redcobra ago

This is over my head but I’d look at links if you got something

Crensch ago

So now the narrative is that you have been talking to her?

offender ago

SBBH is the special ed of Voat, and @crensch is the kid with Down's syndrome that they all bully.

Redcobra ago

Q predicted you’d say this

offender ago

Don't talk about my wife's dog like that

Crensch ago

You're responding to a literal half nigger.

AltOfSomeone ago

She's still more attractive than your GF.

Crensch ago

No half nigger is attractive, race-traitor.

Rotteuxx ago


Is literally running a crusade for a race mixer.

Crensch ago

Better than teaming up with a pedophile that is threatening to rape and murder children.

AltOfSomeone ago

I just want an attractive slave.

Rotteuxx ago

And you're white knighting for a race mixer.

Crensch ago

And you needed a welding buddy to White Knight for you.

Rotteuxx ago

No, that's just your delusional mind imagining conspiracies all around you.

People don't like you m8, just because they let you know & find out that's it's fun to yank your chain in the process doesn't mean it's an organized effort.

It's what you attract thanks to what you give out.

Crensch ago

You also White Knight like a cuck for trigglypuff. And you join in and help a literal pedophile harass someone off the site.

And you think the opinions of people like you matter? You think the opinions of people that like you matter?

Rotteuxx ago

You're a hypocrite.

You attack people based on race mixing.

You're crusading for a race mixer.

Don't change the subject.

I'm calling you out on your hypocrisy.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

He's like a retarded Energizer Bunny. He keeps going... and going... and going... and going... and going

Crensch ago

You faggots still don't really know why I'm doing this.

You still teamed up with a pedophile no matter what I did. In fact, nothing I did is worse than teaming up with a pedophile to attack someone that did nothing at all to you

Heebro ago

Downvote brigading sluts deserve the rope.

Crensch ago

So some internet points got you so butthurt that it's cool to team up with a pedophile?

Heebro ago

wtf are you talking about? You clearly deserve the rope too.

Crensch ago

You sound butthurt.

Heebro ago

You ain't hurting nobody's butt with your micropenis

Crensch ago

2 month old account

Heebro ago

what a coincidence your penis looks like that of a 2 month olds must look like they fuck up your circumcision bro

CrudOMatic ago

>Defends a pedophile

>Says someone's dick looks like a two month old's

You can't make this shit up.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Lately I've been noticing what seems like an unusual number of join dates in our timeframe. Maybe I'm just checking more, but it's still surprising. Look right here, it's me, @Crensch, and you on three sequential days in 2015...

Heebro ago

Hi srayzie

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SBBHTantrums comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#81992) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Heebro: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

Crensch ago

You definitely can't.

SmokeyMeadow ago

Thanks for the head's up. I've blocked v/bigisland now. Sorry for your troubles, we all know you were the backbone of that sub.

Le_Squish ago

I legitimately love sharing my shitty island news with all of you. This place is so weird and our politicians so spectacularly incompetent and there's like a great chicken invasion of Hilo right now and I have no where to tell you fuckers about the lulz and annoyance it's causing.

maaaxheadroom ago

I fucking miss Hawaii. Best vacation of my life and a place I totally would not want to live at. The Hale Koa is the best kept secret in the military. What’s the deal with the Giffords chick?

Le_Squish ago

I'm a big Islander. I don't know about Oahu things. There are no real people left there anyways.

alakai ago

Hey I'm real man

Le_Squish ago

Why haven't you escaped yet? Get plenty Oahu people moving to BI these days.

maaaxheadroom ago

That’s true. All I saw was chinks and niggers.

Buff_Awesome ago

You could make a new sub and just call it Hawaii or something.

Le_Squish ago

Subverse creation is still disabled I thought...

Buff_Awesome ago

Oh. I wouldn't know about that.

Germ22 ago

is it? or can we all subscribe to your new sub?

Le_Squish ago

I'm on mobile and for some reason the corner where the subverse creation button is is cut off. Gotta wait till I get on computer.

Mumbleberry ago

It's disabled period.

Le_Squish ago

Thank you for confirming.

Mumbleberry ago

No prob, and fuck that newfag mod.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

It appears Voat was taken over a couple of years ago. I noticed that a certain member called you a nigger recently. Maybe connected?

Le_Squish ago

That's just crensch usual attack. He got nothing else is why.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

But could it be connected, nigger?

Hyst ago

I love it when you Soapbox cunts use your alt accounts to talk with each other and attempt to shape narratives.

@Crensch I think you're a nigger too, but jesus. These Soapkikes are very transparent.

Heebro ago

He Mexican which are the niggers of California.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

It was an honest question. I'm not part of SBBH. They don't even like me. Never did.

Crensch ago

I get that alot. They are pretty transparent, aren't they?

Drstrangegoy ago

No.....not at all. What are you guys seeing that I've missed?

Crensch ago

Forgive me if I don't think your query in earnest.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Forgive me if I don't think

We know you don't think. Its why you are our little puppet.

Le_Squish ago

Probably not. Owner was always a suspicious faggot.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I'll stand and fight with you but you still have to get my coffee. Just don't spit in it.

Le_Squish ago

I don't serve coffee, but I could craft you a tea to suit your mood and weather, spit free always.

guyr ago

What kind of teas do you have for overactive brains?

Le_Squish ago

Cold chrysanthemum or dandelion root tea removes hot humors and promotes calmness.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Oh, I was getting excited for a real tea discussion...

Drstrangegoy ago

What are hot humors? My wife says tangerine essential oils work well too.

lord_nougat ago

Sounds like she's plotting to kill you.

Drstrangegoy ago

Could be!

ESOTERICshade ago

"hot humors", that sounds dangerous to me bro. Just sayinnn....

Le_Squish ago

Some people are excited by citrus or may experience an unwanted diarrhetic effect.

Humors are part of old healing systems that emphasize balance of energies or aspects.

guyr ago

Thank you :) do you have a tea you like while you are going through the news?