CognitiveDissident5 ago

Poal is alright

ShakklezthaKlown ago

voat is dying because of nigger powerusers like you trying to control the narrative. SBBH is probably the worst thing to happen to this site.

Lumpo ago

Look at all the weak-willed faggots in this thread throwing their hands up and surrendering. I guess it's a form of natural selection that only the strong maintain their convictions and continue fighting until the end while blackpilled cucks claim it's all over.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

wahhh my favorite website has succumbed to the enemy i knew would come but did nothing to stop!

Lumpo ago

How tragic, how about you focus on real world influence and have a large White family in a racially-conscious community instead? If you're already doing this, good job, and more power to you.

Nadeshda ago

Naw, it will never die as it will live on in the lives of those it touched.

They cannot shut done our souls, or kill our spirit, they cannot destroy that which they do not own. Every generation has people that question the narrative, perfectly normal and healthy and makes part of critical-thinking which is a great building block for any great nation.

It is an honor to be part of something responsible for handing down that essence of thinking to our children and then to theirs.

Furthermore, this website has tons of satire and role-playing going on and the majority of goats are respectable persons that contribute much to society in real life upholding Freedom of Speech and common Law as banners.

Truly, the LORD is my strength , whom shall I fear?

963189_137 ago

Military bran is probably their version of a 5-pound log of cheese.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I'm not running from shit. I'm just an actor portraying a character on a website stage.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Fuck it I'm going down with the ship -= fuck the kikeroaches AAAARRRRRR!! This place has been dead for a while. Its painfully bland now. We are quarantined and removed from view. I think with each new "voat maintenance" it is probably the feds downloading all posts for future indictments against the goyim. Shit isn't looking good. Nice knowin' ya, ladies & fellas.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

You have been demoralized

Doglegwarrior ago

i disagree. i just met a owen benjamin fan on here and had i decent converation. its different now and the Qanon people seem to be a big part of the problem but i still get more truth in here in 5 minutes then i would in 5 days of watch tv news so its still worth it to me.

HateCumbuckets ago

The political aspect aside, you've said what some of us are thinking but don't want to admit. I feel ya mate.

MassTooter ago seems like it could have some promise. I'm here:

HateCumbuckets ago

Yep. I got your back Trigs

xenoPsychologist ago

come on now, q isnt a larp, its an ERP. they arent live actioning anything and we all know it.

Niggardly_Jew ago

You're a faggot. kys.

auto_turret ago

That's just it.. nowhere else to go. Stuck here, until either this place gets better or we all find a new place to hang out.

I'm not calling it dead yet, however. Still a good combined hour worth of daily entertainment for me, at the very least.

963189_137 ago

We need to crowdfund that private satellite that has no censorship.

Hey_Sunshine ago

You and all the other sbbh faggots are cancer. If you left and never came back it'd still be too soon. If voats dead in your eyes, leave. Don't come back.

963189_137 ago

I think this is reasonable. The way I see it they are trying to kill online communication and one of the ways to do that is to claim that something sucks and demoralize people. This seems pretty psyche 101 to me. I don't really care because I am branching out to real-life to speak to people if I am not here so maybe it is a good thing. Like that Russian 'night of the dogs' or whatever where they all switched off their TV's went out into the street, started talking and then fomented a revolution.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @WolfShepherd.

Posted automatically (#69863) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@gabara: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @WolfShepherd)

0rion ago

I've been in denial about this place, but let's be honest: we've all seen the signs. It's over, and to continue to hold onto hope that things will "go back to the way they used to be" at this point is futile. Voat served it's purpose...look at all the people who came here while on their redpill journey, think of all they learned whole Voat was in it's prime. Perhaps now it's time that we remaining goats take the knowledge we've learned here and begin to disseminate it in the real world.

davidagain ago

Voat has certainly giving me lots of insights. I would be sad if voat really is dead, but it certainly looks more and more like it.

Astroqualia ago

So step up to the plate and bring it back.

There are still informative gems here and there, amongst the shilling, supremacist crap, and jokes.

I didnt come here to promote white power. I came here to know what shady shit the government is doing that nobody else keeps track of.

WolfShepherd ago

Damn, very good post. Don't give up, there's still something you can do. Bring love into your life and prepare for the worst. Find solace in those close to you

I said this the other day, but it's all going to be ok. We will survive, everyone who is ready will live.

It's ok.

The kike system unsustainable and will crash. The brown waves will kill off the weak.

You should prepare:

-study woodcraftfind isolated survival locations, preferably with a vacation home to hijack

-variety of guns, and a means to produce ammor

-reliable vehicle with offroad capability6 months worth of food storage mininum

These kikes make it no secret what they're planning. Don't bother redpilling NPC normies, just get yourself ready to live when the brownpocalypse happens.

Once you give up hope on the system, and just smile and wait while getting ready, you'll find peace. There's nothing we can do to stop it and that's ok

Ina_Pickle ago

Imagine accusing the rest of us of being mentally unsound. 😓

gabara ago

Takes one to know one.

Ina_Pickle ago


gabara ago

Now if you'll excuse me I must attend to my duties as the Prime Minister of Philadelphia.

Nosfewratsjews ago

When you act like faggots, you get abandoned. It's what faggots deserve.

Your actions were part of the problem. You know exactly why. Posture elsewhere.

gabara ago

You idiot, @kevdude and @puttsmum were the original admins of Voat. Go back to Mexico, Flacco. Stop selling drugs to @Zyklon_B he's trying to get clean.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Spare me your autistic drivel. Kevdude has done more damage to Voat through PV false brigades than almost anyone else I can think of.

friendshipistragic ago

What would dead and exciting look like?

ARsandOutdoors ago

At this point, we are all on a list and it doesn’t matter.

I’d like to think we would all get rounded up at 12pm on a Saturday night and placed in the drunk tank together. That shit would be lit...

But instead I know we’ll all get no-knocked at 3am; but a guy can dream.

PuttIsAtranny ago

Putt is a tranny

ARsandOutdoors ago

Based reply is based

1488 for the Fourth Reich

gabara ago


1Sorry_SOB ago

pizzagate, Q.

Those two things were BS but you can ignore them.

Ina_Pickle ago

You and me both.

Chiefpacman ago

I hold onto hope that we'll get through this. I've noticed some kind of a shift in the userbase, but I've noticed that in the past too.

For the most part, the general message here has never really changed. Fuck (((the man))), the media lies, tax is theft, traditional values matter.

As for older users leaving, I think that the evolution of thought made available on voat, encourages you to one day leave. Social media is horse shit, voat is a form of social media. I linger because it's my one source of connection to the outside world. Not saying I shouldn't leave, I probably should..

biggdiccbenny ago

Larp more faggot

researsher ago

... petty battles between my friends and the invaders which made everyone on both sides look bad.

You got that right. What the fuck happened?

I wanted to make this a separate post, but it seems appropriate here (funny, sort of):

Murdoch Murdoch -- Shills

Vc83 ago

We are not crazy, it is the world that's gone mad you fool!

ratsmack ago

I felt that something was not right a couple of weeks after the alleged DDOS. It feels like someone has put a gag order on Putt or he's just hate's everyone and doesn't want to talk, but if he really doesn't care any more, then why is the site still running. It could be the periodic down time is to remove posts that he is not allowed to publish. It just seems more complicated than what we can see on the surface.

I have accounts on numerous sites like, Poal, Gab, Minds, and I visit about five different chan's, and I even hav an account on the Hacker News SJW ghetto. In addition I run a Zeronet, I2p and Tor on a headless Debian box that gives me access to even more. Voat is just one place and people really need to expand their horizons in the internet space.

albatrosv15 ago

Wait, wait, headless debian box? How do you access while running headless? With another comp?

ratsmack ago

Yes... I browse on a Win 7 machine using Waterfox and Pale Moon, and proxy through the Debian box. It's not for everyone, but if you are not technically challenged, you should be able to set it up.

albatrosv15 ago

Man, why didn't i think that before.

ratsmack ago

This allows me to have Tor, I2P and Zeronet running 24/7, plus it's easier to monitor and debug should there be a need.

VoatIsNowDead ago

We were fucked, our people have given up. The west is dead, our only hope is that the fucks given the power to come after us realize we want the best for the west and side with us their people not jewish infiltrators. Putitout is gone, this place has been served, they will be tracking all of us. Just come take us out already you fucking faggots, you are a bunch of bitches and the west is dying on your watch, your ancestors spit on you, we spit on you.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

God, that was a lot of whiny pessimism. Voat hasn't even changed that much, the Q folk are off in their little corner where we don't have to even acknowledge them, and the trolls and stupid slap fights haven't gotten worse than they've always been. Nobody cares if Putt isn't out there leading everyone like Moses taking us to the promised land, he just needs to keep the place running. The only problem is the random downtime, which I really hope isn't a symptom of a bigger problem or a harbinger of things to come.

Blaming Trump like some kind of unhinged left-winger is stupid. He's always been his own person and acted like that, and if you idealize anyone as a near-deity then you're going to end up massively disappointed and that's your own fault. Every politician make pie-in-the-sky promises and then ends up limited by the reality of the situation, so they make compromises and fail to meet expectations. That's reality, deal with it, and quit whining when it doesn't go perfectly.

I consider myself at least mostly sane, and there are plenty of others. You just hear all the worst of it because it's loudest. A lot of crazies end up here because no other places put up with them, and they sure do yell louder than the rest of us. They're all part of the circus, part of the entertainment value of this place. And to paraphrase the great Michael Bolton: Why should I leave? The crazies are the ones whose ideas suck.

To be honest, this whole post seems like a symptom of your own despondence than an honest evaluation of Voat. Work on your own mental health. Wallowing in pessimism is not healthy.

Voat was here before you came, and it will be here after you leave. At least as long as Putt doesn't shit the bed and keeps the servers running.

0rion ago

"Nothing has changed goy! Quit questioning things and trust the plan!!!"

imgettingmymen ago

Then leave gabara. You never were what voat was about. You would like nothing more than for this place to be filled with useless wank but let me tell you impotent prick, you and your ilk can never win. You think you can herd us, you think what we read we believe but you made a fundamental mistake. None of us give a fuck, keep playing the games you are paid to play and suck my dick. You are losing and I don't give a fuck who is behind you, you are losing. Hence this bitch post. Hahahhahaha

fightknightHERO ago

another shill post from the soapdox retards

crawl back to gab and stick those blackpills in that semitic, hairy ass of yours.

hatecrime ago


imgettingmymen ago

A true goat appears

steel_sushi ago

I'm here until it's shut down

i_am_texas_charlie ago

Ditto. Been here since happy hour, won't leave until closing time.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

What does "RIP in peace" mean?

gabara ago

Rest in Peace in peace. It's an 8chan thing

imgettingmymen ago

You remind me of the incel killer, you know, the guy who desperately tries to fit in but sticks out like a swollen cunt.

gabara ago

So like you. Rent free.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Block the Qtards, unsub from their subvoats, quit bitching and start posting.

Jehoshaphat ago

This is the right answer. Something the contrived whining in OP fails to address. Boo fucking hoo.

0rion ago

You have a submission score of 179, and you're sitting here bitching about someone needing to upload better and more content? Take a look in the mirror, faggot.

Jehoshaphat ago

You want me to shitpost more for points? You like it when users post garbage cause they're worried about internet points? I primarily consume content. Nothing wrong with that. So fuck you too, fartknocker.

0rion ago

No....I'm suggesting you actually submit something of value. Of course, that's impossible for you: hence the mindset of "hurr durr, I better upload LOTS of content to get dose upvotes!". I'm not saying fake internet points matter, however it does indicate how useful someone's input is. And in this case, it demonstrates that your input here is absolutely useless since you've been here 10 months and barely contributed anything of value to Voat.

And in fact, one look at your history shows that you frequent the GreatAwakening sub quite a bit. So it appears that all you are doing in the first place is making useless shitposts. Clearly you should remain a consumer, as it's pretty evident you lack the ability to think independently.

Jehoshaphat ago

Ive been here since 2014 under different names. Im not denying my interest in pizzagate and Q. They aren't my devotion, but its more interesting to me than pretty much anything else here. Ive not made too many more posts about those topics since posting under this name. Yeah, I shit post occationally, but I mostly show support for independed investigators. They need encouragment. I dont have the time away from my life to dig too deep myself right now. But I like to see whats going on.

Being rude is a formality on free speech platforms it seems. So I dont take it personally. I try to be polite and usually am, but sometimes I grumpy post too. You've definitely contributed stuff that Iv'e enjoyed ver the years, so while your criticism is valid for me, I'll just say I appreciate your presence here. I will try to do better to cultivate a better platform.

0rion ago

Thank you for your kind words, and I'm sorry for going overboard on you. I've been wound up lately and have been taking it out on everyone that crosses my path. Sounds like we are more of the same mindset versus things we disagree on.

the-rooster ago

I've been trying to contribute some apolitical content but there isn't much interest here.


SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#69876) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@the-rooster: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

RRDD ago

I miss atko

Ina_Pickle ago

Then you should have led the charge to stop the porn and anti muslim content.

i_am_texas_charlie ago

So... are you pro-muslim?

Ina_Pickle ago

Not at all. But I follow the creed "put up or shut up" No one cared even when Atko politely asked us to cool it with the porn because of his beliefs. Don't cry about it now.

i_am_texas_charlie ago

Cry? I don't give a fuck who runs the show. I will still say what I want and when I want until I no longer can do that here. Then I will just go do it somewhere else which is the sole reason I came here in the first place. This won't be the last website like this because pulling the plug on the internet (barring a global catastrophic event taking place) is not going to happen since all economies depend so much on it. Too much money at stake. And where there is an internet, there will be a site like Voat. I guarantee it or I will refund all of your Voat subscription money (in chimpcoins) or my name isn't Texas Charlie. And it ain't.

Ina_Pickle ago

You're taking it awfully personally for someone who isn't the person I was originally responding to. Unless this is an alt.

i_am_texas_charlie ago

I take nothing personally and I don't make alts.

0rion ago

Which absolutely goes against Voat's mission. You either support freedom of speech or you don't, there is no in between.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

"Let's let them see if they can destroy us with their lies and trickery. What could go wrong?"

Giving "freedom of speech" to your enemies is an error. Remember the Berkeley free speech riots, fomented by the jews, and what's happened in the decades since?

The Free Speech Movement (FSM) was a student protest which took place during the 1964–1965 academic year on the campus of the University of California, Berkeley under the informal leadership of students Mario Savio, Jack Weinberg, Brian Turner, Bettina Apthecker, Steve Weissman, Art Goldberg, Jackie Goldberg, and ...

Notice anything about the names?

Ina_Pickle ago

Considering Voat is Atko's emotionally stunted child, making concessions for him would have been reasonable. Since the people who loved him didn't stand up for him, they can desist with the fake tears.

mispelledsomething ago

Meh, less content on Voat means I get bored and go do something productive.

gabara ago

I have been getting a lot more work done lately.

digitalentity1497 ago

I want to disagree.

DeadFox ago

Then fucking leave faggot. Noone liked you anyways

imgettingmymen ago

Wow 12 downvoats in 40 minutes. That doesn't seem like voat at all. Who would want your opinion silenced?

blumen4alles ago

sbbh / sbdh

DeadFox ago

The two worst subs on the site

blit416 ago

heavy downvoating on your comments. just enough to hide th3m, and another couple of guys. what a ton of effort, log in to alt, downvoat, switch, downvoat.. check the count, etc.

such a bunch of knobs.... and why?

ShakklezthaKlown ago

jokes on them, the best comments are always at the bottom of threads.

blumen4alles ago

They want to maintain their illusion of control, and they actually do control some things...

DeadFox ago

Blackpillers and Jews. The same people that claim voat is dead.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

bhut teh whooole movement lives on voat! this really is teh last plce on the internet to communicate! /s

Astroqualia ago

Other than talking about the movement, we take no action to stop it. Informing ourselves in an echo chamber is not stopping the Jew NWO. They're still slowly pushing for their agenda to be complete. In that aspect, I do believe the movement is "dead".

Not as shilling or blackpilling, but an honest look into what we are actually accomplishing.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

no action against them should be posted about. there are things being done. don't worry about it, just worry about when it's your turn to take action. this doesn't mean shooting up synagogues or mosques. MSM wishes we were so rash.

Astroqualia ago

Are you talking about qposts?

What can you do against a government that has UFO technology, directed energy weapons, nuclear bombs? That's just the tip of their advanced weaponry. They are close to the top of the pyramid of power, where their subordinates follow their orders to get us.

I'm not trying to be a downer, but I'm at the point of believing that outside of redpilling normies, the only thing we will accomplish to take back our land and freedom from bona fide traitors is to die fighting the good fight in vain to not have to see the new world that is about to be born. (((They))) will seek continuity of this system theyve created. Too many corrupt people are cogs in the machine that make it run. How exactly can we take it back?

Note: that was rhetorical, if there are plans in place I fully agree to not share them publicly to the alphabet shills here.

VicariousJambi ago

Anyone who just spreads the blackpill is definitely questionable.

"theres no hope goy, don't come back to this free speech site!!! it might be compromised, fear the jew!"

PuttsMum ago

Testing for science: @PuttitOut, are you still around mate?

MadJackChurchill ago

You sound upset, Gabs - I feel ya man, but this reminds me that nothing lasts forever. We've had fun! Good shitposting, trolling trolls, and good conversation. Also, Putts did try to hire a CEO and programmer a couple of months or so ago, I wonder how that's going.

HateCumbuckets ago

Good times, good times...

gabara ago

No one's seen him on chat in a while and I've been popping into it a lot to see if he's still arround.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

[–]PuttItOut 69 points (+69|-0) 27 days ago

That domain is now banned. I don't expect it to ever be unbanned.

Last known sighting.

MadJackChurchill ago

Hmm, hope he's ok!

gabara ago

Me too!

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Open it to the public again, it's stupid to keep it closed off forever.

hello_reddit ago

With 8chan and other imageboards down there’s a higher demand for places to go. Even the somewhat decent subreddits are all gone. We had mde and after that got banned each successor was smaller and smaller and now it’s dwindled to practically zero. Really the only place left that isn’t as slow as molasses is 4chan. If voat opened back up it would be flooded with new life and could even rival reddit. That’s how high the demand is.

As of right now this website is practically useless. There’s no planning or discussing campaigns and there’s no way to have outsiders learn anything from us. This place is completely disconnected from the culture war. It might as well not even exist.

gabara ago


Prussian ago

It's by design.

Jehoshaphat ago

No shit. It is constantly attacked and has many shill acounts still active.

EnterTheUnKnown ago


R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

All good things come to an end.

Blackpill Alert -

The game is up, goats. The Jews have full control of the world. It is just a matter of time before they pull the plug on us. Not just voat, but the Internet as whole. No more shitposting, it will cost you jail time and fines starting at $15k. And that is just the beginning.

There is no fighting it. The cops and feds are all bought and paid for.

@puttitout tried. He should at least put up a sticky saying he has abandoned ship.

SeriousSarcasm ago

Anyone up voting you is a fucking kike shill. The ride never ends, the playing field just changes.

thantik ago

He did. He put up a sticky saying he was looking for his replacement.

Ina_Pickle ago


Tsilent_Tsunami ago

This is his 'hiring' post, but I think I saw that 'replacement' comment somewhere. Maybe it's in the comments on that post.

thantik ago

I’m looking for my eventual replacement(s). People that can take over the technical aspects of Voat development completely, so there is great opportunity if you deliver and can lead. Stock options and raises are both on the table.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Right near the top. Thanks.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Imagine having Putt as a boss, haha.

Vc83 ago

God i hate do nothing goyim shills. How about you stop demoralizing faggot and read some books, learn how to hunt and go help some white folks out

Doglegwarrior ago

sadly i think the kike hook nosed rat faced jews feel they are now truly facing a final solution... they are responsible for every major war and hundreds of millions of deaths there big jew trick was the holajoax and it seemed to have worked. if they are exposed why would any one with any fucking rational common sense not fucking kill them all? or genetic test every one and cram them into isreal and wall the virus/parasited in their shit hole. their fucking book full of lies and bullshit have been telling them this was gonna happen and they are activoy trying to make it happen. its fucking pathetic on so many levels.

to bad white christ cucks are their biggest allies

ShakklezthaKlown ago

to bad white christ cucks are their biggest allies

this is all meant to culminate in thieir grand war of the ages. Armageddon is the prophesied war which will take place when all nations rise against Israel.

Doglegwarrior ago

ya i know and if u listen to adam green podcast it seems to be shapping up

ketoll ago

This is some negative shit. There is value in recognizing reality, but there is no benefit in creating a self-fulfilling prophesy.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

no benefit in creating a self-fulfilling prophesy.

there is for the jews and their god.

jthun2 ago

"The Jews have full control of the world."

For now. Ultimately they are bound to lose.

Jewed ago

Agreed. Russia is the actual center of jewish world control, with Putin being one of their minions.

i_am_texas_charlie ago


Ina_Pickle ago

He's probably dead.

auto_turret ago

Someone should call his mom. I don't have long distance..

ballsaq ago

I don't have long distance..

What's that?

auto_turret ago

It's when the bell charges you a ton extra to call the next area code... in the land before cell phones.

ballsaq ago


..I shoulda put /s

auto_turret ago

You could have back then dialed an 800 number long distance to you. Then apply a 2600hz tone to your receiver. That would put you in a sort of phone network limbo on a trunk line, from there you could call anywhere for free.

ballsaq ago

..only woulda worked if that number was homed at a crossbar (or ealrier) CO.

Pretty rare find after the 80's

i_am_texas_charlie ago

Can't. I have a party line and it's all tied up right now.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Cya redditard.

ChiCom ago

Is this your manifesto?

0rion ago

This is a narrative I see being pushed here, and honestly makes me believe we have been infiltrated by FBI spooks trying to invite weak minded people. I'll definitely keep my eye on you from now on.

ChiCom ago

Are you saying gabara is weak minded? He's just bored and wants to harass some fresh newbies with the banhammer brigade.

Who cares? I won't bother keeping my eye on you. Its a pretty good satire of this whiney thread, if you have any humor.

ChiCom ago

Who cares? I won't bother keeping my eye on you. Its a pretty good satire of this whiney thread, if you have any humor.

I bet I have way more reason to be "watched" than you are because I fight elite child trafficking in courts. You can figure out who I am if you try hard enough with just that info. Come see me if you do. Lots to discuss. That would be way more than most internet warriors on the public's side are willing to do. I only get dirty DS cops. Never anyone on the public's side.

Jehoshaphat ago

But you're not leaving, are you?

Gopherurself ago

Satan's empire is taking hold, but the end is freedom. Never forget.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

the end is freedom? does freedom involve being enslaved for ever? christianity, judaism, and islam, all culminate into one specific world. communist paradise.

Gopherurself ago

Have faith you coward, we will prevail, the people who seek truth, whom seek the small gate and walk through it, we are the ones who will be left amongst the fucking ashes of this kike world. Really let number one, have hope; don't be a bitch.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

we are the ones who will be left amongst the fucking ashes of this kike world

oh. you think your god will have mercy on you for your evil against his children. cute.

Gopherurself ago

Not his children they broke the covenant THEY broke the covenant with God. The real Jews are the ones who chose to follow Jesus and accept all gentiles that would follow Christ for all are Christian. There are no longer chosenites. There is only the son of God and those that chose to follow his teachings

ShakklezthaKlown ago

i have seen an argument made that suggests they will be redeemed in the end, when all nations rise against them. this is why so many jews remain jews. the current stage is the exile, the next is the return to israel. so when jews start spreading the meme that all jews should make a trip to israel, you know shit is about to pick up.

Gopherurself ago

You heard an argument, I heard the word of God.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

the god of the bible is an imposter. memes are more than funny photos on the internet. some memes are alive.

you cannot deny the fact that your god simply abandoned the jews, he did not change his own nature. that nature is dark.

Gopherurself ago

The Jews murdered God.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

no mate, the jewish god murdered the guardians of Earth. that's why they call him the great conquerer

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

How do you post shit from a deleted account?

Ina_Pickle ago

I recall him asking Putt for that badge soon after its implementation. Thought it would compliment his troll style. Putt must have agreed, because he gave it to him.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

asking Putt for that badge

his troll style

...Gabara must be an only child.

Gopherurself ago


Joe_McCarthy ago

It's been in steady if stable freefall since February 1st, 2017.

That's when Reddit banned the alt-right subreddit - and it resulted in complete nutzi takeover of this platform with the concerted effort to drive away non-nutzis with downvotes.

In my opinion the Qtards just ameliorated the problem by adding some diversity. But the problem remains.

Where Putt has definitely dropped the ball is in not abolishing or reforming the voting system. He mentioned to me that Digg only has upvoting. But he never followed up on the issue. He may have been blowing smoke up my ass.

0rion ago

If anyone here is a spook, it's definitely you.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You overestimate the intellect of FBI agents.

0rion ago

Except you'd have to have a shred of intellect to begin with.

Joe_McCarthy ago

No serious person is likely to think I work for the US or Israel. I have views tending toward revolutionary politics that will turn this country into Mad Max. Maybe someone should think I work for Russia though.

0rion ago

Where did I say anything about working for Israel? Way to tip your hand.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You didn't. But it is commonplace here. Anyone likely to accuse me of being a spook is extremely likely one of the many paranoid anti-Semites here. So yours is implied by virtue of where we are.

0rion ago

Anyone who uses the term anti-Semite is an enemy of the American people. Slice it whichever way you want, but that is the truth.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

No legitimate person uses that term unless "ironically", but it's not in quotes or otherwise indicated. Had another jew the other day literally say Hitler was bad...

Asshat69 ago

Being a Nazi is a good thing. I think you're confused there buddy

Phantom42 ago

Except the Reich was right, and you constantly acting like a jackass all over Voat indirectly proves the "nutzis" as you call us are absolutely in the right.

Joe_McCarthy ago

There were nutzis here. But we had a more diverse pool. During the 2016 election we had hardcore Libertardians discussing macroeconomics. Hardly ever see that now. Had socialists like mamwad and the guy that maintained that Late Stage Capitalism sub around doing their thing. But in 2017 a sort of modified Gresham's law took hold with nutzis in and normals out.

Heck, I'm racist as hell myself but even I preferred the old atmosphere. You guys are like the Borg.

alele-opathic ago

Had socialists like mamwad and the guy

Holy shit I forgot about that guy.

Your main thrust is right on target though, every other migration stayed in their containment board, which is the only way all of the other boards can coexist. It was only the r/coontown et. al. migrations that spread throughout the site, eventually pushing away everyone else, even if they tried to stay in their containment board.

I watched this slowly kill off FatPeopleHate's numbers, which was one of my favorite subs at the time. People kept coming in to rail about niggers, when they are clearly only about fats, and then complain to the rest of the site when they would be banned.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago


Tsilent_Tsunami[ +1 ] 49 points (+50|-1) 1.6 years ago

"Why don't guys want to be with a woman who engages in beastality with negroes?"


Tsilent_Tsunami[ +1 ] -26 points (+5|-31) 1.9 years ago

Yes, she's fat, but wtf is she doing in there with a negro?

Islamiscancer ago


ggolemg ago

Fun while it lasted. It went from multiple times a day for me hugging /v/all/new to just a few visits a week and I just block subs I don't like

Gigglestick ago

Oh yeah... I’d go all the way to page 19, then start over when I was a pill fiend.

blumen4alles ago

Can't you just stick to SBBH, faggot? Next time you dox me make sure you get my name right.

SanFranTrailerPark ago

Even bitchute is censoring the voat channel. Voat is being completely suffocated / snuffed out. What bothers me is it seems ALL real freedom communication platforms have been snuffed out. If there was an attack on patriots / civil war etc all forms of currently popularly used forms of communication would be controlled or already snuffed.

researsher ago

There was many milestones in the Roman Empire. We have been around for barely over 200 years. The central Roman Empire makes that a joke, and they had Caligulus followed up by Claudius and Nero (~30 fucking years). Imagine that suck-ass period.

What I am saying obviously is that all the jews need to be exiled.

zxcvbnasdf ago

Bitchute is run by the fucking British military psyop branch. For fuck's sake people.

researsher ago

You do realize this site is run by a jew that is not protecting us from the outside, but keeping us in? Please give me your fucking British military psyop bran ... oh ... you are one of them, aren't ya?

963189_137 ago


researsher ago

Clarify. Are you mocking me or agreeing with me?

963189_137 ago

Laughing at your comment, but not in a mean way. It is funny when someone points out the obvious.

SanFranTrailerPark ago

It's run by a goat that might have actually got the idea from voat itself.

ratsmack ago


philmchawk ago

Even bitchute is censoring the voat channel

The Canary is dead so voat is on a gag order. I wouldn't blame bitchute, this place is taken over by the feds.

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

yep, definitely cia has totally silenced anything in regards to eptein.

Gigglestick ago

Maybe it’s incentive to stop hiding behind the computer?

Vladimir_Komarov ago

I still view daily. It's not my only source. In a climate of attacks on free speech my opinion is that Voat is doping the best it can.

voatusernamevoat ago

There's here, 4chan, .. and then you find something else to do.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

there are other places. 4chan isn't even on the list anymore.

voatusernamevoat ago

Every now and then a billion different small community chan variants are mentioned but what ones are you thinking of?

Bastionof_freespeech ago

That's how I feel. It isn't as active as it once was but still love this site as it's one of the only free speech platforms I know of.

fworldorder ago


Nosfewratsjews ago

The irony of gabara declaring Voat dead, when he's one of the primary reasons why people leave, is astoundingly hollow.

gabara ago

3 month old account

imgettingmymen ago

Say that to me bitch.

EyeOfHorus ago

The irony of gabara declaring Voat dead, when he's one of the primary reasons why people leave, is astoundingly hollow.

blumen4alles ago

The amount of dv's on comments shows you either gabara is using alts or his sbbh crew is here...

SandHog ago

Putt should have never caved and reversed those bans for vote manipulation/doxing. This thread is a classic example of why. What did you do that made him/them(?) try and dox you? I never heard about that.

blumen4alles ago

Also, that faggot gabara was also the first to chime in here:

They don't want users able to see their stalkers and vote manipulators.

blumen4alles ago

Yeah I agree, he should have stuck to his guns. I didn't do anything besides call them on their shit.

Trumptastic ago

So complain about Voat being dead then attack newcomers? Pick a lane.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

there is no lane. there is only confusion. all part of the plan. stay confused goy.

Nosfewratsjews ago

gabara ago

You are named Flacco in real life according to Craig. Youre a mexican.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Please tell Craig he's only successfully penetrated layer 2. Long way to go. I'll be waiting, but won't even remove weapon safeties until he's gotten to layer 8.

gabara ago

He met you in person in El Paso. You are a drug runner for the Cartel. You even had @trigglypuff fooled but not Beatle, you dumb beaner, lol.

ILookLikeISmellLikeP ago

Hasn't been the same since HPOP left.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Let's pretend he's back

hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr BUTT

Hahahaha yeah wow good times.

puggy ago

you idolize a gay ass licker?

fuckinghell ago

We're kind of short on heros these days.

EnterTheUnKnown ago


Wowbagger ago

God damm right. Miss that sumbitch.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Downvote. Cry more. If all you have are blackpills, you can leave.

I post good original content regularly, of various types, for various interests. Get on my level.

963189_137 ago

I did like your gun expose and most of your comments are good as well.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Me too!

auto_turret ago

You certainly do make a great contributor.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


robot7247 ago

I post good original content regularly

Yes, you do!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Aw, thank you, sir.

gabara ago

No you don't, you're one of the crazies.

Bigdickedelf ago

Shut up pedo fag. You are part of the problem

Gopherurself ago

Lol the fights the disorder, just like helms deep, we will survive til the first light. Don't lose hope.

Nosfewratsjews ago

gabara posts straight out of Langley. Probably most of the core SBBH.

gabara also drops various personalities and uses this "serious" one, which might even be the real one, in almost all of the alts he runs. I could name dozens, off the top of my head, that slip into this exact tone, albeit extremely infrequently, on all of the accounts used. I wouldn't be surprised if they were all shared accounts, and this one particular writer-user just has the most obvious tell.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Gabara isn't a person, it's a shared sbbh account.

You think one person could post so much? It's done in shifts.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I'm the nice one on the @Gabara account

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Reach down and grab a hold of both of your intact testicles and get on my level, Canadian.

Vc83 ago

Nice pair of big round American balls you have their friend.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


lol nope

CheeseboogerHimself ago

He's a one-ball man and he's off to the rodeo!

Vc83 ago

So just one then?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

there you go lol

Sum-of-Nun ago

Just don't post about guns again. You might break the site for good.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

im already writing the next article

srsly every time im supposed to post they ddos lol

were being targeted in popular times

963189_137 ago

Stay with the gun posts. I love them.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


Reddit_traitor ago

I too have noticed this and i haven't been visiting as much or posting as much as i used to.

SearchVoatBot ago

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VicariousJambi ago

Same, all the downtime has done has gotten me out of my shell and spreading information on other sites.

963189_137 ago

I have started talking to people IRL in the last 2 days I have talked to 2 people. Which doesn't sound like much until you consider that is 2 more people than I did over the last year.

Gigglestick ago

Pm me some sites so I can still get my actual news please <3