xenoPsychologist ago

revolution is very much possible. youre just too cowardly to do it. nothing else will make any difference.

WolfShepherd ago

No, it isn't. Are you willing to put millions of browns in mass graves? I can't, nobody can. It will take care of itself in 10 years when it crashes.

Doglegwarrior ago

umm the unimomber predicted this in his manifesto. he basicaly said the bigger it gets the harder it will crash. we will maybe live in the most interesting times in history or we will live in a jew controlled 1984 style dystopian future. i have this image that explains it.


WolfShepherd ago

I don't think it can be sustained. Jews might have actually believed browns could power the world, and it's failing rapidly despite their efforts.

Doglegwarrior ago

they couldnt have been that stupid. its so fucking obvious just look at south africa. reality can not be denied.

xenoPsychologist ago

No, it isn't.


Are you willing to put millions of browns in mass graves?

do you think anyone here isnt? you should know what those disgusting savages do by now.

I can't,


nobody can

what, youre retarded, so everyone else has to be, too?

It will take care of itself in 10 years

i bet thats what the whites of haiti, rhodesia, and south africa thought, too. the kikes that own all the money only have to prop it up until the all black government declares its time to confiscate all white property and then murder them. its happened before, itll happen again. and youll do nothing about it. coward.

when it crashes.

the kikes are in control of the monetary system. it only crashes when they say it does. as long as cowards are too afraid to solve the problem.

WolfShepherd ago

See you won't do it. Will you deploy a thermonuclear weapon in DC? Israel? Bring down every federal reserve bank and seize back its gold?

Will you release biological weapons in California, and the deal south to get rid of dependent populations?

No, you won't. Nobody will.

But the jews will realize they've fucked up and it will all crash. They have huge bunkers all around the world and it is not by chance. They know it will.

xenoPsychologist ago

See you won't do it.

one person acting accomplishes nothing. im ready whenever you cowards are.

Will you deploy a thermonuclear weapon in DC?

are you retarded? you dont nuke your own territory, and its not even necessary. idiot.


that would be lovely, thanks.

Bring down every federal reserve bank and seize back its gold?

all you have to do is go for the kikes. we outnumber them fifty to one and you are so afraid of them.

Will you release biological weapons in California

you are still retarded, i see.

No, you won't.

im ready when you cowards are. but here you are tilting at your own retarded strawmen instead. idiot.

But the jews will realize they've fucked up

haha, no. no they wont. the didnt realize when their own pet blacks started attacking them because who knew animals couldnt tell the difference.

it will all crash.

even if they decided to intentionally crash it, theyll all run for israel before it happens. idiot. you arent punishing them at all.

They have huge bunkers all around the world and it is not by chance.

do they, now? that sounds like an opinion to me. they dont have the intelligence nor foresight. especially not the foresight. they have no idea why we dont want to be genocided.

They know it will.

its under their control. they call the shots on it. it only crashes if they choose to crash it.

so basically your plan is to be a coward and hope youre the smartest guy in the room. this is why we dont like 65 iq third world savages around here. you guys arent useful.

WolfShepherd ago

What's your solution? Lets hear it. What is your insight?

xenoPsychologist ago

we revolt. theres no reason we wouldnt have the numbers. but tarrant taught me one person means nothing. he got arrested and the next day all his work was undone. we need everyone on this. not even everyone, just the people who are tired of the joke this planet has become. do you want us to be extinct? cowardice doesnt keep the savages from coming for you. conquest does. the time has come to save human civilization. why would you rather it be erased entirely?

WolfShepherd ago

You're still mad. You don't think everything will be alright, with a little prep and patience. It's ok though, you'll get there like I did. I was like you once

xenoPsychologist ago

it never worked before. people like you thought it would work, and got brutally slaughtered for it. its fine if you dont understand the savages. you still think theyre like us. youre wrong. youll likely pay for that mistake before you realize, though. and nothing of value will have been lost.

WolfShepherd ago

it never worked before. people like you thought it would work, and got brutally slaughtered for it. its fine if you dont understand the savages. y

Not necessarily. Look at the jew, the blended in and conformed while slowly gaining power. Surviving and moving on as necessary despite being worldwide enemies.

They've proven resilience wins.

xenoPsychologist ago

when among whites. resilience works among people who dont go straight to killing you. are you serious? do you really think that conflating two things so different from each other is going to work on an actual human? honestly, its like you think im as stupid as you are. nonwhites are nothing like humans.

WolfShepherd ago

They're are just too many in comparison to actual, non obese non cucked whites. It's ok though bro. They can't feed themselves, they're useless in the wild. Its gonna come down, and they'll all die

Morbo ago

Swallowed too many black pills, eh?

WolfShepherd ago

Well, look at the national debt and percentage of browns. Look at what happens to people who try to do something. Look at the Rabbai trumpowitz betrayal.

We will be okay though. Itll be alright, this system won't last 10 years.

Morbo ago

Watch out! The sky is falling!

WolfShepherd ago

Which agency do you work for?

Morbo ago

You're the glow in the dark nigger spreading black pills and you dare to suggest I work for a subversive agency? GTFO glow nigger.

WolfShepherd ago

Oh. Ok. Learning woodcraft, shooting practice, and stocking supplies is a strange thing for you to be resistant to. Good luck with your survival.

Morbo ago

So what's your plan when there are toxic fires raging because chemical plants, refineries and nuclear reactors are all burning because SHTF and no one is willing to risk their lives to stop it? Stockpiling food and woodworking aren't going to help you one bit when you can't breathe the air due to it being filled with toxic vapors and particles. You've never really had to survive without modern technology being nearby to save you if you fuck up. You will die from hubris and arrogance because you think you have it all worked out. Newsflash- your supplies and your guns will make you a target. You can't stay awake forever. You can't trust anyone if they are starving and desperate. They will kill you in your sleep and steal your shit. You think it won't go that way, but you don't know how desperate people work. And what good will any of this be if things go another way and you are getting bombed from the air by weapons of war your meager guns can't hit? You have a romantic view of how a post-apocalyptic world works. You've watched too many movies and think you know the way it will go. Your fantasy is flawed and you plan is worthless. You won't get the chance to rebuild the world because your plan will kill you. You don't have the strength or the fortitude to turn into a complete animal and survive by shear unadulterated violence and mayhem. Those who do will live for a while until the modern world's remains finish them off by toxicity and flames. So keep on romanticizing your plans. The real world will teach you how badly you missed the mark before it kills you.

WolfShepherd ago

See I can always tell jidf

You criticize me for blackpills, then you do this. They always write big text walls. How sad.

Morbo ago

Well you seem to like swallowing black pills so I black pilled your poorly thought out plan. You can read through my comment history to see I write walls of text often (and over the 4.6 years I've been on Voat) and on topics that have nothing to do with politics or current affairs. I recently wrote several walls of text explaining the purpose of PTCs (positive thermal coefficient thermistors) and their use in limiting inrush current to protect motors and other electronic devices. Surely the jidf pays me to write walls of text about that and help out some random dude with his refrigerator repair issues. Yup. That crazy jidf wasting shekels on me writing helpful information for random goats. I guess you forgot you started this whole post with a wall of text that was nothing but black pills, but I guess it's just more convenient for you to call me out than face up to the fact that your plan sucks and will leave you dead. Have fun with that.

WolfShepherd ago

Well you seem to like swallowing black pills so I black pilled your poorly thought out plan. 

And this is a problem. Not you, you're probably a decent guy. But a societal one. Nobody can learn and discuss anymore without trying to tear the other one down unreasonably. You should reflect on this.

You can read through my comment history to see I write walls of text often (and over the 4.6 years I've been on Voat) and on topics that have nothing to do with politics or current affairs. I recently wrote several walls of text explaining the purpose of PTCs (positive thermal coefficient thermistors) and their use in limiting inrush current to protect motors and other electronic devices

I may. I like to talk to and learn from civil , insightful people. I believe you can be this if you learn to think less emotionally. Don't view that as an insult, you can't help it none of us can. It's a hard skill for a passionate person to learn.

wall of text that was nothing but black pills

I was hoping a few would see them as self improvement whitepills. Assuming that there is av revolution, wouldn't these things come in handy in any case?

but I guess it's just more convenient for you to call me out than face up to the fact that your plan sucks and will leave you dead. 

I just wish you could learn to be more intellectual. You're probably very smart, but I mean approaching situations with logic and method instead of going on immediate defense. I don't fault you at all, it's natural.

Morbo ago

I'd rather discuss topics of technical, scientific and just plain informational use rather than politics or the things wrong in this world. Voat has changed and it forces people like me to have to speak on topics I don't care for simply because we have too many people here pushing coordinated attacks on all manner of everyday folks. I'd rather talk about electronics, programming or some good deep sciences, but Voat doesn't go there anymore. It's sad that we must put aside our growth as a species (or several sub-species as it seems to be) and talk shit and terrible things. This isn't the future I was promised growing up and I'm pissed off that we won't have that future any time soon. Instead of traveling space we are raging about borders and false economies. I just want to get back to being innovative and building the future. That's all I want.

WolfShepherd ago

I even changed my votes to upvotes. This is the kind of progress we need

WolfShepherd ago

Hey thanks for speaking real. I understand and respect that. I've had so much taken from me, that's why I choose this path. You're not a bad guy, keep your head up.

Morbo ago

Real is best. You spoke real so I did in return. Hard times make hard men. We'll make it out alive somehow. It's the human imperative to survive above all. We might take different approaches to life and its perils, but so long as someone gets it right and carries on then we served our noble purpose. Keep on your path and keep on keeping it real.

WolfShepherd ago

@gabara don't give up. You'll be ok, we all will. They can't stop what's already in our minds. What we know, and who we are is what makes us. Don't worry, we will be fine!

Morbo ago

Proof right here that you're a glow nigger. You and Gabara work together at shekels-r-us?

WolfShepherd ago

You seem to be an expert. I actually have little interest in what other users are doing to be honest, I live my life. At least reply to this and tag him so he can speak

963189_137 ago

Without standards, no one survives. You show me that you have standards and I will concede that you will survive.

If you saw a brown child or a jew during the war, would you shoot them in the head, without hesitation and no questions asked? That is what it takes to survive...the will to survive is paved with ruthless brutality.

If you saw a shit brown pussy waving itself at you, would you fuck it if you hadn't had a woman in 6 months?

Show me that you can answer these correctly and I will tell you that you will indeed survive.

WolfShepherd ago

Yeah, I won't answer that publicly. But I do have an answer.

gabara ago


WolfShepherd ago

Nobody will upvote this, because it's a hard path to take. But it is the correct one. Being the best you can be has many roadblocks