TahTahBur ago


ilikeskittles ago

NIGGERFAGGOTS make this place shine like a greassy turd in a backlight toilet bowl after a bacon binge.

God I love that imagery!

Rotteuxx ago

Googles return about NIGGERFAGGOTS, turds & toilet bowls... on point:


ilikeskittles ago


Rotteuxx ago

Funny, I've heard that a few times before falling asleep...

Nighty night !

Rotteuxx ago


Well, using my Super pseudo Freudian powers I'm deducting that you're more of a... umh ! nah I'm just babbling & tired.

I'll let you win this one... this time.

Rotteuxx ago

Well keeping with the same initial theme, beleiving in "reverse pologamy" would allow you to have a quasi-rainbow of children. Think big sti.

Names are overated too imho, they lead to name calling, bullying, possible writing anxiety in early elementary skill development... I mean some of the names out there are just fucked up.

Random freakin' numbers is the answer. Call the first one 53, second one 27, who cares, so many benefits.

Chores are your business, do them as you wish, I'll concede that much.

I appreciate your recommendations, but you seem like the safest bet so far

Rotteuxx ago

Not going anywhere, the only true reason I'm around is to get my freak on with you

maybe Triggly too, she freaky nasty ?

heygeorge ago

I hate you but at least now know which Retard is downvoting my 'enemies'. May I die in peace, and may it be soon.

Rotteuxx ago

Truthful and fact checked, have an upvoat Shillllll.

heygeorge ago

Thanks! I'll just get back to my malicious work on... What was I working on again :/ [evil laughter]