(((SBBH))) hides in their hugbox, @Nadesh attempting to keep morale up shortly after my "Get to know the Voat Pedophiles" post! (SBBHTantrums)
submitted 5 years ago by Crensch
Shortly after introducing Voat to their local pedophiles, @Rotteuxx celebrates being outed as a sick defender of someone that wants to sodomize a 10 year old boy.
After that, @Nadesh attempts to keep morale up by posting another attack against that sick pedophile's victim, a 'Peguin-of-d00m'-tier random post about kilts, a scathing indictment of her intellectual faculties, and an @Trigglypuff-tier story that appears to be an analogy about me.
There they are, in their hugbox, and they need a low-IQ woman to cheer them up.
Anyone else enjoying the mood?
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Heebro 5 years ago
Someone got a new round of funding
Crensch 5 years ago
Remember when you defended a pedophile then started talking about baby dicks?
Lol you still mad about your micropenis?
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Heebro ago
Someone got a new round of funding
Crensch ago
Remember when you defended a pedophile then started talking about baby dicks?
Heebro ago
Lol you still mad about your micropenis?