Heebro ago

Someone got a new round of funding

Crensch ago

Remember when you defended a pedophile then started talking about baby dicks?

Heebro ago

Lol you still mad about your micropenis?

NotEmpressed ago

and they need a low-IQ woman to cheer them up.

Isn't that why they have their own tranny subverse where they try to pass as real women?

Crensch ago

Yeah, but some take it outside that subverse and pretend to be women in the real world.

They're not - they're horrid orcs that gave up being female to be something worse than either male or female.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

You still suck.

Crensch ago

Weren't you the one defending those pedophiles the other day?

I'd shut my yap if I found out people i defended were literal pedophiles. Well, no, I wouldn't, I'd denounce them and apologize for defending them, because I'm a white male.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

What race is Srayzie?

Crensch ago

It's amazing! I reveal literal pedophiles to these faggots, and yet somehow I'm the Jew?


m_1 ago

Got beer and popcorn. I'm all good for act 2.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Are you too scared to fly close to the flame?

m_1 ago

No. He won't play with me so I'm just gonna spectate.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Its odd that the SBBH elite avoid contact with him and let the lowers do it.

m_1 ago

I am so flattered but I'm not SBBH and I am most definitely not elite. I tried to join SBBH but failed the written part of the entrance examine: "Who is @Mick?". How the fuck am I supposed to know who Mick is?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

mmm hmm

m_1 ago

Maybe you should step back from this drama. @crensch's "EVERYBODY IS SBBH!" dementia is rubbing off on you.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Nah. I know the score, the players and find it amusing.

m_1 ago

I do that too!

My latest and greatest theory is that @clamhurt_legbeard is actually @crensch and is trashing SBBH so SDBH can reign supreme as Voat's premiere shitposting sub. Clammy is suspiciously absent from all this drama.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Lets ping all of the 'Preview Vout Elites' and see what they think!!

Clam is Crensch. I verified it based on their writing styles. But I have other interests

clamhurt_legbeard ago


VoatContainmentGuard ago

No thanks, faggot. Go cum in that mexican sock.

m_1 ago

Speaking of....where has @theoldones been during pedogate 2.0? He and crenschy teamed up for a minute there. I wonder what happened?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

It's as if they are all alts!! No way that is the case. Or is that pne Srayzie?

m_1 ago

I never really talked to srayzie so I can't say who else she is. On my scorecard I just have srayzie as srayzie.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I'm just one of the low IQ, mentally ill cattle so what do I know?